Direct Synthesis of Electron-Deficient Olefins
Applications are now CLOSED
Cyanoacrylate adhesives, known as “super glues,” are composed of cyanoacrylate monomers which rapidly polymerize in the presence of moisture. These adhesives are renowned for high tensile strength and fast setting times, and are used in diverse applications such as household repairs, industrial applications such as assembly of parts and components in the electronics, automotive and luxury goods sectors and even in the medical field for sutureless wound closure. However, there are drawbacks to the cyanoacrylates currently utilized and the processes that underpin them. Traditional cyanoacrylates often form brittle polymers that are sensitive to moisture and high temperatures, and current industrial production of such monomers has a high energy demand and limits their scope due to the requirement to thermally “crack” oligomers formed during the synthesis.
In this project, the candidate will explore and design new cyanoacrylates and related monomers suitable for use in adhesive applications. The project will involve the synthesis of these materials through existing and new ‘crackless’ synthetic routes, and also explore more contemporary synthetic technologies such as continuous flow best suited to the new routes. Once synthesised, the candidate will characterize materials using advanced spectroscopic methods. Electron-deficient olefins are also attractive and common intermediates in organic synthesis, so new methods for their formation will be highly valuable beyond the adhesive field. There is a significant opportunity to create both new intellectual property and research publications based on the results of the project.
This project is a collaboration between the Knipe Lab – a synthetic chemistry lab based in Queen’s University Belfast – and Aeardis – an industrial consultancy with over three decades of experience in the field of polymers and adhesives. The project will be primarily hosted in the Knipe Lab.
Applicants should hold, or expect to receive, an honours degree at 2.1 or 1st in Chemistry or a closely associated discipline. A Master’s degree and experience in synthetic chemistry would be advantageous.
Funding Information
This is an Industry funded studentship, fully funded inclusive of tuition fees (for students from NI, ROI or GB only) stipend at the UKRI rate (£18,622 in the first year), travel and consumables.
The project is funded inclusive of fees for students from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Great Britain. Students from outside these jurisdictions will be ineligible for the position.
Project Summary
Dr Peter Knipe
Full-time: 3 years