Clearing Frequently Asked Questions
What is Clearing?
Clearing is a service that helps people without a university or college place to find suitable vacancies on higher education courses.
Clearing is open from the 5 July and closes on the 20 October 2025.
Clearing Vacancies available at Queen's are listed on our website at www.qub.ac.uk/clearing. The pages are regularly updated during the Clearing period, and include information on what people should do if they need to make use of the Clearing process.
For vacancies at other institutions please visit the UCAS website.
Who can use Clearing?
Most people who use Clearing have already applied through UCAS but have not secured a place on a course.
You will be able to go through Clearing if:
- You hold no offers and you have not withdrawn from the UCAS scheme;
- Your offers have not been confirmed because you have not met the conditions;
- You declined your offers or your offers were declined by default; or
- You have applied after 30 June.
If you are eligible for Clearing, you will be advised of this via your UCAS Hub account.
Please note that candidates who made a single choice application are not eligible for Clearing unless they pay an additional fee. Candidates in this position should contact UCAS.
How does Clearing work?
The Clearing process helps to place students who applied late or have not secured a place on courses where there are still spaces.
You will need to be available to discuss and make decisions about your own application. We cannot accept applications from parents/guardians on your behalf.
In Clearing, you can apply for any course that has places left. You do not need to keep to the same subjects for which you first applied.
Vacancies available at Queen's will be published on our website at www.qub.ac.uk/clearing. Our vacancies, along with those for other institutions, will also be published on the UCAS website. Check the lists for courses that interest you and then contact the university or college to ask if it will accept you. It is a good idea to do this yourself because clearing staff will want to speak to you personally, not a parent or teacher. If you have received an offer you will be asked to refer your application to the university using your UCAS Hub account. >
DO NOT refer your application to a university or college unless they ask you to do so.
If you find a place through Clearing, UCAS will update your UCAS Hub account accordingly.
What do I need to do?
Do not panic if you did not get the exam grades you had hoped for and your offer is not confirmed. If you are flexible and you have reasonable exam results, there is still a good chance you could find another course through Clearing.
If you are eligible for Clearing, you do not need to ask UCAS for details. UCAS will make the details available to your via your UCAS Hub account. Make a note of your Clearing Number and UCAS Personal ID number. You will need to quote these during Clearing.
Talk to your careers adviser, parent(s) or guardian(s) about which courses and subjects would be most suitable for you, particularly if your original UCAS application was unsuccessful. Next, find out which courses have vacancies and make a note of the ones in which you are interested.
Where can I find the official course vacancy listings?
Vacancies available at Queen's will be published on our website at www.qub.ac.uk/clearing. Our vacancies, along with those for other institutions, will also be published on the UCAS website.
I have made a list of courses. Now what?
Start contacting the universities and colleges about the courses that interest you. UCAS recommend that you telephone or email. Keep your Clearing Number handy - you will be asked for your UCAS Personal ID number, Clearing Number and exam results.
For vacancies available at Queen's please refer to the Clearing Vacancy section of this website and follow the instructions about applying for a place.
What do I do when a university or college offers me a place?
If a university or college is interested in your application, they will ask you to refer your application to the university using your UCAS Track account.
DO NOT refer your application to a university or college unless they ask you to do so.
Remember that your application can only be sent to one institution at a time. So if you are not convinced that the course is for you - remember you do not have to commit yourself. Only when you are certain you have found the right course go to your UCAS Hub account and refer your application to your chosen university.
How do I know if I have got a place?
When the university or college has received your Clearing application, it will register a decision with UCAS and you will be able to see this via your UCAS Hub account.
I have not applied to UCAS this year. Can I enter Clearing?
You must complete a UCAS application form. The easiest way to apply is online via the UCAS website. Once the form is processed UCAS will make your Clearing Number and UCAS Personal ID number available to you via your UCAS Hub account.
What if I cannot get a reference?
Send your application form to UCAS without one. You can always forward the reference to UCAS later or arrange for the reference to be forwarded to your chosen university/college. You should check with the university or college you wish to apply to that they are happy to accept your application without a reference.
What is the closing date?
UCAS will process application forms received until mid September. After this you must contact universities/colleges direct.
When will my Clearing details be sent to me?
It depends on your circumstances but your Clearing details will definitely be made available to you as soon as you become eligible for Clearing. UCAS may be awaiting a decision from your Firm (CF) or Insurance (CI) choice in which case you are not eligible. Check your application on your UCAS Hub for up to date information on your application status.
Can I decline my place at Queen's and enter Clearing instead?
Your acceptance is a serious commitment and you should think carefully before giving up your place.
If you have been accepted to study at Queen's and you no longer wish to take up your place you should go to your UCAS Hub account (www.ucas.com) where you will be able to release your application to Clearing.
You should note that if you are released from your place at Queen's the University is under no obligation to reinstate your offer. Therefore, you should only request to be released from your place after you have fully considered your plans.
Applicants are encouraged to make their requests as soon as possible so that their place may be allocated to another student.
Can I decline my place at another university and enter Clearing for a place at Queen's?
Your acceptance is a serious commitment and you should think carefully before giving up your place.
Before getting yourself released from your place at another institution, you should contact the Clearing Call Centre at Queen’s on +44 (0) 28 9097 5000 to ensure that you will be offered a place on your chosen course if you are eligible for Clearing.
Applicants who get released from another institution should note that Queen's is under no obligation to accept them unless a place has been offered by a member of the Admissions and Access Service staff.
Can I have my Clearing details before I get my A-Level results?
Yes. If you are eligible for Clearing UCAS will automatically make your Clearing details available to you via your UCAS Hub account.
This information will only be updated on results day and not before
Do I have to go into Clearing for the same courses that I put on my original application form?
No, you are free to contact any university/college for any course you are interested in.
What does my status mean?
Decision Pending means that a decision has not yet been made on your application. If a decision on your application is pending it may take several days for a final decision to be taken.
Accepted and Placed means that you have been accepted for this choice of course.
Placed Elsewhere means that your application has been accepted by another institution/choice to which you applied and you are committed to that institution/choice.
Unsuccessful means that it has not been possible to accept your application for this choice.
Accept Course Change/No Reply means that you have been accepted to a different course than that to which you applied and are yet to reply to this new offer. The course code and abbreviation listed are for the new course to which you have been accepted.
Accepted/Insurance Offer means that you have been accepted to your Insurance Offer at Queen's. If you are holding a CF at Queen's, or elsewhere, your decision for this course may still be pending.
Accepted/Declined means that you have been accepted to a different course than that to which you applied and you have replied declining this new offer. The course code and abbreviation listed are for the new course to which you were accepted.
Accepted and Placed C/C means that you have been accepted to a different course than that to which you applied and you have replied accepting this place. The course code and abbreviation listed are for the new course to which you have been accepted.
Withdrawn means that you have withdrawn your application from the UCAS Scheme.
See more information on UCAS decisions
How many universities/colleges can I approach?
There is no limit to the number of universities/colleges that you can approach to enquire about vacancies during clearing. However, you may only refer your application to one university at a time. It is important therefore that before referring your application that the university/college is going to accept you on to a course and that the course is for you.
Can I apply through Clearing to start in 2026?
Yes, it is possible, with the agreement of the university/college. Your Acceptance in Clearing will be communicated by UCAS via your Hub account and state the Entry Year as 2026.
What if I am away or on holiday during Clearing?
Try not to be. It is best to make sure you are not away, so you can make the telephone calls yourself. Clearing staff may want to speak to you directly.
Can I apply for my original course through Clearing, if unsuccessful on results day?
If you are unsuccessful for your original choice unfortunately it would not be possible to reconsider you for the same course via Clearing.
When will ROI students receive their offers? Will we have to send our results manually to Queen’s?
Final decisions on Republic of Ireland applications are processed following receipt of results. The university receives results via UCAS so you do not need to worry about send these to the university.
How flexible is Queen’s if you are one grade below?
If you didn’t get the grades you were expecting the university may be able to exercise some flexibility. If your decision is still pending following the publication of results, you can call our Clearing hotline on results day to chat with our Admissions team and discuss what options are available to you.
While we may not be able to admit you to your original course, we might be able to find you an alternative. -
Can I look for other places through Clearing before rejecting a successful firm offer?
If you have been accepted by your firm choice but wish to consider alternative courses, you should visit our website to see which courses are available via Clearing and the entry requirements.
You should not decline a confirmed offer prior to securing an alternative place via Clearing. -
Will I need to send over results myself?
The university receives results via UCAS for most qualifications. If the university requires an applicant to send their results this will have been included with the original conditional offer.