Women's Early Career Academic Network (WeCAN) Event: Working from Home Support Seminar
A virtual panel discussion hosted by the Gender Equality Committee, SMDBS with representation from People and Culture, contribution from SMDBS Academic Staff (Research and Education) and PhD representation.

As part of the 2020 Women's Early Career Academic Network (WeCAN) Seminar Series, all QUB Staff, Postdoctoral Researchers and PhD/PGR Students were invited to attend an online panel discussion which provided information and support on working from home during the current COVID-19 situation.
Representatives from Queen's People and Culture provided a brief overview and update from each of their respective areas in terms of working from home, particularly around support available and the importance of inclusion. Academic staff from SMDBS (Research and Education) shared their own personal experiences of working from home during the pandemic, including caring responsibilities.
Participants also had the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences.
People and Culture representatives:
- Conor Curran, Head of Diversity and Inclusion
- Joyce Johnston, Head of Reward and Performance
- Laura Lynch, Head of Organisational Development
SMDBS Staff contributors:
- Professor Helen Coleman, Centre for Public Health
- Dr Philip Dunne, Patrick G. Johnston Centre for Cancer Research
- Dr Sharon Eddie Parkinson, Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education
PhD representative:
- Kara Bailey