Module Code
The MPH in Global Health is intended to provide candidates with a clear understanding of global health issues and how those issues affect public health policy and practice.
The MPH in Global Health programme will offer solid public health training and exposure to global health politics, policies, systems and practices through didactic teaching sessions, team-based research and presentations, and individual work-based projects or dissertations.
This interdisciplinary course will help students build skills and competencies including communication, teamwork and project management. Important links will be elucidated between strengthening health systems and key Sustainable Development Goals, such as poverty reduction, gender equity, meaningful work and sustainable cities. Strategies for achieving universal health coverage and addressing inequity will be reviewed.
Students undertake taught modules over two semesters. Students will be required to submit a dissertation on a pre-approved global health topic. Successful completion of the dissertation and the assessments of the taught modules will lead to award of the MPH in Global Health.
Intercalated Medical and Dental Students
Completing an intercalated degree will boost your CV when applying for postgraduate training. Depending on the discipline, selection panels look for completion of an additional degree, or for publications or posters. An intercalated degree gives you the opportunity to improve your chances of future success.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally no later than 31st July 2025 for courses which commence in late September. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal. Notifications to this effect will appear on the Direct Application Portal against the programme application page.
Please note a deposit may be required to guarantee a place on the course. Due to high demand, applications may not be considered if the course has reached its maximum class size and will be placed on a waiting list. Please see deposit terms and conditions for more details.
The first semester is spent learning the general tools of public health, including epidemiology and biostatistics.
Staff within the Centre for Public Health collaborate with World Health Organisation (WHO).
One of our strengths is the joint teaching of the MPH and MPHGH programmes with Public Health Practitioners/Clinicians/Researchers.
You will be exposed to a wide range of public health leaders and practitioners who are working in the field of Public Health, making real changes to benefit the health of populations.
Course content
Students will enrol on a full time basis (1 year). Students undertake taught modules: Semester 1 (60 CATS) and Semester 2 (60 CATS).
The MPH in Global Health is awarded to students who have successfully completed all taught modules (120 CATS) and a dissertation (60 CATS).
Exit qualifications are available: students may exit with a Postgraduate Diploma by successfully completing 120 CATS points from taught modules or a Postgraduate Certificate by successfully completing 60 CATS points from taught modules.
Semester 1 Modules:
Introduce core concepts, methodologies and approaches, with an emphasis on critical thinking and the application of new knowledge:
SCM8165 Public Health Concepts and Methods (10 CATS)
This module provides students with the opportunity to learn fundamental skills in public health science.
SCM8167 Statistics in Public Health and Medical Research (10 CATS)
This module focuses on handling data, performing statistical analysis and interpreting statistical output.
SCM8166 Health & Social Care Systems (20 CATS)
This module discusses how health systems can be strengthened and covers the application of a public health approach and perspective to the assessment of the health needs of the population and planning, commissioning and delivery of high- quality evidence -based health and social care services and population screening programmes.
SCM8168 Determinants of Health & Health Improvement (20 CATS)
Students will identify the determinants relating to health problems experienced by individuals, populations and social groups in both a global and local context.
Semester 2 Modules
SCM8169 Health Protection (20 CATS)
This course will encompass a broad variety of public health interventions, aimed at protecting individuals, groups and populations from single cases of infectious disease, incidents and outbreaks, and non-infectious environmental hazards such as chemicals and radiation.
SCM8170 Global Health Development (10 CATS)
This module includes global health policy and politics; governance; players, payers and partners in international development; development, financing and politics of health systems in less developed countries; health and human rights; and health in humanitarian crises.
SCM8172 Maternal and Child Health (10 CATS)
This module includes the roles and functions of maternal and child health, and sexual and reproductive health and rights services, and related public health threats in selected low and middle income contexts.
Students must choose 4 of the 5 optional 10 CAT modules available from the list below:
SCM8173 Practical Statistics for Medical Research (10 CATS) – optional
Learners will be able to demonstrate applied competence in advanced quantitative methods commonly encountered in Public Health research
SCM8174 Intensive Qualitative Methods (10 CATS) – optional
This module will focus on qualitative approaches and paradigms, and common research designs in public health including mixed methods.
SCM8175 Advanced Health Economics, Management and Planning (10 CATS) – optional
SCM8176 Non-Communicable Diseases (10 CATS) - optional
In this module students will consider the following non-communicable diseases of global importance: Cancer, Diabetes and Circulatory Disease, Eye Health, Respiratory disease, Mental health problem, Violence and Injuries.
SCM8177 Systems Thinking in Public Health (10 CATS) - optional
This module introduces students to the knowledge base and some of the methods in systems thinking and complex systems that can be used to interrogate, understand, and act in complex public health problems.
SCM8178 Dissertation (60 CATS):
Students are also required to complete a dissertation project under the supervision of an academic from the Centre of Public Health. The aim is to integrate and apply global public health-related knowledge and skills gained in earlier modules. Opportunities to conduct projects in under served areas of LMICs may be arranged.
Centre for Public Health
Centre for Public Health
Learning opportunities associated with this course are outlined below:
At Queen’s University we aim to provide a high-quality learning environment that embodies intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support. Our aim is to enable students to achieve their full academic potential.
On this course we do this by providing a range of learning experiences that enable our students to engage with subject experts as they develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work experiences, and enhances their development as independent lifelong learners.
Classes are in the morning and afternoon and provide learning opportunities through a combination of course lectures, practical experiences and self-directed study to enhance potential for impact.
Assessments associated with the course are outlined here:
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
This module will cover the following topics
Health and Healthcare Systems
Economic Evaluation
Organisations, Teams, Individuals – leadership and effectiveness
On completion of this module the successful student should be able to:
Health and Healthcare Systems
Differentiate between health and healthcare systems
Discuss and compare the key features of health and healthcare systems globally and describe how they may be strengthened
Interpret and contrast key health indicators in a range of different healthcare systems
Describe approaches to assessing health/ healthcare needs in populations;
Discuss approaches to prioritising, funding, strategic planning, and commissioning of services;
Discuss the importance of quality and safety within health services
Discuss frameworks for service quality measurement and assessment;
Outline the generic steps in a quality improvement project
Describe screening: principles and methods; ethical and economic aspects, planning, operation and evaluation of programmes and the importance of quality assurance in population screening programmes
Economic Evaluation
Interpret and apply health economic concepts including opportunity cost and marginal analysis
Differentiate between the main types of economic evaluation and discuss their strengths and weaknesses
Organisations, Teams, Individuals – leadership and effectiveness
Discuss organisational structure and function and inter-organisational relationships and how this may impact on services
Undertake stakeholder mapping and understand the importance of collaborative working with stakeholders and advocacy approaches
Reflect on models and theories for public health leadership and operational management
Discuss approaches to effective communication and meetings
Identify and use basic approaches to project management
Discuss effective team working and skills required in influencing and negotiating
Critically evaluate principles and frameworks for managing change
Describe the application of the above skills to address a given health systems related issues.
Critical thinking,
Systematic approach to problem solving,
Systematic approach to assessment or evaluation,
Self-directed learning
Written and verbal communication skills
Information technology skills
Time management.
12 weeks
This module will cover the following topics
Roles and functions of MCH/SRHR services
Design and oversight of high quality primary and first level secondary MCH/SRHR services.
Addressing obstacles to access and uptake of services among high risk groups
Public health threats to MCH/SRHR in selected low and middle-income contexts (LMICs)
Major global causes of maternal and childhood mortality and morbidity
Approaches to improving child health in LMICs
On completion of this module the successful students should be able to:
Describe the principles for provision of MCH/SRHR services to facilitate sustained use, particularly by high risk groups
Identify the reasons (including structural drivers) which led to poor MCH and SRHR outcomes
Evaluate the design and implementation of effective primary and secondary MCH/SRHR services (including Emergency Obstetric Care)
Discuss the public health aspects of important causes of childhood morbidity and mortality in LMICs including the determinants of child health
Appraise the evidence for interventions used to improve MCH
Evaluate national level approaches to improving MCH
Explain challenges relating to achievement of SDG 3 and other SDGs relating to child health
Categorise approaches to addressing morbidity and mortality associated with the major disease of poverty and causes of poor child health outcomes
Cognitive: Use appropriate technical language and frameworks for international development, think critically, display a systematic approach to problem solving, assessment and evaluation
Subject specific: assessment of global public health issues; apply epidemiological and statistical knowledge to real world situations;
Transferable: Engage in self-directed learning, demonstrate enhanced information technology skills and effective use of key global data sources, oral and written communication, teamwork. Researching and synthesising information
6 weeks
This module will cover the following topics
Global health policy and politics
Players, payers and partners in international development
Development, financing and politics of health systems in less developed countries
Global health governance
Health and human rights
Health in humanitarian crises
On completion of this module the successful students should be able to:
• Describe how global health policy is developed
• Explain how global trends in healthcare practice, migration, commerce and culture contribute to health, and the quality and availability of healthcare;
• Evaluate the difficulties faced by health systems in resource poor settings and the challenges of strengthening health systems, ensuring adequate human and financial resources for health and equitable access;
• Consider how national and international policies, institutions and mechanisms affect the determinants of health, research and the development of health technologies, medicines and services; emergency responses and disaster risk reduction
• Demonstrate awareness of the complexity of global health governance including the roles of international agencies such as WHO and other UN agencies, multilateral and bilateral partners, civil society organisations, and new partnerships for health;
• Differentiate between sustainable development and emergency aid.
Cognitive: Use appropriate technical language and frameworks for international development, think critically, display a systematic approach to problem solving, assessment and evaluation
Subject specific: assessment of global public health issues; apply epidemiological and statistical knowledge to real world situations.
Transferable: Engage in self-directed learning, demonstrate enhanced information technology skills and effective use of key global data sources, oral and written communication, teamwork. Researching, synthesising and presenting information, findings and recommendations.
6 weeks
This module will cover the following topics:
Introduction to Health Protection hazards
Incident management and outbreak control
Infection prevention and control
Control of specific diseases and environmental hazards
Introduction to health protection regulations
Emergency planning
After completing this module students should be able to:
Consider the role of vaccination in the prevention of communicable diseases globally
Distinguish between the different types of infectious and environmental hazards to health including food and water, mechanisms of exposure, and transmission of communicable disease
Critically evaluate infection prevention and control procedures in healthcare settings
Discuss the principles of surveillance of communicable diseases,
interpret information from communicable disease surveillance reports and assess the quality of disease surveillance systems
Explain the principles and approach to risk assessment and risk management in a reported suspected hazard exposure, disease case or outbreak.
Apply the principles involved in outbreak investigation / incident management
Cognitive: technical language and frameworks for disease prevention and health protection; problem solving; logical reasoning; critical analysis of information received form healthcare services, media and the public.
Subject specific: risk assessment and risk management of public health incidents; apply epidemiological and statistical knowledge to real world situations; processes for infection prevention and control, and for the control of environmental hazards
Transferable: oral and written communication skills; teamwork; researching and synthesising information.
6 weeks
The module is delivered as lectures, workshops, small group discussions and journal clubs. It provides students with the opportunity to learn fundamental skills in public health science.
Core content includes:
1) Introduction to public health approaches
2) Critical appraisal skills and research ethics
3) Basic epidemiological methods 1
4) Basic epidemiological methods 2
5) Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: theory
6) Basic demography
7) Health status assessment and routine data sources
8) Survey methods
9) Introduction to qualitative research
10) Introduction to mixed methods and systems thinking
On successful completion learners should be able to :
1. Discuss the collection of demographic data, demographic analysis techniques and health effects of population characteristics;
2. Apply public health research concepts and methodologies, including the design of epidemiological studies, and the appropriate interpretation of descriptive and analytic study findings;
3. Describe the basic principles of theory and practice in qualitative health research
4. Critically assess and interpret published health evidence.
Subject-specific Skills :
Public health approach and perspective; surveillance and assessment of the population's health and well-being; assessing the evidence of effectiveness of health and healthcare interventions; programmes and services, public health intelligence.
Cognitive Skills:
Critical, analytical and creative thinking; systematic approach to problem-solving; systematic approach to assessment or evaluation.
Transferable Skills:
Self-directed learning; study skills; research skills; written and verbal communication skills; information technology skills; time management; numerical and data handling skills; general IT skills.
12 weeks
The module is delivered as lectures, and skills-based SPSS (a statistical package) computer laboratory practicals, and focuses on handling research data, performing statistical analysis and interpreting statistical output. It is delivered by a team of statisticians based in CPH.
Core content includes:
Screening and presentation of data
Sampling, estimation & confidence intervals
Hypothesis testing - Proportions
Hypothesis testing - Means and ANOVA
Non-parametric methods
Linear regression
Logistic regression
Survival analysis
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis: methods
Age-standardisation: methods
On successful completion learners should be able to:
Select appropriate statistical methods for summarising data, for testing statistical hypotheses, for describing relationships and for assessing confounding.
Perform statistical analyses using a computer package and interpret the output from such analyses.
Appraise the assumptions required for these statistical methods and their limitations.
Define the important role played by statistics in science and medicine
Subject-specific Skills :
Statistical approach and perspective to medical and public health research; surveillance and assessment of the population's health and well-being; planning, analysing, and assessing the evidence of effectiveness of medical, health and healthcare interventions.
Cognitive Skills:
Critical, analytical and creative thinking; systematic approach to problem-solving; systematic approach to assessment or evaluation.
Transferable Skills:
Self-directed learning; study skills; research skills; written and verbal communication skills; information technology skills; time management; numerical and data handling skills; general IT skills; experience in the use of Statistical Software (SPSS)
12 weeks
This module will cover the following topics:
Wider determinants of health including cultural, social, economic, political and commercial determinants
Epidemiological paradigms
Epidemiology of specific issues /risk factors of public health significance
Genetics and Public Health
Physical Environment determinants
Principles and practise of health promotion
Disease prevention,
Models of behaviour change
Healthy public policy
Health Impact Assessment
Complex public health problems and interventions
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Critique a range of epidemiological paradigms
Describe and discuss the main determinants of health within a bio-psychosocial model
Identify the determinants relating to health problems experienced by individuals, populations and social groups in both a global and local contexts with reference to the global burden of disease
Discuss a rights based approach to health
Compare psychological and sociological concepts of health and ill-health
Explain inequalities in health and ways of addressing them
Evaluate the inter-relationship between groups of health determinants
Describe the epidemiology of a range of key public health issues /risk factors
Consider determinants approaches to public health policy, theory and practice
Compare and contrast health promotion, health improvement and disease prevention approaches
Discuss the ethical considerations in the introduction of interventions to improve and protect health
Summarize the prevention paradox and the medical model of disease prevention and its application to communicable and non-communicable diseases
Discuss the role of screening in disease prevention and be familiar with the criteria for introducing a screening programme and the key programmes in a UK setting
Discuss the implications of current genetics knowledge for public health practice
Summarise the stages in policy development and the requirements for successful policy implementation
Describe the key steps in undertaking a Health Impact Assessment
Outline approaches to evaluation of interventions
Subject-specific Skills :
Apply a public health approach and perspective to considering the determinants of health at population level
Planning, implementation and evaluation of evidence based interventions to address lifestyle and behavioural choices
Cognitive Skills:
Critical thinking
Systematic approach to problem solving
Systematic approach to assessment or evaluation.
Transferable Skills:
Self-directed learning
Written and verbal communication skills
Information technology
Time management
12 weeks
This module introduces students to the knowledge base and some of the methods in systems thinking and complex systems that can be used to interrogate, understand, and act in complex public health problems. Course contents include:
Principles of systems thinking and complex systems;
System mapping (with focus on causal loop diagram);
Introduction to systems dynamics;
Introduction to social network analysis;
Introduction to agent-based modelling;
Intervening in complex adaptive systems.
Systems evaluation
On completion of this module, the successful student should be able to:
Apply systems thinking and complex systems principles and concepts to public health issues;
Describe the main features of systems dynamics, network analysis, and agent-based modelling and the application of these methods in public health;
Interpret and critically assess systems-based public health research work;
Build and interpret causal loop diagrams.
Subject-specific skills:
Systems-oriented perspective and approaches to interrogate, understand, and act in complex public health problems;
Creation and interpretation of causal loop diagrams.
Cognitive skills:
Critical thinking;
Systems-oriented approach to problem-solving;
Communicate complex information effectively.
Transferable skills:
Self-directed learning;
Written and verbal communication skills;
Researching and visually synthesising information;
Team work;
Information technology skills.
6 weeks
This optional module builds on the ‘Statistics of Public Health and Medical Research’ module. A new statistical package. Stata will be introduced and students will learn to write their own statistical code to increase the replicability of their analyses and to handle more advanced statistical topics.
1. Introduction to Stata
2. Modelling count and categorical data
3. Modelling categorical data
4. Handling missing data
5. Causal inference
6. Agreement and prognosis
On successful completion of this module, learners should be able to:
Demonstrate applied competence in advanced quantitative methods commonly encountered in Public Health research.
Perform statistical analyses using a Stata and interpret the output from such analyses
Apply appropriate methods used to analyse data to answer a diversity of types of research questions in life sciences and justify their chosen methods.
Appraise the modelling of observational data sets
Subject-specific Skills :
Reinforce basic statistical concepts, and their extension to more complex research questions. Learn further data structuring skills, both conceptually and practically.
Cognitive Skills:
Critical, analytical and creative thinking; systematic approach addressing analytically more complex research questions.
Transferable Skills:
Self-directed learning; study skills; research skills; information technology skills; time management; numerical and data handling skills; general IT skills; experience in the use of Stata statistical software.
6 weeks
In this module students will consider the following non-communicable diseases of global importance:
Global Aspects of Cancer
Global Aspects of Diabetes and Circulatory Disease;
Global Aspects of Eye Health
Global aspects of respiratory disease
Mental health problems
Violence and Injuries
On completion of the module, learners will be able to:
Critically appraise the latest information on the Global Burden of Disease releases and understand how these data fit with countries own noncommunicable disease (NCD) policies
Discuss global drivers of cardiovascular disease (including nutrition, physical activity, salt intake, and smoking)
Explain the global epidemiology of NCDs
Describe the strategies being used to prevent and control the major NCDs
Discuss how evidence can affect policy related to NCDs
Discuss the implications of the Sustainable Development Goals for noncommunicable diseases
Cognitive: Think critically, display a systematic approach to problem solving, assessment and evaluation
Transferable: Engage in self-directed learning, demonstrate enhanced information technology skills and effective use of key global data bases, oral and written communication
6 weeks
This module will cover the following topics:
Economic evaluation methods
Economic evaluation practice
Behavioural economics applied to health
Health and healthcare disparities
Policy analysis
On completion of this module the successful student should be able to:
• Appraise the fundamental theoretical and practical concepts and tools of economic evaluation
• Critically appraise a published economic evaluation
• Use decision analysis to estimate the cost-effectiveness and represent uncertainty around threshold willingness to pay
• Demonstrate understanding of the use of behavioural economics to further public health goals in practical situations
• Appraise the incorporation of equity into health system goals
• Critically engage with the key global health policy questions of care system finance and delivery, and access to interventions and/or technologies
• Explain alternative systems of healthcare finance and delivery and their relationship with performance
• critical thinking,
• systematic approach to problem solving,
• systematic approach to assessment or evaluation,
• self-directed learning
• written and verbal communication skills
• information technology skills
• time management.
• Application of applied quantitative techniques
6 weeks
This module will cover the following topics:
Qualitative approaches and paradigms
Common research designs in public health, including mixed methods
Applying the ‘Decision Matrix’ when designing a qualitative study
Developing a qualitative research question
Sampling and recruitment issues
Qualitative data collection (generic and approach-specific) methods
Qualitative data analysis (generic and approach-specific) methods
Qualitative reporting
Evaluating a qualitative study for rigour
On completion of this module students should be able to:
(Knowledge and Understanding)
Explain paradigms used in qualitative research and how they affect study design.
Describe how methodological considerations influence the research process.
Apply the Qualitative Decision Points Guide when designing a qualitative research proposal (submitted as a written assignment).
Compare and contrast qualitative data collection methods, with an emphasis on interviews and focus groups.
Compare and contrast qualitative data analysis methods, with a focus on both generic and approach-specific methods.
Compare and contrast thematic and qualitative content analysis methods
Critically appraise, review and report on a qualitative research paper published in a peer-reviewed journal as a group oral presentation.
Describe various ways to increase rigour (trustworthiness) in a qualitative study
Model the contents of a qualitative audit trail
Explain criteria used to ensure a qualitative study is ethical (design and conduct, with an emphasis on PPI).
Subject Specific (Intellectual and Research Skills)
Develop research questions appropriate for use in a qualitative study or the qualitative component of a mixed methods study that address a public health issue plus supports sustainable development.
Design a rigorous qualitative study based on interview/focus group data for submission as a qualitative research proposal.
Critically appraise a published qualitative study.
(Transferable and Generic Skills)
Manage and analyse qualitative data.
Be able to discuss the ethical considerations that relate to different types of qualitative research.
Justify how to present research ideas.
6 weeks
Appropriate discrete academic or service (health improvement, health protection, or health and social care) public health research-based, analytical project – this may be based on a placement.
On completion of this module students should be able to:
Identify, characterise, define, describe and communicate a public health issue or problem;
Collect, generate, synthesise, appraise, analyse, interpret and communicate quantitative or qualitative information that relates to health status, health determinants, health outcomes, health risks or health needs of defined populations;
Critically assess and interpret available health evidence, and formulate options for effective, efficient and equitable action;
Make recommendations for policy and practice
Subject-specific skills: Apply rigorous research methodology to addressing a public health problem or issue
Cognitive skills: critical and analytical thinking, systematic approach to problem solving, systematic approach to assessment or evaluation.
Transferable Skills: self-directed learning, written communication skills, information technology skills, project and time management
15 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
A 2.2 Honours degree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University in a public health-related subject is required. Evidence of equivalent professional qualifications (MBBS, BDS BSc or BVSc) or experience will be considered on an individual basis.
Intercalating Medical and Dental Applicants:
i) QUB:
Intercalating medical and dental students within QUB will be considered if:
a) QUB 3rd year students – must pass all 3rd year modules at first attempt achieving an overall profile of 2.2 equivalent*.
b) QUB 4th year students - must pass all 3rd year modules at first attempt achieving an overall profile of 2.2 equivalent* and also pass all 4th year modules at first attempt.
c) have permission to intercalate from either the Director of Medical Education or Dentistry as appropriate.
ii) External:
An external medical or dental student wishing to intercalate will be considered if:
a) they have successfully completed all assessments at first attempt for the year in which they are applying.
b) they have achieved at least an overall Lower Second Class Honours degree standard as determined by their University.
c) they have permission to intercalate from their Medical or Dental School, as appropriate.
iii) International:
a) Applicants who are currently studying an overseas Medical (e.g. MBBS or MBChB) or Dental degree at a recognised institution acceptable to the University, may apply.
b) Applicants must have passed all assessments at first attempt for the year in which they are applying, normally 3rd year for those completing a 5 year programme or 4th year for those completing a 6 year programme.
c) Applicants may be required to provide details of the medical or dental curriculum they are studying in order to confirm compatibility.
d) Have permission to intercalate from their Medical or Dental School, as appropriate.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally not later than 31st July 2025. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal prior to the deadline stated on course finder. Notifications to this effect will appear on the application portal against the programme application page.
Please note: A deposit will be required to secure a place on this course.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS Academic test score of 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the four elements or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University (taken within the last 2 years). IELTS test result/qualification must be submitted by 30 June 2025.
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
MPH in Global Health graduates will have the skills and knowledge foundation to pursue global public health career opportunities in the health and social care sector, health-related non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and with governmental bodies formulating policy and practice guidelines.
The top ranked candidate in the year will receive a Book Prize and Certificate of Merit.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £8,800 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £8,800 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,250 |
EU Other 3 | £21,500 |
International | £21,500 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
Students have the option to hire a locker, at a cost of £5 per student, per year.
Terms and Conditions for Postgraduate applications
1.1 Due to high demand, there is a deadline for applications.
1.2 You will be required to pay a deposit to secure your place on the course. The current mandatory tuition fee deposit payment is:
• £400 for Domestic (NI/ROI/GB) students
• £1000 International (Non- EU & EU except ROI).
1.3 This condition of offer is in addition to any academic or English language requirements.
Read the full terms and conditions at the link below:
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding