Module Code
Environmental Engineers work at the interface between the Natural and the Built Environment. Environmental Engineering deals with the Impacts of the Built Environment and Human Activities on the Natural Environment and vice versa.
The Programme provides the Technical Understanding of these Interactions across the Engineering and Environmental Sciences and develops your Practical Skills to Characterise and Monitor these key Processes and to find Solutions to address these Challenges.
In doing so, Environmental Engineering is key to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to finding and implementing Solutions to Mitigate and to Adapt to Climate Change.
Environmental Engineering is a broad discipline which is accessible to those from many different backgrounds. The Programme offers a wide variety of elective modules across Environmental Engineering to suit your particular interests.
The Programme provides the opportunities for a career in the environmental, consultancy, regulatory, management, and engineering industry at home or abroad.
Applications for this course received after 30th June 2025 may not be accepted. In addition, a deposit will be required to secure a place
The programme focuses on active, collaborative and problem-based learning including field and laboratory practicals to develop a comprehensive understanding of key processes and practical skill sets for a successful professional career.
Teaching Staff at the School of Natural and Built Environment maintain close links to industry partners and governmental agencies across the field of Environmental Engineering.
Individual modules on the programme include field trips and site visits in collaboration with industry partners.
Queen’s is ranked 24th in the UK for Engineering with 96% of our research rated as world-leading or internationally excellent. (REF 2021/ Times Higher Education).
You will be taught by staff with an active research portfolio of international standing, with a wide range of interests across the Environmental Engineering Discipline.
Course content
Student may enrol on a Full-time or Part-time basis.
The PostGraduate Diploma is awarded to students who successfully complete the taught element of the programme in a combination of Compulsory Core Modules (80 CATS points) and Elective Modules (40 CATS points).
Exit qualifications are available: students may exit with a Postgraduate Certificate by successfully completing 60 CATS points from the taught programme.
Land & Water Quality (20 CATS)
Engineering Hydrology & Hydrogeology (20 CATS)
Assessment of Environmental Impacts (20 CATS)
Computer Modelling of Contaminants in the Environment (20 CATS)
As well as compulsory and optional modules, the programme includes a research project which leads to a report (PgDip) or Thesis (MSc) submission. Typically full-time students complete 60 CATS points worth of modules per semester.
Introduction to Renewable Energies (10 CATS)
Environmental Interaction Assessment of Marine Renewables (10 CATS)
Water and Waste Water Treatment (10 CATS)
GIS & Spatial Analysis (20 CATS)
Project Planning for Sustainability (20 CATS)
Skills for Sustainable Development (20 CATS)
Mitigating Climate Change (20 CATS)
Note: the availability of elective modules in a given academic year will be subject to sufficient numbers of students (typically >6) enrolling in respective modules
All modules for 2025/26 re currently under review and subject to change in advance of the programme commencing in September 2025.
0 (hours maximum)
On the full-time programme:
Lectures: Typically 6 hours per week depending on individual choice of Elective Modules.
Tutorials: Typically 6 hours per week depending on individual choice of Elective Modules
The programme is delivered as a combination of Lectures, Tutorials, Site Visits and Field/Laboratory practicals as well as individual and group-based self-directed study.
Assessments associated with the course are outlined below:
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Over the course of the 1-semester module (12 weeks), the module will cover the following key elements:
Introduction to Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
What is ESG / Relevance to making financial decisions
Describe key environmental, social, and governance issues
Explain how stakeholders influence corporate ESG performance
Analyze ESG risks and opportunities
Assess ESG company performance using publicly available information
Introduction to Green Economy
Concepts in measuring Green Economy Progress (GEP)
The Green Economy Progress Measurement Framework methodology
Global application of the GEP Measurement Framework
Sustainable Finance in Context
Describes the role that sustainable finance can play in delivering global goals on climate change and development.
What is Sustainable Finance?
Financing International Agreements on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Describe the broad concept of sustainable finance.
Explain the potential contribution that sustainable finance can make to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance
Explains the core concepts of sustainable finance and the relevance of sustainability to finance sector decision-makers.
SF: Key Actors
SF & Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Management
Financial and Sustainability (Impact) Reporting and Communication
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Explain why finance sector actors are interested in sustainability-related issues.
Describe the main actors and organisations in the finance system.
Describe the different approaches that investors, banks and insurers can use to take account of sustainability-related issues in their decisions.
Explain how finance sector actors report on the financial and sustainability impacts of their decisions
Examples of Sustainable Finance taxonomies
Taxonomies in practice: the EU and China
Principles of taxonomy development
Taxonomy development principles in practice: South Africa and Colombia
Sustainable Finance as Driver for Environmental Engineering Practice
Evaluates the role of Environmental Engineering Practice within Sustainable Finance Frameworks
Environmental Aspects of Sustainable Finance Frameworks & Regulations
Bridging the Gap between Finance – Industry - Environmental sectors in Assessment & Reporting
Explain the role of environmental/technical criteria within Sustainable Finance Frameworks
Apply Environmental Engineering expertise in the sustainability assessment of individual industry sectors/economic activities
Sustainable Finance Products
Describes some of the products, such as bonds and loans, that may be available to provide the capital needed to support the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Overview of Sustainable Finance Strategies and Products: An Overview
Green Bonds / Green Loans
Performance-based Instruments
On completion of the course, you should have:
A broad recognition of the key concepts related to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
An introductory understanding of Green Economy concepts and frameworks for measuring green economy progress
An understanding of the role of Sustainable Finance (SF) in delivering global goals on climate change and development
Begun to identify the core concepts of Sustainable Finance and associated corporate reporting/disclosures
An introductory understanding of current examples of Sustainable Finance taxonomies and their environmental/technical screening criteria
An understanding of the role of Environmental Engineering Practice within Sustainable Finance frameworks and corporate reporting
Begun to understand examples of Sustainable Finance products and how Environmental Engineering relates to these
On completion of the course, you should be able to:
Broadly analyse the ESG and Sustainability performance of companies using publicly available information
Apply technical Environmental Engineering expertise as part of ESG and SF frameworks and company reporting/disclosures
On completion of the module, you should have a broad recognition of the key concepts related to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and Sustainable Finance Frameworks and how Environmental Engineering Practise contributes to these. The module is furthermore aimed at developing your practical skills in applying these key concepts in combination with technical environmental engineering skills to real life case study examples, to allow you to assess the performance of companies with regard to ESG and SF taxonomies and to demonstrate the contributions of your technical Environmental Engineering skills to company reporting/disclosures.
The module is aimed to enhance the following skills:
Independent learning - transfer of theoretical concepts to problem-based applications and real life examples;
Problem based and project-orientated group work;
Technical multi-disciplinary report writing and presentations.
12 weeks
The purpose of the course is to develop an introduction to the theoretical and practical strategies used for assessing and managing the quality of soils and water. This module will start with an introduction to risk assessment and management using a tiered approach, including a discussion of the source-pathway-receptor model that will subsequently be applied to assessing and managing water and land contamination.
The land quality aspect of the course will consider the regulatory drivers for assessing and managing contaminated land and provide an overview of the UK approach (CLR11) for assessing and managing land contamination. Students will learn how to identify and connect potential contaminants of concern, receptors that may be at risk and pathways within a conceptual model of the site during the preliminary qualitative risk assessment. They will study how these linkages are refined through the stages of qualitative risk assessment (generic and detailed) and remediation options appraisal and implementation. This will include an introduction to how quantitative data is collected at the site (representative sampling strategies and laboratory analysis), an overview of remediation technologies and how they can be compared and assessed, and an introduction to verification and validation of land remediation.
The water quality aspect of the module will consider an introduction to groundwater chemistry and the key processes underlying the fate and transport of contaminants in the water environment.
On completion of the course you should:
• Have knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework for protecting and improving the quality of land and water.
• Have knowledge and understanding of site walk over surveys and sampling/monitoring strategies for soil and soil gas.
• Have understanding of the application and derivation of Generic Assessment Criteria and other tools for assessing quality of soils and groundwater.
• Have understanding of the implementation of options appraisal using sustainability metrics, remediation strategies, and plans for contaminated soils and groundwater.
• Have knowledge and understanding of the verification of remediation of soils and groundwater.
• Have knowledge and understanding of key principles of groundwater chemistry.
• Have knowledge and understanding of main processes governing the fate & transport of contaminants in the water environment.
• Apply the Source, Pathway, Receptor model and pollutant linkages for contaminated land to synthesize preliminary risk assessments in the form of desk studies.
• Define, apply and formulate conceptual models.
• Create decision records arising from preliminary risk assessments.
• Apply decisions from preliminary risk assessments to designing both non intrusive and intrusive methods of site investigations as well as to assessing health and safety considerations.
• Apply, formulate, create and interrogate Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments.
• Undertake options appraisals of risk management solutions.
• Identify key chemical properties of groundwater systems and rock-water interactions.
• Identify key processes underlying contaminant fate & transport in the water environment.
On completion of the course you should be able to:
• Create and evaluate qualitative and quantitative conceptual models for contaminated land.
• Perform preliminary risk assessments to a standard required by a regulator.
• Use the outcomes of preliminary risk assessments to undertake decision making relating to health and safety risks and the requirement for further investigations/remediation.
• Apply conceptual models to develop sampling strategies for contaminated land.
• Perform basic detailed quantitative risk assessments.
• Correctly apply, interrogate and make decisions based on industry standard risk assessment models.
• Evaluate remediation options and make decisions on remediation strategies.
• Evaluate hydrochemical data in the context of varying groundwater environments.
You will also be able to demonstrate the following:
• The ability to learn independently.
• The ability to solve non-routine problems.
• The ability to solve some general problems through systematic analysis.
• Technical report writing.
• Evaluate critically scientific and trade literature.
12 weeks
The course provides an introduction of the principles of surface and groundwater flow and its implications on the management of water as a natural resource. It develops the basic concepts necessary for understanding surface & groundwater behaviour and their mathematic expression. The course content includes: key elements of the hydrological cycle, hydrometry, urban hydrology & flooding, nature of groundwater bodies, key processes and parameters governing groundwater flow, groundwater monitoring and hydrogeological site characterisation.
On completion of the course, you should have:
• A broad recognition of the key concepts related to surface & groundwater flow and water management;
• An understanding of how surface & groundwater behaves in the wider environment and how it impacts both natural processes and human activity;
• An understanding of the legislative framework for protecting and improving the quality of water;
• An understanding of sampling/monitoring strategies for groundwater & surface water;
• An understanding of tools for assessing quality of "natural" waters;
• An understanding of key physical parameters which affect "natural" waters;
• An understanding of the principles of water chemistry and geochemistry and the chemical composition of water bodies;
• Begun to understand and identify characteristics of key hydrogeological environments;
• Begun to understand and apply/identify key concepts of groundwater management;
• Begun to identify principle remediation strategies for contaminated groundwater.
On completion of the course, you should be able to:
• Conceptualise surface & groundwater flow mechanisms;
• Identify the significance of surface and groundwater and their interaction on a catchment scale
• Transfer and apply basic principles underlying surface water flow and groundwater flow to real life examples
• Assess key aspects of groundwater quality and hydrogeolocial environments;
• Evaluate the results of basic hydraulic/hydrometric monitoring and hydraulic tests with regard to surface and groundwater flow dynamics and hydrogeological properties and environments.
On completion of the module, you should have a broad recognition of the key concepts related to surface water and groundwater flow and water management. The module is furthermore aimed at developing your practical skills in applying key concepts and analysis techniques to real life case study examples and to allow you to formulate the results of hydrological monitoring and hydrogeological investigations and assessments in the form of technical reports.
The module is aimed to enhance the following skills:
• Independent learning - transfer of theoretical concepts to problem-based applications and real life examples;
• Problem based and project-orientated group work;
• Technical report writing.
12 weeks
This module aims to introduce students to how the impacts of engineering projects are assessed within the framework Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and sustainability evaluations. Particular emphasis is given to environmental impacts, although societal impacts will also be considered.
Students will be introduced to the regulatory drivers for Environmental Impact Assessment/Strategic Environmental Assessment and will receive lectures on the stages of Environmental Impact Assessment for major developments. The use of sustainability assessments (CEEQUAL, BREAM etc) will also be explored. Students will be introduced to current standards and guidance for quantifying environmental impacts through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including defining the scope of an LCA, inventory analysis and interpretation of results. Case studies will explore how life cycle approaches are employed in industry (resource management, low carbon construction, carbon/energy/water foot printing and the circular economy). Finally students will examine multi criteria analysis for evaluating and balancing diverse criteria during decision making.
