Module Code
Medicinal chemists have been responsible for many of our modern medicines. Their central contribution to developing new therapeutic agents against microbial infections, cancer and heart disease has helped to significantly increase worldwide life-expectancy. They are experts - with extensive knowledge of molecular design, drug synthesis and the biological function of drugs.
Four-year MChem degrees and five-year MChem (with a Year in Industry) degrees are available for high-calibre students with the ability and aspiration to practice Medicinal Chemistry at the highest levels.
Students on the Medicinal Chemistry programme at Queen’s receive a multidisciplinary training at the interface of chemistry and biology which covers the core divisions of chemistry as well as biochemistry, microbiology and drug design.
This course is accredited by the RSC. It fulfils the academic requirements for Chartered Chem (CChem).
The course is also accredited by the Institute of Chemistry in Ireland.
A degree in Medicinal Chemistry comprehensively equips students to make a difference in drug discovery and other careers, as well as providing key skills for progression into scientific and technical leadership roles. The School has excellent contacts with a number of leading pharmaceutical companies, with Almac Discovery involved in delivering parts of Medicinal Chemistry course content.
A degree in Medicinal Chemistry comprehensively equips students to make a difference in drug discovery and other careers, as well as providing key skills for progression into scientific and technical leadership roles. The School has excellent contacts with a number of leading pharmaceutical companies, with Almac Discovery involved in delivering parts of Medicinal Chemistry course content.
The School is targeting two of the biggest challenges of the 21st century – Sustainability and Healthcare. As the UK’s only combined Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School within the Russell group, we are expertly placed to equip the next generation of scientists to address these issues.
Significant investment has resulted in the installation and use of some of the most modern instrumentation available as well as a new state of the art digital learning platform.
Course content
While providing dedicated subject-specific learning, our Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry degrees strongly emphasise opportunities to develop generic problem-solving and reflective-working practices applicable to a range of career paths and patterns of employability. Many of the elements of the BSc are in common with the MChem programme, and allow students to transfer between the two pathways, subject to meeting the appropriate programme requirements. All degrees are modular and all provide a thorough training in the main subject areas (Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry) through compulsory core modules which offer in-depth study of these areas.
Additionally, Medicinal Chemistry students will study core elements of Biochemistry and the application of Chemistry to the design, synthesis and biological action of pharmaceuticals.
In Stage 1 Medicinal Chemistry students take introductory modules in Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, as well as Molecular Biology and Mathematics. They also take practical classes in Chemistry and Molecular Biology.
Stage 1 courses are outlined below:
Introductory Mathematics for Chemists and Engineers
Organic Chemistry Level 1
Inorganic Chemistry Level 1
Physical Theory
Molecular Basis of Life for Medicinal Chemists
Students take more advanced modules to cover topics in Analytical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, as well as Structural Chemistry, developing the practical and theoretical skills required to identify and interrogate the structure of molecules. Modules in Industrial and Green Chemistry and in Physical Chemistry introduce students to key concepts in these areas and a core module in Principles of Medicinal Chemistry provides a foundation in drug-discovery and the relevant applications of synthetic organic chemistry.
Stage 2 courses are outlined below:
Structural Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 2
Inorganic Chemistry 2
Physical Chemistry 2
Industrial and Green Chemistry
Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
In addition to advancing the main subject areas of analytical, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, students can also select a number of applied options allowing opportunities to specialise. These include a double-weighted research project directly supervised by a member of staff which will help them experience the full breadth of key areas in Chemistry and acquire both subject-specific and generic skills to act as a springboard to a successful career. Within this all students carry out inorganic and organic project work - Medicinal chemistry students also carry out a specialised medicinal-based project.
Stage 3 courses are outlined below:
Advanced Practical Work in Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry 3
Organic Chemistry 3
Drug Development
Advanced Chemistry Options (the section on Computational Chemistry in Drug Discovery and Design is compulsory for Medicinal Chemistry)
Different pathways offer other opportunities:
MChem Chemistry with Study Abroad:
Students spend their third year in an overseas academic institution then return to Queen's for a final year of study.
BSc Chemistry with a Year in Industry:
Students spend their third year working in industry - subject to the availability of a suitable placement - then return to Queen's for a final year of study.
BSc Medicinal Chemistry:
Students take modules which include Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry, and undertake a medicinal chemistry project.
There are also MChem in Medicinal Chemistry and BSc Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry courses.
Students on the MChem Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry programme will normally carry out their industrial placement with a leading pharmaceutical or related company in Stage 4.
Students carry out an independent research project. You will be embedded in one of the department's research groups and will undertake a piece of original research.
Stage 4 courses are outlined below:
Chemical Research Project (in Medicinal Chemistry)
Frontiers in Drug Development
Advanced Organic Synthesis
Optional Courses:
(choose one)
Frontiers in Sustainable Chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Chem & Chemical Engineering
The McLaughlin group is interested in pioneering the use of alkaline earth metals as sustainable catalysts for a wide range of organic transformations. We are also working in the area of transition metal catalysis to produce high value organo-metalloids, as well as employing super acids to activate inherently unreactive molecules.
The group is also engaged in structure based design and synthesis of small molecules, and using these to validate new therapeutic targets in oncology, neurodegeneration, inflammation and rare disease.
Chem & Chemical Engineering
Dr Huang is interested in developing and applying computational methods for biocatalysis and photocatalysis and has published over 70 full research articles in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.
2 (hours maximum)
2 hours of tutorials (or later, project supervision) each week
7 (hours maximum)
7 hours of lectures or seminars
6 (hours maximum)
6 hours of practical classes or workshops each week; laboratory hours will increase as more project work is undertaken at Levels 3-4 (as applicable)
24 (hours maximum)
22–24 hours studying and revising in your own time each week, including some guided study using handouts, online activities, etc.
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high-quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable student to achieve their full academic potential.
On the MChem Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts and develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society. We make use of innovative technologies and a world class library to enhance their development as independent, lifelong learners.
Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s student when important private reading, preparation for seminars / tutorials, writing of laboratory reports can be completed. You are encouraged to undertake private reflection on feedback, and at the later stages undertake independent research using the primary literature to support project work and critically review taught course material.
Information associated with lectures and assignments is typically communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. Opportunities to use IT programmes associated with data manipulation and presentation are embedded in the practicals and the project- based work.
Introduce basic information about new topics as a starting point for further directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers).
Undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor during Level 1 and 2 who meets with them on several occasions during the year to support their academic and professional development through the discussion of selected topics.
These are essential to the training in this laboratory based subject area. You will have opportunities to develop technical skills and apply theoretical principles to real-life or practical contexts. Most of the core taught modules at Stages 1 and 2 have practical components associated with them, whilst stage 3 has a double-weighted practical module (Advanced Practical Work in Chemistry) and stage 5 a triple-weighted practical module (Chemistry Research Project). Typically at stage 1 you would be in the lab for two afternoons and in stages 2, 3 and 5 it is two full days a week.
Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 6-10 students). These provide an opportunity for students to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess their own progress and understanding with the support of peers. You should also expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups as well as using them as a route to providing individual feedback.
In the final year, you will be expected to carry out a significant piece of research on a topic or practical methodology that you have chosen. You will receive support from a supervisor who will guide you in terms of how to carry out your research. The supervisor and a second academic member of staff will formally meet, interview and review the work at the half way stage, and then provide support in the write up stage, although weekly contact is anticipated in most projects within the School.
Assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
As students progress through their course at Queen’s they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work. Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:
The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering has seen substantial strategic investment in building new state-of-the-art research laboratories for synthetic and analytical chemistry, as well as catalysis research, with accommodation for over 50 researchers.
A £4 million investment in research and teaching laboratory space has significantly modernised and further extended our facilities, with recently added open-access equipment including an environmental SEM facility, powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction equipment, a high-end confocal Raman microscope, 400 & 600 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, and a 500 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer.
Further open-access School facilities include two additional NMR spectrometers, three mass spectrometers, and additional powder XRD, ICP-OES, BET and Hg porosimetry equipment, a CD spectrometer and a HPLC/GC instrumentation, as well as standard spectrometer and computational facilities.
An in-house team provides analytical services to internal and external stakeholders using their dedicated instrument suite. 15 technicians provide support for microanalysis, glass
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
The Molecular Basis of Life (BIO1103) is a 20 CAT module that provides a comprehensive introduction to the molecular basis of life from the molecular level through to cells, tissues, and whole organisms. This module broadly covers biochemistry, molecular biology, and energy metabolism in the context of life of earth. The course begins with an introduction to the chemical context of life (elements, compounds, molecules, atoms, bonding and thermodynamics) and biomolecules (amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids), to include the molecular and biochemical processes which underpin life on earth (DNA replication, RNA transcription and translation, genetic code and mutation, protein biochemistry, enzyme kinetics, glucose metabolism, metabolism control, and photosynthesis). Students are introduced to basic cell structure and communication to facilitate exploration of life at all levels and in different environmental conditions and allow understanding of the evolutionary scales of biological systems. Students receive practical teaching in key laboratory skills, DNA extraction, amino acid titration, enzyme kinetics, and photosynthesis. Students will be trained in basic laboratory mathematics including molar calculations and key mathematical concepts/theories. Students will also receive teaching in laboratory Health and Safety regulations and will be instructed in Good Laboratory Practice.
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the chemistry of life and its application to biological sciences.
LO2: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of biodiversity and organismal biology in the context of biochemical processes that govern life on earth.
LO3: Describe and explain the structures, roles and activities of the major biological molecules, sub-cellular components and cell types.
LO4: Develop problem solving skills and the ability to analyse data.
LO5: Develop written communication skills including report writing.
LO6: Develop an understanding of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), health and safety in the laboratory and ethical practice.
LO7: Demonstrate competence in specific laboratory practical and manipulative skills.
LO8: Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team and reflect on their role in the team.
Development of laboratory skills related to molecular biology, biochemistry and energy metabolism as evidenced through practical skills portfolio; report writing; critical and logical analysis of data, peer and self-assessment
12 weeks
Dr A. Doherty Kinetics (6 hours lectures, 2 hours seminars)
Electrochemistry (5 hours lectures, 1 hour seminar and 1 tutorial)
Dr M. Huang Laboratory Classes
Dr P. Kavanagh Phase Equilibria, (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars, 2 hours assessment); Laboratory Classes
Dr L. Moura Basic Thermodynamics, (8 hours lectures, 4 hours seminars and 1 tutorial)
Dr L. Stella Computer Workshops (6 hours)
Dr J. Thompson Chemical Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars); Laboratory Classes
Dr J. Vyle Physical Chemistry Aspects of Drug Design (6 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars and 1 tutorial)
Lecture content
Chemical Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars):
1.1 Introduction to physical chemistry: review states of matter and introduction to ideal gases and ideal solutions, enthalpy and internal energy, Hess cycles, heat capacity and heat transfer.
1.2 Chemical Equilibria: Definitions and calculations involving equilibrium constants Kc and Kp, including examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria (Ksp). Definitions and calculations involving enthalpy of solution and lattice energy. Application of Le Chatelier’s Principle to determine the effect of change in concentration, pressure, temperature and catalyst on the composition of the reaction mixture and the equilibrium constant. The Common Ion Effect.
1.3 Acids and Bases: Definitions of conjugate acid and base; strong and weak acids and bases. Calculation of pH, pKa and pKb. The special case of water Kw and pKw Terminology in acid/base titrations, calculation of pH at the end point, and indicators. Definition of a buffered solution and calculation of its pH. Examples of polyfunctional acids and their behaviour in titrations.
Phase Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars, 2 hours class test – first semester):
2.1. Phase Change: Phase changes including melting temperature, boiling temperature, density and molar volume, lattice energy, bond dissociation energy, enthalpy of vaporisation, introduction to entropy.
2.2. One Component Systems: Phase equilibria in single component systems using simple
P-T diagrams, the phase rule. Vapour pressure – temperature relationships: the Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron Equations, the Antoine Equation.
2.3. Two-component systems (vapour-liquid equilibria of ideal systems): Raoult’s Law, Dalton’s Law and Henry’s Law applied to ideal two component systems, volatility and relative volatility, constant pressure diagrams (x,y and T-x,y) and the Lever rule.
2.4. Introduction to non-ideal solutions: An azeotrope being a mixture that vaporizes and condenses without a change in composition; a eutectic being a mixture that freezes and melts without change of composition.
2.5. Colligative properties: Relative lowering of vapour pressure, boiling point elevation and boiling point depression in binary solutions containing non-volatile solutes; osmotic pressure.
Kinetics (6 hours lectures, 2 hours seminars):
3.1. Key concepts: Elementary reactions, reaction molecularity, molecularity vs. stoichiometry, definition of reaction rates, calculating reaction rates from experimental data, writing differential rate laws, reaction orders, order vs. molecularity, reaction rate constants, initial rates method, integrated rate laws (how and why), collision and transition state theories, Arrhenius rate law and activation energy, reaction kinetics in relation to reaction mechanism. Catalysis. Methods of measuring reaction rates.
3.2. Derivation of rate equations: Derivation of zero, 1st and 2nd rate laws, experimental data analysis and visualisation, Obtaining reaction orders and rate constants by the initial rates method. Analysing data using integrated rate laws and making predictions.
3.3. Collision and transition state theories: The Arrhenius equation. Activation by collision and the collision theory. Measurement of activation energies.
3.4. Classes of reaction: Simple gas phase reactions. Chain and branched chain reactions. Reactions in solution, reactions of solids, catalysed reactions.
Basic Thermodynamics, (8 hours lectures, 4 hours seminars and 1 tutorial):
4.1. Summary review. Thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, heat/energy flow and thermal equilibrium. Introduction to enthalpy, work, internal energy, zeroth law of thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics, state function, standard conditions, enthalpy of formation.
4.2. The direction of spontaneous change. Spontaneous vs non-spontaneous change. Entropy as criterion for spontaneous change. Reversible and irreversible processes. Classical and molecular basis of entropy.
4.3. The second law of thermodynamics. Examples and calculations using standard entropies; entropy changes with volume, temperature, phase transitions and chemical reactions.
4.4. Absolute entropy and the third law of thermodynamics.
4.5. Chemical equilibrium: Gibbs energy and spontaneity, energy minimum, direction of chemical change and influence of enthalpy and entropy. Variation of Gibbs energy with temperature, pressure and concentration. Gibbs energy relationship with equilibrium and the equilibrium constant. Examples and calculations.
4.6. Gibbs energy and phase equilibria. The thermodynamics of transition. Review of one component and two component phase diagrams. Liquid-liquid equilibria, phase separation, critical solution temperature, distillation of partially miscible liquids. Examples of extractions, separations and molecular interactions.
Electrochemistry (5 hours lectures, 1 hour seminar and 1 tutorial) :
5.1. Introduction to Electrochemistry: Equilibrium vs. Dynamic Electrochemistry classification; Units / dimensions electronic charge, coulombs; Review of Faraday’s Law; What is an electrode? Redox reactions at electrodes; Charge separation at interfaces and interfacial electric potential; Spontaneous vs. non-spontaneous charge separation; “Kinds” of electrodes; Electrode potentials = ΔG / -nF; Nernst equations for different “kinds” of electrodes; Effects of temperature and concentration on electrode potentials; Importance of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode.
5.2 Electrochemical Cells: Electrochemical series; Electrochemical cells, net cell reactions, cell diagrams; Calculating cell potentials, ΔG overall and K, equilibrium constant; Calculating solubility of salts from cell potential measurements; Calculating cell potentials from thermodynamic data; H2/O2 fuel cell description / performance; Cell thermodynamics, potentials vs. ΔS (entropy changes) relationship.
Physical Chemistry Aspects of Drug Design (6 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars and 1 tutorial):
6.1 Introduction to the physical properties of drugs and their targets: Recognising hydrogen bond donors and acceptors in biomolecules and in API’s (especially β-lactam antibiotics); binding affinities and selectivity; screening potential drug molecules using Lipinski’s Rule; prodrug activation strategies.
6.2 Basic Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics: Quantitative dose response curves and rates of elimination.
Laboratory Classes (21 hours):
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out 7 different experiments (3 hrs each):
P1 The Catalysed Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in Aqueous Solution;
P2 Buffers and pH Measurement;
P3 Phase Transfer and Solubility of I3-;
P4 Concentration Cells and Electrode Potentials;
P5 Enthalpy and Entropy of Vaporisation;
P6 Determination of the Activation Energy of a Reaction;
P7 Visualisation of 3D structure of a medicinal chemistry compound.
Both an individual COSHH assessment and pre-lab assessment as well as an individual post-lab report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated on Canvas.
Computer Workshops (6 hours):
Students will attend two computer-based workshops
Using Excel for calculation and graphing
Using Excel for statistical analysis
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Explain and use equations to describe chemical systems at equilibrium.
Describe the general principles of phase equilibria as applied to single and binary component systems.
Understand and apply the basic rules of chemical kinetics.
Describe and apply the general principles of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Describe equilibria of electrochemical cells and discuss applications of electrochemical theory.
Explain the chemistry of drug design and interaction.
Improved practical skills:
General chemical and engineering laboratory skills including estimation of experimental error.
Increased awareness of laboratory health and safety requirements.
Use of Excel for calculations and graphing.
Use of ChemDraw for presentation of chemical structures.
Gained transferrable skills:
Basic thermodynamic, kinetic and electrochemistry knowledge, basic laboratory skills, use of ChemDraw, Excel and estimation of error in experimental results.
Skills associated with module:
Thermodynamic and kinetic problem solving (including numerical), Excel-based calculations, graphing. General chemical and engineering laboratory skills including statistical analysis.
In addition,
Communication – spoken during practicals, tutorials and seminars and written in lab reports, tutorials, class tests and exam.
Numeracy – basic algebra and calculus.
Improved independent learning and time management.
Problem-solving –solving problems in exams, tutorials, seminars and practicals.
Safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use. Accurate measurement and recording of data and appreciation of error.
Standard laboratory procedures involved in physical chemistry.
24 weeks
Prof. Paul J. Stevenson
Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Functional Group Chemistry Part 1
(18 Lectures, Seminar); Oxidation And Reduction REDOX Processes (6 Lectures, Tutorial, Seminar)
Semester 1 CHM1101 Practical Class Coordinator
Dr. Kirill Tchabanenko
Infrared, NMR and Mass Spectroscopy (6 Lectures, Tutorial, Seminar); Aromaticity and Aromatic Chemistry (6 Lectures, Tutorial, Seminar)
Semester 2 CHM1101 Practical Class Coordinator and Module Cordinator
Dr Paul Dingwall
Carbonyl Chemistry and Acidity (6 Lectures, Tutorial, Seminar)
1 Revision Lecture, 1 Tutorial
Module Coordinator
Dr Stephen Cochrane
Organic Chemistry Workshops (3 x 2h Workshops)
Structural formula to represent organic compounds, identify isomers and convert structural formula to molecular formula.
Conformation, stereoisomerism sequence rule and diastereoisomerism.
Role of mechanism in Organic Chemistry. Recognition of nucleophiles, electrophiles and bases
Chemistry of common organic functional groups, Structure and prediction of chemistry and reactivity.
Electrophilic addition to alkenes and alkynes.
Electrophilic substitution of aromatic compounds.
Chemistry of alcohols and conversion to alkyl halides
SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 mechanisms.
Chemistry of amines
The chemistry of the carbonyl group. Nucleophilic addition, substitution by nucleophilic addition elimination.
Definition of REDOX processes.
Functional group interconversions based on REDOX processes.
Classes of oxidants including oxygen, ozone, N-oxides, peroxides, peroxyacids, transition metal and p-block elements in high oxidation states.
Classes of reductants including hydrogen, hydrides of boron and aluminium, and electropositive elements such as sodium and magnesium.
Develop an understanding of the pKa and pKaH scales.
Appreciate how the pKaH scale can be used to determine nucleophile strength and leaving group ability.
Reason through the factors that affect the stability of a conjugate base and appreciate how to use this knowledge to predict approximate pKa values and positions of equilibrium.
Understand factors that govern nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group.
Understand the differences between acid and base catalysed mechanisms.
Understand factors that govern nucleophilic substitution at the carbonyl group.
Be able to predict whether a nucleophilic substitution to a carbonyl group is likely to proceed.
Appreciate the differences in reactivity of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds
Understand the factors that control the regioselectivity of 1,2- vs 1,4-addition in such α,β-unsaturated systems
Understand the impact of kinetic and thermodynamic control in organic reactions.
The Huckel Rule of Aromaticity
The bonding in benzene: concepts of resonance, delocalisation and aromatic stabilisation.
Nomenclature of substituted aromatics.
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions: mechanisms and prominent (name) reactions: nitration, halogenation, acylation, and alkylation.
Directing Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions.
Aromatic amines and diazonium salts: preparation and reactions of.
Electrophilic substitution of heteroaromatic compounds.
Diazotisation of aniline, Nucleophilic substitution of diazonium species. Preeparation of phenols.
Synthesis and strategies in preparation of polysubstituted benzenes.
The electromagnetic spectrum. Energy absorption.
IR Spectroscopy
Hooke's Law approximation, stretching and bending vibration modes.
IR spectrometers.
Characterisation by IR spectroscopy - group frequencies, finger print region.
Specific group frequencies - C-H stretch, (bend), C=C and C=C stretch, O-H stretch, N-H stretch, C=O stretch (and factors affecting it), C=N stretch, o-, m-, p-bend in mono- and disubstituted benzene derivatives.
Uses of IR spectroscopy.
A Brief Introduction to 1H NMR Spectroscopy
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer.
Examples of 1H NMR spectra of various small organic molecules.
The concepts chemical shift variation; shielding and deshielding effects. Spin-Spin Splitting and the (n+1) rule.
Applications of spectroscopic methods in structure identification.
Practice and application of all the chemistry covered in this course
SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 reactions
Carbonyl chemistry
REDOX chemistry
On successful completion of this module the student will:
On successful completion of this module students will:
Have a good working knowledge of the fundamental reactions and reagents of synthetic organic chemistry and of the chemistry of important, commonly-encountered, organic functional groups.
Be capable of drawing basic organic reaction mechanisms and have a good awareness of key stereochemical principles and factors determining organic molecule reactivity.
Begin to develop an understanding of the pKa scale and its uses for understanding reactivity
Understand and rationalise reactivity of nucleophilic addition and substitution at the carbonyl group
Be able to use IR, UV/VIS, Mass and NMR spectroscopies to help determine the structures of organic molecules.
Master the rudiments of practical experimental organic chemistry.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
You will learn how to take good notes from lectures.
You will begin to understand the principles of mechanistic organic chemistry and ‘curly-arrow’ pushing, and learn the basic language that we speak in the organic chemistry world.
You will learn how to preform functional group interconversions build simple acyclic molecules from simple, readily-available organic chemical starting materials and basic chemical feedstocks.
You will become familiar with how to do organic chemical reactions in the laboratory.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr A. C. Marr
General Chemistry (18 Lectures); Skills Workshop – Essential calculations for practical chemistry.
Prof. Małgorzata Swadzba-kwasny Main Group Chemistry (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars); Skills Workshop – Scientific Writing and researching skills.
Prof. Stuart James
Introduction to Coordination Chemistry (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars)
Prof. Peter Nockemann
Introduction to Solids (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars)
Dr P C Marr
Skills Workshop – Laboratory Skills.
Elements, Atoms, ions, electrons and the periodic table:
This course aims to give an introduction to the fundamental principles of atoms from the chemists’ viewpoint. Starting from a simple model and using the results of quantum mechanics a more appropriate model of the atom is presented. From this model trends in atomic and ionic properties which enable us to explain differences and similarities and predict the properties of different elements can be deduced.
The following topics are covered:
The Basics: Element, The periodic table, atom, mole...
The Atom: The Bohr Atom.
The Electron: Wave-Particle Duality and The Schrödinger Wave Equation, Probability Density, Radial Distribution Function, Orbitals, Quantum Numbers, s and p Orbitals, Phase, d Orbitals.
More than One Electron: Filling orbitals, The aufbau principle, The Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rules, Penetration, Shielding, Effective Nuclear Charge, Slater’s Rules, Size.
Trends: Ionization energy, Electron attachment enthalpy (affinity), Electronegativity, Ionic radii, Polarizability and polarizing power, Hydration enthalpies, Redox potentials.
Structure and Bonding:
This course introduces some important theories of bonding. Theories of bonding are discussed in some detail for discrete molecules. The discussion of bonding in molecular species centres on the valence bond and molecular orbital theories.
Intermolecular forces between molecules are also discussed.
Introduction to bonding: Discussion of types of structure and common bonding theories, examples of representative structures.
Hormonuclear Diatomic Molecules: Interatomic distance and covalent radii, Potential energy curves, attractive and repulsive forces, bond energy and enthalpy. Lewis structures, filled shells, the octet rule. Wavefunction, introduction to valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory, Valence bond theory: ionic and covalent contributions, resonance; Molecular orbital theory: molecular orbitals, linear combinations of atomic orbitals, orbital overlap, bonding and antibonding orbitals, MO diagrams, some shapes of MO’s, labelling MO’s, examples of simple MO diagrams, bond order.
Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules: Lewis structures, valence bond approach, Molecular orbital theory, energy matching, symmetry, non bonding orbitals; electronegativity, electric dipole moments, carbon monoxide, isoelectronic molecules.
Polyatomic Molecules: Metal complexes and covalent polyatomics, coordination number, common geometries, molecules obeying the octet rule, valence bond theory, expanding the octet, hybridization (sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2), formal charge, single, double and triple carbon-carbon bonds, molecular shapes; molecular orbital theory: ligand group orbitals; comparison of VB and MO, macromolecules, fullerenes, proteins and hydrogen bonding.
Intermolecular Forces: Van-der-Waal forces, strength of forces.
Introduction to solids with extended structures: metals and semi-metals, ionic solids and covalent solids.
Main Group Chemistry:
Definitions: Oxidation Number and State, Valency.
Brønsted and Lewis acidity and basicity; hard and soft principles.
Chemistry of the s-block.
Introduction to the chemistry of the p-block elements, emphasizing:
Halides and hydrides.
Multiple bonding.
Molecular geometries (VSEPR theory).
Effective atomic number rule (Octet Rule).
Hydrogen Bonding.
Introduction to Coordination Chemistry:
Introduction to coordination chemistry of the d-block elements.
Trends and generalized properties, oxidation states.
Complexes and ligands, (Lewis acids / bases).
Co-ordination number, geometry, denticity, and chelates.
Isomerism; geometrical, optical, ionisation, hydration, ligand, linkage and co-ordination.
Crystal field theory d-orbital splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, Δ, high / low spin.
Exploration of thermodynamic stability.
Redox Potentials
Introduction to Solids:
States of matter and intermolecular forces
Structure, energy and chemical bonding of solids
Basic principles of chemistry in the solid state
Structures of the elements, packing of spheres and metal structures
Relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding and crystal structure
Salts, metals, ceramics, semiconductors and polymers
Basic chemical and physical properties of solids
Applications in materials chemistry
Skills Workshops
Scientific writing and researching skills
Laboratory Skills
Essential calculations for practical chemistry
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the module the students are expected to:
• understand electronic configurations and the fundmanetals of bonding
• understand Brønsted and Lewis acidity.
• determine the oxidation state, valency and molecular geometry in simple inorganic compounds.
• have a general overview of s and p-block chemistry.
• have a general overview of d-block chemistry
• have a general overview of the principles of chemistry in the solid state
• perform simple synthetic procedures following a method.
• Obtain and analyse data from physico-chemical phenomena.
Skills associated with module:
(All below are practised only):
Communication – some spoken during practicals and help sessions but in general written.
Numeracy – Level 3 attainment in maths and numbers
Improving own learning & performance – Basic level of time management
Problem-solving – Basic level of solving problems in exams, class tests. seminars and laboratories.
Safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use.
Standard laboratory procedures involved in synthetic and analytical work.
24 weeks
Dr L. Stella Weeks 1-5: Lectures (10 hrs); Tutorials (10 hrs).
Dr B. Xiao Weeks 9-12: Lectures (8 hrs); Tutorials (8 hrs).
Dr M. Huang Weeks 6-8: Lectures (6 hrs); Tutorials (6 hrs).
Demonstrators Tutorials (22 hrs)
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures (26 Hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 1: Foundation maths (2 hrs, only for non A-level Maths students)
Why Maths? Numbers (integers, decimals, significant figures, scientific notation); Formula and algebraic manipulations; Role of units.
Week 2: Introduction (2 hrs):
Representing chemical data; linear dependence; equation of the line; interpolation; parabolic behaviour; inverse proportionality (hyperbolic behaviour); Cartesian representation of a function (analytic geometry); Implicit representation (circle, ellipse).
Week 3: Basic Functions I (2 hrs):
Polynomials; the parabola again; intersects and solution of second order equation; higher order equation; factorisation of polynomials; rational functions; singular points; drawing a rational function (the concept of limit); simplification of rational functions.
Week 4: Basic Functions II (2 hrs):
Circular functions (trigonometry); drawing circular functions (periodicity); waves; trigonometric identities; inverse functions; power laws; properties of powers; rational exponent; drawing power laws (rate of growth);
Week 5: Basic Functions III (2 hrs):
Real exponents (rational approximation); the exponential function; properties of the exponential; the logarithmic function (inverse of the exponential); properties of the logarithms; hyperbolic functions (link with the exponential function).
Week 6: Differentiation I (2 hrs):
Local behaviour of functions; finding the tangent line; definition of the derivative; derivatives polynomials and simple functions; Newton's method to find the roots of an equation; higher derivatives.
Week 7: Differentiation II (2 hrs):
Differentiation rules; derivatives of rational function; differentiation of complicated expressions (tricks); partial differentiation; differentiation of implicit functions (thermodynamic applications).
Week 8: Differentiation III (2 hrs):
Geometric application of the derivatives; minima and maxima; inflection points;
Week 9: Integration I (2 hrs):
The problem of measuring area; thermodynamic examples; the construction of the integral (Riemann); integration as the inverse of differentiation; simple integrals; improper integrals.
Week 10: Integration II (2 hrs):
Integration rules (by parts, by change of variables); Integrations of common functions (tricks); Integration of the solid of revolution.
Week 11: Integration III (2 hrs):
Integrals that cannot be computed analytically; numerical integration (trapezium and Simpson rules); analysis of the errors.
Week 12: Complex numbers (2 hrs):
Why complex numbers? the imaginary unit; the fundamental theorem of algebra; Adding and multiplying complex numbers; the complex conjugate; dividing complex numbers; polar representation; De Moivre's formula; complex exponential; Euler's formula; links to the circular functions.
TUTORIALS (22 hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 1: Foundation maths (2 hrs)
Week 2: Introduction (2 hrs)
Week 3: Basic functions I (2 hrs)
Week 4: Basic functions II (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 5: Basic functions III (2 hrs)
Week 6: Differentiation I (2 hrs)
Week 7: Differentiation II (2 hrs)
Week 8: Differentiation III (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 9: Integration I (2 hrs)
Week 10: Integration II (2 hrs)
Week 11: Integration III (2 hrs
Week 12: Complex numbers (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 13: Class test (40%)
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
• Recognize and manipulate an appropriate range of mathematical tools required in chemistry and chemical engineering.
• Demonstrate the application of mathematics to solve routine chemistry and chemical engineering problems.
• Model simple chemistry and chemical engineering processes.
In particular, students will be able to solve problems involving:
• Polynomials and elementary functions
• Cartesian representation of functions
• Numerical solution of nonlinear equations
• Differentiation and its applications
• Integration and its applications
• Complex numbers
Students will grow their confidence in identifying and applying mathematical tools required to progress their studies in either chemistry or chemical engineering. During the module, students will practice:
• Logical thinking
• Critical assessment of a mathematical derivation
• Independent and group learning
12 weeks
Staff: Contribution:
Dr. K. Tchabanenko Module Co-ordinator, 6 lectures, 1 seminar on Reagents for C-C Bond Formation, Lab supervisor, Workshop facilitator, Class Test examiner.
Dr. P. Knipe 6 lectures, 1 seminar on Alicyclic Chemistry, 6 Lectures on Stereochemistry, Lab supervisor, Workshop facilitator, Class Test examiner.
Dr. K. Tchabanenko 6 lectures, 1 seminar on Reactive Intermediates, Lab supervisor, Workshop facilitator, Class Test examiner.
Dr. G. Sheldrake 6 lectures, 1 seminar on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Lab supervisor, Workshop facilitator.
Dr. J. Vyle 6 lectures,1 seminar on Primary metabolites.
Summary of Lecture Content:
1. Reagents for C-C Bond Formation
Lecturer: Dr. K. Tchabanenko E-mail address:
6 Lectures
Detailed synopsis:
Carbon-electrophiles and carbon-nucleophiles. Relative acidities of CH bonds and bases. Organo-magnesium, lithium, zinc and copper reagents as C-nucleophiles: formation, structure and reactivity. Malonates, enolates, enamines and reactions thereof. Decarboxylation of -ketoacids.
Wittig reaction. Chemoselectivity and protecting groups. Role of Lewis acids in organic chemistry.
2. Alicyclic Chemistry
Lecturer: Dr P Knipe E-mail address:
6 Lectures, 1 seminar
Detailed synopsis:
This course describes the structures of carbon-based ring systems. Ring strain will be used to rationalize the conformational preferences of these molecules. The thermodynamics and kinetics of ring formation as a function of ring size will be discussed. Baldwin’s Rules governing kinetically-controlled ring-closing reactions will be introduced. Where relevant, frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) will be used as a tool to explain conformation and reactivity.
Key strategies for the synthesis of cyclic compounds:
(i) Cyclization reactions – to include intramolecular alkylation (SN2-like) of enolates; Dieckmann condensation; Robinson ring annulation; ring-closing metathesis.
(ii) Cycloadditions reactions – to include carbene insertion e.g. Simmons-Smith (cyclopropanes); [2+2]-photocycloaddition (cyclobutenes); Diels-Alder [4+2] cycloaddition (cyclohexenes).
(iii) Ring expansion and contraction reactions – to include Favorskii, Wolff and Tiffeneau-Demjanov rearrangements.
3. Reactive Intermediates
Lecturer: Dr. K.Tchabanenko E-mail address:
6 Lectures
Detailed synopsis:
Reintroduction to radicals, homolytic bond strengths and cleavage, radical stabilities, radical precursors, initiators and acceptors, nucleophilic and electrophilic radicals, chain reactions, halogenations, cyclisations, rearrangements, substitutions, aromatic radical chemistry, oxidations, deoxygenations and reductions, hydrogen abstractions.
Carbenes and Nitrenes
Structure (singlet vs. triplet), stability, synthesis, N-heterocyclic carbenes, cyclopropanation, aziridination, C-H insertion, benzoin and Stetter reactions, rearrangements, ring expansions, reactions of dichlorocarbene, uses in synthesis.
4. Natural products: The Primary Metabolites
Lecturer: Dr. J. Vyle E-mail address:
6 Lectures and 1 workshop.
Detailed synopsis:
• Introduction to primary metabolites (1 lecture)
Understand biological relevance of each class of compound; know basic structures of monomers and polymers; D- / L- and - / -descriptors.
• Carbohydrate chemistry (2 lectures)
Selective hydroxyl-group protection / activation; chemical glycosylation strategies,
/-anomeric control.
• Nucleoside chemistry (2 lectures)
Preparation of nucleosides with modified and unmodified sugars, nucleobases, phosphate esters.
• Amino acid chemistry (1 lecture)
Selective protection of side-chain functional groups and -amines.
5. Heterocyclic Chemistry
Lecturer: Dr. G. Sheldrake E-mail address:
6 Lectures, 1 seminar
Detailed synopsis:
This course introduces the properties, chemistry and synthesis of aromatic heterocyclic compounds. Material will include:
• six-membered heterocycles: pyridine and derivatives; quinolines and isoquinolines. Structure, aromaticity and preparation. Amine reactions. Electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution. Oxidation and reduction, substituted pyridines and substituent reactivity.
• five-membered ring heterocycles: pyrrole, thiophene, furan and derivatives. Indole. Structure and reactivity. Electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution.
• rings containing more than one heteroatom: pyrimidine and purine: natural occurrence and importance in biology. Imidazoles, oxazoles, thiazoles, triazoles, tetrazoles: reactivity and applications in synthesis.
Coursework assignments:
1. NMR Spectroscopy Workshop
Facilitators: Dr. G. Sheldrake, Dr. K. Tchabanenko, Dr. P. Knipe
Two 3-hour workshops
Please note that these workshops will take place on the first or second day of term and are compulsory.
These workshops are designed to teach the principles of NMR spectroscopic interpretation which is a fundamental skill in organic chemistry and will be required many times in organic and inorganic practicals and Level 3 / Level 4 projects. The course will provide an introduction to an NMR spectroscopic software package (Bruker TopSpin) which enables the user to determine the parameters of a spectrum and extract data such as chemical shift, integration and coupling constants. Working in small groups (2-3) you will be given NMR spectra of some simple organic compounds along with some basic rules and guidelines and asked to identify the structures from the spectra.
2. Class Test
Set and marked by: Dr. K. Tchabanenko and Dr. P. Knipe
1 hour during Week 9
There will be a Class Test in Week 9 of the semester which will test your knowledge and understanding of the first three lecture courses. This is an important and compulsory element of the coursework and contributes 5% towards the overall module mark.
3. Practical Experiments
Lab Supervisors: Dr. G. Sheldrake, Dr. P. Knipe Dr. K. Tchabanenko
Organic Chemistry is a practical subject and this course of six experiments is designed to teach many of the key skills required for synthetic organic chemistry, such as chromatography, distillation, crystallisation, spectroscopic characterisation, as well as providing practical examples of some of the important reactions encountered in the lecture material. The course will also provide practice in preparing experimental reports in the correct chemistry literature styles.
Full details of the practical programme will be provided in the CHM2003 Laboratory Manual.
4. Tutorials
Tutors: members of the Organic Teaching Staff
Five 1-hour tutorials, fortnightly from Week 4 (plus revision tutorial if requested)
The lecture material will be supported by small group (≤ 6) tutorials held in weeks 4, 7, 9, 10 and 12. The tutorials will be structured around questions from a tutorial booklet, circulated at the beginning of term, but these sessions are also an opportunity to discuss aspects of the course material that are causing problems or are difficult to assimilate.
Full details of the tutorial programme will be provided in the CHM2003 Tutorial Booklet.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the module the student will have:
* An understanding of chemical terminology, nomenclature and conventions, to be achieved through the recognition and application of reagents e.g. electrophiles/ nucleophiles, carbocations, carbanions, radicals, carbenes and nitrenes.
* Some appreciation of new types of chemical reactions in the context of reagents for carbon carbon bond formation, cyclisation reactions, condensation reactions and ologosaccaride formation.
* An ability to compare and contrast the distinctive structural and electronic features of the main classes of heterocyclic compounds.
* A knowledge of the principal synthetic methods for preparing heterocycles and examples of reactions typical of each class.
* A knowledge of the chemical structure of primary metabolites including sugars, oligosaccharides and nucleotides, the key reactions used for their formation.
* Direct experience of the practical application of key reagents, reactions and analytical techniques in synthetic organic chemistry e.g. organometallic reagents, C-C bond formation reactions, cyclisations, chromatographic separation and spectroscopic analysis.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Subject specific skills will have been acquired by the students. The practical skills will be improved via longer and substantially more complex experiments, and more rigorously assessed reports (compared to the first year module). In addition, students will have acquired skills in experimental reporting in the correct style for peer-reviewed journals.
Full Year
12 weeks
Dr. A.C. Marr Introduction to the Chemical Industry 8 Lectures, seminars. Process Design Project Facilitator- Six 2-hour workshops and final 3-hour presentation workshop.
Dr. P.C. Marr Module Co-ordinator; Introduction to Polymers I -10 Lectures, seminars; Introduction to Polymers II – 4 Lectures, Seminars. Process Design Project Facilitator- Six 2-hour workshops and final 3-hour presentation workshop.
Dr. G. N. Sheldrake Introduction to Green Chemistry - 8 Lectures; Process Design Project Facilitator - Six 2-hour workshops and final 3-hour presentation workshop.
