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PGCE | Postgraduate Taught

Education (Social Science)

Entry year
Academic Year 2025/26
Entry requirements
At least a 2.2 Honours degree
1 year (Full-time)
Places available
Approximately 14 (Full Time)

We are no longer considering applications for the Social Science PGCE for 25/26 entry. Please check back later in the year should you wish to apply for the next intake (September 2026).

The PGCE in Social Science is a recognised teaching qualification aligned to the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland professional competences which affords graduates ‘Eligibility to Teach’ (referred to in some other jurisdictions as 'qualified teacher status', QTS). The course is aligned broadly with the Northern Ireland Curriculum, supporting graduates in teaching Social Science across the 11-18+ year age range. We offer three routes within this pathway: Politics, Sociology and Health and Social Care (with students supported in teaching other Social Science related subjects in the curriculum, such as Learning for Life and Work and qualifications cognate to their subject specialism). The programme aims to develop your competence and confidence in the teaching of Social Science and in the general professional role of the teacher.

The PGCE will appeal to you if you wish to move into teaching, if you are a graduate in Social Science or about to graduate in Social Science.

The programme combines university-based tuition, consisting of taught sessions and directed independent study, with professional placements in schools and is organised around three interdependent strands:

Professional School-based Experience - focuses on developing practical teaching competence particularly through working closely with experienced teachers during periods of school placement.

Subject Studies - focuses on teaching and learning within your subject specialism (and cognate areas).

Education and Professional Studies - focuses on common aspects of teaching and the professional role of the teacher, bringing together relevant theory, policy and practice. This includes issues such as: the Northern Ireland education system, curriculum theory and policy, theories of learning and assessment, social class and educational disadvantage, special educational needs and barriers to learning, pastoral care and child protection/safeguarding, student voice, mental health and wellbeing of students, positive behaviour management, diversity and inclusion and whole school approaches to literacy, numeracy and the social and emotional health of young people. Students are also offered a choice of elective courses designed to enhance the subjects and skills they can offer to schools.

Extra places are reserved to prepare those who are interested in teaching their subject through the medium of Irish in Irish-medium schools. An additional certificate in Irish Medium Education (IME) is awarded in conjunction with St Mary's University College.

Closing date for applications: 1 November 2024. Late applications may be accepted (refer to Entry Requirements for details).

Further information, including an Application Guide, can be found on the School website at

Over 83% of research submitted by colleagues based in the Education Unit of Assessment was judged to be ‘World Leading’ or ‘Internationally Excellent' by a peer review panel (REF2021).

Education (Social Science) highlights

Student Experience

The Education and Training Inspectorate has assessed the ‘Outcomes for learners’ on the course to be ‘Outstanding’. Students are involved in active, enquiry-based and research-informed learning throughout the course.

Further Study Opportunities

PGCE graduates may transfer 30 credits into one of the School’s Educational Master’s programmes.

Professional Accreditations

We are a General Teaching Council (GTCNI) accredited provider of Initial Teacher Education programmes. On completion of the programme you will achieve Eligibility to Teach / Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).