Across UK universities about a quarter of full-time academic staff are researchers on fixed-term contracts. Universities depend on the research expertise and experience of these staff.
Our research staff carry out and lead a vast range of tasks involved in research projects, but we do not pause often enough to thank them for their contribution. The faculty is developing an action plan to provide support for research staff; this is influenced by the UK Concordat to support the career development of researchers, which is currently under review. The Faculty will respond to the new Concordat. Currently we are establishing an EPS Research Staff Society to enable ongoing communication with our researchers.
The Faculty is keen to enhance the experience of research staff working across all our Schools. As a consequence, a Faculty-based action plan to support and develop our staff has been drafted. One element of this is to create an EPS Research Staff Society.
At a recent meeting a number of researchers have agreed to take the first steps in establishing this group. The society will evolve based on the needs and opinions of research staff. Similar societies are operating in the other faculties and some of the objectives of these groups are to:
- Increase integration of research staff into Centre/School/Faculty life
- Help research staff, particularly those new to Belfast to get to know other researchers
- Increase the voice and visibility of research staff within the Faculty
- Provide greater opportunities for interactions, discussion and dissemination of ideas, and collaborations
- Provide valuable social and networking opportunities.
The Society is for all Research Staff in EPS Schools, who are staff whose primary responsibility is to conduct research and who are usually employed on a fixed term contract.
You will hear more about the society over the next few weeks. Importantly, it needs your support, so please do watch out for details of future events, including a summer BBQ. In meantime if you would wish to join your colleagues who are leading in the development of the society please contact Dr Gemma Catney