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Commission for Victims & Survivors

The Commission represents the needs and interests of victims and survivors at the highest levels of government and throughout society.

We will keep making space for unfinished legacy issues, for which victims and survivors seek truth, justice and accountability. We will work to make sure they are seen, supported and strengthened in our changing society.

By listening to and sharing learning between those who lived through the Troubles, and those who have grown up in relative peace, we can heal wounds and build a healthy, hopeful society, united in the belief that we must not return to violence.

Compete: Council on Competitiveness

Uniting Leaders to Foster Prosperity: Competitiveness is about increasing long-term productivity growth for the United States and delivering inclusive prosperity for every American.

For nearly four decades, the Council on Competitiveness has used its position as a unifier across the competitiveness ecosystem—bringing together C-suite leaders from business, academia, labor, and the national labs—to champion a nonpartisan action agenda that fuels innovation and spurs the commercialization of new ideas. Through pragmatic policies and priorities that prepare our workforce, attract investment, accelerate the deployment of new technologies, secure our national security and sustainability, and enhance our innovation infrastructure, the Council strives to make our nation more productive in a global marketplace.

Global Federation of Competitive Councils

The GFCC is a global multi-stakeholder membership organization founded in 2010 with a footprint spanning more than 30 nations. The GFCC is committed to disseminating best practices to accelerate productivity, growth, and prosperity for countries, regions, and cities. We do that through high-level networking and events, in-depth conversations, advice, and education.

GFCC members include private sector councils on competitiveness and industry organizations, government agencies, global corporations, and leading research universities. All members pay membership dues yearly to secure their placement in the network. Currently, the GFCC hosts 48 members from 21 countries. Besides its members, the GFCC network also includes experts invited to participate as fellows, who contribute by sharing their specialized knowledge and expertise with the community and participating in project development and strategies. Currently, the GFCC hosts 56 fellows from 21 countries.

Historic Royal Palaces

Historic Royal Palaces is the independent charity that cares for Hillsborough Castle and Gardens.  Since the 1980s, Hillsborough Castle has been a political retreat in Northern Ireland: a place where deals have been brokered, negotiations made, agreements signed.  Away from Belfast and surrounded by 100 acres of tranquil gardens, the castle has repeatedly played a central role in creating peace agreements in Northern Ireland – from the signing of the Anglo-Irish agreement in 1985, to the Hillsborough Agreement of 2010, which enabled the devolution of policing and justice to the Executive. 

Its serene gardens were favoured by Secretary of State Mo Mowlam, who held countless talks at the castle during the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement.  Today, the castle is a major visitor attraction and open for everyone to enjoy.


Inspire all-island charity and social enterprise and our aim is wellbeing for all.  For 64 years they have worked together with people living with mental ill health, intellectual disability, autism and addictions to ensure they live with dignity and realise their full potential.  They campaigning to create a society free from stigma and discrimination and creating a culture of compassion that focuses on people and their abilities. Inspire are specialists in workplace and student wellbeing and counselling services as well as providing trauma informed support in workplaces and communities. 

“Inspire are delighted to partner with QUB to support this important event.  Peacebuilding and wellbeing go hand in hand and this partnership is an important recognition of that. Over the course of the conference, which will touch on many  emotional and poignant  issues,  we will be hosting a quiet room for delegates to recharge, reflect and take a moment to relax.”  Kerry Anthony MBE, Inspire CEO.

The Lyric Theatre

The Lyric is a shared space that promote greater cultural understanding in our still-divided society. It’s a creative hub for theatre-making, a safe space for nurturing talent and embodies an unwavering passion for creating meaningful connections through theatre and the arts. We’ve always done things a little differently at the Lyric.

From its modest beginnings in 1968, this special place has been a springboard for internationally acclaimed playwrights, poets and actors. As Northern Ireland’s only full-time theatre to produce its own productions from page to stage, we care deeply about maintaining a high-quality, diverse and inclusive programme that captures the imaginations of our audiences, leaving them changed, charged and empowered.

Politics in Action

Politics in Action works with young people (teenagers) in cross community clusters of schools and in informal education settings.  We connect learning about politics to taking action that leads to social change and strengthens democracy.  We work across Northern Ireland and in Donegal with young people from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives.  Our event theme is ‘What Peace Means to Me’.  Young people will present the issues they have been working on and discuss how we can build a better peace in which young people are fully involved in the civic life of their neighbourhoods, wider society and global community.

Women in Business

Women in Business is part of an umbrella group of social enterprises focused on delivering gender diversity and inclusion for the private, public and third sectors. Through their Centre of Learning, Timely Career Service and Diversity Mark, the leading accreditation body for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, its mission is to equip women with the skills they need to start, and grow their own business or develop their careers, rising into leadership positions. By positively impacting all its members, WIB aspires to ‘Create a New Economy,’ whereby all females significantly contribute to the economic success of our society.