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QUADRAT DTP CASE: Quantifying the resilience and functioning of freshwater ecosystems across spatial and temporal gradients of environmental stress

School of Biological Sciences | PHD

Applications are now CLOSED
Reference Number
Application Deadline
1 December 2021
Start Date
1 October 2022


** APPLY VIA: DO NOT CLICK APPLY NOW ON THIS PAGE How natural and semi-natural systems will adapt to extreme events as our climate changes remains a pressing question in ecology. Ecosystems are highly sensitive to multiple, and often interacting, environmental pressures, such as agricultural intensification and climate change, which vary in distribution and intensity across spatiotemporal scales, and with regional variations. This can result in impacts that alter both the structural and functional properties of ecosystems, consequently placing ecosystems under significant stress and reducing ecosystem service delivery. An ecosystem´s capacity to deal with stress is finite, and consequently, they are predicted to undergo regime shifts when the adaptive capacity of the system is exceeded, although recent studies demonstrate a lack of empirical evidence for such shifts (Hillebrand et al. 2020). This project will focus on the capacity of systems to absorb, adapt and recover from episodic disturbances across a gradient of environmental stress and community resilience.

The project is a CASE studentship in collaboration with the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) in Northern Ireland and will experimentally quantify and assess the relative merits of different measures of ecological resilience (Holling 1973) and multiple measures of ecological stability (Donohue et al. 2013).

This project offers the opportunity to evaluate the mechanisms that underpin variation in stability and will attempt to quantify empirically species-specific contributions to different stability metrics including variability, resistance and recovery (engineering resilience). Emphasis will be placed on freshwater invertebrate and benthic biofilm community structure, with a focus on quantifying species interactions, and both functional (e.g. body mass, trophic level and trophic role) and structural properties (e.g. abundances and richness) to support a fundamental exploration of different stability concepts and their relevance in applied management.

The overall aim is to assess the relative value and efficiency of implementation of these different approaches in the context of river ecosystem conservation and wider catchment management. The project will involve a mixture of experiments and survey work to tease apart the mechanisms that drive stability, with access to multiple state of the art river catchment research platforms and extensive historical data sets across NI and maintained by AFBI.

The successful candidate will be based at Queen’s University Belfast and will spend between 3 and 18 months embedded with the CASE partner AFBI at their Newforge site in Belfast. The successful candidate will receive training in freshwater invertebrate and diatom sampling and identification, experimental design, statistical analysis, as well as food web modelling. The project has the potential to explore the application of new efficient techniques, such as environmental DNA, for large-scale monitoring of ecosystem resilience and ecological function. It is expected that the outcomes of this study will directly support the development of more evidence-based ecological prediction and management of river ecosystems and the wider catchment.

More project details are available here:

How to apply:

1. Donohue et al. (2013) On the dimensionality of ecological stability. Ecology Letters. 16: 421-429.
2. Hillebrand et al. (2020) Thresholds for ecological responses to global change do not emerge from empirical data. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Online early. Full text available at
3. Holling (1973) Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 4: 1-23.

Funding Information

QUADRAT studentships are open to UK and International candidates (EU and non-EU). Funding will cover UK tuition fees/stipend/research & training support grant only.

Before applying please check full funding and eligibility information:

Project Summary

Professor Mark Emmerson

More Information

Research Profile

Mode of Study

Full-time: 3.5 years

Funding Body
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