Module Code
This course supports individuals who wish to undertake sustainability-focused roles in a wide range of engineering and manufacturing sectors in relation to hydrogen energy and achieving our 2050 Net Zero Emission targets . Specifically, it will provide detailed understanding and training in hydrogen generation and use for clean energy applications as well as hydrogen system design and integration with existing infrastructure. In association with the Postgraduate Certificate in Zero Carbon Engineering, this certificate course will help provide training and support for regional, national and international transition towards a net-zero economy.
On completion of the course the student will be able to:
• Demonstrate awareness of the various hydrogen energy options and evaluate how these can be deployed in different scenarios.
• Exercise investigation and critical analysis of the published literature to produce technical and economical evaluations of hydrogen technologies.
• Build skills in the modelling of systems and understand the complexity of achieving energy production which contributes towards net-zero.
• Effectively communicate hydrogen energy options to a wide range of stakeholders ranging from the general public though to industry and policy developers.
You are someone who is interested in the energy transition towards achieving our Net Zero Emissions targets. That could be in relation to understanding more about the fundamental process and how we can achieve it or developing the skills to directly contribute within your current sector or industry. You could be someone already working within the renewable energy sector or someone thinking about reskilling and beginning a career in a more sustainability-focused role.
You will gain a strong foundation in the engineering and associated skills that are needed to underpin growth in the renewable energy sector. This includes exploring current low-carbon energy manufacturing routes, advancements in emerging technologies, and assessing and modelling sustainability. You will therefore be well placed to support existing and new industries in their energy system transition. Students completing this course will possess skills in each of these areas which are increasingly sought by local and international employers for positions such as a low-carbon technology engineers, carbon consultants and low-carbon solutions managers. You will therefore be well placed to support existing and new industries in their energy system transition which will play a key role in the growing local and global economy.
The course is taught by leading academics from across the faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences including the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering which is a unique and internationally recognized School.
Sustainability is one of the School’s two core themes. Core staff are leading multi-million pound research projects on sustainability and net zero research. As the UK’s only combined Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School within the Russell group, our experts very well placed to equip the next generation of scientists to address these issues.
We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of global employers from a variety of sectors including large energy producers (as well as smaller industries) including Horiba Mira and Petronas. Furthermore, we work with a range of local and start-up/spin-out companies including Wright Bus, Green Lizard Technologies and Nuada.
Course content
The course will be divided across three 20 CATS modules and will utilize online delivery and blended-learning activities to enable students to access learning materials in a highly flexible manner, compatible with a part-time mode of study.
The aim of this programme is to provide students with a strong foundation in the engineering and associated skills that are needed to underpin growth in the hydrogen economy.
This course will start in September 2025 and run until mid-May 2026. Assessment activities will be carried out throughout the course and may extend beyond individual module teaching blocks. Students on the course will need to have access to a computer with internet access.
The course will be divided across three 20 CATS modules (60 CATS total) and will utilize online delivery and blended-learning activities to enable students to access learning materials in a highly flexible manner, compatible with a part-time mode of study. Delivery will take the form of pre-recorded lectures and reading material being made available to students on a weekly basis, followed by regular synchronous online workshops, seminars and Q&A sessions to ensure continuous engagement with the students.
Blended teaching and assessments will be delivered via a mixture of pre-recorded lectures, live online workshop and seminar classes and self-directed study and practice materials. In addition, a short guest lecture series will be delivered with lecturers from industry.
Fundamental Principles of Hydrogen Generation and Use
Hydrogen System Integration
Hydrogen System Design
This programme (60 CATS), along with the one in Hydrogen Energy Systems (60 CATS), can also contribute towards the MSc in Net Zero Engineering (180 CATS). Students who are interested in using this certificate to build towards the MSc in Net Zero Engineering are encouraged to contact the MSc Programme Director.
Chemical Engineering
Dr Skillen is Programme Director for Net Zero Engineering courses. He has previously held a fellowship with the UKRI Supergen Bioenergy Hub. Nathan holds a BSc (Hons) in Molecular Biology with Biosciences from Robert Gordon University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the same institute (in collaboration with the University of St. Andrews and California Institute of Technology). His research focusses on photocatalytic technology development for a range of applications centred around environmental remediation and energy production. He currently has a lead role in the Photocatalytic Technology Research Group (PhotoTech R&D) at QUB. Dr Skillen has published several research articles and book chapters and currently sits on the international editorial board of Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier) and was part of a team of 10 researchers from across the UK that created the first graphic novel on Bioenergy.
Chemical Engineering
Dr Gui is interested in synthesis of solar fuel energy and finding energy-efficient solutions for conversion of carbon dioxide into useful chemicals such as zero-carbon hydrocarbon fuel.
Our online delivery aims replicate the interactive and engaging nature of an on-campus delivery
There is online advisory support for learners to connect with experts who provide bespoke one-to-one support. Offered - Monday to Friday, daytime to early evening, to flexibly support leaners.
Regular practice activities including set exercises, problem sheets and other tasks to reinforce learning and build practical skills.
There are regular seminar classes to allow students to engage with lecturers and ask questions about the taught material within the teaching blocks.
Workshops will consolidate learning and further explore course topics. These will be delivered live via Teams to permit learners to connect and ask / answer questions. The classes will also be recorded to permit flexible on-demand access.
Assessment will be continuous.
The McClay library at QUB provides you with online access to relevant journals (e.g. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy), books and other research literature. Key databases including Scopus and the Web of Science are also at your disposal (see the library’s information guide [] for an overview). If you would like help with making the most of the wide range of available sources, your subject librarian at the library can be contacted for advice and one-to-one support.
Investment continues to be made in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering extending our range of facilities. The well-equipped research laboratories are augmented by excellent computational facilities and some of the most modern instrumentation available from HPLC, GC and mass spectrometers, to FT-IR, UV-Vis and Fluorescence spectroscopy, dedicated to the training of analytical techniques. Significant additions to open-access equipment have been made recently and all activities are supported by a highly trained team of technicians.
For further information please see:
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Kevin Morgan Block 1: 1 lecture
David Rooney Block 1: 3 lectures
Nicole Gui Block 2: 2 lectures
Jehad Abu-Dahrieh Block 2: 2 lectures
Peter Knockerman Block 2: 1 lecture
Robin Curry Block 3: TBC
Chunfei Wu Block 3: TBC
Lorenzo Stella Block 3: TBC
TBC Block 4: 3 lectures
Summary of Lecture Content:
This module covers the design and modelling of hydrogen energy systems, including systems integration, basics of control and dynamics, storage, and safety. The content delivered here will build on the core principles explored in CHE7204 with more focus on the engineering aspects associated with whole hydrogen systems including using case studies as key examples. The module will be delivered over the following four Blocks:
Block 1: Engineering properties of Hydrogen
Within this block students will gain a deeper understanding of the key physical properties which influence the design of hydrogen systems including thermodynamic properties for compression and the processes of diffusion and solubility which impact on choices of metallurgy, seals, and other components of the system.
• Block 1 Lectures:
o Lecture 1: Key thermodynamic and engineering properties and equations for hydrogen systems
o Lecture 2: Diffusion and solubility fundamentals and their impact in hydrogen energy systems
o Lecture 3: Tools for property prediction and use
Block 2: Hydrogen energy systems and integration
This block breaks down examples of existing hydrogen energy systems into the individual sub-systems and technologies and provides greater detail on the function and underpinning science and engineering associated with their design. This will include areas such as hydrogen storage, tank design and sizing, cooling/heating, pressure reduction etc. It builds on the knowledge and understanding gained in Module CHE7204 (Block 1 and 4) and Block 1 of this module and applies this to real life systems. This Block is also supported with Workshop 1 and 2 which explores an on-going project being developed locally.
• Block 2 Lectures:
o Lecture 4: Applied process flow diagrams for hydrogen generation and use Lecture 5: Design calculations for hydrogen system heat exchanges and pressure change processes.
o Lecture 6: Engineering design of chemical and electrochemical hydrogen generation systems and cycles
o Lecture 7: Integration of hydrogen generation and power management including battery technology
Block 3: Hydrogen system modelling
Here students will develop models to evaluate the behaviour of energy systems. This will include the use of process simulation tools to evaluate the system. The block will also include core aspects of control and system dynamics to gain a more detailed understanding of system behaviour. This Block is supported by Workshop 3.
• Block 3 Lectures:
o Lecture 8: Process simulation of hydrogen energy systems.
o Lecture 9: Control dynamics of energy systems
o Lecture 10: Unsteady state operations: matching generation to production
Block 4: Hydrogen safety and design codes
In this last block students will become familiar with safety and design codes associated with hydrogen systems and will be able to undertake preliminary risk assessments of such systems. Students will also explore the importance of hydrogen safety protocol development and the role it plays in both current processes and emerging technologies. The content delivered in this Block is supported by Workshop 4.
• Block 4 Lectures:
o Lecture 11: Key principles of hydrogen safety
o Lecture 12: Existing hydrogen infrastructure safety protocols
o Lecture 13: Risk assessment approaches to hydrogen safety
Summary of Workshops:
• Workshop 1: Case study on hydrogen purification from different synthesis routes
• Workshop 2: Case study on the Belfast power-to-X project for hydrogen storage
• Workshop 3: Simulation of a hydrogen power train
• Workshop 4: Hydrogen safety workshop
Summary of Module Delivery:
Each of the four blocks consists of online asynchronous content with synchronous content delivered via Teams and will be delivered over a period of 3 weeks (on average). Blocks 2-4 are supported with workshops which will be delivered live (and recorded) and will provide an opportunity to explore topics in more detail and allow students to engage in discussions with staff.
At the end of the module the students are expected to:
• Describe and demonstrate a detailed understanding of the various components which are included in a hydrogen energy system.
• Describe the impact and use of the core physical and chemical properties of hydrogen under varying process conditions in the design of system components.
• Explain the fundamental science involved with diffusion and solubility in relation to hydrogen
• Demonstrate an understanding of standard engineering process flow diagrams and their importance in the communication of the process design
• Discuss key examples of hydrogen energy sub-systems including purification and membrane technology
• Describe the fundamental principles and components of the Rankine and Brayton cycles
• Investigate system integration including impact of combinations with battery technology.
• Develop models which can predict hydrogen systems behaviour and energy output.
• Demonstrate the importance of control dynamics in multicomponent and multiphase energy systems
• Define the key principles of hydrogen safety including hazard and risk identification and processes and safety features of current technologies and infrastructure
• Describe the importance of hydrogen safety and associated protocols in relation to production, transport and storage
• Discuss and apply control strategies and safety standards associated with hydrogen energy systems.
Skills Associated with Module:
• Increased STEM
• Improved modelling
• Safety awareness
• Critical and interdisciplinary thinking.
• Ability to review literature, to produce written documents and reports.
• Analytical skills
Full Year
24 weeks
Jillian Thompson Block 1: 3 lectures
Andrew Doherty Block 2: 1 lecture
1 workshop
Paul Kavanagh Block 2: 3 lectures
1 workshop
Nicole Gui Block 1: 2 lectures
1 workshop
Chunfei Wu Block 3: 1 lecture
1 workshop
Nathan Skillen Block 3: 3 lectures
1 workshop
Kevin Morgan Block 4: 3 lectures
Summary of Lecture Content:
This module covers current and future routes for the production and use of hydrogen and is focused on developing the underpinning science and engineering associated with each key stage of the hydrogen value chain. This will provide students with an understanding of what is needed to support the design of hydrogen energy systems. The course is split over four blocks which broadly cover catalytic, electrochemical, and emerging technologies, as well as hydrogen separation technologies.
Block 1: Large scale hydrogen production
This block introduces and covers the evolution of the hydrogen sector showing how this is produced globally at large scale within the oil and gas sector. Within the block students will gain a detailed understanding of reforming technologies including the core chemistry and engineering associated with them. Students will gain an understanding of mass and energy balances, catalyst deactivation and other key factors needed to clearly discuss, describe, and perform initial design calculations of catalytic systems for hydrogen generation. Workshops 1 and 2 will also be provided to support the content delivered in this Block.
• Block 1 Lectures:
o Lecture 1: Fundamentals of hydrogen; overview of categories and manufacturing routes
o Lecture 2: Introduction to current production methods 1; an overview of refineries, reforming, pyrolysis and gasification
o Lecture 3: Introduction to current production methods 2; environmental impact and challenges
o Lecture 4: Understanding the energy and mass balance 1
o Lecture 5: Understanding the energy and mass balance 2
Block 2: Electrochemical approaches
This block covers the principal scientific basis of electrochemistry with a focus on hydrogen. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of energy efficiency as well as electrochemical methods for hydrogen generation including electrolysis, fuel cells and basic battery technologies. In addition, an understanding will be gained on the importance of key concepts such as voltage, current density and materials design to support design calculations. Students will also explore the key factors which influence the efficiency of electrochemical devices for hydrogen generation and conversion. Workshop 3 will be delivered to support the content of this Block.
• Block 2 Lectures:
o Lecture 6: Introduction to electrolysis, electrolysers, and electrochemical hydrogen production
o Lecture 7: Industrial electrolysis - polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis
o Lecture 8: The efficiency of electrochemical devices for hydrogen generation
o Lecture 9: Electrochemical utilisation of hydrogen; introduction to fuel cells
Block 3: Emerging technologies for hydrogen systems
This block investigates new and emerging technologies for hydrogen production, looking at the key factors which are driving novel research. The block will provide students with the ability to critically evaluate technologies as well as evaluate emerging power generation, utilising photochemical routes as a primary example. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) will be introduced as a tool for determining feasibility and viewing challenges associated with the selected examples. The content delivered in this Block will be supported by Workshop 4 and will also be further explored in greater detail in CHE7206 Block 3.
• Block 3 Lectures:
o Lecture 10: An overview of emerging technologies (including Technology Readiness Levels)
o Lecture 11: Catalyst development for hydrogen generation
o Lecture 12: Artificial Photosynthesis for hydrogen production – materials and feedstocks
o Lecture 13: Engineering challenges for photocatalytic hydrogen
Block 4: Hydrogen separation technologies
Within this block students will be introduced and develop skills related to hydrogen separation and recovery to provide hydrogen at the required purity. This is a crucial challenge and requirement of existing processes and a primary driver behind emerging technologies. The block will cover aspects of cryogenic separation, membranes, adsorption, and other existing and emerging technologies for hydrogen purification.
• Block 4 Lectures:
o Lecture 14: An introduction to hydrogen separation & purification technology
o Lecture 15: PVT diagrams and compressibility factor
o Lecture 16: Evaluating energy requirements of separation technologies
Summary of Workshops:
• Workshop 1: Performing design calculations for hydrogen systems
• Workshop 2: Calculating an energy balance for hydrogen systems
• Workshop 3: Calculating electrochemical efficiencies and energy loss
• Workshop 4: Will it work? Critically evaluating an emerging technology
Summary of Module Delivery:
Each of the four blocks consists of online asynchronous content with synchronous content delivered via Teams and will be delivered over a period of 3 weeks (on average). Blocks 1-3 are supported with workshops which will be delivered live (and recorded) and will provide an opportunity to explore topics in more detail and allow students to engage in discussions with staff.
At the end of the module students will be able to:
• Provide a detailed and comprehensive overview of the hydrogen sector including the main routes currently used for hydrogen production
• Explain the significance of the manufacturing route and source of feedstock to determine the environmental impacts and benefits of each including challenges associated with emissions.
• Categorise hydrogen into the colours associated with its feedstock source and manufacturing route.
• Perform energy balances and determine CO2 emissions associated with hydrogen production technologies.
• Describe the scientific principles of electrochemistry for hydrogen production
• Describe and evaluate the electrochemical generation and consumption of hydrogen including electrolysis and fuel cells.
• Discuss electrolysis in relation to industrial deployment and operation including the key drivers and challenges
• Exhibit an understanding of emerging technologies for hydrogen generation and group them based on their scientific principles e.g. photoelectrochemical, biological, hybrid
• Explain photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems for hydrogen generation including artificial photosynthetic processes and the core scientific principles involved.
• Highlight and discuss the need for and importance of hydrogen separation and purification technology for an energy system
• Apply an understanding of phase behaviour and physical properties to the design and function of hydrogen separation technologies.
Skills associated with this module:
• Core skills in STEM
• Critical evaluation
• Analytical skills
• Problem solving and calculations
• Systems thinking
• Communication and report writing skills
12 weeks
Kevin Morgan Block 1: 3 lectures
Design workshops
Nathan Skillen Block 1: 1 lecture
Block 2: 2 lectures
Block 4: 1 lecture and design workshops
Peter Robertson Block 2: 1 lecture
Block 4: design workshops
Chunfei Wu Block 4: design workshops
David Rooney Block 4: design workshops
Daniel McStay Block 4: design workshops
Nicole Gui Block 4: design workshops
Jillian Thompson Block 4: design workshops
Illiana Portugues (Guest lecturer, QUB visiting scholar) Block 4: dedicated workshop on innovation and entrepreneurship
Summary of Lecture Content:
This module covers exploring the drivers behind the emerging hydrogen economy including challenges and opportunities, which will be used as the rationale and context for a hydrogen power system design project. In addition, the module will also investigate what must be achieved by lower TRL systems to further develop towards operational status. The module will be split over two taught Blocks and followed by a design-led Block (equivalent of two Blocks) which will incorporate project workshops with staff, dedicated workshops from guest lecturers and practical workshops (held at Belfast Metroplitan College).
Block 1: The hydrogen economy
This block will provide a background to the hydrogen economy, including a brief history and discussion on the core principles of the current and emerging hydrogen economy along with associated opportunities and challenges. Students will also be given the context at both a regional and national level to the primary drivers including policy development and the role hydrogen energy can play in achieving global renewable energy targets. Lectures 3 and 4 will be centred around relevant case studies which investigate the role hydrogen does and can play in key sectors.
• Block 1 Lectures:
o Lecture 1: An introduction to the hydrogen economy
o Lecture 2: Drivers for hydrogen energy (including international treaties and national policies)
o Lecture 3: Lecture 3: Opportunities and challenges in hydrogen energy; the transport sector and buildings
o Lecture 4: Opportunities and challenges in hydrogen energy; smart grids and energy distribution
Block 2: Advancing lower TRL hydrogen systems towards operational use
This block will further explore the emerging technologies described in Block 3 in CHE7204, specifically focusing on the feasibility of the systems to achieve higher TRL status. Students will explore the challenges associated with technology development across the TRL scale, especially at the transitional point between academia and industry. Within this, the lecture material will outline and discuss the key parameters which must be developed including catalytic and energy efficiency, potential for system integration and what level of industrial engagement is required.
• Block 2 Lectures:
o Lecture 5: The technology horizon for emerging hydrogen systems
o Lecture 6: Low TRL case study; the rise and fall of artificial photosynthesis
o Lecture 7: Medium TRL case study; advancing biological based hydrogen systems
Block 3 & 4: Design of a hydrogen power system (project work)
This combined block will be delivered as a design project-led element which will be supported by a series of workshops and tutorials. Students will be divided into small groups (based on final admission numbers) for carrying out design projects for a hydrogen power system. Students will be given a design brief and overview of the project which will allow them to utilise the knowledge and content covered throughout the course. Following an initial introduction lecture, this block will be taught via design workshops/seminars with involvement with staff who have already delivered lecture material. Students will be asked to deliver an elevator ‘Dragons Den’ style pitch to a panel of staff with the aim of promoting and selling their hydrogen system. Dedicated workshops from guest lecturers will be given that cover basic entrepreneurship elements including investment and impact. In addition, a practical workshop will also be provided to deliver hands on training and experience of a hydrogen energy system.
• Block 3 and 4 Lectures and workshops:
o Lecture 10: Project introduction and design brief
o Design Workshops: Allocated times slots with members of staff to review and discuss progress
o Dedicated Workshop 1: Design innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment
o Dedicated Workshop 2: Practical demonstration and training of example hydrogen energy systems (e.g. fuel cells)
Summary of Module Delivery:
Block 1 and 2 consists of online asynchronous content with synchronous content delivered via Teams and will be delivered over a period of 3 weeks (on average). Blocks 3 and 4 are based on project design work conducted by small student groups. A project introduction lecture will be delivered which includes the design brief and will then be followed by a series of design tutorials/workshops. These sessions will allow students to engage with staff who have taught on the course for specific aspects of their chosen project. Two dedicated workshops will also be delivered that cover key aspects of design innovation and entrepreneurship and practical training of hydrogen energy systems. The practical workshop will be led by QUB staff but conducted and supported at Belfast Metropolitan College.
At the end of the module students will be able to:
• Describe the hydrogen economy and discuss the key drivers behind its emergence
• Provide an overview and discuss relevant international treaties and national policies currently in place for hydrogen energy
• Describe the role and relationship that policy development has with technology design and innovation
• Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of ongoing opportunities and challenges associated with hydrogen energy in transport, buildings and smart grid and distribution
• Discuss and apply the importance of assessing and critically evaluating hydrogen energy systems at different TRLs and describe what must be achieved for further advancement
• Outline key parameters on a technology roadmap to determine feasibility for deployment and wider applications
• Conduct and manage a design project for the development of a hydrogen energy system which incorporates the learning and knowledge delivered throughout the course
• Apply knowledge of operating a hydrogen energy system (e.g. fuel cells) and evaluate the key parameters which influence performance and scale up
• Assess and evaluate the key parameters associated with the design of a hydrogen system at a relevant TRL level and present those findings in a scientific report
• Deliver an elevator pitch based on the findings of project work highlighting innovation and basic entrepreneurship
Skills Associated with Module:
Core skills in underlying physical sciences, in particular physics and chemistry as applied to solving problems relevant to energy systems
Critical evaluation and systems thinking
Project design and management
Analytical skills
Communication and reporting writing skills
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
Normally a 2.2 Honours degree (or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University) in any STEM subject. Applicants who can demonstrate appropriate work experience in a process, manufacturing or related role will be considered on a case by case basis and may be required to successfully complete a brief skills assessment and/or interview.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally no later than 30th June 2025 for courses which commence in late September. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal prior to the deadline stated on course finder. Notifications to this effect will appear on the application portal against the programme application page.
Please note: a deposit will be required to secure a place.
The University's Recognition of Prior Learning Policy provides guidance on the assessment of experiential learning (RPEL). Please visit the link below for more information.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.0, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required. *Taken within the last 2 years.
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Those graduating with a PGCert in Hydrogen Energy Systems will have significantly enhanced their skills portfolio in renewable energy and will be able to effectively communicate hydrogen energy options to a wide range of stakeholders ranging from the general public though to industry and policy developers.
Employment Links
The School has excellent links with a range of established and emerging companies for whom Sustainability and the Green Economy are key platforms.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | DfE Funded students: Free / Other students: £2,434 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £2,434 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £3,083 |
EU Other 3 | £8,600 |
International | £8,600 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
No tuition fees are payable by eligible students for the programme as it is funded by the Department for the Economy’s Skill Up programme. Please refer to for further information.
Applicants must meet the entry criteria for the course and be:
• over 18 years of age;
• eligible to work in Northern Ireland;
• settled in Northern Ireland, and has been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least three years; or
is a person who has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding