Module Code
Political violence, terrorism, and civil conflict have seriously affected the lives of millions of people around the world. Moreover, the legacy of 9/11, the rise of groups like ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and the emergence of far-right groups in the West have brought questions about the nature, evolution, causes, and consequences of non-state political violence to the forefront of academic, policymaking, media, and popular debates. Similarly, security responses to these challenges feature prominently in global politics. Governments pursue security strategies to preserve order and protect their citizens. Yet many governments also participate in conflict and political violence by holding onto power and preserving systemic injustices.
The Post-Graduate Diploma in Violence, Terrorism and Security at Queen’s University Belfast provides you the tools to understand and critically engage with these issues. It equips you with the foundations and the most up-to-date research and methodologies in the fields of terrorism studies, security studies and conflict analysis. This programme helps students develop a critical and analytical approach to the study of the use of political violence and terrorism in history and the contemporary world. The Postgraduate Diploma in Violence, Terrorism and Security also challenges accepted wisdom and opens debate about the role of violence in relation to political power in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It assesses state responses to the threat of terrorism and the challenge for security.
This programme provides you with the essential transferable skills and in-depth knowledge of theories and issues in the areas of violence, security, and terrorism for career development at any stage, from students straight from an undergraduate degree with limited to no prior professional experience, to those seeking continued professional development. This programme enables you to broaden your horizons providing you with a competitive edge in a global graduate market in a wide variety of areas such as the security sector, including intelligence agencies, government agencies and public office, the military, NGOs, academia, businesses and corporations, and the media among many other possibilities.
This programme offers a unique opportunity to develop your knowledge, understanding, transferable skills and critical engagement with central issues in the study of political violence and terrorism as well as state responses to these challenges.
Located in Belfast, Northern Ireland we offer a unique opportunity for our students to access and engage with a community context previously challenged by violence, terrorism, and security as part of the programme of study. Our students have the opportunity to live and study in a post-conflict environment with access to guest lecturers who were involved in Northern Irish conflict, the peace process, including researchers, policy makers and ex-combatants.
The programme provides you with a competitive edge in a global graduate market in a wide variety of areas such as the security sector, including intelligence agencies, government agencies and public office, the military, NGOs, academia, businesses and corporations, and the media.
Queen’s University Belfast campus is at the heart of Belfast’s culture, as well as its art and social scenes. We’re proud to be part of a bustling, cosmopolitan city boasting a vibrant social life and rich cultural heritage.
The McClay Library, which opened in 2009, blends the best features of a traditional library with the latest technology. It brings together a wide-ranging library, computing and media services in a single location as well as offering study facilities suitable for quiet study and group work.
Queen's University Belfast is a member of the Russell Group, combining excellence in research and education with a student-centred ethos.
We have a world class Graduate School. The Graduate School provides an exclusive postgraduate hub that values the needs of our students.
Our teaching staff have global standing as experts in their field. They regularly interface with policymakers, government representatives, and NGOs.
We also have excellent links to our Research Institutes, such as the Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.
Located in Belfast, Northern Ireland we offer a unique opportunity for our students to access and engage with a community context previously challenged by violence, terrorism and security as part of the programme of study. Our students have the opportunity to live and study in a post-conflict environment.
We also hold numerous events and guest lecturers who were involved in Northern Irish conflict, the peace process, and including researchers, policymakers to ex-combatants. We offer an optional extra-curricular custom-designed field visit to Brussels organised by our partners in the Leuven Institute where students engage with counterterrorism experts, security practitioners in NATO, EU Commission and various NGOs. This optional extra is subsidised but will incur some additional costs.
Our programme attracts international award holders of the highest calibre, including Marshall and Mitchell scholars. Study with like-minded students from various backgrounds in VTS. Some of our students have previous experience in the United Nations, national police forces, military, among many others, before coming to study with us.
Queen’s is ranked in the top 170 in the world for graduate prospects (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022).
Queen’s ranked 18 in the world for international outlook (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023).
Ranked =13th in the UK for research intensity (Complete University Guide 2023).
Queen's is ranked 10th in the UK for graduate prospects (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024).
Course content
The Post-Graduate Diploma (PgDip) consists of six core taught modules/classes, but students do not complete an MA dissertation. The PgDip is a credit-bearing and internationally recognised post-graduate degree, but it is not the equivalent to a Master’s degree. It is both an entry and exit route. Moving from a PgDip to an MA: Students who are registered on the PgDip are invited to register and complete the MA upon successful completion of the six core taught modules/classes.
