Module Code
Applied developmental psychology is the application of basic developmental science in applied contexts. The School of Psychology has expertise in development in adverse contexts and atypical development in an educational context and the teaching on the course, as well as the topics offered for dissertations, will reflect this expertise. The school also has expertise in basic developmental science which will be an important element of the course. The topics covered in the MSc include: quantitative and qualitative research methods, atypical development in the classroom, childhood adversity: from basic science to improving outcomes, and theoretical perspectives on child and adolescent development.
This MSc aims to provide graduate students with an opportunity for advanced study in specialist topics in the field of applied developmental psychology and to prepare graduate students for more advanced research in applied developmental psychology, professional training in psychology or other discipline-related professional training.
It also aims to provide graduate students with an opportunity for advanced study in specialist topics in the field of applied developmental psychology.
Applications for this course received after 30th June 2025 may not be accepted. In addition, a deposit will be required to secure a place.
Applications for this course received after 30th June 2025 may not be accepted. In addition, a deposit will be required to secure a place.
The programme’s focus on development in the context of adversity and atypicality distinguishes it from other programmes in the UK.
The School has a longstanding reputation for research and practice in developmental psychology
The programme's subject matter is relevant to careers in Educational and Clinical Psychology. It is also relevant to those students, who may decide to pursue a PhD in Psychology.
Course content
This MSc is one-third research methods and analysis, one-third applied developmental psychology content and one-third dissertation
Lecturers on the course are experts in development in adverse contexts, in atypical development and have active research programmes in various areas of developmental psychology. Thus, teaching on the programme is research-led.
We operate a proactive system of student support. The Postgraduate Advisor of Studies will guide and support you through your time with us, supported by the School’s knowledgeable and friendly administrative staff. Good communication between staff and students is central and we operate a Student Voice Committee specifically for taught MSc programmes. Membership of this committee includes elected representatives from each of the taught postgraduate programmes, the Director of Postgraduate Taught Education, programme directors and the School Manager. This Committee allows students to quickly raise matters of concern to them and enables the School to keep students appraised of matters affecting the School and wider University.
The School of Psychology at Queen’s has a distinguished history in educating undergraduate and postgraduate students. The School operates a single honours undergraduate degree on which around 500 students are enrolled, three taught MSc degrees, professional doctorates in Clinical Psychology and Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology, and a highly active research PhD programme. Many of the members of staff teaching on our programmes have international reputations in their field. All are committed teachers and researchers.
Our aim as a School is to recruit the best students locally and internationally. We aim to build a supportive learning environment that stimulates students to do their best work.
We provide students with a range of opportunities to learn and have included some further information on these below.
Students are assigned a dissertation supervisor early in the course, with whom they develop a project, obtain ethical approval, analyse and interpret data and write the final report. We encourage students to be ambitious for their project and it is not unusual for MSc dissertation data to be of publishable quality.
Students will have the option to engage in interaction in roles plays, and skills practice sessions, alongside lectures outlining the theory guiding therapeutic practice, in order to gain skills such as: creating a basic case conceptualisation, selecting therapy methods to change behaviour, applying foundational therapy skills and self-reflection.
Lectures serve a number of purposes: they provide information about a topic and the basis for further self-directed study. They also provide an opportunity for class discussion, questions and feedback. In many cases lectures are followed by student-led seminars.
Self-guided study is an essential part of any taught MSc course when private reading and research, preparation for assignments and reflection on feedback is carried out.
We will assess your performance in a variety of different ways
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
The main aim of this module is to equip students with the current understanding of the key theories of child and adolescent development from psychosocial and psychobiological perspectives. The module will begin with an overview of attachment theory with an emphasis on up to date research on the longer term consequences of attachment quality. Research on the impact of parenting styles, family structure and peer relationships (microsystems) on the development of pro-social behaviour will be reviewed and critically evaluated. The influences of social context (macro-system) on child development will also be reviewed. Students are then introduced to the fundamentals of cognitive and brain development from childhood through adolescence as a precursor for understanding individual variations in response to adverse environments. The latter part of the module will present recent developments in our understanding of how the child's social context interacts with their genetic and biological environment during development to produce both positive and negative outcomes. The introduction to these key issues will set the stage for understanding development in the context of adversity which will be introduced in parallel modules.
On successful completion of this modules students should be able to a) critically evaluate key psycho-social and psychobiological perspectives on development, and b) demonstrate knowledge of research evidence relating to factors which predict resilience and vulnerability in the various contexts of adversity.
- Critically evaluate research on child and adolescent development
- To conduct a literature review of relevant research
- To present a peer review of a research study relevant to the area
12 weeks
This module will focus on atypical development in an educational context. Students will learn about the atypical development of language, literacy and communication skills and mathematical cognition, and the implication of deficits in some core cognitive skills, such as working memory and executive function. The students will also learn about specific developmental disorders, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and language and communication disorders. The module will begin with a focus on core cognitive processing relating to working memory and executive functioning, and consider how atypical profiles in underlying cognitive functions can lead to adverse learning experiences in the classroom. In the second part of the module, research on language and communication disorders, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and autism will be reviewed and critically evaluated. The module will also cover educational interventions.
On successful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
core cognitive functions related to educational success
some common neurodevelopmental disorders and their effect on educational achievement and classroom behaviour
the adverse consequences of disabilities that affect educational outcomes
educational interventions
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Critically evaluate research related to atypical child development and its educational consequences
Demonstrate high levels of academic writing
Use a range of communication skills in the display of psychological literacy
Work in group
12 weeks
Academic writing
Study design in Psychology, including specific research designs and approaches used in the applied fields of clinical health psychology or applied developmental psychology
Literature searching
Equality and diversity in research
Research ethics
Open science
Data security, particularly when working with external organisations
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the application of ‘open science’ practice
Critique the quality of psychological research design
Address ethical issues in a research design
On completion of this module, students will be able to:
Design ethical and applied psychological research
Complete research governance and ethics procedures relating to applied psychological research
Communicate research findings effectively to academic and other relevant audiences
12 weeks
This module provides students with the opportunity to conduct independent research into a topic appropriate for the Masters pathway they are pursuing. This involves identifying a viable research issue or question pertinent to the domain of Psychology they are studying; designing a strategy for investigation that will address the research question and/or hypotheses which can be logically defended and is in accordance with the School of Psychology at QUB and BPS ethical guidelines; conducting appropriate statistical analyses that address the hypotheses and/or applying other more qualitative analytic methods as appropriate to the research question; interpreting findings - whether numerical/statistical or in the form of verbatim transcripts, with reference to relevant theory and/or previous research, in an informed and defendable way acknowledging their own role in the analytic process; coherently articulating the benefits and limitations of the research; identifying the implications for future research and, where appropriate, also the practical implications with due recognition of the scope and boundaries of these implications. Dissertations will normally involve data collection, although there may be instances where existing datasets can be used for meta-analytic purposes or for additional analyses.
On completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate:
•A critical understanding of the literature pertaining to their chosen topic of investigation.
•Basic and advanced research design and methods of investigation, data analysis and techniques and how they relate to theoretical and applied issues.
•The ethical conduct of research with human participants.
•Critical reflection on the theoretical, methodological and practical implications of the research.
On completion of this module students will be able to:
•Conduct an independent research study demonstrating self-direction and the capacity to deal with complexity and uncertainty.
•Critically evaluate the contributions and limitations of specific psychological theories and methods to a chosen dissertation topic.
•Generate a specific research question to be investigated.
•Make a successful application for ethical approval of planned thesis.
•Show specialist competence in the methodology and analyses chosen for dissertation work.
•Critically reflect on how research can inform theory development in an iterative fashion.
•Critically reflect on how theory and empirical research can inform interventions and professional practice (if appropriate).
•Make informed choices about effective communication.
•Communicate ideas, principles, theories and research findings by oral and written means.
•Write well-structured and well –argued prose, using style and conventions appropriate for publishing in the psychology literature.
•Elicit high quality information and data from field sources.
•Use information technology (e.g. WWW, bibliographic data bases such as Psychinfo, word processors, statistics packages).
•Conduct oneself in a professional (accountable, responsible, ethical) self-regulated and constructively critical fashion.
•Use interpersonal and social skills as appropriate.
•Use analytical skills in a problem solving context.
•Pursue continuous improvement via self-reflection
24 weeks
The module will introduce leading theories and research in developmental psychopathology and develop students critical understanding of the relationships between childhood adversity, mental health, educational outcomes and behavioural outcomes throughout development. Content will include research into both familial and socioeconomic indices of adversity, and how different aspects of adversity interact to produce outcomes. Mediators and moderators of outcomes will also be explored. Students will also be introduced to a selection of evidence based interventions aimed at promoting positive outcomes for parents and children growing up in adversity, and will gain an understanding of the issues surrounding evidence based interventions, including the theoretical underpinnings and implementation of the programmes, the policy context, and what evidence based really means. Discussion will extend beyond examination of main effects to the consideration of the causal mechanisms and pathways which promote long-term success, as well as the mediators and moderators of outcome.
Having taken the module students will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the literature pertaining to the outcomes of childhood adversity. They will demonstrate in-depth knowledge and critical evaluation of the research. They will be able to demonstrate knowledge and evaluation of current interventions for children growing up in contexts of adversity. They will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the causal mechanisms and pathways of long-term success of intervention programmes, and further to apply this knowledge to government policies relevant to health and education in particular.
The module will confer the ability to:
Understand current theories pertaining to growing up in the context of adversity;
Critically evaluate previous literature and research findings;
Integrate current findings into theoretical models;
Evaluate interventions designed to improve outcomes relevant to growing up in contexts of adversity;
Communicate research findings effectively in written and oral form;
Develop policy briefs to communicate scientific information to lay audiences for the purposes of policy change.
12 weeks
Underlying assumptions and workings of a range of statistical techniques
How to conduct statistical analyses
How to interpret the outputs of analyses using these techniques
The epistemological assumptions underpinning qualitative research
How to conceptualise, design, conduct and critically appraise qualitative research
Strengths and limitations of different types of interviewing and other methods of qualitative data collection
Methods of qualitative data analysis and how to use these as appropriate for each context.
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
Justify the choice of a data analytic technique / approach to answering a research question.
Conduct data analysis using an appropriate technique.
Interpret and report the findings from a data analysis procedure.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
Use a statistical software package to handle and analyse quantitative data
Critique the findings from qualitative research
Report research findings appropriately
Reflect on the theoretical and practical and ethical issues which may be present in conducting qualitative research.
Present logically structured arguments and demonstrate critical thinking.
12 weeks
Taught by qualified clinical psychologists, this module sets out to equip students with some foundation level therapy skills and an understanding of how therapeutic models are used across applied contexts. Models that will be taught include:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Via interaction in roles plays, and skills practice sessions, alongside lectures
Outlining the theory guiding therapeutic practice, students will gain skills in:
creating a basic case conceptualisation (formulation), selecting therapy methods to change behaviour, applying foundation level therapy skills and self reflection.
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Be able to notice and articulate links between underlying theory and clinical practice
2. Be able to apply an appropriate theoretical model to a specific case.
3. Describe how basic clinical skills are used in clinical practice.
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Apply foundational therapy skills in practice
2.Link theory to practice
12 weeks
This module will give the students an opportunity to experience first-hand working in applied developmental psychology. Potential placements will typically be with organisations and voluntary agencies throughout Northern Ireland. A minimum of 40 hours will be spent on work placement. Students along with staff will choose an appropriate work environment where the students will have the opportunity to experience working across a variety of contexts. Students will be encouraged to become actively involved where possible.
Having taken the module students will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the practical considerations and limitations of working in the field of applied developmental psychology; the difficulties and restrictions when applying theoretical knowledge in the real life context, psychological factors that influence the success of interventions and/or research in the area and the literature pertaining to applied developmental psychology.
The module will confer the ability to:
critically evaluate previous literature and research findings and disseminate it to academic and other relevant audiences;
critically evaluate the interventions and research employed in contexts of applied developmental psychology;
demonstrate understanding of the issues of involved in working in applied settings.
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
Normally a 2.1 Honours degree or above in Psychology or an acceptable related discipline, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Applicants with work experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The University's Recognition of Prior Learning Policy provides guidance on the assessment of experiential learning (RPEL).
Intercalating medical and dental students within QUB will be considered if they have successfully completed the 3rd/4th year of their course at first attempt and achieved at least an upper second class Honours standard. Intercalating applicants should also ensure they have permission to intercalate from either the Director for Medical Education or Dentistry as appropriate.
An external medical or dental student wishing to intercalate must have successfully completed all assessments at first attempt for the year in which they are applying. External intercalating applicants should also ensure they have the permission of the Head of Undergraduate Medical/Dental Education or equivalent from their home University.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally no later than 30th June 2025 for courses which commence in late September. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal prior to the deadline stated on course finder. Notifications to this effect will appear on the application portal against the programme application page.
Please note: a deposit will be required to secure a place.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.5, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required (*taken with the last 2 years).
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
The programme is designed to prepare graduate students for more advanced research in developmental psychology, for professional training in psychology or related disciplines, and/or for employment in children's voluntary or statutory services. It will also provide graduates with the research skills and knowledge to carry out a PhD in developmental psychology and/or in childhood studies, and to pursue an academic career.
Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus bolster our commitment to employability, while innovative leadership and executive programmes alongside sterling integration with business experts helps our students gain key leadership positions both nationally and internationally.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £7,300 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £7,300 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,250 |
EU Other 3 | £25,800 |
International | £25,800 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
Terms and Conditions for Postgraduate applications:
1.1 Due to high demand, there is a deadline for applications.
1.2 You will be required to pay a deposit to secure your place on the course.
1.3 This condition of offer is in addition to any academic or English language requirements.
Read the full terms and conditions at the link below:
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding