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Molecular investigation of influenza A virus and the role of host RNA-binding proteins.

School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences | PHD

Applications are now CLOSED
Reference Number
Application Deadline
23 January 2024
Start Date
1 October 2024


The project will train the PhD candidate in a wide-range of molecular techniques. These will include: Influenza virus culture and infection Next-generation sequencing and proteomic sample preparation and data analysis CRISPR/Cas9 knockout, cloning and mutagenesis of host proteins If you have a real interest in virology and RNA biology you will likely fit into the team very well.

We have an exciting opportunity in the lab for a motivated and interested PhD candidate to contribute to an ERC funded project investigating how influenza virus RNAs are regulated within an infected cell by host proteins.

Influenza A virus is a highly relevant virus to human health with clear pandemic potential. Our research focuses on influenza A virus RNA and encompasses the regulation of both positive strand mRNA and negative strand vRNA by processes including RNA-binding proteins, trafficking complexes and RNA modifications. We aim to better understand exactly how these viral RNAs are regulated and processed within the cell, and also determine if these mechanisms are conserved in cultured chicken and pig cells, 2 animals of high importance in understanding influenza virus biology.

The successful applicant will be fully immersed in all aspects of the research within our lab, which encompasses live imaging of influenza virus infected cells, super-resolution imaging of viral RNA, next-gen sequencing, proteomics, and molecular virology. The primary focus of this project is on identifying novel host RNA-binding proteins that regulate influenza mRNA. This includes trafficking and translation of unspliced mRNAs. How these unspliced mRNAs are efficiently processed by the cell, through trafficking, export and translation is still unclear. The candidate will learn how to use various molecular techniques, as well as next-generation sequencing and mass-spectrometry, to uncover these fundamental aspects of viral replication. We are a very friendly and passionate team of researchers with a lot of varied skills and expertise. We look forward to welcoming a new PhD candidate to the group who is passionate about viruses and RNA biology.

Please feel free to contact me ( if you have any questions or would like to discuss the project further.

Second Supervisor: Dr Dessi Malinova.

Funding Information

Funded by the Department for the Economy (DfE). For UK domiciled students the value of an award includes the cost of approved tuition fees and maintenance support the 2024/25 rates are still to be confirmed (current rates for 2023/24 are Fees £4,712, Stipend £18,622). To be considered eligible you must have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the full 3-year period prior to the start of the studentship and you must be ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland on the first day of the start of the studentship. For further information about eligibility criteria please refer to the DfE Postgraduate Studentship Terms and Conditions at

Project Summary

Dr David Courtney

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