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Augmented Urbanism and Place Based Data

School of Natural and Built Environment | PHD
Reference Number
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None specified
Start Date
None specified


Augmented Urbanism and Place Based Data investigates and identifies potential applications and manifestations of augmented contextual data. This will include developing appropriate platforms for data presentation and communication, understanding how they engage with and present the interface between physical and digital space and how this may affect behaviour.

The emergence of highly digitally connected environments, the promise of ubiquitous connectivity and an always on mode raises the possibility of seamless augmented environments becoming normalised. What these environments need to include/exclude, their performance, formal, physical and aesthetic characteristics, and parameters for their engagement with users at a range of scales from the individual citizen upwards requires definition. This project explores these questions and will culturally contextualise augmented urbanism from a human centric perspective, both as an overlay to current urbanism and potentially also as a replacement for elements of it.

The project connects with technology and external partners where appropriate, being developed from an architecture/spatial design/ urbanism origin to question technocentric versions of inhabited digital and smart space.

Project Summary

Professor Tom Jefferies

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Research Profile

Mode of Study

Full-time: 3 years

Part-time: 6 years

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