Module Code
#1 in the UK for Food Science teaching (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025)
This degree programme is about gaining the knowledge and understanding of key areas in relation to food production and consumption.
Food Science concerns the ‘fitness for purpose’ of our food in terms of appearance (e.g. colour and surface qualities, texture, flavour and odour) and how these can be improved, alongside the physical, microbiological and chemical aspects of our food, which may be harmful to human health and how these can be minimised.
Nutrition concerns the nutrient supply from foods necessary to support the human body in health and during ill health throughout all life stages.
This degree emphasises the inter-relationship between these areas and their equal importance in food production.
Our new School of Biological Sciences building in Chlorine Gardens provides a high-tech learning environment and allows us to create a unique experience for our students.
The programme has underwent a professional accreditation process overseen by the Institute for Food Science and Technology (IFST). This provides quality assurance that the programme offers students ‘the best possible food-related education’.
All students undertake the Level 3 Award in Food Safety Supervision for Manufacturing as part of the module Food Commodities, Processing and Hygiene.
The Food Standards Agency (NI) awards a prize for the highest marks in Food Science and Nutrition in Stage 3. Yakult sponsors a prize for the best Honours project completed by a food student and Safe Food provides a prize for the best essay in the final year module ‘Food Supply Chain Safety and Security'.
Work placements on these programmes provide students with the opportunity to utilise the practical skills gained during the teaching of their degree and apply these in a work environment.
For many students this is the most important aspect of the degree, enabling them to experience the types of jobs which are available on graduation and through the preparation of CVs, interviews, etc. ensuring they are well prepared for the job market.
Our past students have gained work placement with organisations such as: Pepsico, Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer, The Food Standards Agency, Finnebrogue, Suki Tea, Dale Farm, Nestlé, Kerry group, Kraft Foods, Moy Park, Tayto, Hovis, Ulster Cancer Foundation, NI Chest, Heart & Stroke, hospital trusts and many more.
The unique flexible design of these degrees enables transfer to the MSci Food Science & Nutrition degree up until the end of Stage 2 (provided students meet the necessary requirements).
When I came to Queen’s I was intrigued to learn more about Food Quality as I had an interest in working in the area of food, particularly within the area of Nutrition. I would really recommend this course at Queen’s, it has given me to opportunity to learn so much and I’m now employed in a local food producer and I’m able to put the knowledge from my course into practice.
Geraldine Renaghan
Food Quality Coordinator – Suki TEA
Course content
The subjects studied on this course are wide ranging and include; food (biochemistry, chemistry, commodities, hygiene, marketing, microbiology, policy, processing, product development, psychology, quality and safety), fundamental and clinical nutrition, human physiology, diet and health as well as business innovation and entrepreneurship. Students must take the equivalent of three 40 CAT modules in each stage, including any compulsory modules.
Microbiology for Food Scientists
Chemistry for Food Scientists
Sustainable Food Systems
Composition of Foods
Fundamentals of Nutrition and Physiology
Principles of Food Quality
Food Commodities Processing and Hygiene
Food Innovation, Diet and Health
Industrial Food Analysis
Work Placement
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Nutrition Pathways in Health and Disease
Food Supply Chain Safety and Security
Research Project
15 (hours maximum)
Typical values for Stage 1. Includes up to 6 hours practical each week.
3 (hours maximum)
Typically 3 tutorials of 1 hour duration each week.
22 (hours maximum)
Includes own private study related to topics and coursework.
Students on the BSc in Food Science and Nutrition will be exposed to a range of learning experiences, which enable our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society and make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners. Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
You will be allocated an Advisor of Studies who is responsible for monitoring and advising you on your academic progress throughout your degree.
All students undertake the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 3 Award in Food Safety Supervision for Manufacturing as part of the module in Food Commodities, Processing and Hygiene.
Information associated with lectures and assignments is often communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). A range of e-learning experiences are also embedded in the degree through, for example: interactive online quizzes and discussion boards, interactive group workshops in a flexible learning space; IT and statistics; interactive web-based learning activities; opportunities to use IT programmes associated with practicals, project- based work and work placement.
These introduce basic information about new topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions and gain general feedback and advice on assessments. In many cases lecture notes are available prior to the lectures via the university VLE.
At our Welcome Week activities at the start of your degree, you will meet your Peer Mentor. Peer Mentoring at Queen’s offers you, as a new student, the opportunity to access guidance and advice from fellow food students who have already completed Level 1 of your degree. Food Student Mentors are selected by the Programme Director and trained by the Learning Development Service.
You will be allocated a Personal Tutor normally from the academic staff on your course, who will meet with you on several occasions during Stages 1 and 2 to support your academic development. Further details are shown in the section on the Student Guidance Centre.
Where you will have opportunities to develop technical skills and apply theoretical principles from the module to real-life or practical contexts. In some cases you will design your own practical and evaluate your success. You will be expected to attend up to 2 practicals per week for a module depending on the content, e.g nutrition, food microbiology, chemistry, quality or food product development practicals.
This is a significant part of learning as a Queen’s student, when important private reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback to date and assignment research and preparation work is carried out. This learning activity forms the major time component of all modules and increases as you progress from Stage 1 to 3.
Teaching is also carried out in small groups (typically 10-20 students), which provides an invaluable opportunity for you to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess your own progress and understanding with the support of peers. You should expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups.
In final year, you will be expected to carry out either a significant piece of literature research or a practical investigation [40CATS] on a relevant topic. You will receive support through a series of workshops and from a supervisor who will guide you in terms of how to carry out your research and will provide feedback to you at regular intervals during the report write up stage.
Students taking Food Science and Nutrition can undertake an optional work-placement of at least 16 weeks (560 hours) between Stage 2 and Stage 3 of their degree. This is a significant learning and employability enhancement opportunity. The placement is assessed and counts as 5% towards your degree classification. You will be responsible for attaining your placement, supported by a Work placement and careers advisor and a programme of workshops. For many students this is the most important aspect of the degree. It enables you to experience the types of jobs which are available on graduation and through the preparation of CVs, interviews etc. ensures you are well prepared for the job market on graduation. See the section on Careers for example placement hosts.
In modules throughout the degree, external experts are invited to give lectures, workshops or tutorials to enhance the learning opportunities of students. These guest speakers include representatives from the Food Industry such as Finnebrogue Artisan, Dale Farm Leprino Foods, Sainsbury’s, the Food Standards Agency and Campden BRI who bring a real life context to your studies and emphasise the current relevance of the degree. Visits to food businesses and an external Sensory Evaluation facility are also arranged to support theoretical learning. Our students gain real life experience of manufacturing products such as bread and- cream in the food processing and packaging facilities at CAFRE (Loughry Campus).
Each year, our second year students attend a Student Launchpad event facilitated by the Institute of Food Science & Technology to provide them with networking opportunities through mixing with industry mentors and allow them to gain valuable insights into possible careers in all aspects of the food supply chain.
On an annual basis our food students compete in a joint team with their Agriculture student counterparts representing Queen’s in the Dawn Meats “Great Agri-Food Debate”, competing against universities from all over Ireland.
Our food students have also enjoyed great success competing in the QUB wide “What’s the Big Idea?” competition as part of their Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship module, regularly winning the “Best Idea” award in the Faculty based on their innovative business pitches.
The way in which you are assessed will vary according to the learning outcomes of each module and we design our assessment strategies to appeal to a variety of student learning styles. It is our aim to develop our students not just in terms of technical/scientific ability, but also to provide you with opportunities to develop the essential “soft” skills highly valued by employers. These skills include: creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, communication, resilience, flexibility, entrepreneurship and time management. Details of how each module is assessed are shown in the Student Handbook which is provided to all students during their first year induction.
As you progress through your course you will receive general and specific feedback about your work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and your peers.
As a university student, you will be expected to take a greater role in reflecting on this and taking the initiative in continuously improving the quality of your work.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
A theoretical and practical introduction to the biology of microorganisms; microbial cell morphology; structure and function of cell components; growth, reproduction and enumeration of microorganisms; aspects of microbial genetics; the effects of physical and chemical environments on microbial growth; microbial spoilage of food commodities; fungi of importance in food; water microbiology; microbial ecology and microbiological hazards in foods, including pathogens and mycotoxins.
By the end of the module students will be able to:
i) Demonstrate knowledge and conceptual understanding of the basic biology and physiology of spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms and the interaction between them, their natural environment and food commodities (assessed in practical 1 and class test 1).
ii) Demonstrate competence in, and understanding of, the basic practical skills required to isolate, enumerate and identify the main micro-organisms associated with food (assessed in practical 2).
iii) Evaluate and select appropriate method(s) for determining the microbial flora of foods (assessed in practical 3).
iv) Demonstrate knowledge of how and where microbiology is relevant to the food industry (assessed in Practical 4 and class test 2).
v) Integration of the above learning outcomes (assessed in class test 2).
(i) Practical laboratory skills related to microbiology generally and food microbiology specifically (practical sessions) (assessed in practicals and practical reports).
(ii) Safe working within the microbiology laboratory (Practicals).
(iii) Recording, and appropriate analysis and presentation, of results (practical sessions) (assessed in practical reports)
(iv) Effective assimilation of knowledge (assessed in Class tests x 2).
(v) Written and oral communication skills (assessed in practical reports, group assignment, and examination)
(vi) Team working (Practicals).
12 weeks
Food-relevant molecules: Classification of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and lipids, Nature and function of enzymes;
Body composition: determination and physiological significance;
Nutrition & Metabolism: Control and integration of metabolism. digestion, absorption, intermediary metabolism and energy metabolism; Dietary Standards/ guidelines: Energy, protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, fibre, minerals and vitamins; Photosynthesis, Phytochemicals/micronutrients pathways of carbohydrate, amino acid, protein and lipid metabolism in plant and animal cells;
Population Nutrition: Dietary intake and use of surveys. Nutrition transition. Malnutrition and world hunger; Ethics in nutrition experimentation Nutritional requirements throughout the life cycle
Human Physiology: body systems relevant to food consumption and human nutrition
General food law, Food in Schools, Nanotechnology in food, Food security, Heavy metal contamination
i) how metabolism is controlled and integrated.
ii) knowledge and understanding of the structure and behaviour of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids particularly in relation to Food and Nutrition
iii) understanding of the importance of the activity of enzymes and factors affecting their activity.
iv) knowledge of the function of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
v) the relevance of metabolism to food quality, safety and Nutrition.
vi) describe in some detail the physiological structures of physiological systems in humans
vii) explain the functioning of physiological systems in humans.
viii) knowledge of various analytical methods available for nutrient measurement
ix) understanding of how to carry out dietary surveys
x) the role of nutrients in the body
xi) how dietary components are digested and metabolised and how they affect body composition
xii) a limited critical approach to nutritional information
xiii) integration of the above learning outcomes
i) Assimilation of information
ii) Practical laboratory skills (practicals)
iii) Safe working within a lab environment (practicals)
iv) Numerical procedures (practical reports) (assessed in practical
reports and examination)
v) Data presentation and interpretation (practicals and practical
reports) (assessed in practical reports and examination)
vi) Written communication (assessed in practical reports)
vii) Oral communication (practical classes and video presentation)
viii) Group skills (practicals and video)
Full Year
20 weeks
An introduction to sustainable food systems through the lenses of UN Sustainable Development Goals and One Health; data collection, analysis and interpretation; food systems of key food commodities; role of consumer choices and their impact on sustainability; carbon footprint and the move to net zero; food waste and by-products of food processing and manufacturing; legislation and policy implications; ethical practices, human rights and moral responsibilities.
Upon completing this module, students should be able to:
1. Define food systems and understand their position within a global food context.
2. Identify and discuss the challenges associated with the sustainable production, processing and manufacturing of a range of food commodities and describe relevant approaches to mitigate impact.
3. Understand the impact of consumer choices on sustainable food systems.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of new data collection, analysis and interpretation methods and how these can be used to monitor and improve sustainability.
1. Team working
2. Written & oral communication
3. Self-reflection
4. Problem solving
5. Data handling, analysis & interpretation
6. Critical analysis
12 weeks
Production of milk, its physical and chemical properties; Structure, function and biochemistry of muscle and meat including fish, poultry and alternative sources of protein;
Composition, physiology and post-harvest changes of fruit and vegetables;
Composition and structure of cereal grains; Production, structure chemical composition and properties of eggs.
Students will have acquired knowledge and developed understanding of the composition and structure of the major food components and commodities as well as developed appropriate practical and analytical skills to evaluate their quality and safety.
By the end of the module, students should have developed competence in practical laboratory skills, reading skills, numerical skills, scientific problem solving skills, use of spreadsheets, word processing, numerical procedures, presentation and interpretation of data and written and oral communication skills.