Solid waste and resource management will then be studied in detail within this context. Students will gain an understanding of the science and technology behind advanced waste management processes and an appreciation of the financial, social and institutional factors that may restrict the adoption of particular technologies.
By the end of this module, the student should have knowledge and understanding of:
• the regulatory drivers for Environmental Impact Assessment/Strategic Environmental Assessment
• the current standards and guidance for quantifying environmental impacts through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
• relevant legislation relating to different waste management scenarios
• how to evaluate the impacts of various waste streams on the social and environmental locale
• how to define the waste hierarchy and concept of zero waste
• how to critically evaluate and communicate succinctly the relationship between wastes management and sustainable development
• regional waste strategies and demonstrate their links to land use planning
• the various stakeholders in the waste management decision making process
By the end of this module, the student should be able to:
• define the scope of an LCA and undertake inventory analysis
• understand how life cycle approaches are employed in industry through resource management, low carbon construction and carbon/energy/water foot printing
• define the need to, and difficulty of, balancing diverse criteria during decision making processes
• make cases for the adoption of a particular waste technology or combination of waste technologies (options appraisal)
• identify technical, financial and social risks associated with different waste management technologies
By the end of this module, the student should be able to:
• apply the stages of Environmental Impact Assessment to prepare and Environmental Impact Statement
• use sustainability assessments (CEEQUAL, BREAM etc) for construction projects
• interpret the results of a life cycle assessment
• undertake an options appraisal using MCA
• critically evaluate scientific and trade literature relating to advanced waste management technologies
• identify potential barriers to the implementation of particular technologies (e.g. waste) at particular locations
• make technical appraisals of proposed new waste projects/processes
• evaluate the environmental impacts of waste management.
The key skills developed by taking this module include:
• Independent learning
• Project-orientated group work
• The ability to propose, assess and evaluate solutions based on both qualitative and quantitative technical data
• Decision making based on multiple sources of information
• The ability to critically evaluate and communicate succinctly relationships between disciplines
• Applying key theoretical concepts and analysis techniques to real life case study examples, allowing students to formulate the results of conceptual assessments in the form of clear, concise and coherent technical reports and oral presentations
12 weeks
This is a broad ranging module exploring the major global issues in environmental sustainability, such as Climate Change, Biodiversity, Waste Management, Water Management and Renewable Energy. The module will introduce concepts and methodologies such as Environmental Economics, ecological footprinting, environmental cost benefit analysis and environmental impact analysis. Students will learn about the pressure caused to the environment by human activities and solutions to help combat these.
Students will be able to: conceptualise the global context of environmental sustainability; recognise and judge the effectiveness of techniques and methodologies for sustainable development; identify and assess the pressures caused to the environment by human activities and explore current solutions which have been applied to help combat these.
Competence in appreciating the complexity and diversity of the natural environment; an ability to assess the merits of key theories and debates of sustainable development with particular reference to the natural environment; apply techniques and methodologies for sustainable development in a local context and evaluate its emergence as a response to problems of the natural environment.
12 weeks
This module explores the techniques used to mitigate climate change, both in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and removing carbon from the atmosphere. We examine three broad areas where mitigation is achieved: (1) reducing consumption; (2) nature-based solutions; and (3) technological solutions. Through a range of teaching methods including case studies, fieldtrips and practical classes, we explore how these techniques work and evaluate their success. This module is vital in providing a sound knowledge and understanding for how we are mitigating climate change – an important complement to our efforts in climate adaptation and a fundamental step in tackling one of humanity’s greatest challenges.
On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
• Understand net zero as a scientific concept and political target for climate mitigation
• Evaluate the role various nature-based and technological solutions play in climate mitigation, as well as methods to reduce consumption
• Apply a range of practical methods relevant to climate mitigation
• Communicate information relevant to climate mitigation to a range of audiences
General & Employability Skills: Bibliographic searching; referencing of published literature; Critical evaluation of published literature; Abstraction and synthesis of information into coherent written arguments; Ability to communicate complex scientific ideas to a range of audiences; Quantitative data and statistical analysis; Data presentation; Ability to undertake independent learning; Time management. Subject-specific Skills: Fieldwork; Lab work; GIS and Remote Sensing.
12 weeks
The need for infrastructure to be sustainable is one of the driving factors behind project planning, design, construction and operation.
This module will look at the principles of sustainable project development from a number of angles. It covers areas including: development of the concept of sustainability; project appraisal for sustainability; implications for project design, construction and operation; managing environmental and social risks; the influence of sustainable project requirements on project development; stakeholder engagement. The module will also examine the international legal framework for sustainability and environmental protection, and some widely used international guidelines on sustainability.
The focus throughout will be on the real world implications for clients and developers, architects, engineers and contractors, and the risks to the project caused by neglecting to address sustainability. Throughout the course, the topics being discussed will be highlighted by real world case studies.
Overall, this module aims to enhance student awareness of developments in the field of sustainable project development and construction including the need for a connected approach to economic, social and environmental sustainability.
On successful completion of the module the student should be able to:
• Define the concept of sustainability and explain what it means in practical terms for the development, planning, construction and operation of infrastructure projects.
• Appreciate how understanding and controlling environmental and social risks can benefit the client, the planners and designers, the regulatory authorities, the contractor, as well as the end users and other stakeholders throughout the project development process.
• Identify and describe and apply various tools and techniques used to address sustainability issues at various stages of project development.
• Appreciate how the international legal framework and global policy context may affect project planning and development, and know how to apply practically the sustainability guidelines used by financial institutions.
• Be able to examine and document the environmental and social risks of a project, and the aspects related to its sustainability, and propose practical means to address the risks and enhance the benefits while outlining the overall objectives, and constraints
On successful completion of the module the student should be able to:
a) Assess, analyse and present complex information in written form
b) Solve problems involving incomplete information and complex issues
c) Apply subject-specific knowledge to generic engineering and management challenges.
d) Apply theoretical understanding to practical engineering challenges.
Full Year
24 weeks
The objectives of the module are to provide an introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies, their applications and legislative framework. The subject is presented in weekly lectures supplemented by self-directed group work, allowing for the practical application of the presented theoretical framework. The lecture syllabus will include introductions to a variety of principle renewable energy technologies, such as wind (inland and offshore), solar, tidal and wave power as well as geothermal and biomass energy. A focus is provided on tidal energy with a 1-week course that includes theory and practical work as part of the module syllabus. The module will explore drivers for tidal and ocean currents, overview of extraction of energy from tidal power, assessment of tidal resource, measurement and analysis of flow velocity in a tidal stream environment (day trip to Queen’s University Marine Laboratory in Portaferry), environmental implications of harnessing tidal power and numerical tools to predict tidal energy resource.
Additionally, the lecture syllabus will include an introduction to the policy framework for renewable energies within the UK & Ireland. The lecture syllabus and practical will be complemented by a group project in which students will transfer the basic principles introduced during the lectures to a real-life case study example. Offshore wind (both floating and bottom-fixed) is emphasized in the lectures and group project will reflect the new technologies in the offshore wind field. Individual reports will consider the different types of renewable energy sources such as wind, wave, geothermal and solar energy.
On completion of the module, students should begin to understand and apply/identify:
• key concepts of renewable energy technologies
• key fundamentals of the regulatory framework for the application of renewable energy technologies
• basic criteria for the assessment of conceptual suitability of renewable energy technologies
• the complexities of marine tidal environment in particular in relation to extraction of tidal power and be able to apply this to any site around the world
• basic requirements for developing offshore wind as a leading source of energy in coming years
On completion of the module you should begin to develop the following abilities:
• transfer and apply basic principles underlying the application of renewable energy technologies to real life examples
• assess key aspects of conceptual suitability of renewable energy technologies
On completion of the module, students should have a broad appreciation of the issues and a broad recognition of the key concepts related to Renewable Energy Technologies. Students should furthermore have developed their practical skills in applying key concepts and analysis techniques to real life case study examples to allow them to formulate the results of conceptual assessments in the form of technical reports and oral presentations.
The module is aimed to enhance the following skills:
• independent learning
• transfer of theoretical concepts to problem-based applications and real life examples
• problem based and project-orientated group work
• technical report writing
• oral presentation of technical concepts
12 weeks
The module will be run for twelve weeks from September to December and examines two aspects of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Spatial Planning. The first part investigates the role of GIS in planning practice and research, looking in particular at key concepts in GIS, spatial literacy, data sources and the role of mapping and maps. The second part of the module involves the practical application of GIS and aims to teach students the basics of using GIS software (ArcGIS 9.2).
1. Generate integrated and well substantiated responses to spatial planning challenges. 2. Demonstrate how efficient resource management helps to deliver effective spatial planning. 3. Explain the contribution that planning can make to the built and natural environment and in particular recognise the implications of climate change. 4. Demonstrate effective research, analytical, evaluative and appraisal skills and the ability to reach appropriate evidence based decisions. 5. Recognise the role of communication skills in the planning process and the importance of working in an inter-disciplinary context and be able to demonstrate negotiation, mediation, advocacy and leadership skills.
Oral and written presentation skills; working in a team; spatial literacy; report writing skills; and qualitative and quantitative research skills.
12 weeks
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and underlying concepts of water and wastewater treatment. The course includes: water quality; water treatment techniques (clarification, filtration, disinfection etc.); waste water treatment (preliminary, primary and secondary processes); sludge treatment, disposal of wastewater and sludge; environmental impacts, health and safety.
Understanding of: the need for water and waste water treatment; the range of contaminants which affect water quality; the main treatment methods in use at present for potable water; preliminary, primary & secondary treatment of wastewater; the main health & safety issues concerning water & wastewater treatment in this country; basic aspects of legislation concerning water & wastewater treatment in this country; methods of disposal of effluent & sludge.
The ability to: select and apply a wide range of mathematical/analytical methods to solve a range of hydraulic & water quality problems relating to water/wastewater treatment; use taught scientific principles in solving unfamiliar engineering problems; relate the relevant engineering principles to the practical aspects of design/operation of water/wastewater treatment plant.
The ability to: calculate the capacity of storm water systems for wastewater treatment plant; assess the settlement of suspended solids; calculate the size requirements for settlement tanks and grit chambers; carry out calculations relating to the operation & backwash of granular media filters; calculate the dilution of discharged effluent.
Students' will also develop the ability to: learn independently, solve non-routine problems and develop solutions from an initial idea.
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
Normally a 2.2 Honours degree or above or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University in a relevant Engineering/Science discipline, e.g. Civil Engineering. Applicants must also demonstrate sufficient mathematical background (a minimum of A-level standard or equivalent) however undergraduate courses with a high mathematical content, e.g. Statistics, will be considered on a case-by case-basis.
A 2.1 Honours degree or above, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University, is required for those with an insufficient mathematical background.
Applicants with qualifications below 2.2 Honours degree standard (or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University) will be considered on a case-by case-basis. Supplementary form to be completed along with application.
Professional Qualifications may be considered alongside extensive relevant professional experience.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally no later than 30th June 2025 for courses which commence in late September. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal prior to the deadline stated on course finder. Notifications to this effect will appear on the application portal against the programme application page.
Please note: A deposit will be required to secure a place on this course.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.5, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required (*taken within the last 2 years).
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Environmental Engineers are in high demand. The challenges of Sustainable Development, Decarbonisation and Climate Change Adaptation require technical competencies alongside practical skills to find and implement solutions to these challenges. The programme provides its graduates with the relevant competencies and skills for successful careers in environmental engineering, monitoring, management and consultancy, and establishes a basis for interdisciplinary research studies.
Over the past two decades, the programme has developed a strong recognition with employers in industry, governmental agencies and academia with many of our past graduates having become Senior Industry Leaders and actively recruiting from the programme. Past graduates have found employment with a wide range of employers, eg environment regulatory agencies, civil engineering and specialist contractors as well as engineering and environmental consultancies in the UK, Ireland and abroad.
Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus bolster our commitment to employability, while innovative leadership and executive programmes alongside sterling integration with business experts helps our students gain key leadership positions both nationally and internationally.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,867 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,867 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £6,167 |
EU Other 3 | £17,200 |
International | £17,200 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
Students are expected to supply their own waterproof clothing and sturdy footwear to participate in field-based activities, where applicable. Students who choose to undertake their MSc research project in collaboration with external organisation may be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure Check with Access NI costing £33.
Terms and Conditions for Postgraduate applications:
1.1 Due to high demand, there is a deadline for applications.
1.2 You will be required to pay a deposit to secure your place on the course.
1.3 This condition of offer is in addition to any academic or English language requirements.
Read the full terms and conditions at the link below:
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding