The University offers a plethora of support services for students. In this section of the Education Support Hub we aim to bring this information together to help you access support quickly and easily.
Academic Support
Academic support for undergraduate students can be accessed through The Learning Development Service (LDS).
LDS provides academic skills support to undergraduate students. Students can book a one-to-one academic skills appointment with a member of the LDS team. This may include time management, exam preparation, academic writing, referencing, academic integrity, and research skills.
LDS aims to empower students with the skills and knowledge they need to develop as learners and achieve their full academic potential at Queen’s.
Your School may also have specific initiatives to help with academic concerns. Contact your School office to enquire.
For support in dealing with Academic Offences or Academic Appeals, contact SU Advice.
- Accessible Learning Support (formerly Disability Services)
Support for students with a disability is available through the Accessible Learning Support team. This is to ensure all students have a level playing field in relation to their academic performance.
- Accommodation
For support with accommodation issues, students can contact Queen's Accommodation and/or SU Advice.
It is also worth noting that QUB now has a partnership with Housing Hand to provide guarantors for students. There is a fee of around 5% of annual rent, subject to a minimum fee of £295.
- Complaints and Conduct Matters (including Fitness to Practise)
We hope you won't have cause to seek out support with a conduct matter or a complaint, but if you do, don't despair - you can avail of free, impartial and confidential advice and support from SU Advice.
- Employment
We understand the financial burden many students face while studying, and appreciate that paid part time work is often necessary. Find out more about how the University can support students in part time work, including helping students find on-campus jobs here. Note that international students must be aware of the terms and conditions, and employment restrictions, of their visas. The Immigration Support Service can provide further advice on this.
If you are experiencing employment issues you can seek advice from SU Advice.
English Language Support
We recognise how difficult it can be for some of our students for whom English is not their first language.
The University works in partnership with INTO Queen's to deliver support via the Academic English Service to undergraduate and postgraduate international students. This service offers generic and tailored English and Academic Skills programmes at individual or School level. Individual consultations can be booked here (note that a student login may be required).
- Financial Support
Queen's students can sign up to Blackbullion - a free online learning platform created to help students get to grips with all things money related. It’s filled with animations, articles, blogs and quizzes covering different money focused ‘pathways’ all designed to empower students to make more informed financial decisions.
Students can use their Queen's email address to sign up for free, selecting 'Queen's Students' Union' as their institution.
Information on Student Finance (fees and funding) is available here.
In addition, information on the Student Support Fund and University Financial Assistance Fund is available here.
Students seeking money advice are strongly encouraged to contact SU Advice.
- Wellbeing Support
If you are struggling with your health or wellbeing, please contact the Student Wellbeing Service for support. They offer daily drop-in sessions, one-to-one consultations, events and self-help resources, and can also help you access counselling services if you feel that might be helpful. We don't want any of our students to suffer in silence - please ask for help.
Details of emergency wellbeing support services are available here and below.
- Inspire – (24/7 helpline – Freephone) – 0808 800 0016 (Wellbeing Support)
- Lifeline – (24/7 helpline – Freephone) – 0808 808 8000 (Crisis Support)
- Samaritans - 116 123 (national line) (Listening Ear)
Students requiring crisis or emergency attention should call 999 or attend their local Emergency Department