Module Code
This programme aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of scientific methods of enquiry and theoretical principles of biological sciences, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in an employment context.
Students studying the FdSci in Biological Sciences will develop understanding of:
1. the relevance of biological sciences in the current economic environment
2. the hierarchical nature of biological sciences ranging from molecular level to whole organism and species interactions
3. the need for competence and dexterity in contemporary biological practical techniques and cognate disciplines
4. a professional approach to work, study and lifelong learning
This course is taught at Belfast Metropolitan College, Belfast.
This course is taught at Belfast Metropolitan College.
Graduates of the FdSci are eligible for Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) status, conferred by the Science Council and with appropriate CPD would be eligible for Registered Scientist status (RSci). The Society of Biology also confers varying levels of membership depending on qualifications and experience.
Students who successfully complete the Foundation Degree with an overall weighted mark of 55 per cent and, in addition, at least 55 per cent in each module assessed in final year will be eligible to progress to degree programmes in the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s.
The FdSc is a new programme with the first graduates expected in July 2018. Our graduates in similar programmes are employed in organisations working within environmental monitoring and
management, water quality management, animal welfare, academic research, the agri-food industries, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, teaching and education, and science communication.
These employment areas have always been important, but have now become increasingly so due to worldwide problems such as climate change, food supply and security, biodiversity loss and global health issues.
Course content
Between Year 1 and Year 2 there is a compulsory work-based placement for a duration of ten weeks. This will provide students with opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from Year 1 content; to develop important employability skills required for the employment market; and to benefit from being exposed to biological science practices.
• Fundamentals of Science
• Mathematical and Study Skills in Science
• General Chemistry
• Biochemistry
• Biology
• Biological Diversity and Evolution
• Bioscience Practical and Analytical Skills
• Food Biochemistry
• Ecology and Environmental Biology
• Molecular Biology and Genetics
• Microbiology
In addition to subject knowledge, modules aim to develop skills in critical, independent thought and management and decision making. Year 2 modules include applied topics which will allow students the opportunity to consider progression into a range of Honours degree courses.
The modules introduce a wide range of up-to-date biological techniques including genetic manipulation, electron microscopy, physiological studies of living organisms and modern approaches to ecology and evolution.
During the FD Biological Sciences, we provide a range of learning experiences to enable students to engage with subject experts and develop attributes and perspectives that will equip you for life and work.
Students can make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners.
E-Learning technologies, lectures, practical classes, self-directed study, and work placement.
The way in which you are assessed will vary according to the learning outcomes of each module. Details of how each module is assessed are shown in the Student Handbook which is provided to all students during their first year induction, and is available on our School website (
As students progress through the FdSc in Biological Sciences they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. Students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
This module will provide learners with an understanding of the organ systems found within plants and animals and the interrelationship between transport and exchange systems within animals. In addition, learners will have acquired a knowledge of the physiological mechanisms in plants and gained an ability to explain the importance of homeostasis within living organisms. The indicative module content is:
Organ systems:
- The organisation and function of selected organ systems of animals, including the circulatory,
excretory, thermoregulatory and nervous systems, and how these organ systems may vary
with animal body plan, size and environmental circumstance.
- The adaptive significance, organisation and function of the principal organ systems of plants,
including roots, stems, leaves, and flowers and how these organ systems vary with plant
body plan and environmental circumstance.
Physiology of Transport and Exchange:
- Comparative treatment of the form and function of selected physiological systems in animals
to include cardiovascular, lymphatic and respiratory systems.
- Interrelatedness of these systems and their interaction within a living organism.
Plant development and regulatory mechanisms:
- Plant development and regulatory mechanisms.
- Hormonal control in plants. Structure and function of transport mechanisms within
vascular plants
- Principles and importance of homeostasis at cellular and organismal level; internal and
external factors that require homeostatic control;
- Hormonal and nervous mechanisms of control.
- The structure and function of the mammalian excretory system, including the kidneys as
organs of homeostasis
Students will develop a range of practical skills. Examples may include:
Practical 1 Introduction to Biological Drawings and Recording Methods for Dissection
Practical 2 Heart Dissection
Practical 3 Rat Dissection
Practical 4 Plant Histology
Practical 5 Introduction to Experimental Design
Practical 6 Plant stomata investigation
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge of the main organ systems found within plants and animals.
LO2: Demonstrate understanding of the interrelationship between transport and exchange systems within animals
LO3: Demonstrate knowledge of the physiological mechanisms in plants
LO4: Explain the importance of homeostasis within living organisms
LO5: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to mathematically analyse data using statistical analyses software
LO7: Display competence in specific laboratory practical and manipulative skills
LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Interpersonal skills; an increased ability to interact professionally with
peers and staff using appropriate written and oral skills during tutorials
and through written reports
Plan, execute and present investigations to include the interpretation of
results and critical awareness of the quality of the outcome
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills:
Practical skills including microscopy, dissection, recording of specimens
Describe the structure and diversity of organisms studied
Through developing their own experimental design and application of
knowledge they will be demonstrate knowledge of the main methods of
enquiry in biosciences
15 weeks
This module will revise and extend the content covered in Fundamentals of Science and include the following themes:
The Atom
The Nucleus: Proton-neutron ratio & stability; stable and unstable isotopes; radioactive decay
(alpha, beta and gamma radiation); nuclear vs. chemical reactions; use of isotopes in
chemistry; the kinetic isotope effect.