20 weeks
The periodic table, chemical bonds and molecular shape, understanding molecular structure, aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds that shape up our everyday foods. In addition, IUPAC nomenclature, introduction to stereochemistry and functional group chemistry relevant to common biological molecules, states of matter, elementary thermodynamics and an overview of spectroscopy.
Students will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry relevant to the physical and chemical characteristics of food that are subsequently developed in later stages of the food science degree programme.
By the end of the module, students should have developed competence in practical laboratory skills, reading skills, numerical skills, scientific problem solving skills, use of spreadsheets, word processing, numerical procedures, presentation and interpretation of data and written and oral communication skills.
12 weeks
Food hygiene and food preservation: principles and practice.
Low temperature preservation. Water and ice, freeze dehydration and damage. High temperature processing. Heat processing. Drying theory and processes. Mechanical separation techniques. Size reduction. Mixing, leaching, minimal processing techniques. Chemical preservation. Packaging. Fluid flow. Processing microbiology.
Production of meat, fish and poultry products. Processing of milk and production of dairy products. Processing of fruit and vegetables, cereals/bread, chocolate, beverages and compound foods.
On completion of the module students will be able to:
Describe, understand and apply the principles underlying the safe and hygienic processing of foods including associated practical and analytical skills.
Describe, understand and apply the important factors which influence the efficient processing of basic food commodities into high quality food products that are safe and wholesome.
Demonstrate ability to integrate the principles and practice of food preservation to solve problems and create reasoned arguments through group problem solving.
Data/information retrieval, interpretation and presentation; use of spreadsheets and numerical procedures; practical laboratory skills; written and oral communication skills; Problem solving, evaluation and interpretation; group working skills; task management and teamworking.
Full Year
24 weeks
Semester 1 (Food Innovation):
Reasons for new product development; theory of new product development; stages in the product development process from idea generation to test marketing and commercialisation; food labelling; functional foods; marketing; factors affecting food choice, changing food behaviours and use of market research (e.g. consumers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours around food research by FSA); sensory evaluation in NPD; consumer trials.
Semester 2 (Diet and Health):
Semester 2 (Diet and Health):
Nutritional epidemiology, critical appraisal of study designs required to assess diet disease outcomes, evidence-based nutrition (dietary assessment, anthropometry/body composition): principles of public health: vegetarianism; alcohol and health; nutrition and exercise; dietary fibre; dietary salt, dietary lipids and health; energy balance and metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes, hypertension), diet and cancer; bone and dental health; dietary salt and hypertension; diet and mental health, diet and infectious diseases, the role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health.
LO1: Understand the processes and stages required to develop new products to meet consumer needs and wants.
LO2: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how healthy eating is assessed and promoted within populations.
LO3: Explain the relationship between nutrition and diet related disease conditions.
LO4: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of diet and nutrition in the maintenance of good health and the prevention of diet related diseases.
LO5: Understand the factors influencing public health nutrition at a local and population level.
1) Information retrieval and interpretation (Essay, group case study report, practical reports)
2) Written communication (Essay, group case study report, practical reports and examination)
3) Oral communication (Oral discussion, tutorials)
4) Interpersonal (Group work)
5) Teamwork ( Group case study, tutorials)
Full Year
24 weeks
Structure and behaviour of food dispersions including gels, emulsions and foams; their formation and stability. Browning reactions in foods. Natural and synthetic food colourants and their stability. Oxidation of fats and oils. Sensory evaluation. Definition and measurement of food texture.
On completion of the module students will be able to:
• Critically identify the physical and chemical characteristics which influence the formation, stability and texture of food systems.
• Determine and describe the role of food colour and lipid oxidation to the sensory attributes of food.
• Identify the most appropriate sensory test to use in assessing sensory attributes of food products.
• Describe food textural attributes.
Practical laboratory skills, use of spreadsheets, numerical data manipulation, data presentation and interpretation, critical analysis, written and oral communication.
12 weeks
Covers how food testing is performed in industry, using current examples from the dairy and meat sectors. Explores the different analytical and computational methods for the determination of raw material, mid-production and end-product quality.
Students will gain knowledge and understanding and practical laboratory skills of select methods for testing foods applicable in quality control and research in industry and academia in a extend appropriate to their level.
By the end of the module the students will be able to:
1. Explain how food testing and problem solving is performed in the food industry (taught in Lectures and Practicals);
2. Investigate testing methods applied at food raw material intake, during product manufacture and end-product quality using the dairy and the meat industry as case studies (taught in Lectures and Practicals);
3. Understand computational methods used in the modern food industry such as process modelling and sensor technology (taught in Lectures and Practicals);
4. Analyse and interpret laboratory data from food testing methods including statistical analysis (taught in Lectures and Practicals);
5. Demonstrate an appreciation of modern food testing methods commonly used in industry (taught in Lectures, through videos and Practicals, may include Guest Speakers and visits)
1) Gained knowledge and developed an understanding of advanced testing methods relevant to Food and Nutrition
2) Developed associated practical, report writing, communication and analytical skills
3) Used spreadsheets and word processing, numerical data manipulation, data presentation, written and oral communication skills
4) Information retrieval and task management ; assimilation of information
12 weeks
1. Preplacement preparation including; the selection of placement, application forms, CV's and interviews. Evaluation of placement by student, including potential to relate academic theory to the work place and skills development. 2. On placement work including; relating academic theory to the workplace, recording activities and reflection in a log book. 3. Post placement reflection of learning and career prospects.
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
LO1: Apply subject knowledge of theoretical and practical concepts to provide solutions in the work-related environment
LO2: Evidence development in work related transferable skills
LO3: Demonstrate employability skills and an enhanced career plan.
LO4: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of Health and Safety in the work environment.
LO5: Exhibit effective communication skills in both the academic and work environment.
LO6: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team and reflect on your role in the team.
LO7: Evaluate and reflect upon your learning experience in the work environment
Students will identify and evaluate the skills which they have developed during the placement, which may include: communication (oral and written); problem-solving; team work; IT; presentational; personal development and reflection.
Full Year
24 weeks
Strategic business management and innovation . An introduction to management theory and management practice, comprising, planning, organising, staffing, leadership, entrepreneurship and control of management resources.
By the end of the module students will be able to demonstrate: an enhanced understanding and appreciation of key business management issues; the need for innovation and the role of entrepreneurship.
By the end of the module students will be able to demonstrate: written and oral communication skills; analytical skills based on the theory and methodology of business economics and marketing to solve business problems; IT skills.
12 weeks
The aim of this module is to help students develop an
understanding of the role of nutrition during the lifecycle and
in the treatment and management of a range of diseases.
It covers topics such as: nutrition in preconception,
pregnancy, infancy, adolescence and in ageing. It will also
focus on nutrition in the treatment and management of a
number of disease states, particularly those relating to states
of over- and under-nutrition.
On completion of this course it is expected that the student
will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of the role of nutrition
during various lifestages
- Describe the role of nutrition in the treatment and
management of a number of diseases.
Skills (application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation)
On completion of this course it is expected that the
student will be able to:
i) Understand major nutrition issues during the
ii) Distinguish between nutritional requirements in
health and disease.
iii) Search the scientific literature and retrieve
relevant information on a particular area of nutrition science.
iv) Critically assess and evaluate scientific
literature in relation to a particular area of nutrition
v) Demonstrate the ability to follow a specific
scientific referencing format
vi) Demonstrate proficiency in written communication
vii) Evaluate information on diet and nutritional
status in order to make suggestions for
improvements, in line with dietary guidelines for
a particular life stage and clinical guidelines for
a particular condition
viii) Demonstrate the ability to manipulate and
interpret nutrition-related data
On completion of this course it is expected that the student
will be able to:
(i) Assume responsibility for their own learning.
(ii)Plan and prioritise their workload in order to meet deadlines
Data manipulation and interpretation, retrieval of scientific
information, critical analysis of scientific literature, evaluation
of information on diet and aspects of health and disease,
written communication skills, time management skills
12 weeks
1. Course content
Lecture topics:
• Food supply chain safety and security topics.
• Food safety: consumer perception.
• Food Safety and Quality Certification Schemes.
• Quality systems and HACCP.
• Biological food hazards.
• Chemical food hazards.
• Antimicrobial resistance.
• Food legislation.
• Regulation in supply chain.
• Traceability – supply chain monitoring and recall management.
• Food Fraud.
• Food waste.
• Climate change impact on food supply chains.
• Globalisation of the food supply chain.
• Emerging research topics; sport supplements, sweeteners, food dyes.
• World Hunger
Guest lecturers:
With experience in various sectors of the food supply chain safety and security have been built into the programme, providing a valuable opportunity to relate academic theory to real life scenarios.
– Group project element designed to expand on lecture material or relevant topics not covered in the formal lectures.
– Essay element designed to enable exploration of wider themes and topical subjects.
Students will gain a knowledge and understanding of the safety factors plus the important legislative and control mechanisms needed to ensure food chain security and production of safe foods.
By the end of the module the students will be able to:
1) understand and be able to assess food safety (assessed in assignments and examination)
2) appreciate consumer perception and demand for food safety (assessed in assignments and examination)
3) explain the origins and background to food legislation and standards (NI, UK, EU and international) and have an in-depth knowledge of where to find related resources (assessed in assignments and examination)
4) appreciate the role of the British Retail Consortium and have an in-depth knowledge of the BRC global food standard (assessed in examination)
5) have a knowledge of food quality control systems and practical experience of carrying out a HACCP analysis (assessed in examination)
6) critically analyse the risk posed by chemical and biological hazards in food (assessed in examination)
7) confidently discuss emerging food safety topics such as food dyes or endocrine disruptors and have an in-depth knowledge of where to find related resources (assessed in assignments and examination)
8) formulate strategies for the concept of food waste (assessed in examination)
9) understand the risk of food fraud and appreciate the need for mechanisms of traceability (assessed in examination)
10) evaluate the impact of climate change on food supply chains (assessed in examination)
11) confidently discuss globalisation of the food supply chain and interpret the need to secure sufficient agricultural production to meet the demands of a growing world population (assessed in examination)
12) integrate the above learning outcomes (assessed in assignments and examination)
1) Information retrieval and interpretation (Group project, essay)
2) Written communication (Group project, essay and examination)
3) Oral communication (Oral discussion, group project and tutorials)
4) Interpersonal (Group project, tutorials)
5) Teamwork (Group project)
Full Year
24 weeks
This module allows students to complete an independent piece of research that is allied to their programme pathway, employment aspirations and specific academic interests. The final year allows choice from a range of specialised topics that are informed and inspired by the research being carried out in the School of Biological Sciences. This module will provide an understanding of how to conduct an independent, hypothesis driven research project. It allows the student to: find, evaluate and synthesise information from a variety of sources; apply their skills of critical analysis to a ‘real world’ research and apply awareness of ethics/research integrity/EDI/legal/policy and financial literacy aspects in context in the field of Biological Science. This module must be passed in order for students to be awarded a BSc Honours Degree.
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate the ability to analyse problems in their field, formulate hypotheses, evaluate and apply evidence-based solutions.
LO2: Plan, carry-out and report on a relevant scientific investigation including the application of health and safety procedures, financial, ethical and EDI considerations in research.
LO3: Demonstrate critical analysis of literature and data collected either in the laboratory, field or collated from published sources.
LO4: Innovatively apply their skills to tackling relevant scientific problems.
LO5: Demonstrate effective time-keeping, self-management and the ability to work independently.
LO6: Demonstrate an appreciation of the limits and significance of scientific findings.
LO7: Effectively communicate knowledge of the biological sciences to both a scientific audience and the general public.
LO8: Demonstrate understanding of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and how their research aligns with UN SDGs.
LO9: Effectively execute laboratory practical and analytical skills.
Plan, carry out and report a relevant scientific investigation. Time-management skills, initiative and independence. Ability to carry out a risk assessment of a project, appreciate the need to work safely and ethically. Effective IT skills, including Word Processing, retrieval of
information from electronic databases, data analysis and where appropriate statistical analysis
Full Year
24 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
BBB including Biology and Chemistry + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4
BBB including Biology and either Home Economics or Nutrition & Food Science + GCSE Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/44 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
BBB including Chemistry and either Home Economics or Nutrition & Food Science + GCSE Biology grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/44 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
ABB including Biology or Chemistry or Double Award Applied Science + GCSE Biology and Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/44 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award (including AQA Extended Certificate) will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction* being equated to a grade A at A-level and a Distinction being equated to a grade B at A-level.
H3H3H3H3H4H4/H3H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H3 in Biology and Chemistry + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O4 in Mathematics
H3H3H3H3H3H3/H2H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H3 in Biology + Ordinary Level Chemistry grade O4 + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O4 in Mathematics
H3H3H3H3H3H3/H2H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H3 in Chemistry + Ordinary Level Biology grade O4 + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O4 in Mathematics
A relevant Food/Science BTEC Extended Diploma with DDD + GCSE Biology and Chemistry grade C/4 or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/44 + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4.
Successful completion of Access Course with an average of 80% with no less than 70% in any module including sufficient relevant modules in Biology and Chemistry. GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or equivalent in Access Course.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by the School of Biological Sciences. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form, which is considered by the Selector for the Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition degree along with a member of administrative staff from the Admissions and Access Service. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.
For entry last year, applicants for the Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition degree must have had, or been able to achieve, a minimum of five GCSE passes at grade C or better (to include English Language and Mathematics), though this profile may change from year to year depending on the demand for places. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of GCSE and/or A-level subjects can be fulfilled.
Offers are normally made on the basis of three A-levels. Two subjects at A-level plus two at AS would also be considered. The minimum acceptable is two subjects at A-level plus one at AS though candidates offering this combination will be considered on an individual basis depending on the degree for which they have applied. The offer for repeat candidates is normally the same as the offer for first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering other qualifications, such as Edexcel National and Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, the International Baccalaureate, Irish Leaving Certificate or an Access course, will also be considered. The same GCSE profile is usually expected of those candidates offering other qualifications.
For applicants offering Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Junior Certificate is taken into account. For last year’s entry applicants for this degree must have had, a minimum of 5 IJC grades C/Merit, though this profile may change from year to year depending on the demand for places. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied.
For applicants offering a relevant HNC, the current requirements are successful completion of the HNC with 1 Distinction and remainder Merits.
For those offering a relevant Higher National Diploma, there may be the possibility of advanced entry to Stage 2 depending on relevance of the HND and first year results (at least half of the first year units must be at Merit grade). Where offers are made for entry to Stage 2 students would be required to achieve 2 Distinctions and remainder Merits in all units assessed in final year. Those not eligible for entry to Stage 2 would be considered for entry to Stage 1 provided at least one first year unit is at Merit grade. Students would be required to achieve Merits in all units assessed in final year.
For those offering a HNC or HND, some flexibility may be allowed in terms of GCSE profile.
Candidates offering Access/Certificate in Foundation Studies courses will be considered individually on their own merits.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted but, in the case of degree courses in the Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition degree, these are not the final deciding factors in whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking four A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.
Candidates are not normally asked to attend for interview.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a School Visit Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions and Access Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
•Studying for a Food Science and Nutrition with Professional Studies degree at Queen’s will assist you in developing the core skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions.
Although the majority of our graduates are interested in pursuing careers in the food industry or health promotion, some develop careers in a wide range of other sectors. The following is a list of the major career sectors that have attracted our graduates in recent years:
•Food industry – graduate recruitment schemes
• Food industry – new product development
• Food industry – technical and production management roles
•Food industry – quality management
•Food Retailers – food technology, food security, marketing, buying, supply chain management and logistics
• Charities – health promotion
• Nutrition – assistant dietician in a hospital trust
• Teaching – Nutrition & Food Science [PGCE needed]
•Consultancy – training and technical advice to food industry
• Research – industry research association
• Research – PhD studies
We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of employers including all those who provide work placement opportunities. These range from multinationals such as Moy Park and Sainsbury’s to local companies such as Irwin's and Tayto.
Many companies provide support for the course and students through repeatedly offering 16 or 46-week work placements. A number of such placements lead to employment for the students when they graduate.
Our past students have also gained work placement with organisations such as: Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer, Kerry group, Kraft foods, Moy Park, Tayto, Ulster Cancer Foundation, hospital trusts and many more.
Whether it is interns, placement students or graduates, we have been impressed by both the QUB students strong knowledge of the food industry issues but also by their work readiness skills. Our strong partnership and alignment will mean QUB students will continue to be a strong part of M&S Food Technology recruitment for many years to come.
Dominic Darby
Marks and Spencer, Head of Food Technology
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £25,300 |
International | £25,300 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
Year 1 students are required to buy a laboratory coat at a cost of £10, an E-Book at a cost of £25 and a Food Hygiene text book at a cost of £15.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2025 from early September 2024.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2025 is still to be confirmed by UCAS but is normally in late January (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2025) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2025 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2025. If you apply for 2025 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding