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Queen’s graduates connect in London

Queen’s strong links to London are creating exciting opportunities for students and graduates, a special reception in the City has heard.

The University announced plans to celebrate and expand its graduate network in London at a packed reception in Pall Mall.

The event, supported by Perkins Coie, brought together graduates working in a range of fields including finance, business, law, architecture and media to engage, catch up and meet new people. They were joined by long-standing supporters and friends of the University, while a further London event is planned for November.

“Queen's is very, very proud of the success of its graduates, but it's also very keen to retain a connection with those graduates,” Director of Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy at Queen’s Eddie Friel told the reception in 116 Pall Mall, home of the Institute of Directors.

“By being connected to our alumni network and people within the financial district, for example, it means that we can ensure that what we teach and what we research is relevant to what's coming down the line in terms of business development. Our Queen’s Association in London has been active for over 100 years and we are delighted to welcome lots of new faces as we grow our connections across the city.”

The event included 13 students from the successful Investment Banking Mentoring Group delivered by Queen’s Business School and their mentors from across 12 leading investment firms - Morgan Stanley, Social & Sustainable Capital, Brookfield Asset Management, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Rothschilds, Barclays Corporate & Investment Bank, Greenvale Capital, Macquarie Asset Management and Citadel Securities.

Business Engagement and Employability Manager at Queen's Business School Karl Webb said: “Queen’s Business School has a strong network of principled and effective graduates thriving in London’s financial sector. We are keen to link these leaders to our current students to cultivate career development opportunities in the City. The London Finance tour is a fantastic way for our students to be inspired, develop contacts and build their confidence to further their careers. We look forward to expanding and nurturing this network.”

We heard from mentor Katie Megarry, a Queen’s graduate working with Morgan Stanley, who praised the “leadership and direction” offered by Queen’s and welcomed the opportunities now being offered to students setting out on their journey.

Shannon Magee, a Queen’s graduate and a private wealth management analyst at Rothschilds welcomed the chance to connect with the Queen’s network: “London is a wonderful place with immense opportunity but something we all really care about is family, friends and a sense of community. Having events like these, where you’re speaking to people who are from where you’re from and who are doing what you’re doing, is incredible.”

Graduate Jake Lewis, currently a Business Development Associate with Aurum, said: “Queen’s never really leaves you. Queen’s has always got a place in my heart. It’s a place that I studied, it’s close to home. You know, it’s remarkable to still be involved in any way that I can to contribute to people who were once in my shoes.

“I'm so grateful for everything Queen's have done to really encourage and inspire confidence, not just to me, but people I went to university with as well to go forward and try and be as successful as possible. You get to see that Queen’s do care.”

Graduate Yi Kang Choo who now works at Transparency International, said: “I've always been quite actively involved in alumni and I think there’s always that pleasant connection - you don't ever feel like you have graduated or left the university, and you always feel like you have somewhere to fall on whenever you need support.”

Graduates from Queen's University Alumni Association in London - going strong for 101 years - also spoke of the benefits of being part of our global network of graduates. The Association’s Conor Sharkey said Queen’s provided a valuable network to new graduates whilst Bella said the London event provided an opportunity for old friends to catch up, while others could make new connections.

Queen’s Alumni Association London will host a dinner in November, while broader plans are in place for the next year in London, Dublin, Edinburgh and internationally, as Queen's continues to expand our worldwide graduate network, building brighter futures together.