The Electron: Evidence for wave-particle duality; the Schrödinger equation; probability and radial
distribution functions; quantum numbers; s-, p- and-orbitals; the aufbau principle; the Pauli
exclusion principles; Hund’s rules; penetration, shielding and effective nuclear charge; Slater’s
Homonuclear diatomic molecules: Potential energy curves and the balance of forces; Lewis
structures and the octet rule; valence bond treatment (resonance); molecular orbital theory
(LCAO, bonding and antibonding orbitals, simple MO diagrams, bond order).
Heteronuclear diatomic molecules: valence bond treatment; molecular orbital theory (symmetry,
non-bonding orbitals; electric dipole moments, isoelectronic molecules).
Polynuclear molecules: covalent polyatomic molecules/ions; common geometries; octet
expansion; hybridisation (sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d and sp3d2); metal complexes (crystal field and
molecular orbital approaches; common shapes; paramagnetism).
Intermolecular Forces: hydrogen bonding; van der Waals force; permanent dipoles; explanation
for physical properties in chemistry and biology.
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Molecules: molecular, structural and skeletal formulae; isomerism.
Functional Groups: survey of common functional groups (alkane, alkene, alkyne, alkyl halides,
aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers, carboxylic acids, amines, amides and nitriles); basic
properties and reactivity; role as organic reagents.
Reactions in Organic Chemistry; Lewis vs. Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases; identification of
nucleophiles and electrophiles; simple substitution, addition and elimination mechanisms; curly
arrows and reaction intermediate
Students will develop a range of practical skills. Examples may include:
Practical 1 Determining the Half-life of Protactanium-234
Practical 2 Determining the Strength of a Hydrogen Bond
Practical 3 Estimation of Nickel as Nickel Dimethyl Glyoximate
Practical 4 Identification of Common Functional Groups
Practical 5 Synthesis of Aspirin from Oil of Wintergreen
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Describe the structure of the atom in terms of the factors governing stability and its
electronic structure
LO2: Explain the localised and delocalised models of chemical bonding
LO3: Relate the properties of functional groups to their chemical reactivity and roles in organic
LO4: Represent simple mechanisms using curly arrows and intermediates (where appropriate)
LO5: Demonstrate written communication skills including report writing
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to analyse data
LO7: Display competence in specific laboratory practical and manipulative skills
LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Improved communication through participation in tutorials and completion of continuous
Increased facility with ICT including use of virtual learning environments, online database
searches and dedicated teaching & learning software
An ability to link module content to cognate disciplines (e.g. biology and physics)
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
Experience of working with sealed radioactive sources, Geiger counters and the associated
risk assessment
Practical experience of multi-step organic synthesis
An ability to represent simple organic reaction mechanisms using curly arrows
15 weeks
Fundamentals of Biology:
The origins of life and the hierarchical nature of biological
systems (from microscopic scale to organisms); akaryotes,
prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Cellular ultrastructure; light and electron micrographs; structure
and function of organelles (nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria,
Golgi body; rough endoplasmic reticulum; sooth endoplasmic
reticulum; lysosomes; peroxisome); membrane structure; cell wall
(plants); and transport across membranes (osmosis, facilitated
diffusion and active transport).
Cell and tissue specialisation (muscle cells; nerve cells; gametes;
stem cells; differentiation of blood cells).
The cell cycle (mitosis, cytokinesis, G0, G1, S, G2); meiosis;
mutations and the activation of oncogenes/development of
Fundamentals of Chemistry:
Origins of the Universe; the Big Bang; formation of quarks,
electrons and other fundamental particles; emergence of
hydrogen; stellar nucleosynthesis; formation of iron; the
existence of stable and unstable isotopes.
The development of atomic theory; experimental evidence from
Thompson (cathode rays); Rutherford (gold leaf experiment);
Bohr (spectral lines) and Schrödinger (photoelectric effect); the
importance of de Broglie’s wave-particle duality.
Modern electronic structure; the shapes of s- and p-orbitals; the
aufbau rule and the order of orbital filling (up to krypton).
Modern theories of bonding; the role of electronegativity
difference; valence bond theory and hybridisation; concepts in
molecular orbital theory.
The amount of substance (Avogadro’s number and the mole);
determining empirical formulae; stoichiometry; calculating relative
atomic mass from mass spectra.
Fundamentals of Physics:
The importance of units and dimensional analysis in physics.
Common examples of SI and SI-derived units and their
Classical physics; Newton’s laws of motion; the role of calculus in
determining speed, acceleration and displacement; the
conservation of energy; kinetic and potential energy; waves
(transverse and longitudinal); uniform circular motion, Hooke’s
law and simple harmonic motion; Coulomb’s law.
Quantum physics: the Planck-Einstein relation; the
electromagnetic spectrum in terms of wave-particle duality; use
of the de Broglie relation; measurement of wavelength using a
diffraction grating and laser.
Students will develop a range of practical skills. Examples may include:
Practical 1 Staining & Microscopy of a Peripheral Blood Smear
Practical 2 Temperature Dependence of Membrane Permeability
Practical 3 Preparation & Analysis of Potassium Trioxaltoferrate
Practical 4 Modelling Simple Harmonic Motion
Practical 5 Measurement of Wavelength Using a Diffraction
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the key aspects of cellular biology.
LO2: Explain the structure of atoms and molecules using appropriate theories.
LO3: Relate the principles of classical physics to biology and chemistry.
LO4: Apply biological, chemical and physical principles to unfamiliar contexts.
LO5: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills including report writing.
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to analyse data.
LO7: Display competence in specific laboratory practical and manipulative skills.
LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Improved oral communication through participation in
Improved written communication through continuous
assessment and completion of examinations.
Enhanced problem-solving skills through tutorials and
practical work
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
Practical skills including microscopy, centrifugation,
analytical weighing, recrystallization, titration, use of
low-output lasers and diffraction gratings
Risk assessment strategies for routine laboratory work and
selection of appropriate personal protective equipment
Use of Microsoft Excel for non-linear curve fitting, statistical
analysis and presentation of experimental data.
15 weeks
Cell Biology:
Overview of the ultrastructure of the cell; techniques used to investigate cell structure including
microscopy (light, SEM, TEM, phase contrast), tissue homogenisation, cell fractionation and
Cell ultrastructure in detail: the nucleus and ribosomes; the endomembrane system; mitochondria
and chloroplasts; the cytoskeleton; cell surfaces and junctions; membrane structure (ion pumps,
cotransport, endocytosis and exocytosis)
Evolution of Biochemical Systems:
The Urey-Miller experiment and prebiotic synthesis; selective pressure and self-replicating RNA;
RNA as catalysts; amino acid polymers and catalysis; evolution of the DNA and the genetic code.
Energy transformations; the requirement for a membrane; importance of electron transfer and
proton gradients; oxidation and reduction; electron/hydrogen carriers.
Key Concepts in Biochemistry:
Enzymes: classification of enzymes; interactions between substrate and active site; cofactors;
Michaelis-Menten kinetics; inhibition; practical methods (UV-Vis absorbance; activity and inhibition
Proteins: amino acids (zwitterions and isomerism); levels of protein structure; the Ramachandran
plot; investigating protein structure (chromatography and electrophoresis); protein metabolism;
excretion of nitrogen in mammals.
Carbohydrates: mono- and polysaccharides; formation and storage in plants; acquisition, storage
and utilisation in mammals; regulation of glucose metabolism in mammals; fermentation in yeasts;
anaerobic respiration in mammals.
Lipids: fatty acids and triglycerides; formation and storage in plants; acquisition, storage and
utilisation in mammals; regulation of fat metabolism in mammals; ketone bodies and ketogenic
Nucleic acids: purines and pyrimidines; nucleotides; role in RNA, DNA and energy transfer (ATP &
GTP); metabolism; uric acid and gout.
Students will develop a range of practical skills. Examples may include:
Cell Fractionation & Isolation of Chloroplasts
Protein Content by Bradford Assay
Isoelectric Point of an Amino Acid by Titration
Investigating the Citric Acid Cycle in Yeast
Determination of Blood Glucose by the GOD-PAP Method
Protein Separation by SDS-PAGE
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Describe the architecture of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the main role of each of the organelles
LO2: Relate key aspects of basic chemistry to biological systems, especially the concepts of oxidation, reduction and proton transfer
LO3: Analyse the structure and function of enzymes using theoretical models and equations
LO4: Describe the metabolism of the key macromolecules for both plants and mammals, emphasising interrelationships where appropriate
LO5: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to mathematically analyse data using statistical analyses software
LO7: Display competence in specific laboratory practical and manipulative skills
LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
LO9: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team, and reflect on contribution to team
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
An ability to summarise complex information into an accessible format for non-
Improved team working and presentation skills
Increased facility with ICT including use of virtual learning environments, online
database searches and dedicated teaching & learning software
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
An ability to apply module content to new and unfamiliar topics
Analysis of kinetic data using Microsoft Excel including non-linear curve fitting
Practical skills in biochemistry including centrifugation, UV-Vis spectroscopy and
15 weeks
This module is central to the Foundation Degree in Biological Sciences and will form the basis of the 10-week work placement between Year 1 and Year 2.