Students take 6 modules across 2 semesters. Students take 3 required core modules in the Autumn semester. Then students take 1 required core module and 2 elective modules in the Spring semester.
This programme is designed to provide you cross-cutting transferable skills and in-depth knowledge of theories and issues in the areas of conflict analysis, political violence, terrorism studies, security studies and peace science. The programme covers how different sub-disciplines approach the study of similar phenomena (i.e. political violence, terrorism, peace processes, etc.) to provide a comprehensive and critical engagement with the subject matter. It provides for a range of approaches of understanding of these issues from critical theoretical perspectives to quantitative political scientific methodologies.
Dr Andrew Thomson is a Senior Lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast and a Fellow at the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice. He is the convenor/director of the MA in Violence, Terrorism and Security and among the many staff that teach in this programme.
His research interests include pro-government militias and civilian defence forces, dynamics of violence in civil war, counterinsurgency and "irregular" warfare, and state violence. Andrew is an expert on militias and mercenaries in US foreign policy. His book, Outsourced Empire: How Militias, Mercenaries and Contractors Support US Statecraft, examined various non-state armed forces in US-led interventions around the world. Andrew is also well-known for his work on civilian self-defence forces. He is interested in how using civilians as combatants or security forces in counterinsurgency settings, as in Iraq with the Sons of Iraq program, affect insurgent targets of violence. Finally, he also focuses on the current peace process in Colombia in the context of multiple armed groups. He recently completed a project funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund on how FARC members’ interactions with other armed organisations influenced their disarmament process. He is also on the governing council of the Conflict Research Society (CRS).
Dr Heather Johnson’s research focuses on irregular migration and asylum seekers, border security, and the practices of resistance, solidarity and protest of non-citizens. She is interested in developing new understandings of mobility and non-citizenship, and particularly in new methods for engaging with these issues.
Dr Jamie Hagen's research is at the intersection of gender, security studies and queer theory. She researches LGBTQ inclusion in Women, Peace and Security practices as well as queer analysis of security studies more broadly. She is Co-Director of the Centre for Gender in Politics.
Dr Keith Breen’s research areas are political and social theory, his focus being questions of political ethics and philosophies of work and economic organization.
Dr Maria Deiana's research deploys feminist and other critical perspectives to examine the interrelated issues of war, peace, security. Her monograph titled 'Gender and Citizenship: Promises of Peace in Post-Dayton Bosnia & Herzegovina' was published by Palgrave in 2018. She is Co-Director of the Centre for Gender in Politics.
Dr Mike Bourne’s research focuses on a wide range of security issues. He is interested in critical security theories, and the relations of materiality, technology, and violence. His work has engaged issues of arms control (from small arms to nuclear weapons), illicit trafficking, border control, and technology development.
Dr Shane Brighton researches the field of relations between armed conflict, identity and society. He has written on the philosophy and sociology of war, terrorism and counterterrorism and contemporary strategic debates. This work has particular relevance for understanding how societal dynamics relate to armed forces and foreign, defence and security policy.
Dr Timofey Agarin is interested in relationships between the state and society, interrelations between the majority and the minority, issues relating to non-discrimination in the wider Europe and the impact of European integration broadly conceived on societal change and dynamics in political institutions.
Professor Debbie Lisle’s research in critical International Relations and International Political Sociology explores issues of difference, mobility, security, travel, visuality, governmentality, biopolitics, materiality, technology, borders, practice and power.
Professor Richard English's research focuses on the politics and history of nationalism, political violence, and terrorism, with a particular focus on Ireland and Britain.
Classes/modules lectures and tutorials are held at various times throughout the week. There are usually options for afternoon classes/modules.
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of political violence, terrorism, and security across many cases around the world. Students will be familiar with theoretical and empirical issues at different stages in the conflict cycle, including the outbreak, development, and resolution of armed civil conflicts and use of terrorism. Students will gain an understanding of, and be able to critically engage with, the main concepts in these fields (such as “terrorism”, “radicalisation”, “security”, “peace”, etc.), the main theories (such as the causes of terrorism, the dynamics of civil conflict, approaches to counter-terrorism), and some issues and debates (such as the trade-off between security and liberty inherent with some counterterrorism tactics).
Students will also acquire a series of transferable skills that can be applied in a variety of contexts and career pathways.
Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be able to reason critically; apply relevant theoretical concepts; identify and solve problems; analyse and interpret data; demonstrate and exercise independence of thought; work independently; participate constructively in groups; manage their time effectively and work to deadlines.
Students will also be able to retrieve, sift and select information from a variety of sources plan and execute a piece of independent research; devise viable research proposals; apply various different research methodologies and approaches; identify appropriate research techniques relative to overall research design; appreciate, and display an understanding of, comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research design.
Assessment and Feedback are continuous throughout the course of study.
Students are provided a range of assessment approaches, both formal and informal as well as formative and summative, in order to enhance the student learning experience and improve student attainment. Each module typically consists of two or three main pieces of assessment.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
This module introduces students to the range of important issues relating to the phenomenon of
global terrorism and responses in terms of the global war on terrorism.
The key debates that students will engage with will include: the emergence of transnational terrorism structures, transnational terrorism case studies, state and transnational state responses to terrorism including international actors such as the UN, NATO and other regional organisations.
The study of these debates will lead to the investigation of particular groups, state actors, themes and responses which will culminate in a student-led simulation exercise.
Overall the module aims to equip students with an understanding of the key discourse and examples as they pertain to contemporary terrorist challenges and responses at a global level.
At the end of the module students should
- Have acquired a good understanding of the basic concepts underlying the module;
- Have an in depth knowledge of a variety of manifestations of violence and terrorism and;
- Be able to critically discuss different responses to terrorism, situated on a spectrum from domestic to international measures.
The module provides students with opportunities to develop the following skills:
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: to identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; to manage such information in an independent manner;
• Analytical Thinking: to identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; to construct independent arguments;
• Critical & Independent Thinking: to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing;
• Diversity: to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment;
• Self-Reflexivity: to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon one’s own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development;
• Time Management: to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; to cope with stress; and to achieve a work / life balance.
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT.
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: to demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines;
• Clear organisation of information: to show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information;
• Organisation and communication: to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; to show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way;
• Enterprising thinking: to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, display originality of thought and argument.
12 weeks
The module will examine the key theoretical approaches and practical issues and debates that have defined the evolution of Security Studies. They will engage the changing definitions of security and approaches to understanding security. It will address both ‘domestic’ and ‘international’ security and the ways in which these are increasingly connected in both theory and practice. Moreover, it will introduce students to the inter-disciplinary nature of engagements with security (from politics to geography to technology). It will engage theorising in application by introducing students both to the major concepts and theoretical assumptions of understandings of security and showing how these play out in debates and practices of security. Students will be introduced to the core concepts and differences between ‘traditional’ rationalist theories of security and the emergence and development of varieties of critical security studies. They will then examine key issues in security that may include: The state, sovereignty and internal securities; uncertainty, the security dilemma and risk; regimes, regions and security communities; non-proliferation and disarmament; theorising war; migration and borders; surveillance and security; cyber-security; environmental security: beyond energy and resource conflict; Poverty, food, and human security; gender and security; and others. Students will therefore engage critically with the intersections of theory and practice; domestic and international; and state and human securities; and be able to understand contemporary transformations of security in relation to power, sovereignty, mobilities, and technology.
Upon successful completion of the module students will:
- Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of different theoretical engagements with security and the diversity of critical approaches.
- Understand how theories of security translate into different political practices of security.
- Be able to apply critical security concepts to contemporary security practices.
- Critically engage in debates on key developments in the politics of security.
- Be able to reflect upon the ethical and political implications developments in security theory and practice.
- Be able to engage in depth with a wide range of security issues in a theoretically informed way.
- Pursue independent, creative and critical thinking through both written work and group discussions.
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon ones own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
12 weeks
This module aims to introduce key approaches to research design, while also introducing some of the contemporary debates in research in the social sciences and humanities. It will also provide students with an introduction to some of the key practical research skills they will find of use when designing and conducting their academic research. These skills are also those which students will find necessary as they continue their academic and research career.
Students will have a high degree of choice across workshops, enabling them to tailor the module content to their pathway of student and personal research goals. The workshops will address five key areas: Fundamentals of Research; Debates; Philosophy of Science/Epistemology; Qualitative Methods; and Quantitative Methods.
The broad aims of the module are to:
• Introduce students to the diversity of research approaches and debates;
• Heighten awareness of methodological issues facing researchers in the social sciences and humanities;
• Develop an awareness of interdisciplinarity and its potentials and challenges in research;
• Encourage students to develop their research skills through the selective use of this reading guide and their own search for appropriate literature on research design topics that are of interest to them.
On successful completion of this module, students will have:
• obtained a clear understanding of some central issues and methodological debates that are basic to social science and humanities research;
• been introduced to interdisciplinarity in research, and developed an understanding of how it relates to their own work;
• communicated this understanding in an analytically rigorous manner through assessed written work;
• demonstrated the kind of methodological awareness that will allow them to pursue their own research or coursework in an analytically rigorous and self-critical manner.
• been equipped with the intellectual capacity to defend a particular approach to their own research;
• started to make preparations for a research dissertation.
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon ones own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
12 weeks
The concepts that are at the heart of this core module (violence, terrorism, and security) can each have different meanings across time and at various political levels. The module provides a rigorous analysis of these terms, focusing particularly on the contested concepts of terrorism and security. It also examines state and international responses to the threats that contemporary violence poses both within states and internationally. Case studies are employed to illustrate the conceptual analysis. The varieties of motivation for terrorism, including nationalism, religion and the pursuit as well as defence of political power are critically examined.
On successful completion of the module students will (a) Have acquired an understanding of the basic concepts of violence, terrorism and security (b) Have a detailed knowledge of a variety of manifestations of violence and terrorism and (c) Be able to critically discuss different responses to terrorism, situated on a spectrum from domestic to international measures.
During the course of the module students will be provided opportunities to engage in critical reasoning, identify and solve problems, analyse and interpret data and demonstrate independence of thought. To this end students will have to identify and process information from a range of sources, conduct two shorter pieces of independent research and show that they are able to appropriately structure and communicate their ideas in both written and oral form. In addition, students should be able to manage their time effectively, and critically assess the work of others.
12 weeks
How do we choose between policy alternatives? How effective are the solutions implemented in a country in response to new policy problems? What are the methods and tools one can best apply to evaluate policies? What factors should be accounted for when evaluating the effects of policy changes? These are the big questions this Module seeks to answer. In times of growing mistrust in experts, evidence and institutions, understanding what policy solutions are effective and appropriate to address policy challenges could help build better systems and processes of government to improve citizen’s lives.
In this Module, students will have an opportunity to bring theory and practice together. By drawing on the key approaches to policy analysis the course will strengthen students’ understanding of processes and challenges associated with each stage of the policy-making process. By emphasizing the critical role of evaluation, the Module will allow student to learn about the tools and skills necessary to effectively evaluate policy changes using empirical cases. Taken together, the constitutive parts of the Module will provide students with the skills necessary to identify, analyze and assess policy measures and their suitability and effectiveness in addressing emerging challenges.
Specifically, the topics that may be covered in this Module include ( but not limited to):
- Policy analysis: What is it and why we need it?
- Analyzing polices: Approaches and their limitations
- Approaches to policy evaluation: Experimental approaches, Responsive and Realist evaluation
- Evaluation Quality: Understanding criteria & indicators
- Explaining policy change
- Strengthen understanding of the policymaking stages
- Acquire practical skills in identifying policy goals, targets, instruments, outcomes and outputs.
- Develop a thorough understanding of methodological approaches applicable to policy evaluation and analysis.
- Foster a better awareness of the role contextual factors have influencing policymaking and evaluation.
- Engage with the empirical evidence and facilitate students’ ability to use it appropriately and systematically in policy evaluation and analysis.
The students will learn how to
o Critically assess theoretical arguments relevant to policy analysis and evaluation.
o Recognize and explain strengths and shortcomings of the extant approaches to policy analysis and evaluation
o Evaluate the effectiveness of policy solutions
o Identify and compare policy measures and their effectiveness/appropriateness
o Produce a well-justified assessment of policy measures and their prospective reforms
o Advance communication skills an learn how to interact and convey information to difference audiences
12 weeks
This module encourages students to examine the centrality of gender and sexuality in shaping political dynamics at the local, national and global level. It approaches the topic drawing upon feminist political thought; strategies for political mobilization and change; and feminist analyses of contemporary global politics. The module outlines the contribution of feminist scholarship in challenging understandings of politics and international relations as gender-neutral and draws attention to the, often neglected, experiences, agency and political claims of women and other minoritised groups. We will consider key contemporary issues such as transnational feminism, queer politics and social justice; feminism and global governance; reproductive justice; nationalism, populism and anti-gender politics; international security; borders and migration; feminism and the politics of crisis, feminist and queer visions for life. Students will have the opportunity to discuss theoretical perspectives and empirical examples as entry points to the gendered complexities of global politics.
This module is designed to provide you with the conceptual tools and study skills for developing your own critical appraisal of gender politics in an intersectional and transnational perspective. At the end of this module, you will have enhanced your skills to critically interrogate different dimensions of the political through the application of feminist intersectional lenses. Crucially, I also hope that you will feel empowered to apply this mode of thinking to analyse intersections between gender and other inequalities and to reflect on your own position in learning, knowledge production and politics.
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: analyse and explain the causes of gender inequalities in the public/private realm;
understand how gender interacts with race, class, sexuality and nationality to produce divisions of power and resources, as well as processes of violence and exclusion.
discuss and assess different feminist perspectives.
apply feminist theories to analyse key issues in global politics and current political problems.
think critically about narratives and practices of politics and international relations.
independently develop a small research project of their choice.
Communicate ideas to others in a clear and concise manner, in oral and written form.\nPursue intellectual questions in a rigorous and academic manner, employing analytical skills and critical thinking.\nDiscuss issues that challenge dominant perspectives in an informed manner.\nEngage in small group activity.
12 weeks
This module examines concepts of ethnicity, national identity, multiculturalism as they relate to contemporary conflict. Students will be provided with a detailed and critical analysis of the political and constitutional options in societies beset by ethnic conflict, with particular emphasis being given to mechanisms directed at and institutions involved in management of and accommodation after the conflict. By examining theories of ethnic conflict the module introduces students to issues underlying conflicts across the globe including nation building and rights of minorities, territorialisation of ethnicity, partition and secession management, and kin-state involvement as well as socio-political integration as mechanisms to avert and/or resolve ethnic conflicts. The module introduces students to debates about the construction and salience of ethnicity as a source of conflict. We conclude by critically examining how these debates inform approaches to ethnic conflict management and which implications they have for practical solutions of ethnic conflicts.
• explore different and contrasting meanings of ethnicity, ethnic conflict and nationalism and their connotations;
• examine the roots of ethno - nationalism and its impact on society, as well as the relationship between ethnic and other divisions in society;
• analyse the role of ethnicity as a source of internal and international conflict in the post - Cold War world;
• furnish students with basic intellectual skills (e.g. critical thinking, analysis, problem solving) in relation to nationalism and ethnicity;
• understanding the key concepts in the field of the study of nationalism and ethnic politics and appreciation of the relationship between ethnicity and sources of conflict in societies;
• develop a sufficient understanding of different methods of conflict regulation in ethnically diverse societies, paying particular attention to the role of political institutions in conflict management,
• be aware of the context and practicalities of management, territorial management of divisions, whether by means of federalism, ‘re-scaling’, or partition or consociationalism as a means of conflict-management;
Furthermore students will acquire a set of civic skills, including:
• Sensitivity and appreciation of cultural diversity and how to handle diversity and conflict based on group identities;
• Learning how to live with and tolerate other cultures in multicultural environments;
• Developing an understanding of different forms and consequences ethnic conflict can take;
• Relating to diversity in interpretations of the meaning of ethnicity and assess the role of diversity management and multiculturalism in this respect;
• Understanding ideas and impact of institutionalised power relations on perceptions of good citizenship and democracy in multi-ethnic societies
This module will assist in developing students’ skills in a number of important areas. These include:
• Understanding of dynamic and changing nature of conflict resolution and management;
• Understanding a range of conceptual components associated with conflict management, including intervention, peace-building and reconstruction;
• Processing, summarising and presenting facts/information including critical reflection, in oral and written format;
• Pursuing intellectual questions in a rigorous and academic manner, employing analytical skills and critical thinking.
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field of conflict management
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing through related assignments. Resolve or manage communication conflicts.
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning through class simulation on conflict management
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress during class simulations; and achieve a work / life balance
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways. Conflict management skills are particularly effective in managing life and work related challenges
12 weeks
This module introduces students to key theoretical debates, issues, and practices in the field of conflict mediation and transformation. It charts these themes through an interdisciplinary perspective, with particular emphasis on critical peace and conflict studies, feminist and decolonial perspectives. We will consider a variety of contemporary issues in the changing landscape of mediation and examine transformative approaches that support inclusive dialogue and peacebuilding. Students will be encouraged to reflect critically on the hierarchies, challenges, and possibilities inherent to conflict mediation and transformation, exploring the contribution of actors, knowledges and perspectives that have traditionally been marginalised in the field. Students will also have the opportunity to engage with experienced mediators and peacebuilders, developing a deeper understanding of the skills and strategies at the core of mediative practice.
This module is designed to provide you with the conceptual tools and study skills for developing your own critical appraisal of conflict mediation and transformation in a variety of contexts. You will have the opportunity to discuss theoretical perspectives and empirical examples as entry points to the complexities of addressing the legacies of violence in contexts of armed conflict, in community and inter-personal relations, and in social justice movements. At the end of this module, you will have enhanced your ability to critically interrogate different perspectives and practices in the field through interdisciplinary lenses. Furthermore, through engagement with practitioners and experiential learning, you will have the opportunity to practice some skills and strategies at the core of mediation. Crucially, I hope that you will feel empowered to apply these skills in academic and professional contexts, as well as everyday life.
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Understand key debates and issues in the field of conflict mediation and transformation through an inter-disciplinary perspective.
• Discuss and assess different theoretical perspectives.
• Think critically about narratives, policies and practices of conflict mediation and transformation.
• Understand the specific ethical, practical and political challenges inherent to conflict mediation & transformation.
• Identify and assess transformative approaches to mediation and conflict transformation.
• Keep abreast of relevant literature in the field.
• Conduct independent research by identifying, gathering, and evaluating information and sources.
• Pursue intellectual questions in a rigorous and academic manner, employing analytical skills and critical thinking.
• Understand and reflect on how mediative practice can be applied to a variety of contexts.
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon one’s own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon one’s own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
12 weeks
This module will examine the role of diplomacy and influence in shaping international affairs. Students will be introduced to theories of persuasion and diplomacy and examine a range of case studies highlighting the role of communication in diplomacy. Students will be introduced to the dynamics of persuasion in international affairs, both in terms of coercion and attraction. Sessions will also cover the role of social media in diplomacy, the impact of Artificial Intelligence and the role of the visual in diplomacy. Tutorial Sessions will cover a range of shifting topics reflecting developments in diplomacy, including the following:
1. Introduction to the course – what is diplomacy?
2. Theories and Concepts of diplomacy and its evolution
3. Understanding persuasion and influence in international affairs
4. Public diplomacy, foreign policy and political communication
5. Soft power and nation branding – useful concepts?
6. Case Study 1: The public diplomacy of the JCPOA
7. Case Study 2: The War in Ukraine
8. Case Study 3: Israel and Hamas
9. Artificial Intelligence as a threat to diplomacy
10. Summing up: the future of diplomacy
1. Students will aware of the major theories of diplomacy and ways to study influence in international relations.
2. Students will understand how the practice of diplomacy has evolved over time and how this has impacted international affairs
3. Students will develop tools to analyse diplomatic initiatives and policy development
4. Students will understand how the rapid development of the internet has affected diplomacy
5. Students will be introduced to narrative analysis and its role in diplomacy
Intellectual skills
• Managing, Understanding & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage and use such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments in the context of theoretically informed knowledge
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon ones own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT to source data and produce coherent information
• Data management: ability to source timely and relevant information from international organisations and databases
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear argument; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
12 weeks
This module provides a themed examination of the changing politics of the world economy, through the lens of the sub/inter-discipline, known as International Political Economy. International Political Economy (IPE) has become the accepted academic term for the analysis of the exercise of economic power and the politics of economic policy and capitalist development placed in a global context. This module introduces students to theories and concepts in International Political Economy related to the exercise of power and authority. It then goes to analyze a number of key topics and issues relating to the power and politics of economic organization and management including: the future of United States supremacy; the politics of money and finance; theories of development; the politics and policy of economic development in developing countries; problems of underdevelopment; the politics of global civil society; the global politics of energy policy and climate change; and the political economy of environmental sustainability.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:, understand the main theoretical, ideological and normative interpretations of and claims relating to globalisation; understand the ways in which globalisation is reconfiguring political, cultural and economic processes; pursue intellectual questions in a rigorous and academic manner, employing analytical skills and critical thinking; communicate ideas to others in a clear and concise manner, both orally and in written form.
Students will develop key intellectual skills such as critical analysis, creative thinking, problem solving; communication, e.g., oral, listening and written, working with others, improvement of learning and performance, managing information They will also cultivate employability skills such as research and communication skills, independent learning (organising and prioritising ideas), critical/independent thinking, co-operative endeavour (e.g. tutorial based teamwork). Subject specific skills include: listening/analytical/literacy/presentation skills; comparative methods, textual analysis, developing cogent arguments, ability to participate in a tolerant and supportive learning environment
12 weeks
The module will evaluate the changing nature of intervention, from unilateral forceful intervention to multi-lateral intervention, to humanitarian intervention, and third party mediation. Focusing on state, intergovernmental and non-governmental actors’ interventions, it will look at various conflict intervention practices in all phases of conflict from conflict prevention to post-conflict peacebuilding.
To acquire an overview, both historical and substantive, of various approaches to analysis of conflicts and of conflict transformation. The content will deal with different theories of conflict origins, conflict process, and conflict transformation, as well as examining the practices of different state and non-state actors after conflicts.
Emphasis will be placed on the development of analytic skills for identifying different types of conflict and alternative modes of intervention. Special attention will be given to questions of language, moral justification and power.
12 weeks
This module will explore the development of anthropological approaches to conflict, examining what social and cultural anthropologists have added to our knowledge of conflict. It will particularly examine issues of group identity and cohesion in relations to conflict. Examining theories of ethnicity and nationalism it will examine power and hegemony of the state. In relation to this there will be a focus upon aspects of remembering and social memory, on the use of rituals and symbols and of the way acts of violence are legitimised or delegitimised. The course will look at examples from Irish case studies but work on a comparative basis.
This module will introduce students to the history and the key theoretical debates within the field of ethnomusicology. On completion of this module students will have:
* to develop a broad understanding of theories of group conflict
* to develop a broad understanding of mechanisms of group cohesion and conflict
* to explore the use of the concepts of identity, ethnicity, culture, community, border, symbol, ritual and tradition.
* to apply theories of identity politics to understanding nationalism and ethnicity
* to examine the legitimacy of violence and critically explore the notion of ‘terrorism’.
* To examine lessons from the Irish/British context and compare.
* to increase competency in research and the writing of academic papers
The course is designed to develop both subject-specific and transferable skills. These include:
* Advanced skills in understanding, evaluating and expressing anthropological arguments, especially concerning the relationship between theory and ethnography;
* Enhanced skills in group work (through seminars), in note taking, in presentation and in written argument;
* Library research skills;
* Critical reading;
* Advanced writing and oral presentation skills.
12 weeks
This module will take as it’s starting the concept of ‘Carbon Literacy’, its definition, measurement and development. Students will study policy making, governance and institutional structures at International, national, regional and local levels through the selection of relevant case studies. They will gain an understanding of the spectrum of carbon literacy and the challenges of identifying knowledge and capacity building needs for stakeholders, policy and decision makers at all levels, from global to local and individual.
On successful completion of this module each student should have gained knowledge of:
• The emergence of carbon literacy and its role in the creation of a low carbon society;
• The conceptual and interdisciplinary dimensions of carbon literacy as a communication and policy language and tool;
• The scientific and normative components of carbon literacy in theory and practice;
• The positive and negative dimensions of carbon literacy in relation to communication and policy relevance; and
• The relationship between carbon literacy and existing frameworks for understanding and devising policies for the green economy.
The module provides students with opportunities to develop the following skills:
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: to identify relevant and subject-specific knowledge, sources and data; to manage such information in an independent manner;
• Analytical Thinking: to identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; to construct independent arguments;
• Critical & Independent Thinking: to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing;
• Diversity: to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the learning environment;
• Self-Reflexivity: to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon one’s own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development;
• Time Management: to negotiate diverse and competing pressures; to cope with stress; and to achieve a work / life balance.
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT.
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: to demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines;
• Clear organisation of information: to show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information;
• Organisation and communication: to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; to show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way;
• Enterprising thinking: to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, display originality of thought and argument.
12 weeks
The course involves a study of human rights issues drawing on material primarily from Europe, North America, and the Commonwealth. The course considers the meaning of particular human rights and their significance in theory and in practice, and the efficacy of the legal institutions designed to protect them. Several specific substantive issues (right to life, freedom of speech, conscience, and equality) will be studied in depth to illustrate the complex interplay between theory, legal concepts and procedure, and between legal and non-legal sources of protection. It will draw on international human rights law, but will not be confined to it. The course as a whole will aim to provide the opportunity for in-depth comparative study, during which the appropriateness and utility of comparative legal techniques will be considered.
This module offers students the opportunity to:
• Explore how human rights have emerged as a comparative issue.
• Enhance their understanding of the limitations to comparison in human rights law.
• Develop key transferrable skills, including presentation skills, data gathering and essay-writing.
• Develop an understanding of legal research methodologies.
• Identify the relevant primary and secondary legal and non-legal materials relating to comparative human rights law and theories.
• Synthesise and critically analyse these materials.
• Organise and conduct effective comparative research on human rights.
• Develop coherence and clarity in written presentations that allow them to articulate to others a critical evaluation of the knowledge they have acquired.
• Thoroughly understand the skills required to do effective comparative human rights research – such as collecting sources, referencing and how to write critically.
• Understand and apply legal research methodology.
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
Normally a 2.2 Honours degree or above, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University in a Social Sciences, Humanities or Arts subject, or a 2.2 Honours degree or above, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University in any subject with relevant professional experience.
Applicants who do not meet this entry requirement may, at the discretion of the relevant programme convenor, be considered for admission on the basis of relevant work experience. Please note that a piece of written work may be requested in this instance.
Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible and ideally no later than 15th August 2025 for courses which commence in late September. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal prior to the deadline stated on course finder. Notifications to this effect will appear on the application portal against the programme application page.
The University's Recognition of Prior Learning Policy provides guidance on the assessment of experiential learning (RPEL). Please visit the link below for more information.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.5, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required (*taken within the last 2 years).
International students wishing to apply to Queen's University Belfast (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
The PgDip in Violence, Terrorism and Security provides you with the essential transferable skills and in-depth knowledge of theories and issues in the areas of violence, security, and terrorism for career development at any stage, from students straight from an undergraduate degree with limited to no prior professional experience to those seeking continued professional development. Our programme enables you to broaden your horizons providing you with a competitive edge in a global graduate market in a wide variety of areas such as the security sector, including intelligence agencies, government agencies and public office, the military, NGOs, academia, businesses and corporations, and the media among many other possibilities.
Some of our graduates now serve in the most senior ranks of a number of National Police Services, and Law Enforcement Agencies, Border and Immigration Control, National Armed Forces including the US Army, US Air Force, British Army and Irish Defence Forces. Graduates also work as senior government policy advisers, in international NGOs and the media.
Queen’s is ranked in the top 140 in the world for graduate prospects (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020).
We are proud that many of our graduates have gone to serve in the most senior ranks of a number of National Police Services, and Law Enforcement Agencies, Border and Immigration Control, National Armed Forces including the US Army, US Air Force, US Secret Service, British Army and Irish Defence Forces. Our graduates also work as senior government policy advisers in a variety of different countries, including the State Department in the USA, in international NGOs in diverse parts of the globe including major conflict zones, other graduates have gone into international security consultancy, and many have worked in the media, and others have gone on to successful careers working for international business in a variety of capacities. The MA also provides the research skills and knowledge to carry out a PhD to pursue an academic career, as a number of our graduates have done.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Graduate Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,867 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,867 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £6,167 |
EU Other 3 | £14,333 |
International | £14,333 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
There are no specific additional course costs associated with this programme.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
The Department for the Economy will provide a tuition fee loan of up to £6,500 per NI / EU student for postgraduate study. Tuition fee loan information.
A postgraduate loans system in the UK offers government-backed student loans of up to £11,836 for taught and research Masters courses in all subject areas (excluding Initial Teacher Education/PGCE, where undergraduate student finance is available). Criteria, eligibility, repayment and application information are available on the UK government website.
More information on funding options and financial assistance - please check this link regularly, even after you have submitted an application, as new scholarships may become available to you.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Apply using our online Queen's Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study.
Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Fees and Funding