Frequently Asked Questions about Rooms
It's very exciting moving into student accommodation and getting out on your own for the first time. We have been asked the same questions a million times, so to help you out we've listed some of the most common questions and answers below.
Is there a telephone and data point in my room?
Telephones are not provided in Queen's Accommodation, however, there are data points in your room, and Wi-Fi service. If you require a data cable for the wired internet service, please ask at reception.
In Elms BT1 and BT2 there is an intercom phone in each apartment and studio which is linked to the front door - speak to a member of staff at reception for further guidance on the use of this phone.
Please note, the phone does not connect to reception and reception cannot call directly to each apartment.
- What about a television?
We provide a TV in all kitchens, studios and communal areas, however, if you wish to watch live TV on a computer/tablet/phone or TV, you will need to purchase a TV licence.
- Can I bring my car?
If you have not been allocated a parking permit to park outside your accommodation in Elms BT9, there is a Pay Per Use car park in Elms BT9. Students can park in the two car parks at the entrance of Elms BT9 – 70p per 24 hours (subject to change). There are no other car parking facilities at any of our other accommodation locations.
- Is there security?
The University Safety team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Will a cleaning service be provided?
The housekeeping staff provide a weekly clean during core teaching times of communal areas in all accommodation; this is hallways, stairways, landings and corridors and public spaces.
In Elms BT9, kitchens, communal toilets and showers will be cleaned weekly (excluding Willow Walk). You can choose to pay for additional cleaning for your room at any time.
In Elms BT1 and Elms BT2 you are responsible for cleaning your bedroom, kitchen and common room throughout your stay.
Room inspections will take place throughout the year.
Will I need to insure my personal possessions?
Contents insurance cover provided by UK & Ireland Insurance Services (Online) Limited, is included as part of the accommodation fees. Further information on the policy can be found on their website. Details of what is covered in the policy can be found in our Policies and Documents section.
- Can I transfer to another room?
You can request a room move with staff at your reception, however this can only be possible subject to availability. Please note a charge of £25 will be imposed for all room moves.
- Do students have to move out over the Christmas and Easter holidays?
All accommodation contracts include both the Christmas and Easter holidays. This means that students do not have to move out their belongings if they return home for the holidays. All the accommodation is open during the holidays therefore students can come and go as they please.
Can I have a guest to stay?
Please click below to view our guest procedure for Queen's Accommodation (not applicable to Student Roost properties) - please note that no overnight guests are permitted in University accommodation until Monday 23 September 2024.
Guest procedure for 2025-26 to follow.
- What are lifestyle options?
If you have accepted a room in a lifestyle block you are required to maintain the ethos of that accommodation:
No alcohol - consumption of alcohol is not permitted at any time.
Single-Gender - members of the opposite sex are not permitted at any time.
Quiet Living - you are living with students who have chosen a more study focused environment and noise must be kept to a minimum at all times, especially after 11.00pm.
- What should I do if there is a maintenance problem in my room?
All maintenance faults should be reported online as soon as possible. Click here for details on how to report a maintenance fault.
How do I get my post?
Students living in Elms BT1, Elms BT2 and Elms BT9 (except for students living in Willow Walk) will be issued with a key for their apartment post box located in each reception. During peak times please allow up to 24 hours for your email due to the volume we need to process.
Parcel post is received at various times throughout the day.
- Residents can get their Amazon orders delivered to the Amazon locker in Elms BT9 called: Kataleya, Queen's Elms Village, 78 Malone Road. (see video here for more information);
- BT1 & BT2 Residents can get their parcels delivered to the Quadient Parcel Lockers which are situated in the reception areas of both buildings.
Parcels that cannot be delivered to either of the above locations are logged at the relevant reception and students will receive an email to confirm that they are available for collection. All parcels can be collected by showing your student card/photo ID.
Students in Willow Walk can collect letter post from Elms BT9 reception. Please note that any mail not collected within 4 weeks will be returned to sender.
On departure from accommodation please ensure to re-direct your mail to your new address as all uncollected mail will be returned to sender after 4 weeks.
Students living at 76 Malone Road, Grant House, College Gardens, Guthrie House and Mount Charles will have all mail (both letter and parcel post) delivered directly to the property by Royal Mail and couriers.
- When do I check out of my room?
If you are unsure when you need to checkout by, please visit your reception to check your contract end date. You need to clear all of your belongings from your room and return your key fob to your reception by 10am on this date.
- What is provided in my room?
All furniture is provided, to include a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe and mirror. Bedding and kitchen packs are not provided, however you can order everything ahead of time from UniKitOut & have it delivered before you arrive on campus. Shop Now & save 10% on your order with discount code QUB10.
Fire Safety
Is there cladding used on any of the Queen’s Accommodation student housing buildings?
There is no combustible cladding used on Queen’s Accommodation buildings.
- How often are fire alarms tested?
Compulsory fire alarm system testing is carried out on a weekly basis throughout all student accommodation and across university buildings. If the alarm sounds for more than 10 seconds please treat this as an emergency and evacuate.
- Where can I find out more information about fire safety in my accommodation?
In the Useful Documents section of our website please read the QUB Fire Safety Booklets (BT1 & BT2) for Residents in Elms BT1 and BT2.
For Willow Walk residents click HERE.
For Elms BT9 and Queen’s Houses click HERE.
- Will there be fire drills so that students know what to do in case of fire?
Yes. Fire drills are carried out regularly in all student accommodation. In this context, it is important that all residents evacuate buildings on the sounding of any alarm. There is also a fire evacuation notice on the back of every student bedroom door which details what to do in the event of a fire and also where your assembly point is.