Personal and Professional Skills:
Professional/career planning; identifying skill sets and interests; qualifications from earlier
employment; opportunities for skill/knowledge development (e.g. online courses); jobs vs. career;
principles of career planning.
The application process: CVs; types of CV; features of a good CV; developing a personal
statement; selecting referees; paper-based and online application forms; supporting statements;
cover letters; letters of application.
Interviews; planning for an interview; pre-interview research; appearance; controlling your body
language; coping with ‘nerves’; after the interview; obtaining feedback.
The Workplace:
Types of industry in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, the UK and Europe; the role of
government research (NI Skills Barometer); government funding/subsidy and the emergence of
higher level apprenticeships; advantages/disadvantages of public sector vs. private sector
employment; voluntary and paid work experience.
Health & safety at work (e.g. COSHH); first aid at work; quality assurance and quality control;
manual handling; mental health first aid; specific requirements (e.g. Hepatitis B vaccination);
fitness to practise regulations.
Continuing Professional Development:
Professional and statutory bodies; the Royal Society of Chemistry; the Science Council; the
Royal Society of Biology; the Institute of Physics; the Institute of Chemical Engineers; the
Institute of Biomedical Science.
Importance of maintaining a CPD record; requirements for Registered Science Technician
(RSciTech) and Registered Scientist (RSci); options after the FdSc; articulation to degree
pathways; student funding/finance; long-term career options (postgraduate training).
Negotiating a Work Placement:
Taking responsibility for securing a work placement; identifying expectations (College and
workplace); undertaking the work placement; completion of appropriate evidence.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Identify own skills and preferences in terms of future career/employment
LO2: Understand the nature (and restrictions) of a work placement
LO3: Demonstrate an awareness of emergency first aid at work
LO4: Undertake risk assessments in the work place taking into account current legislation
LO5: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills
LO6: Exhibit IT skills in the context of career planning, the application process and interview preparation
Skills Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Improved communication through participation in tutorials and communication with
potential work placement providers/employers
A sustained improvement in independent learning and time management.
Improved ICT including formatting of documents, completing online application
forms and using search engines.
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
An ability to use the STAR interview response method
Be able to act as a first responder through an awareness of basic life support
Be able to undertake industry-standard risk assessments
15 weeks
Mathematical Skills:
Numerical procedures; standard form; laws of indices; rules of arithmetic;
logarithms (log10, natural logs, rules of logarithms); correct use of an
electronic calculator; making estimations using mental arithmetic/pen and
Basic algebra; transposing equations; algebraic fractions; binomial
expansion; quadratic equations; simultaneous equations
Introduction to differential and integral calculus; simple
differentiation/integration by rule; applications to physics, chemistry and
biology (radioactive decay, rates of reaction and area under the curve
Statistical Skills:
Classification of error; handling error; accuracy, precision and repeatability;
calculating cumulative error in a series of laboratory measurements.
Descriptive statistics; mean, mode, median; standard deviation; standard error;
variance and coefficient of variation; confidence intervals; representing
measures of dispersion on graphical data (error bars, box-and-whisker plots).
The normal distribution; mean; standard error of the mean; confidence limits; the
Poisson distribution and its application to the stochastic nature of radioactive
Statistical tests; parametric vs. non-parametric; t-tests, chi-squared, Mann-
Whitney U-test, F-test, Z-test; one-tailed vs. two-tailed; significant levels; power
of the test.
Regression analysis; linear regression; simple non-linear regression; logarithmic
Laboratory statistics; Grubb’s test; delta charts.
Study Skills:
The academic environment; effective note taking; preparing for
seminars/tutorials; dealing with peers and members of academic staff;
prioritising workload; self-care; awareness of mental and physical health;
mental health first aid; mindfulness.
Written communication; scientific reports vs. essays; dissertations; academic
referencing; use of referencing software; finding academic papers/use of search
engines (Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, Scifinder etc.).
Oral communication; planning a presentation; use of PowerPoint and other
presentation software; handling questions; participating in a tutorial/seminar;
communication with peers.
Other presentation media; poster design; screen casting; podcasts; vodcasts;
Team working; ability to communicate effectively at all levels; initiative; self-
discipline; reliability; creativity; problem solving; leadership in a team; other roles
in a team.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Perform routine mathematical operations in the manipulation of data and equations
LO2:Demonstrate the use of statistics to support/refute scientific data
LO3: Use a wide range of sources to research a scientific topic
LO4: Apply an academic referencing style
LO5: Display oral and written communication skills
LO6: Demonstrate problem solving skills and the ability to present complex information through essay writing, oral presentation and poster presentation
LO7: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team, and reflect on contribution to team
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Improved oral communication through participation in tutorials
Improved written communication through continuous assessment
and completion of examinations.
Improved resilience and self-awareness of self through reflection
and mindfulness
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
An increase in numerical ability to the standard of AS Mathematics
An ability to undertake comprehensive literature surveys using a
variety of paper-based and online sources
An ability to presentation complex scientific information through
academic writing, oral presentation and poster presentation with
due regard to academic referencing styles.
15 weeks
The course aims to facilitate an introductory approach to ecological theory with respect to a series of applied ecological topics including; species interactions, physiological and behavioural responses of organisms to their environment, ecosystem structure and functioning and an introduction to anthropogenic disruption of ecosystems. In addition following a two day field course an understanding of; experimental design, ecological sampling techniques within the laboratory and field, and, development of written and oral communication. A strong quantitative approach will be demonstrated through the module and statistical analysis of data collated from field research will be analyzed during tutorial sessions.
Interactions between the environment and living organisms.
The role of biotic and abiotic factors in determining distribution and abundance of organisms. Organisation into populations, communities, habitats, ecosystems, and biomes.
The composition of ecosystems; lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Nutrient cycling and transfer. Producers, consumers, decomposers, trophic levels and competition processes. Food webs, inter and intraspecific interactions and energy transfer. Main features of terrestrial e.g. woodland, heathland and aquatic habitats, e.g. marine, freshwater. Biodiversity on local, regional and global scales, its measurement, monitoring and protection.
Sources and effects of agricultural and industrial pollutants in land, water and air. Transfer of pollutants. Environmental monitoring and amelioration of polluted ecosystems. Importance of indicator species in identification of ecosystem health.
Techniques in ecology; hypotheses and objectives; planning experiments; sampling and replication eg quadrants, transects, abundance scales, mark-release recapture techniques; use and interpretation of statistics. Data analysis: types of data collected eg categorical, discrete, continuous; parametric and non-parametric statistical tests eg. Chi-square, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, ANOVA, Post-hoc analysis.
Students will develop a range of practical skills.
Examples may include:
- Practical 1 Data Analysis Workshop
- Practical 2 Techniques in ecology (field based practical)
- Practical 3 Techniques in ecology (experimental planning and field based practical)
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
- LO1: Demonstrate a clear understanding of key ecological theory, and correct use of ecological definitions.
- LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of ecological theory within a range of case study examples (species, habitat and ecosystem level).
- LO3: Demonstrate an understanding of anthropogenic impacts on species, habitats and the disruption to a range of ecosystem services.
- LO4: Display competence in a broad range of appropriate practical and field-based techniques and skills relevant to ecological disciplines.
- LO5: Demonstrate an understanding of experimental design and application to complete a research question both in the field and the laboratory, followed by appropriate use of statistical analysis for formal scientific reporting.
- LO6: Demonstrate the ability to communicate scientific ideas in a range of formats, including formal scientific reporting.
- LO7: Exhibit IT skills and the ability to analyse data using statistical analyses software
- LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory and field setting
- LO9: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team, and reflect on contribution to team
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Subject specific skills
- Understanding of key ecological theory, proficient use of terminology, demonstration of named examples to support ecological theory.
- Practical skills in laboratory and field investigations;
Transferrable skills
- Use of computers and awareness of statistical packages in data analysis,
- Statistical analysis, experimental design, professional technical report writing
- Improved team-working capabilities.
15 weeks
Review the nature of nucleic acids
Nucleic acids structure and chemical properties of DNA and RNA molecules. Extraction, purification and quantification of Nucleic acids.
Chromosomal structure (nuclear and organelle) to include cytogenetics
Processes of DNA replication (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)
Protein synthesis and control
Transcription and translation.
The nature of the genetic code and the impact of mutations and chromosomal abnormalities on health.
Factors involved in gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms
Inheritance patterns
Mendellian and non-mendellian inheritance patterns.
Basics of Aneuploidy, polyploidy and cytoplasmic inheritance.
Evolutionary genetics and Bioinformatics
Introductory population genetics to include the methods of study of allele frequencies; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium prediction, its calculation, interpretation and use.
Use of bioinformatics software to interpret data and probe databases.
Practical techniques
Techniques to be covered include;
Isolation of DNA and mRNA
Use and description of Polymerase Chain Reaction.
The stages in the production of recombinant DNA
Genetic transformations. To include the application of genetic engineering techniques and biotechnology.
Students will develop a range of practical skills.
Examples may include:
Practical 1 DNA Extraction and PCR
Practical 2 Bioinformatics
Practical 3 Protein synthesis and mutations paper lab.
Practical 4 Transformation of Bacteria
Practical 5 Drosophila genetics virtual lab
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the genetic code and the effect of
biochemical activity on phenotype.
LO2: Demonstrate knowledge of chromosomal structure, inheritance and development.
LO3: Demonstrate understanding of how changes in gene frequencies result in changes in populations.
LO4: Carry out experimental techniques involved in manipulating DNA, RNA and protein, and basic microbiology
LO5: Display computational analysis skills to interrogate genome data (Bioinformatics) and perform virtual genetics simulations
LO6: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Subject specific skills will have been acquired by the students.
Demonstrated competence in a broad range of appropriate practical techniques and skills relevant to the Biosciences
Acquired skills in microbiology and genetic techniques and computational analysis of genome data
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the molecular basis of genetics and gene expression and be able to give detailed examples
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the molecular aspects of Biology including biochemistry and experimental techniques
Development of laboratory skills related to molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics as evidenced through Practical Skills Portfolio;
Transferrable skills acquired :
Information technology skills, including word processing, spreadsheet use, database use, and internet use. Critical and logical analysis of data
Computational analyses of genome/transcriptome data
Interpersonal skills; the ability to interact professionally with peers, staff and others, including appropriate written and oral skills through group project work; Report writing;; Peer and self assessment;
15 weeks
A comparative evolutionary approach is taken to present the modern classification of life and the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Using the phylogenic history of life as a structural framework, the course systematically tracks through the evolution of major lineages and their defining functional traits
Evolution, Speciation and Systematics
Theory of the evolution of life through natural selection. S.
Microevolution, macroevolution Mechanisms of speciation
Modern advances in evolution and natural selection will also be examined.
Kingdom Animalia
Defining functional traits of the major taxa of the animal kingdom through consideration of radial
symmetry, bilateral symmetry, body layers, coelomic cavity, body systems, physiological systems
and biochemical features
Taxonomic groups to be considered: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Mollusca,
Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Chordata.
Kingdom Protista & Kingdom Plantae
Defining functional traits of the major taxa of the protist and plant kingdoms:
The divisions of the protist kingdom and representatives of significant classes and orders thereof.
Including coverage of Rhodophyta Phaeophyta Chlorophyta
The divisions of the plant kingdom and representatives of significant classes and orders thereof.
Including coverage of e.g., Bryophyta, Pteridophytes Gymnosperma, Angiosperma.
Observation and representation of specimens:
Biological drawings, annotation of taxonomic features and nomenclature, use of keys and learning
materials to identify and classify specimens.
Students will develop a range of practical skills.
Examples may include:
Practical 1 Natural Selection Simulation
Practical 2 Systematics
Practical 3 Plant Life Cycles
Practical 4 Dissection of earthworm
Practical 5 Dissection of Cuttlefish
Practical 6 Dissection of Crayfish
Practical 7 Dissection of Starfish
Practical 8 Dissection of Dogfish
Practical 9 Dissection of Mouse
Practical 10 Evaluation of Dissection recording techniques
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate understanding of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
LO2: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the form, function and biology of a diversity of living organisms.
LO3: Demonstrate understanding of the complexity and diversity of life processes through the study of organisms.
LO4: Demonstrate understanding of taxonomic principles as they apply to biological diversity.
LO5: Display skills of observation, recording, analysis, microscopy, dissection, structure-function interpretation through practical work.
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to critically analyse data using appropriate methods and resources.
LO7: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills including report writing.
LO8: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Show competence in the physical skills of observation, microscopy and
Accurate recording and annotation of a variety of biological specimens
Critical analysis & Problem Solving - To find solutions to problems
through analyses and exploration of all possibilities using appropriate
methods, resources and creativity specifically through cladistic analysis
15 weeks
Work Placement
Completion of a work placement between Year 1 and Year 2 to a total of ten weeks
Relating academic theory to work placement; recording activities and reflections in a log book
including themes such as: acting on own initiative, relationships with colleagues, challenging
situations, self-recognition of potential and limitations, future opportunities within organisation after
Summarising key information relating to placement provider with due regard to intellectual property,
data protection legislation and non-disclosure agreements.
Post Placement
Reflection of work placement against pre-defined criteria, including acquisition of work-related skills
(cognitive, transferable and subject-specific).
Critical evaluation of work placement, demonstrating its value to future career goals
Participation in post-placement appraisal interview, preparation of a placement report and oral
presentation summarising placement.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Reflect on own skills and preferences in terms of future career/employment.
LO2: Evaluate own performance and compare this to work place evaluations by employer.
LO3: Undertake a formal appraisal and respond to the employer’s report.
LO4: Prepare a substantial report which links work placement with module content across the Foundation Degree.
LO5: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills in the work environment.
LO6: Display evidence of work-related skills including time management.
LO7: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the workplace setting.
LO8: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
Improved communication through: written report, appraisal, working with colleagues and oral
A sustained improvement in independent learning and time management.
An ability to continually self-evaluate performance and identify important areas of improvement
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills:
Be able to link theory from modules across Foundation Degree to work placement, with a
particular emphasis on practical skills and underpinning knowledge
Be able to apply own knowledge to assess potential for improvements in business operations
15 weeks
Practical and theoretical introduction to microorganisms
• Taxonomic classification of microorganisms
• Protists, bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microbial morphology,
structure and function of cellular
• Growth, reproduction and enumeration.
• Microbial genetics and the effects of physical and chemical
environments on microbial growth.
Microorganisms nutrient cycling and biotechnology
• Role of microorganisms in natural habitats and their
importance in nutrient cycling
• Application of microbial biotechnology
Medical microbiology
• Pathogenicity and key medically important microorganisms in
humans and animals.
• Isolation, identification and control of microorganisms
Aseptic Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms.
• Enumeration of microbial cell populations, calculation of
growth rates, microscopic and biochemical analyses.
• Practical techniques to include, dilution plating; direct count,
gram staining, maintenance of cultures. Introduction to batch
and continuous cultures.
• Production of data to illustrate growth phases. Factors
affecting population growth and yield of product.
Students will develop a range of practical skills
Examples may include:
Practical 1 Plating Techniques
Practical 2 Bacterial Identification
Practical 3 Antimicrobials
Practical 4 Haemocytometer
Practical 5 Bacterial Growth Curve
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of microorganisms.
LO2: Explain the relationships between microorganisms and the role they play in the environment, to include their biotechnological potential.
LO3: Demonstrate understanding of theoretical aspects of medical microbiology
LO4: Display competence in a range of microbiological techniques to investigate industrial and medical microorganisms.
LO5: Demonstrate the ability to place practical work in context and to suggest lines of further investigation
LO6: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to critically analyse and interpret data
LO7: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Subject specific and cognitive skills will have been acquired by the students.
• Demonstrate the ability to place practical work in context and to suggest lines of further
investigation within post lab questions and lab report
• Demonstrate competence in a broad range of appropriate microbiological techniques
and skills relevant industrial and medical microbiology throughout practical work
• Explain critically how the properties or a range of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) suit
them for their biological function
• Describe the structure, diversity and reproduction of organisms studied
• Apply numerical skills and techniques to interpret data during tutorial, lab and post lab
Transferrable skills
• Information technology skills, including word processing, spreadsheet use, database
use, and internet use in research and data handling from practical work
• Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data including acquisition, interpretation and
critical evaluation of data.
15 weeks
An interdisciplinary study investigating contemporary environmental concepts, environmental challenges, and potential management strategies. Ecological concepts of relevance (from FDR2203) will be cross referenced as a foundation to support further understanding within environmental science and conservation across a range of core topics; structure and function of the biosphere, anthropogenic perturbations, biodiversity and conservation strategies, sustainable practice and development.
The Biosphere and Anthropogenic Perturbations; structure, function and perturbation of biogeochemical cycling, analysis of weather and climate data, ecosystem services, climate change and secondary impacts (acid rain, ocean acidification, sea level rise, degradation of world biomes e.g. polar habitats), unsustainable use of resources (capture fisheries, mineral extraction), visual and noise pollution (impact from meio- to megafauna), plastic and micro-plastic pollution, eutrophication and benthic organic enrichment.
Biodiversity and Conservation; Species response and adaptation, restoration and management efforts, climate change and mitigation, ecological economics, legislation and policy.
Sustainable practice and development; monitoring techniques, biodiversity indicator species, multivariate biotic indices, alternative strategies e.g. aquaculture production, bioremediation, environmental impact assessment, renewable energy resources and waste management strategies.
Students will develop a range of practical and projects skills:
Examples may include:
- Use of bioindicator species as an environmental monitoring technique
- Research project (Environmental Impact Assessment Topic Related)
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
- LO1: Demonstrate understanding of the interdisciplinary approach of environmental science and core concepts.
- LO2: Appreciate the link between ecological theory and environmental and conservation science
- LO3: Demonstrate understanding of perturbations on the biosphere, species-specific impacts, monitoring and detection of ecosystem degradation and potential mitigation/management responses
- LO4: Communicate scientific ideas in a range of formats, including formal scientific reporting following application of multivariate indices, poster presentation demonstrating creative thinking
- LO5: Plan and execute an independent research project
- LO6: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills including report writing and poster presentation
- LO7: Exhibit problem solving skills and the ability to analyse data
- LO8: Display competence in specific laboratory practical and environmental monitoring skills
- LO9: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory and field
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
- skills in observation, analysis, and interpretation presenting solutions to a range of pressing environmental and conservation issues
- plan, execute and present a research question in which factors such as time management, problem solving and independence are evident, as well as independent reporting and interpretation of findings
15 weeks
This module will extend the basic organic chemistry covered in General Chemistry and introduce some basic themes from biological chemistry.
Review of Functional Group Chemistry:
-Bonding: atom-to-atom bonding sequences, electron configuration, hybridization, geometry and electronegativity features of the common functional groups
-Functional Groups: halides, alcohols, cyanides, ethers, alkenes, alkynes, amines, aldehydes, ketones, acids, acyl halides, amides and esters. The emphasis will be on methods of introduction and interconversion and the important mechanistic links between them, viz. nucleophilic substitution, elimination, addition, reduction, oxidation, hydration and hydrolysis
Aromatic Chemistry:
-Aromatic Chemistry of Benzene Derivatives: bonding in benzene (resonance, delocalisation and aromatic stabilisation); the Hückle rule; Frost diagrams; nomenclature of substituted aromatics; SEar reactions: mechanisms (nitration, halogenation, acylation, and alkylation); mechanisms and direction (ortho, meta, para ratios); aromatic amines and diazonium salts; phenols (preparation, acidity and reactions); nucleophilic aromatic substitutions: mechanisms and preparative applications.
-Heterocyclic Chemistry: classes: electron-deficient and electron-rich heteroaromatics; five-membered heterocycles: pyrrole, thiophene, furan (structure, properties, electrophilic substitution); six-membered heterocycles: pyridine (structure and substitution chemistry).
Concepts in Biological Chemistry
-Overview: biological molecules; sugars; proteins; fats; nucleic acids; monomers and polymers; the common theme of condensation and hydrolysis.
-Relationship to Organic Chemistry: cyclisation of monosaccharides as nucleophilic addition; peptide (amide) bond formation as nucleophilic addition.
Indicative Practical Work
- Practical 1 Preparation of an Ester
- Practical 2 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of p-Dimethoxybenzene
- Practical 3 Synthesis of 2-Hydroxy-4-methylquinoline
- Practical 4 Synthesis of Benzocaine
- Practical 5 Reduction of Vanillin by Yeast
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
LO1: Interpret features of an organic reaction mechanism and identify the class of the reaction from inspection of experimental data.
LO2: Suggest experimental approaches to undertake simple functional group interconversions.
LO3: Classify cyclic molecules as aromatic, anti-aromatic or non-aromatic using Hückle’s rule and/or Frost diagrams.
LO4: Interpret biochemical reactions in terms of the fundamental organic reaction/mechanism.
LO5: Demonstrate written communication skills through report writing
LO6: Display competence in specific laboratory practical skills
LO7: Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety regulations in the laboratory
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following transferable skills on completion of the module:
- Improved communication through participation in tutorials and
completion of continuous assessment
- A sustained improvement in independent learning and time
- Enhanced problem-solving skills through tutorials and practical
In addition, learners should demonstrate the following specific skills
- Practical experience of using instrumental analysis to monitor the
progress of organic reactions
- An ability to plan an organic synthesis using routine functional
group interconversions with reference to the literature (e.g.
- An ability to recognise the type(s) of organic reaction occurring in
biological processes
15 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
CC including Biology or Double Award Applied Science + GCSE Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/4,4 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
Note: It would be an advantage to have studied Chemistry beyond GCSE level.
H3H4H4H4H4/H3H3H4H4 including grade H3 in Biology and H4 in Chemistry + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O4 in Mathematics.
If not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level Chemistry grade O4 would be considered.
Successful completion of Access Course with an average of 65%. Must be a relevant Access Course normally including two Biology modules (Level 3) and one Chemistry module (Level 3). GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or equivalent in Access Course.
26-27 points overall including 5,4,4 at Higher Level including Biology + GCSE Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/4,4 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4
If not offered at Higher Level/GCSE then Standard Level grade 4 in Chemistry, English and Mathematics would be accepted.
QCF Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science (180 credits) with overall grade MMP (a minimum grade may be stipulated in relevant units) + GCSE Biology and Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/4,4 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
RQF Level 3 BTEC National Extended Diploma in Applied Science (1080 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)), with overall grade MMP (a minimum grade may be stipulated in relevant units) + GCSE Biology and Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/4,4 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by School of Biological Sciences. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.
A minimum of five GCSE passes at grade C/4 or better (to include English Language and Mathematics) would be required, though this profile may change from year to year depending on the demand for places. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of GCSE and/or A-level subjects can be fulfilled.
Offers are normally made on the basis of two A-levels. The offer for repeat applicants is the same standard as for first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering other qualifications will also be considered. The same GCSE profile is usually expected of those applicants offering other qualifications.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted but, in the case of the Foundation Degree in Biological Sciences, these are not the final deciding factors in whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered. However, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.
Applicants are not normally asked to attend for interview.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Visit Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions and Access Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
Our graduates are employed in organisations working within environmental monitoring and management, water quality management, animal welfare, academic research, the agri-food industries, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, teaching and education, and science communication.
These employment areas have always been important, but have now become increasingly so due to worldwide problems such as climate change, food supply and security, biodiversity loss and global health issues.
Successful students will be eligible to apply for Year 2 (Stage 2) of the BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences provided they meet certain academic criteria. Students who have successfully completed the Foundation Degree may also have the opportunity to study different (full) degrees.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £3,237 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £3,237 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £6,357 |
EU Other 3 | £16,867 |
International | £16,867 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
There are no specific additional course costs associated with this programme.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2025 from early September 2024.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2025 is still to be confirmed by UCAS but is normally in late January (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2025) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2025 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2025. If you apply for 2025 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
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Fees and Funding