Introduction to the Chemical Industry:
The Chemical Industry is based on the efficient transformation of simple building blocks into increasingly complex and higher value-added intermediates and products. This short introduction to the subject will demonstrate how important industrial chemicals can be synthesised using catalysed reactions, starting from the feed stocks of the current chemical industry: fossil fuels.
From fossil fuels to chemicals.
Comparison of homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-catalysis.
Heterogeneous catalysis and the synthesis of building blocks: CO, H2, NH3, olefins.
Large scale homogeneous processes.
Separations in homogeneous catalysis.
Introduction to industrial biocatalysis for chemical synthesis.
Introduction to Green Chemistry:
This course will introduce the concepts of “green” chemistry and the development of a sustainable future for chemical manufacture. Topics covered will include techniques for greener synthesis and the application of these techniques to real industrial problems. Topics covered will include:
The case for sustainability in chemical manufacture; the twelve principles of “green chemistry”; methods for evaluating and comparing the “greenness” of chemical processes
Greener reaction media: supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, sustainable organic solvents, solventless processes.
The green chemist’s toolbox: an introduction to enzyme-catalysed transformations; heterogeneous acids and bases; greener reductions and oxidations;
Greener process design.
Case studies.
Introduction to Polymers l:
This course will introduce the topic of applied materials. The course will include an introduction to polymers, polymer synthesis and applications of polymer from bulk to medical. The course will introduce green approaches to polymer synthesis and polymer recycling.
Introduction to polymers.
Overview of structure property relationships.
Biopolymers and polymers from renewable feedstocks
Polymers for medicine (structural, pharmaceutical)
Polymer recycling
Introduction to Polymers II:
Polymer characterisation, analysis, and industrial applications.
Industrially important bulk polymers.
Will include case studies of industrially important polymer manufacture. Discussion on scale up.
Coursework assignments.
Process Design Project:
This exercise will provide an opportunity to work in teams using principles of industrial and green chemistry to design a chemical manufacturing process.
Introduction to the Chemical Industry:
The Chemical Industry is based on the efficient transformation of simple building blocks into increasingly complex and higher value-added intermediates and products. This short introduction to the subject will demonstrate how important industrial chemicals can be synthesised using catalysed reactions, starting from the feed stocks of the current chemical industry: fossil fuels.
From fossil fuels to chemicals.
Comparison of homogeneous, heterogeneous and bio-catalysis.
Heterogeneous catalysis and the synthesis of building blocks: CO, H2, NH3, olefins.
Large scale homogeneous processes.
Separations in homogeneous catalysis.
Introduction to industrial biocatalysis for chemical synthesis.
Introduction to Green Chemistry:
This course will introduce the concepts of “green” chemistry and the development of a sustainable future for chemical manufacture. Topics covered will include techniques for greener synthesis and the application of these techniques to real industrial problems. Topics covered will include:
The case for sustainability in chemical manufacture; the twelve principles of “green chemistry”; methods for evaluating and comparing the “greenness” of chemical processes
Greener reaction media: supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, sustainable organic solvents, solventless processes.
The green chemist’s toolbox: an introduction to enzyme-catalysed transformations; heterogeneous acids and bases; greener reductions and oxidations;
Greener process design.
Case studies.
Introduction to Polymers l:
This course will introduce the topic of applied materials. The course will include an introduction to polymers, polymer synthesis and applications of polymer from bulk to medical. The course will introduce green approaches to polymer synthesis and polymer recycling.
Introduction to polymers.
Overview of structure property relationships.
Biopolymers and polymers from renewable feedstocks
Polymers for medicine (structural, pharmaceutical)
Polymer recycling
Introduction to Polymers II:
Polymer characterisation, analysis, and industrial applications.
Industrially important bulk polymers.
Will include case studies of industrially important polymer manufacture. Discussion on scale up.
Coursework assignments.
Process Design Project:
This exercise will provide an opportunity to work in teams using principles of industrial and green chemistry to design a chemical manufacturing process.
The students will be allocated a project in which they will be asked to solve a problem. “The company” will ask them to take an existing process and improve on it using their Green Chem. knowledge. They will work in groups to produce a report outlining their findings and also present their recommendations by means of a conference style scientific poster presentation. An individual written report of the development of the process will also be produced.
The style is intended to mirror the type of problem a team may be asked to solve in the workplace.
Workshop sessions:
Talk from careers service (PD)
Project group allocation (kick off session) (GNS) (ACM) (PCM)
Life cycle analysis (GNS).
Literature and the library (IB).
Plagiarism (CL DC).
Report writing and scientific communication skills (PCM).
Biocatalysis (SM, ALMAC - if available to present a guest lecture)
The sessions are split: The presentation is the first hour, the second hour is timetabled to provide the students a space and time for groupwork and give students the opportunity to embed the content of the workshop into their final report and presentation. Staff will be available to provide feedback and give guidance on the project.
These exercises (PCM ACM GNS) contribute:
10% Group Report 1(intro and LCA).
25% Group report 2 (Written Design Project report).
10% individual Design Project report.
15% Group Poster Presentation.
Laboratory session (GNS + PCM):
laboratory on green chemistry/biocatalysis
This exercise contributes: 20%
Class test 20% (PCM)
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Have learned about where industrial chemicals come from
Have learned about new classes of chemicals and chemical structure and how physical, chemical and mechanical properties of these relate to their applications
Have a working knowledge of how organic functionality can be built up from simple feedstocks.
Have an appreciation of the sorts of considerations important to the application of chemistry to industrial problems
Have earned about industrially important polymers and polymer synthesis, including greener methods and recycling
Have an appreciation of key applications of polymers learned the principles and synthetic techniques underlying green chemistry
Have an appreciation of how these techniques are applied to industrial-scale syntheses
Have an appreciation of how these principles are used in the design of more sustainable and selective industrial chemical manufacturing processes.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Subject specific skills, and transferable/employability skills.
Students will have developed skills in:
Report writing (written communication in a scientific style)
problem solving through teamwork
The application of technical principles to complex real-world design problems
communication and presentation of scientific results
Self management
Interview skills.
12 weeks
Summary of lecture content
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (7 Lectures/ 1 Seminar):
This course will introduce the key concept of medicinal chemistry, and underpin student’s learning for their subsequent medicinal chemistry topics/modules.
Protein-drug interactions.
Introduction to small molecule metabolism.
Toxicity and toxic alerts
Hit to Lead and Lead optimisation.
Assay development and Use
Targets and proteins (Dr Joe Vyle 11 Lectures and 1 Seminar)
Basic methodologies (5 Lectures):
• DNA synthesis / amplification.
• Chemical Synthesis.
• Enzymatic synthesis.
• Amplification by PCR.
• Epigenetic modifications of DNA.
Target Identification and Validation (6 Lectures):
• Genomics approaches
o mRNA knockdown
o RNA amplification.
o Quantification by QPCR.
o RNA interference / CRISPR/ CAS9.
• DNA and DNA modification analysis:
o Sequencing
Chemical (Maxam-Gilbert);
Enzymatic (Sanger)
New methodologies.
• Proteomics
o Mass spectrometry;
o Side-chain modification (+ MS identification)
Isoforms phosphorylation / ubiquitination / palmitoylation / glycosidation
Covalent drug-target interactions
Modelling and Drug Development (Dr Meilan Huang, 10 lectures and 1 Seminar)
• QSAR (3 lectures):
• Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR):-Hydrophobicity, electronic & steric factors (Taft and Hammett relationships)
• QSAR analysis (Craig plots, Topliss schemes, Hansch analysis),
Bioisosterism(3 lectures):
• Isosterism and Bioisosterism
• Peptidomimetics
Fragment based drug design (4 lectures)
• Drug Design: protein structure prediction, protein-ligand docking methods, structure-based drug design, ligand-based drug design,
• Focused combinatorial library design
• Protein-protein interactions.
Upon completion of this module, the students
• will have gained a general understanding of the process underlying drug discovery ranging from biological (target identification) to chemical (chemical structure optimisation) issues.
• The students will also have been exposed to examples of and the application of synthetic organic chemistry used for total synthesis of biologically-relevant target molecules and the sites and mechanisms of drug action.
Skills associated with the module:
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
• Subject specific skills in the context of medicinal chemistry in addition to problem-solving skills related to drug design and drug discovery.
12 weeks
Prof. A. Mills
Introduction to Practicals (1 Lecture); Basic Reaction Kinetics (8 Lectures, and 1 tutorial.); Thermodynamics (7 Lectures, 1 tutorial and 1 class test); Photochemical Kinetics and Techniques (5 Lectures, and 1 tutorial).
Dr. A. Doherty
Surfaces and Interfaces (6 Lectures, and 1 tutorials); Dynamic Electrochemistry (3 lectures)
Introduction to Practicals:
* Introduction to the basic material necessary for the performing of the practicals as well as a focus on the context of these practicals with respect to the courses taught in the module.
Basic Reaction Kinetics:
* Basic reactor design, energy and mass balance and basic reactor kinetics. Introduction to reaction kinetics; * rate law and reaction order, reaction stoichiometry, molecularity, elementary and non-elementary reactions, limiting reactant, %conversion, order of reaction, single and multiple reactions, parallel and series reactions, multi-step processes, Arrhenius equation, manipulation and use of rate equations; * interpretation of experimental kinetic data; * integrated rate equations, equilibria kinetics.
* Review of H, S and G functions, the laws of thermodynamics and Hess’s law. * Kirchhoff’s equation, Trouton’s Rule. Calculation of DH, DS and DG at temperatures other than 298 K. * The reaction Gibbs Energy, Chemical equilibrium and mixing and the Van’t Hoff Reaction Isotherm. * The Van’t Hoff Reaction Isochore, the Classius-Clapeyron equation and vapourisation. * The Clapeyron equation and melting. * Concept of activities and chemical potentials. * Ideal and real mixtures (Raoult’s and Henry’s laws). * Fractional distillation. * Phase equilibria. * Colligative properties. * Derivations of equations for elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure. * Mean activity coefficient. * Activity vs. concentration; activity coefficient and its calculation from the Debye-Hückel equations (limited and extended). * Thermodynamic and concentration equilibrium constants. * Solubility and solubility products. * The 'Thermodynamics' section of the course will only be examined in the open book class test, i.e. no 'Thermodynamics' based question will appear on the exam paper.
Surfaces and Interfaces:
* Solid-Solid, Gas-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid and Gas-Solid * Review of important applications * Surface thermodynamics * Surface energy, surface tension, interfacial tension, surface phenomena and surface characteristics * Absorption, adsorption and reactions on surfaces * Physisorption, * Chemisorption, * Empirical and derived adsorption isotherms; * Linear, * Freundlich * Langmuir * BET * Adsorption thermodynamics * Adsorption kinetics and mechanisms * Adsorption’s role in heterogeneous catalysis * Adsorption and surface chemistry in chromatography * Thermodynamics of mass distribution between phases.
Dynamic electrochemistry:
* Revision of the Nernst equation, electrodes, electrochemical cells, cell thermodynamics. * Galvanic cells vs. electrolytic cells. * Electrochemical Kinetics * Tafel equation * Butler-Volmer equation * Transfer coefficient / symmetry factor * Over-potential, kinetic and mass transfer * Exchange current density * Charge transfer resistance * Heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant * Corrosion mechanisms and corrosion rates measurement * Electrical capacitance, structure of the electrode/electrolyte interface, electrochemical double layer capacitance, energy stored in a capacitator.
Photochemical Kinetics and Techniques:
* The course will examine the Stern-Volmer equation and deviations from it. The techniques to be studied will be: (i) single photon counting, (ii) phase modulation and (iii) flash photolysis.
On successful completion of this module a learner should be able to:
apply basic principles of thermodynamics and kinetics, physical chemical separation and their applications to selected chemical systems and dynamic electrochemistry. In particular students will be familiar with the basic terminology used in thermodynamics and kinetic and physical chemical separation and be confident to apply these principles to physical processes and chemical transformations.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Students will develop practical skills to collect and analyse experimental data illustrating thermodynamic and kinetic principles and have general understanding of chromatographic techniques including HPLC, GC, ion chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography and affinity chromatography, electrophoresis, centrifugation and phase separation and the basic principles and methods used in dynamic electrochemistry.
Full Year
12 weeks
Dr. Nockemann Contribution: 7 lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops in crystal chemistry, X-ray diffraction and crystallography
Dr. Lagunas Contribution: 7 lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops in symmetry, vibrational spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
Dr. James Contribution: 7 lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops in NMR spectroscopy: Basic concepts and application to inorganic chemistry
Dr. Stevenson Contribution: 7 lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops in NMR spectroscopy: Application to organic chemistry
Summary of Lecture Content if applicable:
Lecturer: Dr. Cristina Lagunas E-mail address:
7 Lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops.
Detailed synopsis:
Basic concepts of symmetry
Molecular shape. Symmetry operations and elements. Stereochemistry.
Introduction to spectroscopic techniques
Vibrational spectroscopy
Basic concepts. Interpretation of spectra. Characteristic organic groups frequencies. Characteristic frequencies of common ligands in metal complexes.
Mass Spectrometry
Introduction to mass spectrometry. Instrumentation and ionisation techniques. Base peaks, fragmentations, molecular ion and molecular formula determination.
Recommended text books:
Shriver & Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed., Chapters 6 and 7, Oxford University Press.
Duckett and Gilbert, Foundations of Spectroscopy, Oxford Chemistry Primer, O.U.P., 2000.
Brisdon, Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods, Oxford Chemistry Primer 62, O.U.P., 1998.
Lecturer: Dr. S. James E-mail address:
7 Lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops.
Detailed synopsis:
Revision of Magnetism
Spin, the Electromagnetic Spectrum and Boltzmann Distribution.
Chemical Shift and factors that affect it; Shielding Constant.
Continuous Wave and Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy.
Relaxation. Coupling. Satellites.
Examples of NMR Spectroscopy applied to Inorganic Chemistry: 19F, 31P, 195Pt., etc.
Recommended text books:
Shriver & Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed., Chapter 6, Oxford University Press.
Brisdon, Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods, Oxford Chemistry Primer 62, O.U.P., 1998.
Iggo, NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford Chemistry Primer 83, O.U.P., 1999.
Macomber, A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy, Wiley-Interscience, 1998.
Lecturer: Dr. P. Stevenson E-mail address:
7 Lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops.
Detailed synopsis:
1H NMR Spectroscopy.
Variation of proton chemical shift with molecular environment. Effect of electronegativity and magnetic anisotropy on chemical shift. 1H chemical shifts of common functional groups and integration. Scalar coupling, and its effect on proton NMR spectra. Magnetic equivalence and the n+1 rule. Use of Pascal’s Triangle to predict intensities of multiplets. Angular dependence of coupling constants and the Karplus equation. Analysis of simple multiplets and of multiplets containing more than one coupling constant. Brief introduction to second order systems AB and ABX. Use of coupling constants to determine connectivity patterns and hence molecular structure. Decoupling.
13C NMR Spectroscopy.
13C chemical shifts of common functional groups. Prediction of 13C chemical shifts using empirical formulae. Relative intensity of 13C signals. DEPT and APT will be introduced for assigning methyl, methylene, methine and quaternary carbons.
Recommended text books:
Shriver & Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed., Chapter 6, Oxford University Press.
Williams and Fleming, Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill.
Lecturer: Dr. P. Nockemann E-mail address:
7 Lectures, 2 seminars and 2 workshops.
Detailed synopsis:
Crystal Chemistry
Classification of solids. Structures of molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic crystals. Lattices, lattice points, unit cells and cell dimensions. Crystal systems and Bravais lattices. Crystal symmetry and symmetry elements. Point groups and space groups. Miller indices.
Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals
Production and diffraction of X-rays. The Bragg equation. Scattering of X rays by atoms and by unit cells. Variation in diffraction intensity. Electron density. The phase problem. Structural factors. Solution and refinement of crystal structures. Experimental methods.
Powder Diffraction (XRD)
Microcrystalline aggregates. The Debye-Scherrer Method. Uses of XRD – advantages and limitations. Ab initio structure determination from powder data – the Rietveld method.
Neutron, Synchrotron and Electron Diffraction
Uses and limitations.
Taught by external lecturer Tristan Youngs from the ISIS Neutron Source in Oxfordshire.
By the end of this course students should be able to:
i) Know the principles of molecular symmetry and be able to classify molecules according to their symmetry. Know the structures of simple solids.
ii) Know the principles of mass spectrometry, IR and NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction, and understand what information each technique provides.
iii) Be able to derive the structures of organic and inorganic compounds by a combination of analytical and spectroscopic techniques.
Subject specific problem-solving skills in exams and seminars (includes team working).
Working with numbers, including data handling and calculation.
12 weeks
Prof. J. Holbrey Main Group Chemistry (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars, lab co-ordination)
Prof. S.L. James Coordination Chemistry (II) (10 Lectures and 2 Seminars);
Dr. M. Muldoon Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms (10 lectures, 2 seminars).
The aim of this course is to extend your knowledge and understanding of transition metal chemistry. We will consolidate and extend on the material from your Coordination Chemistry lectures in year 1, beginning with fundamental properties of, and trends in, the d-block, brief revision of basic aspects of coordination complexes, including oxidation states, geometries, isomerism, etc., and how to write their chemical formulae and name them. We then revise and extend Crystal Field Theory, cover Ligand Field Theory and HSAB theory, all of which help to explain the observed characteristics of these complexes (e.g. colours, magnetism, geometries, stabilities etc). As the course progresses you should make sure that you are clear on which theories explain which observations, what the limitations of each theory are, and be able to apply them to solving problems. We finish with the basics of organometallic compounds of the transition metals.
Introduction: General properties of, and trends within, the transition elements: sizes, electronegativities, oxidation states, etc. Revision of important basics of coordination chemistry from year 1: ligands (Lewis bases), Lewis acids. How to write formulae and name coordination complexes. Deducing oxidation states and d-electron configurations.
The coordination sphere: Revision and extension of coordination numbers, geometries, denticity, chelating ligands. The chelate and macrocyclic effects. Types of isomerism: geometrical, optical, ambidentate ligands.
Hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB theory): Which combinations of ligands and metals form strong bonds and which form weak bonds?
Crystal Field Theory: Brief revision of the concepts from year 1: shapes of the d-orbitals, deducing crystal field splitting diagrams for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes. Square-planar and trigonal bipyramidal geometries. Crystal field stabilisation energies. Hydration enthalpies of M2+ ions. Factors influencing ∆. The spectrochemical series. High-spin and low-spin complexes. Jahn-Teller effects.
Seminar: consolidation of topics 1-4 and problem solving.
Colour d-d transitions, metal-to-ligand charge transfer, UV-visible spectra.
Magnetism magnetic moments, the spin-only formula.
Ligand Field Theory pure σ-donor ligands, π-donors, π-acceptors. Molecular orbital diagrams for octahedral complexes, effects of π-bonding. Full explanation of the spectrochemical series.
Metal-metal bonding: description of bonding in dimetal compounds
Introduction to transition metal organometallic compounds: Complexes containing simple organic ligands such as hydride, alkyl groups, and CO.
Seminar: consolidation of topics 6-10 and problem solving.
This course describes some pathways by which molecular inorganic compounds react in solution. Firstly we will discuss why inorganic molecules react and what determines their stability and reactivity and then outline some common reaction mechanisms and factors that influence the path of reactivity.
Introduction: The study of reaction mechanisms is useful in industrial, bioinorganic and synthetic chemistry; methods of study include use of in situ spectroscopy, Beer-Lambert Law.
What Determines Reactivity? Reaction profile, transition state, activation barrier, stability.
Stability: Formation constant, sterics and electronics, theories of bonding, MO theory, crystal field theory, Irving - Williams series, CFSE, chelate and macrocyclic effect.
Reaction Kinetics and Rate: Reaction profiles and rate, EACT, labile / inert complexes, theory of microscopic reversibility, elementary reactions, Arrhenius equation, revision of rate laws, first, second and pseudo-first order.
Reaction Types: Introduction to addition, dissociation, substitution; changes in geometry and stereochemistry, allogons, Berry pseudorotation, insertion / elimination, oxidation / reduction, oxidative addition / reductive elimination.
Insertion and Elimination: Insertion, 1,1-migratory insertion, 1,2-migratory insertion; insertion of CO: isotope labelling, factors effecting rate, Lewis Acid promotion; insertion of alkenes: stereochemistry, coplanar transition state, polymerisation; elimination: β elimination, α,γ,δ-elimination, cyclometallation.
Oxidation/Reduction: Inner sphere mechanism: bridging ligands; outer sphere mechanism: reorganisation and rearrangement energy, Marcus theory, slow electron transfer.
Oxidative Addition/Reductive Elimination: Oxidative addition: concerted addition, sigma complex, SN2, radical and ionic mechanisms; Reductive elimination; homogeneous catalysis
Substitution: Langford-Gray nomenclature, mechanisms A, Ia, Id, D, entering group; leaving group, nucleophilicity, spectator ligand, 2 and 3 coordinate complexes; tetrahedral complexes, nitrosyl complexes, square planar complexes: solvent substitution, stereochemistry, trans effect and influence; five coordinate complexes; octahedral complexes: Co(III) complexes, solvolysis, CFAE, entering, leaving and spectator group effects, base catalysed substitution, shift mechanism.
This course discusses general trends in main group chemistry, and then highlights these through a discussion of the significant chemistry of each of the groups in the p-block, and organometallic chemistry of the s- and p-blocks. At the end of the course, the student will be familiar with each of the elements, and be able to predict the reactivity of and synthetic procedures to common main group compounds.
Introductory Remarks: Brief revision of basic concepts including Lewis structures, valence electron calculations, oxidation states and prediction of molecular shapes, understanding of general trends in the periodic table (effective nuclear charge, radii, ionisation energy, electronegativity).
Exploration of general trends in the p-block: Transition metal and lanthanide contraction, inert pair effect, second row anomaly, diagonal relationships and colour, oxidation states, trends in Lewis acidity.
Organometallic Chemistry of the s- and p-block elements: Synthesis, bonding, reactivity and physical properties of typical lithium, sodium and potassium hydrocarbyls, Grignard reagents, organometallic chemistry of groups 12 to 14 (zinc, cadmium, mercury, aluminium, thallium, tin and lead) including synthesis structure and reactivity.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 13: Occurrence and recovery, descriptive chemistry of the elements, halides, hydrides and boranes, oxides and the boron nitrides.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 14: Descriptive chemistry of the elements, halides, hydrides, oxides and sulfides. Applications of silicones.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 15: Descriptive chemistry of the elements, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids and phosphazenes.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 16: Descriptive chemistry of the elements, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids, halides and sulfur-nitrogen compounds.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 17: Descriptive chemistry of the elements, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids, interhalogens, polyiodides and charge transfer complexes.
Descriptive Chemistry of Group 18: Descriptive chemistry of the elements, fluorides and oxides.
Seminar: Consolidation of topics and worked example problem solving.
The student should gain a deeper understanding of the various theories (e.g. Crystal Field, Ligand Field, HSAB etc) which help to explain the bonding and behaviour of transition metal compounds. The student should be able to apply these theories to problem solving (e.g. predicting geometries, magnetic properties, relative stabilities, isomerism, outcomes of reactions etc). The student should learn about the relationship between structure and reactivity and the main mechanisms by which dissolved inorganic molecules react. This will enable he/she to suggest likely reaction mechanisms for some simple inorganic reactions. The student will learn to evaluate and contrast the reactivity of similar complexes and predict likely products of reaction. The student will gain a broad overview of the fundamental properties of main group compounds and their reactivity patterns. The student should be able to understand and rationalise the properties and reaction chemistry of various main group compounds on the basis of a few straightforward principles.
Skills are mainly subject-specific involving increased understanding and knowledge of the elements and their compounds. The students also have the opportunity to develop verbal presentation and reasoning skills through tutorials, and observational and scientific reporting skills through practical work.
12 weeks
Dr P. C. Knipe Stereochemistry and Stereocontrol 8 lectures/seminars
Dr. S. Cochrane Peptide And Protein Synthesis - 6 Lectures/Seminars.
Dr. P. Dingwall Physical Organic Chemistry - 6 Lectures/Seminars
Dr. M .McLaughlin Applications Of Organometallic Reagents In Organic Synthesis - 8 Lectures/Seminars
Dr. G Sheldrake Synthesis of Biocatalysis - 5 Lectures/1 Workshop
Physical Organic Chemistry (6 Lectures/Seminars):
This section of the module studies some of the physicochemical principles which provide the foundations of organic chemistry. It introduces the subject in terms of the concepts and the terms which are commonly encountered. In particular, it examines the basis of linear free energy relationships as applied to the effects arising from substituents and by solvents. Some examples of these will be considered. One of the situations under which linear free energy relationships break down will be studied, as well as its consequences. As an example of this, we will study the participation of neighbouring groups in reactions.
Learning outcomes: by the end of the module the students should -
understand and be able to apply the fundamental concepts and terminology;
be able to identify functional groups and substituents within a chosen molecule;
have a grasp of linear free energy relationships;
have an understanding of the different substituent effects in terms of substituent parameters;
have an understanding of the different medium effects in terms of solvent parameters;
have an understanding of situations where linear free energy relationships break down, e.g. neighbouring group participation.
Stereochemistry and Stereocontrol (8 Lectures/Seminars):
This course will provide an in-depth and detailed discussion of stereochemistry in organic molecules, including:
Definitions and concepts – types of isomer; stereochemical relationships between stereocentres and between molecules; types of chirality; types of topicity.
Resolution and spectroscopy – methods for separating and measuring stereoisomeric mixtures; e.e., e.r., d.e. and d.r.; NMR of molecules containing stereogenic centres.
Cyclic stereocontrol – nucleophilic addition to cyclohexanones; bicyclic systems and exo/endo approach; opening epoxides (the Furst-Plattner rule)
Acyclic stereocontrol – addition to carbonyl with adjacent stereocentres (Felkin-Anh control); Felkin chelate and polar models; stereoselective in the Aldol reaction (Ireland model for enolization, Zimmerman-Traxler cyclic transition state).
The fundamentals of pericyclic chemistry – stereocontrol in cycloadditions and sigmatropic rearrangements.
Applications Of Organometallic Reagents In Organic Synthesis (8 Lectures/Seminars):
Basic transformations involving transition metal based organometallic reagents;
Formation of C-C bonds in cross-coupling reactions;
Heck, Suzuki and Stille reactions;
Application of cross-coupling reactions in organic synthesis;
the Grubbs, the Hoveyda and related Ru-alkylidene RCM catalysts;
Furstner's ring-closing diyne metathesis reaction;
Peptide And Protein Synthesis 6 Lectures/Seminars:
In this lecture series we will learn how synthetic chemists synthesize peptides and proteins. Topics will include the structure of amino acids and peptides, common protecting groups used in peptide synthesis, the concept of solid-phase peptide synthesis, total protein synthesis using native-chemical ligation and KAHA ligation, and biorthogonal chemistry applied to post-translational protein modifications.
Synthesis of Biocatalysis
• Biocatalysis (5 lectures 1 workshop):
This course will cover advanced biocatalytic methodologies and the application of these techniques to real industrial problems for the development of a sustainable future for chemical manufacture.
Topics covered will include:
• a recap of the principles of enzyme-catalysed reactions;
• ee and E-factor: the metrics for enantioselectivity;
• hydrolases;
• enzyme-catalysed redox chemistry;
• resolution vs asymmetric synthesis;
• dynamic kinetic resolution;
• downstream processing of biotransformations;
• the development of biocatalysts through immobilisation techniques;
• biocatalysis in non-aqueous reaction media;
• improved biocatalysts through genetic modification;
• directed evolution and synthetic biology;
• Examples of industrial processes using biocatalysis.
On completion of this module students will be able to think about organic chemistry in a clear and logical manner which will build the foundations for them becoming ‘problem solvers.’ In particular they will be confident with the mental manipulation of organic structures, including natural products, and will be able to predict the likely chemistry and reactivity of unseen organic molecules with given reagents and experimental conditions. Student will be able to perform these mental tasks in reverse and possess the ability to predict and identify reaction mechanisms and pathways. The students will be able to apply a wide range of chemical methods to the analysis or planning of multi-step syntheses, and understand the role of protecting groups. Students will appreciate the principal roles of natural products (primary metabolites), understand their structural and chemical properties, and be able to devise methods for their preparation.
A strong emphasis on mechanism, stereochemistry, synthesis and retrosynthesis will provide the necessary tools to achieve these outcomes.
Subject specific problem-solving skills in exams and seminars.
Ability to recognise and analyse novel problems and plan strategies for their solution.
Full Year
12 weeks
Dr. A. Doherty Module CHM3005D Physical Chemistry Of Separations and chromatography, 13 Lectures. Each half module Seminar Feedback (1-2 hrs).
Dr J.Holbrey Module CHM3005A Aspects Of Industrial Chemistry (Resources In The Energy And Chemical Industries, 6 lectures, 1 workshop.) Each half module Seminar Feedback (1-2 hrs).
Dr. M. Huang Module CHM3005C Computational Chemistry In Drug Discovery And Design, 9 lectures and 3 workshops -9 hours. Each half module Seminar Feedback (1-2 hrs).
Dr. P. Kavanagh Module CHM3005B Energy Storage And Information Processing (Electrochemical Energy Storage And Conversion, 15 Lectures); Each half module Seminar Feedback (1-2 hrs).
Dr J. Thompson Module CHM3005A - Aspects of Industrial Chemistry (Industrial Catalysis,6 lectures);
Process Development and Scale-Up, 4 lectures) Each half module Seminar Feedback (1-2 hrs).
Module 3005A - Aspects Of Industrial Chemistry:
Industrial Catalysis (6 Lectures):
Understand the importance of catalysts in industry; describe methods of preparation, characterisation and deactivation of catalysts in industry; apply this theory to discuss and evaluate industrial case studies including steam reforming, Fischer-Tropsch, ethylene epoxidation, zeolite catalysed reactions and automotive catalysis.
Resources In The Energy And Chemical Industries (6 Lectures):
This course explores the changes taking place in the energy and chemicals industries as we move from petrochemical to renewable resources, using case studies to illustrate the drivers and technologies available to supply current and future energy and materials demands.
Process Development And Scale-Up (4 Lectures) :
Discuss challenges in transferring lab-scale chemistry into pilot and full-scale industrial processes; Discuss principles of process development and scale up including route selection, process optimisation, thermal and mass transfer, health, safety and environmental considerations and hazard evaluation; apply these principles to case studies from the bulk and pharmaceutical industries.
Module CHM3005B - Electrochemical Energy Storage And Conversion (15 Lectures):
State of the art batteries, hydrogen fuel cells & supercapacitors.
Beyond Li-ion batteries: next generation batteries.
Working principles of electrochemical cells.
Cell Design – electrode materials, electrolytes, membranes.
Electrochemical techniques for cell performance evaluation.
Next generation electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices.
Module CHM3005C - Computational Chemistry In Drug Discovery And Design (9 Lectures/3 workshops:
Introduction to molecular modelling (2 lectures)
Search of reaction coordinates (2 lectures)
Conformational analysis approaches (1 lecture)
Protein structure prediction (1 lecture)
Protein-ligand docking methods (1 lecture)
Virtual screening of drug hits (2 lectures)
- Drug molecular optimization and frequency calculations
- Molecular orbital and electron density calculations
- Organic Reaction pathways
Module 3005D - Physical Chemistry Of Separations (13 Lectures):
Lectures 1-5, 10-13 Separations based on equilibrium:
Classification of separation technologies
Distribution thermodynamics (distribution coefficients, distribution constants, distribution ratios).
Distribution isotherms (nernst and henry distribution law) and thermodynamic ideality.
Equilibrium solvent extraction.
Counter-current distribution.
Log p and quantitative structure- activity relationships (qsar).
Distribution equilibria with coupled chemical equilibria (ph, metal ion complexation, ion-pair formation).
Non-equilibrium distribution - chromatography (distribution in in flowing systems).
Plate and rate theories of chromatography (selectivity vs. Efficiency).
Analysis and description of chromatograms viz-a-viz distribution and rate theory.
Lectures 6-9 Separation based on rates:
(ultra)-centrifugation theory, applications and practice in molecular biology and nanotechnology
Electroendo-osmosis theory. Capillary electrophoresis
Applications and practice of electrokinetic separations.
Module CHM3005A - Aspects Of Industrial Chemistry:
By the end of the module students should be aware of the issues involved in obtaining chemical feedstocks and their conversion to chemical products, through the exploration of a number of industrial processes.
Module CHM3005B - Energy Storage And Information Processing:
Having successfully completed this module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Fundamental principles of electrochemical energy storage and conversion.
Design, assembly and operation of batteries, fuel cells & supercapacitors.
How to evaluate electrochemical cell performance.
Module CHM3005C - Computational Chemistry In Drug Discovery And Design:
Having successfully completed this module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
They will understand the fundamental concepts of computational chemistry. and acquire cutting-edge methods in computer-aided drug discovery and optimization.
They will also gain modern practical skills of computational modelling so that they:
Be familiar with open source software for computational modelling of molecules;
Be able to conduct biomolecular simulations, geometry optimization and reaction calculations.
Module CHM3005D - Physical Chemistry of Separations:
By the end of this Module the students will be have a firm understanding of;
Distribution thermodynamic
Distribution equilibria and coupled chemical equilibria effects
Distribution under non-equilibrium conditions
Chromatographic theories
Sorption mechanisms
Centrifugation and ultracentrifugation
The following skills are common to all sub-modules:
The following skills are common to all sub-modules:
Subject specific and problem-solving skills, including the demonstration of independent learning ability, experimental data analysis data and critical thinking.
12 weeks
• Introduction to molecular modelling
• Search of reaction coordinates
• Conformational analysis approaches
• Protein structure prediction
• Protein-ligand docking methods
• Virtual screening of drug hits
• Will include discussion relating to targeting kinases, GPCRs, proteases, ion channels and transmembrane proteins.
In this lecture series we will cover recent literature syntheses of important macrocylic peptides, including daptomycin, laspartomycin C and teixobactin. Students will develop an understanding of the important protecting group and coupling strategies employed for their syntheses, the various different cyclization strategies that can be employed in macrocyclic peptide synthesis and key considerations towards cell-permeability and cytotoxicity.
Understand general viral replication cycles for different classes of virus.
Know basic intervention strategies in the treatment of viral infections.
Know examples of the synthesis of antiviral agents.
Upon completion of this module, the students will have gained a general understanding of the process underlying drug discovery ranging from biological (target identification) to chemical (chemical structure optimisation) issues.
The students will also have been exposed to examples of and the application of synthetic organic chemistry used for total synthesis of biologically-relevant target molecules and the sites and mechanisms of drug action.
Subject specific skills in the context of medicinal chemistry in addition to problem-solving skills related to drug design and drug discovery.
12 weeks
Dr Cochrane Medical Project Lead
Dr Dingwall Physical Project Lead
Prof Holbrey Inorganic Project Lead
Dr Kavanagh Physical Project Lead
Dr Muldoon Inorganic Project Lead.
Prof Stevenson Organic Project Lead
Summary of Lecture Content:
Each student will carry out 3 labs (further details below). All students will carry out the inorganic and organic labs. Students on the chemistry pathway will carry out the physical lab and those on the medicinal chemistry pathway will carry out a medicinal based lab instead of the physical lab.
Below are some more details about all the individual labs, and further details will be given by project leads prior to each lab commencing. The planned running order will be organic, inorganic, and then physical and medicinal labs will run in parallel in the second semester.
Organic Chemistry Lab (20% of module mark):
Overview and learning outcomes:
On completion of the organic miniproject, students will have developed a broad foundation of laboratory-based skills in synthetic organic chemistry. This lab will involve following a three step literature preparation, of an alkene, under inert conditions, and practise in the use of crystallisation as a purification technique. There will also get practise in collecting and organising analytical data and in the interpretation of both 1D and 2D NMR spectra.
Skills associated with lab:
Working with anhydrous solvents and air sensitive reagents.
Syringe techniques.
Laboratory record keeping
Time management
Use of tlc to monitor reactions and to establish purity of final products.
Practise at using basic skills first taught in first and second year, particularly liquid-liquid extraction and crystallisation. This is a literature preparation, which is brief and concise, and assumes that the end user is proficient with basic chemical techniques.
Lab Requirements: Preparation and submission of at least two of the three samples along with a laboratory notebook.
Assessment: Product samples / NMR Spectra / lab report. Further details / rubric will be given on Canvas.
Inorganic Chemistry Lab (40% of module mark):
Overview and learning outcomes:
This lab project will be student led. Students will be given a list of available chemicals and asked to plan a study for a catalytic oxidation reaction using homogeneous catalysts. Students will be given time prior to lab work commencing to read the scientific literature and then design a study which they will carry out over 4 weeks (2 days per week (Thursday and Friday)). At the end of the lab, students will submit a final report which will demonstrate their understanding of the general area and the results they have obtained in the laboratory. Students will gain experience in a number of areas, including: research skills, experimental design, problem solving, assessment of health and safety, data interpretation and report writing.
Lab Requirements: Prior to any laboratory work, a project plan and COSHH form must be submitted by each student. A final report discussing the obtained results must be submitted after the lab.
Assessment: Final written report. Further details / rubric will be given on Canvas.
Physical Chemistry Lab (40% of module mark)::
Overview and learning outcomes:
The generation of kinetic data is vital for optimising reaction conditions and understanding a reaction mechanism. In this project, students will generate kinetic data for a specified catalytic reaction by varying a number of experimental parameters. Each student will design an individual set of experiments to determine reactions rates and substrate orders. Meaningful kinetic information generated, e.g. reaction rate law, can be interpreted to provide mechanistic knowledge and inform reaction optimisation. On completion of this lab the students will have developed a broad foundation of laboratory-based skills in experimental chemistry including experimental design, practical laboratory skills, primary literature searching, data interpretation, time-management and presentation/communication of results.
Assessment: Final written report and presentation. Further details / rubric will be given on Canvas.
Medicinal Chemistry Lab (40% of module mark)::
Overview and learning outcomes:
On completion of this mini-project, students will have developed a broad foundation of laboratory-based skills in medicinal chemistry. This will include experimental design, literature searching, solid-phase synthesis of antimicrobial compounds, analysis of their purity using high-performance liquid chromatography and the use of in vitro assays to evaluate biological activity and compound stability, data interpretation, time-management and presentation/communication of results. This will also give a flavour for the research that is currently ongoing in the School.
Assessment: Final written report and presentation. Further details / rubric will be given on Canvas.
On completion of this module the students will have developed a broad foundation of laboratory-based skills in experimental chemistry. These will include experimental design, practical laboratory skills, literature searching, data interpretation, time-management and presentation/communication of results. This will also give a flavour for the research that is currently ongoing in the School.
Laboratory skills, numeracy and literacy skills, data interpretation and research methods.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr C. Lagunas
Module Co-ordinator
Bioinorganic Chemistry (12 Lectures, Seminars)
Dr. A.C. Marr
Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry And Homogeneous Catalysis (12 Lectures / Seminars
Dr M Swadzba-Kwasny m.swadzba-
Inorganic Materials (12 Lectures, Seminars)
Summary of Lecture Content:
Bioinorganic Chemistry (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars): This course focuses on the main roles of metal ions in biology and medicine, and on how to apply principles of inorganic and coordination chemistry to the chemistry of life, including examples of ‘synthetic mimics’ for biological processes.
* Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry
* Biological Chemistry of zinc, copper, iron and cobalt.
* Metals in other biological processes (e.g., photosynthesis) * Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry
* Bioinorganic Materials Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry And Homogeneous Catalysis (12 Lectures/Seminars): The student should become proficient in the organometallic chemistry of the transition metals. He / she should understand and be able to explain important concepts in the bonding of common ligands and how these relate to the compound’s reactivity. He / she should be able to apply this knowledge to the application of transition metal organometallic complexes in homogeneous catalysis, including an understanding of, and an ability to construct, catalytic cycles.
* Organotransition Metal Chemistry.
* Introduction. * Electron counting.
* Carbonyls. * Phosphines.
* Introduction to carbene complexes.
* Sigma-Organyls and introduction to hydrides.
* Pi-Bonded organic ligands. Eta(2)-Alkene. * Carbocyclic polyenes. Eta(5)-Cyclopentadienyl and eta(6)-arene.
* Homogeneous catalysis.
* Why homogeneous catalysis, selectivity.
* Review of organometallic reactions.
* Metal-mediated organic reactions.
* Hydrogenation.
* Reactions involving carbonyl complexes.
* Polymerisations.
* Coupling reactions.
* Cyclisations.
Inorganic Materials (10 Lectures, 2 Seminars):
The course focuses on properties and applications of range of inorganic materials. Emphasis will be placed on relating structure to functionality while creating a familiarity with the chemistry and applications of common compounds.
* Lecture 1. Introduction to inorganic materials chemistry
* Lecture 2. Semiconductors and their properties and applications
* Lecture 3. Defects, ionic conductivity and solid electrolytes
* Lecture 4. Magnetic and electronic properties of materials I
* Lecture 5. Magnetic and electronic properties of materials II
* Lecture 6. Single molecular magnets, superconductivity and high temperature-super-conductors
* Lecture 7. Superconductors II and their applications
* Lecture 8. Inorganic materials applications
* Lecture 9. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology introduction
* Lecture 10. Nanochemistry and applications of nanomaterials
At the end of the course the students should be able to describe and explain aspects of solid state chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organotransition metal chemistry and homogeneous catalysis.
The students should be able to:
i) understand the properties of inorganic materials,
ii) predict properties for a given compound,
iii) relate structure to functionality of given compounds,
iv) apply principles of inorganic chemistry to explain the role of metal ions in biology,
v) relate an element's chemical properties to its ability to perform biological function(s),
vi) explain how metal compounds can act as synthetic biological mimics,
vii) describe and explain the bonding in and reactions of organometallic compounds,
viii) count electrons in organotransition metal compounds and predict their stability, bonding modes and reactivity,
ix) understand and construct homogeneous catalysis mechanisms.
Subject specific problem-solving skills in exams, tutorials and seminars.
Full Year
24 weeks
Staff: Industrial supervisor
QUB liaison supervisor (Dr A. Doherty or nominee)
Contribution: Directing activities.
The students will undertake the professional responsibilities working as a professional chemist in an approved workplace. The students will typically be expected to undertake applied project and become independent practitioners by the end of the placement. The student will also learn appropriate professional skills including presentation preparation, formal report writing, interview practice and record keeping.
Both practical and literature research will be involved and the student will have to conduct a viva voce style interview, write a report and present their experience to the local and departmental supervisors. The skills developed through placement and the associated assessment method should prepare the student to undertake a significant piece of research on their return to complete a BSc / MSci degree. The mid-project interview and the research presentation will give the student invaluable experience for future interviews, both for industrial jobs or postgraduate degree courses in some universities.
Full Year
36 weeks
Module Co-ordinator: Dr Peter Knipe (
Staff: All chemistry academic staff
Contribution: Directing research project
Course Content:
Mid-term Interview 15%:
Students will be asked to prepare a literature review which will eventually become the introduction to their theses. A 1-2 page outline of the review should be submitted in November for guidance and feedback from the supervisor. A draft of the literature review should be handed in by early December. The student must also submit a 2-page summary report in December on their research including background to the project and the results obtained to date. The student will then be questioned based on their report during the interview later in December (unless otherwise agreed with the supervisor and module coordinator).
The 2-page summary report and literature review should be submitted digitally via Canvas (in .pdf or .doc(x) format), where Turnitin® will be used to check for plagiarism.
A mark for the performance in the interview (66%) will be given by the supervisor and second assessor. The final literature review (33%) will be given a mark by the supervisor. The supervisor will also provide feedback on the interview and literature review.
The student will be asked to bring their lab-books and associated data (such as spectra) to the December interview. The interviewers will assess the level of record keeping and thoroughness of research and give feedback and recommendations to improve or alter the student record keeping.
Lab-Book, Data & Record Keeping 10%:
The lab book and data will be marked by both the supervisor and the second assessor and an average of the marks used for the final total. The students will submit alongside their thesis their lab notebook and an electronic copy of their supplementary data (such as calculations or spectra) on a CD or USB.
Thesis 60%:
The thesis will be marked by both the supervisor and the second assessor and an average of the marks used for the final total (except the Independence of Work section, which is marked by the supervisor alone). Further guidance on the thesis is in the module handbook, but the marking will be split into four sections:
Introduction (25% of thesis mark)
Results and Discussion (40% of thesis mark)
Experimental/Methods (30% of thesis mark)
Independence of Work (10% of thesis mark) [marked by supervisor only]
The student should submit a draft of their thesis to their supervisor to receive feedback prior to their final submission. Please discuss with your supervisor and arrange a suitable date that will allow timely feedback. Submitting a draft earlier and receiving feedback earlier may be beneficial to both the student and the supervisor. Please note that supervisors should NOT be reviewing multiple drafts of the thesis. Students submitting high quality work that requires minimal feedback at this stage are likely to gain a higher Independence of Work mark.
The thesis should be submitted digitally via Canvas (in .pdf or .doc(x) format), where Turnitin® will be used to check for plagiarism.
Presentation 15%:
The presentation will take the form of a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation plus 10 minutes of questioning on the presentation. This will take place near the end of the project and there will be parallel session based on research areas. These presentations will be attended by the academic staff in the area who will mark the presentations. It is advised that the students prepare well in advance and deliver a practice talk so that feedback/guidance may be given.
Detailed marking schemes are in the module handbook on Canvas.
Exact dates/timetable will be posted on Canvas in the module handbook.
The mid-term report, literature review and thesis MUST be handed in to the front office for date stamping as well as submission via Canvas. For late submissions, marks will be deducted in accordance with QUB regulations.
During the course of the year you will be embedded in one of the department's research groups, and will undertake a piece of original research. Through this experience you should achieve the following learning outcomes:
• Ability to conduct independent research
• Discipline-specific expertise (e.g. advanced laboratory techniques if undertaking a synthetic project)
• Literature searching
• Preparation and delivery of a research presentation
• Formal report writing
• Interview practice
• Laboratory record-keeping
Skills associated with module:
Both practical and literature research will be involved and the student will have to conduct a viva voce style interview, write a thesis and present their research to their peers. The skills developed through both conducting the research and the associated assessment method should allow the student to conduct research at a higher level (e.g. PhD or in industry). The December interview and the research presentation will give the student invaluable experience for future interviews, both for industrial jobs or postgraduate degree courses
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr Sheldrake
Synthesis of Biocatalysis (5 Lectures, 1 Workshop)
Dr Knipe Asymmetric Synthesis: (8 Lectures, 1 Workshop)
Professor Stevenson - module co-ordinator
Asymmetric Synthesis (8 Lectures, 1 Workshop)
Dr Tchabanenko
Organocatalysis (8 Lectures, 1 Workshop):
Course content
Asymmetric Synthesis (8 Lectures, 1 workshop):
Revision of stereochemistry, stereoelectronics, analysis of methods for generating new stereocentres and how absolute stereochemistry is determined. The Felkin-Anh, Ireland, Houk and Zimmerman-Traxler models for stereocontrol. Chiral auxiliaries including those of Evans, Oppolozer, Enders and Ellman. Asymmetric alkylation, oxidation, electrophilic amination, bromination, fluorination and thioalkylation. Auxiliary removal. Reactions of chiral α,β-unsaturated compounds including asymmetric reduction, 1,4-addition and Diels-Alder reactions. Syn and anti Aldol reactions and stereochemical analysis of Zimmerman-Traxler model. Closed and open transition states for aldol reaction. Evans-ketoimide aldol process. Auxiliaries for acetate aldol reactions.
Asymmetric Synthesis (8 Lectures, 1 workshop):
Use of chiral reagents to impart stereoselectivity onto reactions. Both stoichiometric chiral reagents and chiral catalysts will be covered and the mechanistic basis of their stereocontrol examined. The course shall be taught directly from the primary literature with some of the most modern and innovative reactions included alongside more established methods. Stoichiometric and catalytic allylations, epoxidations, dihydroxylations, aminohydroxylations, ketone reductions, hydroborations.
Organocatalysis (8 Lectures, 1 workshop):
Proline catalysed Mannich and aldol reactions; two-step carbohydrate synthesis; secondary amine-catalysed O-oxidation of carbonyls and chlorination of aldehydes; secondary amine catalysed conjugate addition reactions; secondary amine catalysed cycloaddition processes; secondary amine catalysed cyclopropanation and epoxidation reactions; secondary amine catalysed iminium-enamine domino and tandem reactions; cinchona alkaloid catalysed Baylis-Hilman reaction; asymmetric reactions catalysed by chiral thioureas. N-Hetereocyclic carbene catalysed transformations.
Coursework involves answering last year’s examination paper. You must answer 3 out of 4 questions. The march deadlines for submission of answers will be given on Canvas.
Biocatalysis (5 lectures 1 workshop):
This course will cover advanced biocatalytic methodologies and the application of these techniques to real industrial problems for the development of a sustainable future for chemical manufacture.
Topics covered will include:
• a recap of the principles of enzyme-catalysed reactions;
• ee and E-factor: the metrics for enantioselectivity;
• hydrolases;
• enzyme-catalysed redox chemistry;
• resolution vs asymmetric synthesis;
• dynamic kinetic resolution;
• downstream processing of biotransformations;
• the development of biocatalysts through immobilisation techniques;
• biocatalysis in non-aqueous reaction media;
• improved biocatalysts through genetic modification;
• directed evolution and synthetic biology;
• Examples of industrial processes using biocatalysis.
On completion of this module the students will:
Have an understanding of the logic and methodology employed in contemporary organic synthesis.
Be able to identify key disconnections in molecules containing multiple chiral centres and double bonds, to deal creatively with new scenarios and to provide reagents and mechanisms to achieve desired transformations.
Be able to propose detailed mechanisms, stereochemical models and were possible predict the stereochemical outcome for stereoselective reactions.
Enhanced problem solving skills in organic chemistry.
Full Year
24 weeks
Staff and contribution
Dr S. Cochrane (
Module Co-ordinator.
Antimicrobial Compounds and Targets (8 lectures and 1 revision class); Antibody-Drug Conjugates (5 lectures and 1 revision class).
Dr G. Cotton - Head of Protein Therapeutics at Almac Discovery (
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (1 lecture).
Dr J. Vyle (
Nucleic Acid Drugs (6 Lectures and 1 revision class).
Dr P. Knipe (
Late-Stage Functionalization (8 lectures and 1 workshop).
Almac Discovery.
Dr C. O’Dowd (
& other Almac Discovery Staff
An Industrial Perspective on Frontiers in Drug Development (4 Lectures and the Dr Cotton lecture).
Detailed contents:
Antimicrobial Compounds and Targets (8 lectures and 1 revision class):
1.1. Introduction to antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance. Learn the key differences between prokaryotes and eukarotyes that allow for selectivity of antibiotics and the common categories of antimicrobial resistance.
1.2. Common cellular targets of antibiotics. Learn the major enzymes and biomolecules involved in cell-wall synthesis, protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis and the cell membrane. Understand the mechanisms by which these enzymes function.
1.3. Classical antibiotics. Learn the mechanism of action of several important classes of antibiotics, including fosfomycins, D-cycloserine, β-lactams, glycopeptides, antimicrobial peptides, macrolides, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, ansamycins and fluoroquinolines. Resistance mechanisms against these classes of antibiotics will also be covered.
1.4. Methods to determine the mode and mechanism of action of a novel antimicrobial compound. Learn Key techniques used to determine the mode of action of antibiotics, including bactericidal kinetics assays and radiolabeled metabolite incorporation. Learn common methods used to identify mechanism of action, including cell morphology, in vitro enzyme assays, isothermal titration calorimetry, protein X-ray crystallography and membrane-disruption assays.
1.5. Rational design to overcome drug resistance. Learn the main strategies used to circumvent known anrimicrobial resistance mechanisms through case studies, including the generation of new β-lactams, β-lactamase inhibitors and the chemical synthesis of novel analogues of vancomycin, tunicamycin, erythromycin and acrylomycin.
1.6. Novel strategies to identify new antibiotics. Cover state-of-the-art methods used to uncover new antibiotic candidates, including novel bacterial-culturing techniques and genome-mining.
Nucleic Acid Drugs (6 Lectures and 1 revision class):
2.1. mRNA vaccines
2.2. Nucleic acid vaccine adjuvants
2.3. Identification of novel nucleic acid inhibitors through SELEX
Late-Stage Functionalization (8 lectures and 1 workshop):
3.1. Why Late-Stage Functionalization? Learn about the C-H bond as a functional group and the utility of LSF in the context of the drug discovery pipeline (probe development, pull-down experiments, lead optimization and ADME. Also cover practical considerations, including purification, analysis and high-throughput screening.
3.2. Guiding Principles in C-H Activation. Learn the concepts of innate vs guided C-H functionalizations and key factors in innate reactivity, including electronics (knowledge of nucleophilic and electrophilic positions of arenes, factors that stabilize radical intermediates etc.) and acidity (C-H functionalization by deprotonation). Guided reactivity classes, such as the concept of directing groups (high local concentration of reagent), steric control and molecular recognition. Understand methods to predict sites of C-H functionalization (e.g. DFT).
3.3. LSF of sp2 carbons exploiting innate reactivity. Regioselectivity in nucleophilic and electrophilic aromatic substitutions (and their radical analogues), recent advances relating to pyridines (e.g. McNally 4-functionalization of pyridines, Phipps’ Minisci chemistry, Fier method and borylation chemistry.
3.4. Directed approaches to LSF of sp2 carbons. Ortho-functionalization by directing groups (classical Pd C-H activation using e.g. 2-pyridines), meta-insertion using directing groups and molecular recognition (e.g. Phipps), steric control and recent vancomycin work (Miller, Pentelute).
3.5. C-H Functionalization of innately reactive sp3 carbons. H-abstraction/metal insertion at electron-rich C-H bonds (tertiary; adjacent to heteroatoms etc.) with subsequent C-X and C-C bond formation, deprotonation, e.g. lithiation-trapping of cyclic carbamates – e.g. Hodgson sparteine method; Seidel’s 2018 nucleophilic method, oxidation e.g. White’s Fe-(PDP) catalyst and carbene and nitrene insertions.
3.6. The Holy Grail: Directed C-H functionalization of sp3 carbons. A classical directed approach – the Hoffmann-Loffler-Freytag reaction; modern variants e.g. Yu ACIE 2017 306, specific directing groups, e.g. oximes (Chang JACS 2014), transient directing groups, e.g. work of Yu (JACS 2016 14554) and future perspectives on LSF.
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (6 lectures and 1 revision class):
4.1. Introduction to Antibodies. Learn what antibodies are, their structure (IgG), their therapeutic mechanisms and how they are produced and purified.
4.2. Key Concepts in Antibody-Drug Conjugates. Learn the key components of an antibody-drug conjugate, common methods to conjugate drugs to antibodies, common linkers used in ADCs and common payloads.
4.3. ADCs, a Look to the Future. Guest lecture by Dr. Graham Cotton from Almac Discovery on where the area is and where it’s heading.
An Industrial Perspective on Frontiers in Drug Development (4 Lectures):
5.1. Medicinal Chemistry in Action. Staff from Almac Discovery will cover cutting-edge topics including case studies on recent Medicinal Chemistry programmes and process development from a pharma perspective.
Medicinal chemists are responsible for the design of new molecules to treat disease, improving human health and prolonging life-expectancy. On completion of this module, you will have acquired advanced knowledge in the field of medicinal chemistry with an emphasis on cutting-edge methods in drug discovery and the synthesis of pharmaceutical agents.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Critically evaluate an antimicrobial compound, suggesting experiments to determine its mode/mechanism of action, relate its structure to possible resistance mechanisms and propose strategies to overcome such mechanisms.
Contrast classical methods in antibiotic discovery with current state-of-the-art approaches.
Describe the chemistry and biology associated with mRNA-based drugs and vaccines.
Propose strategies to perform the late-stage functionalization of natural products/drug-lead candidates and suggest detailed mechanisms for the methods covered in this course.
Understand the importance of antibodies as therapeutic agents, how they are produced and their structure.
Know the key components of antibody-drug conjugates and mechanistic details of conjugation strategies, linkers and different types of drug payload.
Important skills will be gained on the critical evaluation of scientific methods and studies, the application of synthetic methods to novel structures and the ability to consider medicinal/biological problems from a chemistry perspective.
Subject specific and problem-solving skills will also be gained, including the demonstration of self-direction, independent learning ability and originality in completion of practice problems.
Full Year
12 weeks
Dr Andrew P. Doherty (
Energy (10 lectures / seminars)
Dr Andrew C. Marr ( Module Co-Ordinator; Applied Organometallic Chemistry (10 lectures / seminars)
Dr Patricia C. Marr (
Materials (10 lectures / seminars)).
Dr Mark J. Muldoon (
Solvents and Solvent Effects (10 lectures / seminars)).
Applied Organometallic Chemistry (9 lectures/seminars):
This course highlights the use of transition metal organometallics as catalysts in selective
industrial processes and bioorganometallics at the heart of enzymes that promote energy
releasing reactions. Topics will include:
phosphine complexes and homogeneous catalysis;
carbene complexes and metathesis;
hydride and dihydrogen complexes;
bioorganometallic chemistry and fuel cell research.
Solvents And Solvent Effects (9 lectures/seminars):
Most chemical reactions are carried out in solution therefore solvents are vitally important to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The choice of solvent for a particular reaction is of the utmost importance because it can dramatically influence the reactivity. Currently industry relies on a range of volatile organic solvents and often these are flammable and/or toxic. In the pharmaceutical industry, solvents are the biggest source of chemical waste in the manufacture of drugs, consequently solvents are a key target area if we are to improve the sustainability of such industries. In this course we will examine:
classification of solvents and their properties;
solvents and solvent effects in organic chemistry and catalysis.
the sustainability of volatile organic solvents;
the potential of alternative solvents (e.g. supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, water and
renewables) to improve the sustainability of chemical processes.
Materials (9 lectures/seminars):
This course concentrates on how materials, and in particular polymers, can be produced, and used in technologically important areas. The course reflects on the current challenges of preparing materials for a more sustainable future. The course will cover:
polymer synthesis (review);
inorganic Polymers;
hybrid materials;
technological polymers (LEDs, electrolytes, batteries, solar applications);
polymerisations in neoteric solvents (ionic liquids, supercritical fluids);
gels and colloids.
Energy (9 lectures/seminars):
This course concerns the technologies and issues surrounding the energy industry. Content will include:
the energy landscape through the ages;
energy consumption as a driver for economic development (GDP) and social advancement;
the carbon-neutral or free future, the many “whys” and “why nots”, and where we’re at;
energy harvesting technologies;
energy storage technologies;
energy delivery technologies;
energy unites and calculations;
energy efficiencies, thermodynamic and practical limitations and energy losses.
Learning outcomes are course dependent in this module but all include:
A working knowledge of leading-edge chemical technologies;
The ability to apply recent technology to chemical problems;
An understanding of how to apply frontier chemical technologies to increase sustainability
The courses are designed to give choice in the style of questions attempted by the students. Skills Associated with the Module:
subject specific skills;
problem solving;
critical analysis and technical evaluation;
data analysis;
chemical calculations;
literature reading;
creative thinking and design.
12 weeks
Module Structure:
a) Supramolecular Chemistry: Prof. Stuart James
b) Lanthanides and Actinides – Chemistry & Applications: Dr. Peter Nockemann
c) Structural Analysis Methods for Soft inorganic Materials: Dr. John Holbrey
d) Selective Oxidation Reactions: Dr. Mark Muldoon
Summary of Lecture Content:
Lecturer: Prof. S. L. James,
• Introduction: Historical background, including the development of covalent synthesis. Cram, Pedersen, Lehn – chemistry beyond the molecule, molecular recognition. The biological analogy and inspiration. Definitions: supramolecular, supermolecule, self-assembly. The various types of intermolecular interactions: hydrogen-bonds, van der Waals forces, coordination bonds (can be thought of as intermolecular in some sense), aromatic interactions. Interaction strengths, distances, directionalities. Hydrophobic effect.
• Self-assembly: A method to make large structures in a single step. Importance of thermodynamic control (equilibria) to give a single product quantitatively. Contrast with standard non-quantitative covalent synthesis of kinetic products. Examples of reversible interactions, van der Waals, hydrogen bonds, aromatic interactions and coordination bonds. Very few examples of reversible C-C bond formation.
• Coordination self-assembly: Large discrete structures: squares, hexagons, cubes, adamantoid (tetrahedra), octahedra. Importance of ligand exchange rates – labile metals with low crystal field stabilisation energy. Relation of metal geometry/symmetry and ligand geometry/symmetry to final product. Polymers: diamandoid topology, interpenetration, and porosity.
• Hydrogen-bond based self assembly: Donors, acceptors, ADA-DAD combinations, melamine-polymers. Association in solution. Single, double, triple H-bonding and solvent effects. Supramolecular catalysts. Host-guest chemistry: Calixarenes, cyclodextrins (Febreze). Purification of C60 (Atwood). Cooperative guest binding, Shinkai face-to-face porphyrins, the wheel-and axle design.
B. Lanthanides and Actinides – Chemistry & Applications (8 lectures)
Lecturer: Dr. Peter Nockemann,
• Coordination complexes of lanthanide and actinide ions (f-block elements)
• Separation and purification of lanthanides and actinides
• Electronic spectra and luminescence of lanthanides and actinides
• Applications of lanthanide luminescence (OLEDs, medicine, sensors)
• Magnetism of lanthanides and actinides & applications
• Organometallic lanthanide compounds and applications in organic synthesis
Recommended reading:
Shriver & Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Oxford University Press, 2010, chapter 23.
C. Huang, Rare Earth Coordination Chemistry – Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, 2010.
Current scientific literature and references given throughout the course.
C. Structural Analysis Methods for Soft inorganic Materials: (8 Lectures)
Lecturer: Dr. John Holbrey,
Determining the structure of molecules is a fundamental skill. The course is designed to enable students to interpret experimental data and understand the techniques used in modern materials chemistry to determine structure in soft (non-crystalline) materials. Emphasis will be placed on complementary and comparative understanding to enable decisions to be made about the most appropriate techniques to be applied to particular structural problems and how experimental data is transformed into structural information.
Techniques to be covered will include nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, rotational and vibrational spectroscopy, electronic spectroscopy, and X-ray and neutron diffraction.
Recommended Reading:
'Structural Methods in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry' DWH Rankin, NW Mitzel, CA Morrison, Wiley, 2113. ISBN: 978-0-470-97278-6
The course will be illustrated using examples from the current scientific literature and references will be given throughout the course.
D. Selective Oxidation Reactions (8 lectures)
Lecturer: Dr. Mark Muldoon,
Oxidation chemistry is fundamentally important in the synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The area of oxidation chemistry is wide and varied; therefore the course will focus on just some aspects of the field. Topics will include:
• The properties of dioxygen
• Singlet oxygen and reactions thereof
• Transition metal catalysis for selective oxidation reactions
Recommended reading:
For a general overview of oxidation catalysis:
• “Modern oxidation methods” edited by Jan-Erling Bäckvall. Electronic copy available via QUB library.
• Chapter 4 of “Green chemistry and catalysis” Roger A. Sheldon, Isabel Arends and Fred Van Rantwuk. Electronic copy available via QUB library.
However, much of the course will utilise current scientific literature and references will be given throughout the course.
Upon completion of the course, the students will have explored a series of topics of current international interest in inorganic chemistry, using the primary literature. They will have been exposed to the relationship between research and application of chemistry, and learn important scientific techniques used to investigate inorganic chemistry problems.
Application of fundamental chemistry principles to the progression of advanced areas of chemistry research, critical thinking and communication skills.
Full Year
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
AAA including Chemistry and a second Science subject + GCSE Mathematics grade B/6.
A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award or AQA Extended Certificate will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction* being equated to a grade A at A-level.
H2H2H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H2 in Chemistry and a second Science subject + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O3 in Mathematics
36 points overall including 6,6,6 at Higher Level to include Higher Level Chemistry and a second Science subject + GCSE Mathematics grade B/6.
Standard Level grade 5 in Mathematics would be acceptable in lieu of the GCSE requirement.
A minimum of a 2:2 Honours Degree, provided any subject requirements are also met.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Acceptable second Science subjects:
Biology, Computer Science, ICT (not Applied), Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Technology & Design.
In addition, to the entrance requirements above, it is essential that you read our guidance below on 'How we choose our students' prior to submitting your UCAS application.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.
For entry last year, applicants for MChem programmes in Medicinal Chemistry offering A-level/BTEC Level 3 qualifications must have had, or been able to achieve, a minimum of six GCSE passes at grade B/6 or better to include Mathematics (minimum grade C/4 required in GCSE English Language). However, this profile may change from year to year depending on the demand for places. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of GCSE and/or A-level subjects can be fulfilled.
Offers are normally made on the basis of three A-levels. Applicants repeating A-levels require grades BBC at the first attempt. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering two A-levels and one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent qualification) will also be considered. Offers will be made in terms of performance in the overall BTEC grade awarded. Please note that a maximum of one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent) will be counted as part of an applicant’s portfolio of qualifications. The normal GCSE profile will be expected.
For applicants offering the Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Irish Junior Certificate (IJC) is taken into account. For last year’s entry, applicants for this degree must have had a minimum of six IJC grades at B/Higher Merit. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied.
Applicants offering Higher National Certificates and Higher National Diplomas are not normally considered for MChem entry but, if eligible, will be made a change course offer for the corresponding BSc programme.
Access course qualifications are not considered for entry to the MChem degree and applicants should apply for the corresponding BSc programme.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted but, in the case of degree courses in Chemistry, these are not the final deciding factors in whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking four A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.
Candidates are not normally asked to attend for interview.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Visit Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions and Access Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
Studying for a degree in MChem Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry at Queen‘s will assist you in developing the core skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic
institutions. We support the development of transferable skills such as numeracy, problem-solving, communication and information retrieval, giving students an edge in the employment market. Our graduates are well regarded by many employers (local, national and international) and have entered careers in a wide variety
of fields, including the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry, the forensic services, publishing, marketing, teaching and the financial services.
We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of employers including, for example, Teva, Almac, and Seagate and also have an Industrial Advisory board for the course composed of experienced senior industrial members.
Placement Employers:
Our past students have also gained work placement with organisations such as
Teva (Pharmaceuticals)
Almac (Pharmaceuticals)
Norbrook (Veterinary pharmaceuticals)
Randox (Medical diagnostics)
Boehringer Ingelheim (Pharmaceuticals)
Other Employer Links
Many of the research projects within the School have industrial input, and are in collaboration with a wide variety of companies operating in the chemical sector. Given the close working relationships, between industry and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering new opportunities to expand placements, industrial contact and career opportunities are continually developing.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £25,300 |
International | £25,300 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
Students are required to buy a laboratory coat and safety glasses in year 1 at a cost of approx. £20.
Students have the option to join the Royal Society of Chemistry at a cost of approx. £20 per year.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2026 from early September 2025.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2026 is Wednesday 14 January 2026 (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2026) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2026. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding