Prediction of the Dynamic Response of a Saline Intrusion in a Tidally Influenced Coastal Aquifer
Applications are now CLOSED
This project compliments the work of the EPSRC funded SALINA project, a collaboration between Queens University and Imperial College London and its associated collaborators. It will directly investigate at laboratory scale, using both experiment and simulations, the influence that the tidal cycle and extreme tidal events has on the movement a saline intrusion interface within an aquifer.
The world’s population likes living by the sea. Currently 53% of people live on the 10% of the earth’s surface that is within 200km of the coast. This is forecast to rise to 75% by 2050. Meeting the needs for such coastal communities forms one of the major challenges facing society in the 21st Century.
High population density in these areas generates a suite of environmental stresses that require engineering solutions. Foremost amongst these is the provision of sustainable fresh water supplies, often in areas that are already water-stressed. With its widespread availability and resilience to drought, groundwater can play a vital role in meeting this need, although a delicate balance exists between fresh groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. Where too much water is extracted, saltwater can enter water supplies in a process called saline intrusion (SI). The extent of this saline intrusion is governed by the levels of use of groundwater resources (i.e. water supply (abstraction wells)), along with geological and climatic conditions. Over pumping, particularly during periods of drought, can result in SI into abstraction wells leading to the loss of supply or the exposure of the population to contamination and the risk of adverse health impacts. The contamination of coastal water resources is pervasive across every inhabited continent and represents an ongoing challenge for water managers where groundwater is often the only water used.
Candidates should hold the minimum of a strong upper second class (2.1) honours degree (completed or in the final stages of completion) in Civil Engineering or Geology - Hydrogeology, or associated degree pathways.
Please note that applicants are not required to upload a research proposal as part of the application. Instead, interested candidates should upload a copy of their CV and a covering letter outlining their motivation to undertake a PhD on this theme, and describing any relevant experience in Civil Engineering Hydraulics or Hydrogeology.
• To apply, visit (link to the QUB Direct Application Portal).
• Apply for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering at Queen's University Belfast, School of Natural and Built Environment.
• State name of lead supervisor on application form 'Prof Gerry Hamill'.
• State the intended SOURCE OF FUNDING on your application as 'EPSRC’.
• Include your Research Proposal (see above for research proposal guidance).
Funding Information
PLEASE NOTE: These EPSRC studentships are open only to candidates who are classed Home, UK or Republic of Ireland and candidates with settled status or ILTR. International candidates are not eligible. The value of an award includes the cost of approved fees as well as maintenance support (stipend). As an indicator, the level for 2023/2024 is currently £18,622.
Please note that this research project is one of several advertised projects at Queen’s which are in competition for funding. The selection will be based on the projects which receive the best application.
Project Summary
Professor Gerard Hamill
Full-time: 3.5 years