- net-zero-engineering-year-industry-msc
- applied-cyber-security-professional-internship-msc
- clinical-health-psychology-msc
- applied-cyber-security-msc
- artificial-intelligence-msc
- city-planning-design-pgcert
- software-development-part-time-msc
- zero-carbon-engineering-pgcert
- net-zero-engineering-msc
- data-analytics-msc
- net-zero-engineering-distance-learning-msc
- architecture-march
- hydrogen-energy-systems-pgcert
- pharmaceutical-analysis-industrial-placement-msc
- psychological-science-msc
- pharmaceutical-analysis-msc
- clinical-health-psychology-pgdip
- professional-practice-architecture-pgcert
- midwifery-msc
- applied-developmental-psychology-msc
- biopharmaceutical-engineering-pgcert
- biopharmaceutical-engineering-year-industry-msc
- pharmaceutical-analysis-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- climate-change-pgcert
- business-agrifood-rural-enterprise-pgdip
- climate-change-msc
- business-agrifood-rural-enterprise-pgcert
- planning-development-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- education-religious-education-pgce
- pharmaceutical-analysis-international-industrial-placement-msc
- city-planning-design-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- climate-change-pgdip
- planning-development-msc
- education-modern-languages-pgce
- advanced-pharmacy-practice-msc
- education-mathematics-pgce
- biopharmaceutical-engineering-msc
- construction-project-management-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- education-social-science-pgce
- education-science-pgce
- education-english-pgce
- environmental-engineering-msc
- advanced-social-work-children-young-people-families-pgdip
- environmental-engineering-pgdip
- advanced-social-work-children-young-people-families-pgcert
- advanced-social-work-children-young-people-families-msc
- construction-project-management-msc
- construction-project-management-industrial-internship-msc
- building-information-modelling-project-management-msc
- building-information-modelling-project-management-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- educational-studies-med
- cognitive-behavioural-psychotherapy-pgdip
- youth-justice-pgdip
- systemic-practice-family-therapy-msc
- mental-health-mental-capacity-law-msc
- systemic-practice-family-therapy-pgcert
- sociology-global-inequality-msc
- social-science-research-pgdip
- childrens-rights-msc
- substance-use-substance-use-disorders-msc
- youth-justice-childrens-rights-pgcert
- teaching-english-speakers-other-languages-applied-linguistics-msc
- systemic-psychotherapy-msc
- specialist-cognitive-behavioural-therapy-msc
- educational-leadership-msc
- substance-use-substance-use-disorders-pgdip
- cognitive-behavioural-practice-pgcert
- youth-justice-msc
- substance-use-substance-use-disorders-pgcert
- social-science-research-mres
- palliative-care-pgdip
- inclusion-special-educational-needs-med
- international-business-msc
- applied-behaviour-analysis-msc
- autism-spectrum-disorders-msc
- financial-analytics-msc
- systemic-practice-family-therapy-pgdip
- mental-health-mental-capacity-law-pgdip
- childrens-rights-participation-pgcert
- management-msc
- financial-risk-management-msc
- master-business-administration-internship-mba
- master-business-administration-mba
- finance-msc
- business-analytics-msc
- actuarial-science-msc
- marketing-msc
- human-resource-management-msc
- caring-children-young-people-complex-needs-msc
- advanced-professional-clinical-practice-msc
- professional-nursing-adult-nursing-msc
- accounting-finance-msc
- advanced-professional-practice-msc
- professional-nursing-mental-health-nursing-msc
- professional-nursing-children-young-people-msc
- artificial-intelligence-pgcert
- applied-cyber-security-pgcert
- advanced-clinical-pharmacy-practice-pgcert
- industrial-pharmaceutics-msc
- advanced-clinical-pharmacy-practice-msc
- independent-prescribing-pgcert
- clinical-education-pgcert
- cancer-medicine-msc(res)
- public-health-mph
- bioinformatics-computational-genomics-msc
- global-health-mph
- mental-health-pgdip
- clinical-anatomy-msc
- creative-games-technologies-ma
- biomedical-clinical-research-msc
- building-information-modelling-project-management-industrial-internship-msc
- finance-trading-msc
- digital-business-msc
- education-computing-digital-skills-creative-enterprise-pgce
- ai-business-msc
- data-analytics-pgcert
- city-planning-design-msc
- leadership-sustainable-rural-development-msc
- leadership-sustainable-development-msc
- advanced-clinical-pharmacy-practice-pgdip
- mechanical-engineering-management-higher-level-apprenticeship-msc
- mechanical-engineering-management-industrial-internship-msc
- mechanical-engineering-pgcert
- mechanical-engineering-management-pgcert
- mechanical-engineering-management-msc
- mechanical-engineering-management-pgdip
- engineering-management-pgcert
- accounting-finance-analytics-msc
- software-development-msc
- professional-nursing-learning-disabilities-nursing-msc
- planning-development-pgcert
- electronics-msc
- electronics-professional-internship-msc
- advanced-food-safety-msc
- animal-behaviour-welfare-msc
- anthropology-ma
- anthropology-pgdip
- arts-humanities-mres
- arts-management-ma
- business-agrifood-rural-enterprise-msc
- conflict-transformation-social-justice-ma
- criminology-criminal-justice-llm
- ecological-management-conservation-biology-msc
- english-creative-writing-ma
- english-creative-writing-pgdip
- english-literary-studies-ma
- english-literary-studies-pgdip
- english-poetry-ma
- english-poetry-pgdip
- film-ma
- geopolitics-ma
- geopolitics-pgdip
- global-security-borders-ma
- history-ma
- intellectual-property-law-llm
- international-commercial-business-law-llm
- international-human-rights-law-llm
- international-public-policy-msc
- international-public-policy-pgdip
- international-relations-ma
- international-relations-pgdip
- interpreting-ma
- irish-studies-ma
- law-llm
- law-technology-llm
- linguistics-ma
- linguistics-pgcert
- linguistics-pgdip
- masters-law-mlaw
- media-broadcast-production-ma
- media-broadcast-production-pgdip
- molecular-biology-biotechnology-msc
- one-health-parasitology-infection-biology-msc
- philosophy-ma
- philosophy-pgdip
- politics-ma
- politics-pgdip
- prescribing-pharmacists-pgcert
- public-history-ma
- translation-ma
- violence-terrorism-security-ma
- violence-terrorism-security-pgdip
MSc | Postgraduate Taught
Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing

- Entry year
- Academic Year 2025/26
- Entry requirements
- 2.1
- Attendance
- 2 years (Full-time)
- Places available
- TBC (Full Time)
The MSc Professional Nursing programme will enable you to graduate with a Masters from Queen’s University Belfast and you will be eligible to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a Registered Nurse Learning Disabilities (RNLD).
Learning disabilities nurses work with children, adults and older adults with learning disabilities and their families. Learning disabilities nurses support people to improve their health and wellbeing and be as independent as possible. This is to enable and support them to live rich and fulfilling lives to be part of the communities in which they live.
Career opportunities are diverse and varied, and this programme of studies enables learning disabilities nurses to work in a range of care and support services, including child health, primary and acute care, hospitals, day and respite services, residential services, nursing homes, forensic and prison services, care of older people and end-of-life and palliative care services.
The roles undertaken by learning disabilities nurses provides rewarding, exciting and challenging career opportunities both locally and internationally. Within your learning disabilities nursing role, you will work with a diverse range of professions including doctors, clinical psychologists, therapists, and social workers to ensure that people with learning disabilities and their families receive the supports they require.
The learning disabilities nursing programme prepares students with the knowledge, skills, attributes necessary to provide person and family centred care and support which is safe and effective. As a learning disabilities nurse you will become skilled at supporting people with learning disabilities and their families in all aspects of their life. Leadership will be demonstrated through a commitment to professional values and evidence-based practice to improve health, outcomes for individuals, families, and wider communities.
Our highly experienced and motivated and committed academic lecturers are actively engaged in areas of speciality practice. Our personal tutor and link lecturer systems ensures that students are fully supported throughout their learning journey. The School of Nursing and Midwifery was awarded the Best Student Experience in 2021 Student Nursing Times Awards and the Learning Disabilities Nursing programme was rated 3rd highest by students across universities in the UK.
You will learn in our state-of-the-art clinical skills and simulation suite and complete practice placements in a range of settings. The course is taught by experts in learning disability nursing, who will support you in becoming a caring, compassionate professional, working in partnership with people, families, and communities. Our focus on interdisciplinary learning throughout the two-year course will enrich your experience and help prepare you for the reality of professional practice.
This programme is fully funded by the Department of Health for Home students; eligible students may be able to access full fees and a bursary. Students on this programme are ineligible to apply for funding from the Student Loans Company. The programme is not available as a part time programme.
If you have previously commenced or completed a DoH paid place/bursary for a pre-registration nursing, midwifery or AHP course in Northern Ireland you may not be eligible for a funded place on this programme.
We are unable to offer this programme to students who are not eligible for a funded place, which will include GB and overseas students.
Successful students will graduate with a Masters and will be eligible to register with the NMC as a Learning Disabilities nurse.
Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing highlights
Professional Accreditations
Graduates from this programme will be eligible to register with the NMC as a Learning Disabilities Nurse. This course is designed to meet the NMC Future nurse: standards of Proficiency for registered nurses and has been approved by the NMC.
Career Development
This programme provides graduates with a fast-track to an exceptional nursing career. With many employers, having a Masters provides nurses with enhanced career progression opportunities.
World Class Facilities
Students on this programme will use our new, high specification Simulation Centre, which is the first of its kind in Europe. Students will learn in teams alongside students of other disciplines, including Medicine and Pharmacy, and will be able to access the latest learning technologies.
Student Experience
Students in the School of Nursing & Midwifery at Queen's are well supported through a network of Personal Tutors inside the University, as well as Link Lecturers and supervisors on placement.
The School of Nursing and Midwifery was awarded the Best Student Experience in 2021 Student Nursing Times Awards and the Learning Disabilities Nursing programme was rated 3rd highest by students across universities in the UK.
Course content
Course Structure
The two year programme will comprise of 50% academic modules and 50% in practice learning. All modules are listed below.
Academic Modules
Students will be required to complete all compulsory modules, plus a Placement Portfolio to successfully complete this programme.
Applied Life Science
Students will develop confidence in bioscience knowledge, competence in integrating biosciences in evidence informed clinical decision making and care, and communication with multiprofessional teams and patients.
Developing Leadership and Professionalism
Students will demonstrate positive knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in leading and managing care in a diverse health and social care system. This will be achieved through the following themes:
Leadership and management;
Principles of supervision and assessment in practice;
Professional values.
Foundation of Learning Disabilities Nursing
Students will explore what it means to care for someone with a learning disability. The student will develop an awareness and understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities across the lifespan, patterns of health and wellness, factors affecting quality of care and support and inclusion and the impact on families and carers and the role of other professionals in the provision of care and support. The student will look at how to support the person to live a fulfilling life by helping improve and maintain the person's physical and mental health, by reducing barriers to healthcare and by encouraging independence in each individual.
Managing Complexity in Sustaining Health and Wellbeing for People with Learning Disabilities Across the Lifespan
Students will develop knowledge and skills on the management of complex health and care needs of adults and older adults with learning disabilities. These will include supporting people with learning disabilities with complex needs such as comorbid conditions, support with decision making and palliative and end of life care.
Students in all fields of nursing will recognise the journey of a prescription from the assessment process with the patient, to prescribing partnership, supply, storage, dispensing and administration of that medication. They will gain an understanding of the families of drugs applied across the lifespan, consider the therapeutic and adverse effects of those medications and identify factors that could modify patients’ responses to medication.
Practice Learning 1
Students will demonstrate practical knowledge and skills to promote mental and physical well-being for clients with learning disabilities across the lifespan under the following themes:
-Person centred care and positive therapeutic relationships
-Communication skills and therapeutic interventions
-Inter-professional team working
Practice Learning 2
Students will demonstrate in depth knowledge and skills underpinning the care of people with learning disabilities throughout the lifespan.
Professionalism, Caring and Communication in Nursing
This module will cover the essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to demonstrate accountability by nurses in all care settings. This includes: introduction to the four fields of nursing; person-centred care; values based nursing care; understanding wellness; compassion, empathy; ensuring equality and diversity is respected across vulnerable populations.
Public Health and Supporting People with Chronic Health Care Needs
Students will explore how health is conceptualised locally and globally. They will demonstrate understanding of the role of public health in maintaining the health of individuals and communities including vulnerable populations with specific health needs
Quality Improvement in an Interprofessional Context - Part A
Students will demonstrate the skills to plan a Quality Improvement project translating evidence into practice as part of an interprofessional team. Students will undertake a critical review of the literature and develop a Quality Improvement project proposal demonstrating their ability to plan and implement the project, analyse the data and disseminate the findings.
Quality Improvement in an Interprofessional Context - Part B
Students will demonstrate the skills to plan a Quality Improvement project translating evidence into practice as part of an interprofessional team. Students will undertake a critical review of the literature and develop a QI project proposal demonstrating their ability to plan and implement the project, analyse the data and disseminate the findings..
Safe Medicate 2
This module provides numeracy and problem solving skills that underpin medication dosage calculations preparing students for safe clinical practice.
Safe Medicate 3
Having developed insight into key formula, students will engage and apply previous knowledge in more complex field specific scenarios preparing students for safe clinical practice as they prepare for entry to the register.
People teaching you
Programme Lead LD, MSc Professional NursingSchool of Nursing & Midwifery
Contact Teaching Hours
Medium Group Teaching
25 (hours maximum)
This is a full time programme using blended learning. Students should be available to either attend class or complete all online elements across the week. 100% attendance is required for face to face teaching.
Personal Study
0 (hours maximum)
Students will be expected to prepare for classes and develop assignments during unscheduled time.
Learning and Teaching
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable student to achieve their full academic potential.
On the MSc Professional Nursing we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society and make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners. Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
E-Learning technologies
Information associated with lectures and assignments is often communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. A range of e-learning experiences are also embedded in the degree through, for example: interactive group workshops in a flexible learning space, podcasts and interactive web-based learning activities.
Introduce information about new topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers)
Personal Tutor
Students are allocated a Personal Tutor who meets with them on several occasions during each year to support their academic development.
Practical and Simulation Based Education
Where you will have opportunities to develop technical skills and apply theoretical principles to real-life or practical contexts in our groundbreaking simulation centre. All nursing students have opportunities to engage in interprofessional education (IPE) activities. You will be expected to attend 100% of classes within your nursing modules.
Self-directed study
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s student when important private reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback to date and research work for assignments is carried out.
Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 10-20 students). These provide an opportunity for students to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess your own progress and understanding with the support of peers. You should also expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups
Work Practice placements
Students will undertake clinical placements regularly throughout the programme. This enhances the link from theory to practice in nursing and provides students with a wide variety of opportunities and experiences in all fields of nursing. It is an essential component of the programme, ensuring that the student has sufficient opportunities to develop skill and competence in care provision and decision making, meeting the requirements for professional registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2020).
Placements in Learning Disabilities Nursing can be anywhere in Northern Ireland; students should expect to travel to placements. When on placements every student is assigned a Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor, who are trained in teaching within the clinical setting. Students should expect to work night shifts and/or long days on a regular basis while on placement
Assessments will be carried out in a variety of formats, including written assignments, exams, presentations etc.
- The way in which you are assessed will vary according to the learning objectives of each module. Modules are assessed through project work, written assignments, written and oral examinations and clinical skills assessment. Details of how each module is assessed are shown in the Module Handbook which is provided to all students at the start of each module
In 2021 the Faculty opened a new, fully integrated teaching facility, designed to enable teaching of nursing, midwifery, medical and pharmacy students. The facility includes treatment rooms, operating theatres and immersive simulation. Students work in teams in simulated scenarios where they will learn to manage real-life situations.
This is a groundbreaking programme which will equip students with the skills and knowledge to forge a successful career as a Learning Disabilities Nurse. Graduates from this programme will be equipped to become leaders in their field.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Course content
Entry requirements
Entrance requirements
All applicants must normally have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C/4 to include English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (i.e. Biology/Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Double Award Science or Single Award Science) or equivalent qualifications acceptable to the University. GCSE Applied Science is not acceptable in lieu of GCSE Science. Essential Skills, Level 2 in Application of Number is not acceptable in lieu of GCSE Mathematics grade C/4. (Qualified nurses and midwives may be considered to have met the GCSE entry requirements).
In addition to the GCSE requirements, or acceptable equivalent, all applicants must have an Honours degree in any subject with an award of 2.1 or above. Candidates with an Honours degree in any subject with an award of 2.2 will be considered on a case by case basis.
Applicants with a 3rd Class Honours degree or Ordinary degree would be deemed to hold the equivalent academic standing of an Honours degree, provided they hold additional post graduate qualifications in a health and social care related field alongside relevant healthcare experience. These applicants will be assessed through the provision of certificates and within the GEMS Portfolio completed as part of the admissions criteria for admission to the programme. All applicants applying via this entry route must meet the GCSE (or acceptable equivalent) requirements above.
Nurses who have graduated with a BSc (Ordinary) in Nursing or equivalent, would be deemed to hold the equivalent academic standing of a BSc (Honours) with a minimum of one year's practice in nursing. N.B. This would not apply to students who took a BSc (Ord) as an exit degree due to part failure of their programme. All applicants applying via this entry route must meet the GCSE (or acceptable equivalent) requirements above.
Students who have a first degree in nursing and who are registered with the NMC will be eligible to apply for a field of practice in which they are currently not registered.
Applicants are required to complete a portfolio of evidence as part of their application. The portfolio is available to download as a supplementary form from the Additional Information section when completing your application on the Direct Applications Portal. It should include evidence of 650 hours of verified direct care, and personal statements that reflect the skills, knowledge and attributes for nurses based on the NMC Code. The portfolio is considered alongside the academic entrance requirements. Applicants who satisfy the academic and portfolio requirements or will be able to do so by 31st August 2025, will be shortlisted for interview. Please submit your portfolio as soon as possible and preferably at time of application. Qualified nurses and midwives will be considered to have met the portfolio condition and will not be required to submit a portfolio to be considered for interview. However, applicants with a BSc (Ordinary) in Nursing will be required to complete a portfolio for RPL purposes.
Interviews will normally take place in early summer and will evaluate the candidate's experience of healthcare, or other relevant direct care employment, paid or voluntary, as well as the skills, knowledge and attitudes expected of graduates.
Closing date for applications: Friday 16th May 2025 at 4pm
In 2025 we are unable to offer this programme to students who are not eligible for a funded place, which will include GB and overseas students. In addition, students who have already received Department of Health funding for pre-registration Nursing, Midwifery or AHP courses in Northern Ireland will not be eligible to join this programme.
The University's Recognition of Prior Learning Policy provides guidance on the assessment of experiential learning (RPEL). Please visit the link below for more information.
International Students
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
English Language Requirements
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 7.0, with not less than 7.0 in reading, listening and speaking, and no less than 6.5 in writing, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required. *Taken within the last 2 years.
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see: www.qub.ac.uk/EnglishLanguageReqs.
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
- Academic English: an intensive English language and study skills course for successful university study at degree level
- Pre-sessional English: a short intensive academic English course for students starting a degree programme at Queen's University Belfast and who need to improve their English.
Career Prospects
Career opportunities are diverse and varied, and this programme of studies enables learning disabilities nurses to work in a range of care and support services, including child health, primary and acute care, hospitals, day and respite services, residential services, nursing homes, forensic and prison services, care of older people and end-of-life and palliative care services.
The roles undertaken by learning disabilities nurses provides rewarding, exciting and challenging career opportunities both locally and internationally. Within your learning disabilities nursing role, you will work with a diverse range of professions including doctors, clinical psychologists, therapists, and social workers to ensure that people with learning disabilities and their families receive the supports they require.
Studying for an MSc Professional Nursing degree at Queen’s will assist you in developing the core skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions. Graduates from Queen’s are well regarded by employers both nationally and internationally.
The majority of our graduates pursue a career in nursing which is an interesting, rewarding and challenging career where work can be in a variety of health care settings from accident and emergency to working in patients' homes, with people of all ages and backgrounds. Nursing can also offer a diverse range of post registration opportunities to specialise in areas such as public health and health promotion; as well as education and research
Employment after the Course
Graduates of this programme will have the opportunity to quickly gain access to higher level and management roles, building an exceptional career from the very beginning.
Professional Opportunities
Further study is also an option open to Nursing graduates, and some may choose to follow a research pathway. There is a range of PhD Nursing opportunities available within the School; click here for more information.
Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award for extra-curricular skills
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Tuition Fees
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | Commissioned – no fee / Non-commissioned £9,215* |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | Commissioned – no fee / Non-commissioned £9,215* |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | Course not open |
EU Other 3 | Course not open |
International | Course not open |
*Non-commisioned fee of £9,215 is subject to change for 2025-26
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
Additional course costs
All students entering this programme are required to undergo an enhanced disclosure check with Access NI which costs £33.
In Year 1 students must buy a uniform from a QUB-selected uniform supplier (approximate cost £180), and a name badge (£10).
All students on this programme will undertake clinical placements, which can be anywhere in Northern Ireland. Students are responsible for funding travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. These costs vary depending on the location and duration of the placements. Some reimbursement may be available for funded students.
Students may wish to buy a Fob Watch or Pinard Horn, approximate cost £15.
Non-funded students pay a placement charge which is for the provider facilitating the clinical placement. It is collected by the QUB Student Finance Office and is passed on to our placement provider partners. The cost for 2024-25 was £4,500 per year and may be subject to change.
This charge will be owed for each academic year a placement has commenced. Students who require a temporary withdrawal from their programme during an academic year will still be liable for this charge each year, regardless of the duration completed.
Please note that students on an NHS funded place cannot apply for loan funding from Student Finance NI.
To be eligible for a commissioned (funded) place, students must normally be resident in NI or RoI for at least 3 years before the start of the programme. More information is available in the Bursaries Booklet, available here: https://hscbusiness.hscni.net/services/2662.htm
Link to website with information: https://www.qub.ac.uk/Study/Feesandfinance/doh-funded-courses/
We are unable to offer this programme to students who are not eligible for a funded place, which will include GB and overseas students. If you have previously been in receipt of a DoH paid place/bursary for a pre-registration nursing, midwifery or AHP course in Northern Ireland you may not be eligible for a funded place on this programme. Funded students cannot access funding from Student Finance NI.
All Students
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
How do I fund my study?
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
International Scholarships
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at www.qub.ac.uk/Study/international-students/international-scholarships.
How to Apply
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding