Module Code
The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree is a professional qualification in Social Work accredited by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (thereafter Social Care Council) and recognised throughout the UK, the Republic of Ireland and elsewhere. The programme is a combination of academic study and assessed practice learning opportunities. Practice Learning Opportunities are regionally allocated in collaboration with the Northern Ireland Degree in Social Work Partnership and key stakeholders.
Queen's University is ranked 1st in the UK for Social Work by the The Complete University Guide 2023 and 2nd in the UK by The Guardian University Guide 2023 and The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023.
The Social Care Council developed a suite of online resources in consultation with the NI Degree in Social Work Partnership, service users and Social Work agencies to assist potential applicants to find out more about Social Work. Links outline what the role entails, where you can study Social Work and what service user’s value.
For information visit the link below.
The Degree in Social Work is professionally accredited by the NI Social Care Council.
Social work students in Northern Ireland are required to register with the Social Care Council.
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to declare information so that the Social Care Council can assess your suitability or ‘Fitness to Practise’. The purpose is to protect the public. Each case will be considered separately and on its own merit. Further information can be accessed at:
The Social Care Council may refuse to register a student if declarations are deemed incompatible with registration (e.g. serious criminal convictions, specific health declarations, Care Orders or safeguarding issues). In some instances, students will be referred to the Social Care Council’s Consultant Psychiatrist or one of the committees. Information can be accessed at:
Social work students normally resident in Northern Ireland are eligible to apply for the Student incentive scheme. This is available from the Department of Health and valued at 4000 GBP per year with an additional fund of 500 GBP. This is subject to review by the Department of Health.
For information on the Assessed Year in Employment:
For employment opportunities in the statutory sector in Northern Ireland:
For registration as a Social Worker in the Republic of Ireland:
Permanent academic staff employed by Queen’s to deliver teaching are actively conducting and disseminating research in peer-reviewed journals or at national and international conferences or seminars. In most instances, they are international leaders within their specialist field. In the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022 the Social Work Degree at QUB is ranked in the top 10 for research in the UK for Social Work.
Whilst on the BSW degree there will be opportunities to engage with social work students from other countries to explore social work education and practice from an international perspective. The Degree in Social Work will enable graduates to work in countries outside of the UK throughout their career.
The Future Skills Award recognises and accredits Queen’s students for the personal initiative and drive they demonstrate in developing skills and experiences outside of their academic programme. Students who successfully complete Future Skills will have the accreditation recorded on their QSIS record and will receive a certificate at their graduation ceremony.
We offer a wide range of postgraduate programmes, such as Child Care, Mental Health, Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Systemic Psychotherapy, as well as a comprehensive list of research topics, as shown on the SSESW website.
Course content
Modules often draw on recent developments within policy, research and theory. The teaching is research-informed and uses international comparisons. Service user involvement permeates all the modules, through direct involvement, research findings or online or audio/visual resources.
Semester One
Introduction to Social Work
This module aims to provide students with an introduction to the core knowledge, skills and values for social work practice; to explore the context of social work practice in Northern Ireland and internationally; to understand the relevance of sociology, psychology and other theoretical perspectives to social work; and to introduce students to a number of models and methods of social work intervention.
Law for Social Workers
The aim of the module is to enable you to acquire an understanding of current legislation underpinning key areas of social work practice in Northern Ireland.
Preparation for Practice Learning
This module aims to: prepare students for initial engagement with service users and carers and prepare for contact, using a range of tuning-in frameworks; develop basic communication and interviewing skills for each stage of the work process; to develop basic skills required to work within an organisation; and to analyse, evaluate and reflect upon their own application of knowledge, skills and values in practice and to identify their strengths and learning needs.
Semester Two
Themes and Issues in Social Policy
Psychology for Social Work
The aims of this module are to provide an introduction to the main theoretical approaches in psychology; and an overview of how or understanding of human development and behaviour links with social work practice and intervention.
Sociology for Social Work
This module aims to introduce students to the nature of sociology and sociological imagination, and to acquire an appreciation for the importance of sociology for social work.
Semester One
Practice Learning Level 2
This module aims to provide guidance and support for the first practice learning opportunity (PLO). It will equip students with frameworks to reflect on their own values, ethics and practice, and to develop reflective and critical writing skills.
Evidence Informed Case Study Level 2
This module will enable you to identify different frameworks underpinning social work practice, illustrate the application of values, ethics and anti-oppressive practice frameworks, and acquire the skills to critically evaluate knowledge, skills and values.
Semester Two
Social Work in Context
This module aims to provide students with a critical overview of a range of social work approaches to working with individuals, groups and communities, with a particular focus on anti-oppressive dimensions to professional practice. Students will be enabled to develop critical understanding of values and ethics at a personal and interpersonal level, and will be introduced to broader cultural and structural dilemmas arising in social work from an anti-oppressive perspective.
Research, Policy and Practice
The aims of this module are to equip students with the skills and knowledge to find and utilise research and other literature to inform their social work practice.
Social Issues Across the Life Course
This module aims to provide students with a knowledge of sociological and psychological perspectives on the life course, improve self-awareness and reflection on their own life course, critically analyse social issues relevant to social work (with children and adults) and recognise the implications of multiple adverse childhood experiences in adult life.
Semester One
Social Work with Children and Families
The aim of this module is to prepare students for social work practice with children and families by offering you an overview of the three main areas of child welfare social work: family support; child protection; and looked after children. The module will encourage students to explore the ethical dimensions of practice, review the research base, and become familiar with the policy and legal contexts for this field of practice.
Social Work in Adult Services
The aims of this module will be to encourage students to think critically about ethical dilemmas, cultural competence, interagency working, managing risk, adult safeguarding and the social work process across a range of service user groups/programmes of care (i.e. mental health, learning disability, dementia, older people, physical health and disability, sensory impairment, and palliative care).
Social Work in Criminal Justice and the Courts
This module aims to encourage students to develop knowledge and understanding of the justice system and the contemporary issues/challenges facing the courts; explore the types of cases that come to court; introduce the social work role in the context of court work; develop the necessary skills required to present written and oral evidence in court; and develop skills of critical analysis and reflection.
Semester Two
Practice Learning Level 3
This module enables students to enhance their understanding of the social work role during their final practice learning opportunity. Students will be encouraged to consider the importance of values and ethics in practice; to explore ethical decision-making; to critically reflect on anti-oppressive practice, and to discuss risk assessment prior to engaging in the Assessed Year in Employment.
Evidence Informed Project Level 3
This module will enable students to critically explore an aspect of social work practice from a theoretical and research perspective by completing a literature review on a topic emerging from the final practice learning opportunity.
9 (hours maximum)
Lectures are generally provided 10:00-13:00 hours, depending on the module, on three days per week.
5 (hours maximum)
Academic tutorials generally begin at 13:00 hours depending on the lecture times on three days per week. These tutorials may last from one to three hours, depending on the module.
24 (hours maximum)
Personal studying and reading in your own time each week, including some guided study using handouts, online activities etc
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable student to achieve their full academic potential.
On the Bachelor of Social Work degree we do this by providing a range of learning opportunities and experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society, and make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners.
Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
Information associated with lectures and assignments is often communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. A range of e-learning experiences are also embedded in the degree programme through the use of, for example, interactive support materials, podcasts and web-based learning activities.
These introduce foundation information about new topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. As the module progresses this information becomes more complex. Lectures, which are normally delivered in large groups to all year-group peers, also provide opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification on key issues as well as gain feedback and advice on assessments.
Undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor throughout their social work degree course who meets with them on several occasions during the year to support their academic development and pastoral care, and is the key link to the University during their practice learning opportunities.
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s student when important private reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback to date and assignment research and preparation work is carried out.
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
As students progress through their course at Queen’s they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, practice teachers and on-site supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work.
The School is located within a renovated building, with state of the art teaching and learning facilities, together with dedicated student space including a large student common room. The teaching facilities enable an interactive learning environment.
“The degree equips students with the knowledge, values and skills required for effective social work practice. We have developed important partnerships with service user and carer organisations across Northern Ireland who assist us in these important aspects of teaching. At a very early stage in the course, students visit these groups in their own community settings as part of their teaching on the real meaning of social work values. We are very proud of these important teaching partnerships developed at Queen’s”.
Professor Joe Duffy.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
General: This module builds on learning achieved in Semester 1 and applies knowledge from the social sciences to social work practice.
Specific: This module will introduce students to the discipline of sociology and help them explore their relevance to social work practice. Key themes include (i) poverty, social security, housing, political conflict in Northern Ireland (ii) family life, gender, crime, globalisation, (iii) psychological perspectives on human development and behaviour through the lifecycle. These perspectives will be used to explore the complex nature of social work with individuals, families communities.
A particular feature of the module will be teaching on the relationships between social work and the conflict in Northern Ireland.
By the end of the module students should have:
Developed a critical understanding of the contested nature of the social sciences.
Gain a knowledge and understanding of key concepts from the social sciences
Developed the ability to apply these key concepts to social work practice scenarios.
By the end of the module students will have skills in self directed learning, using critical analysis to explore the relationship between theory and practice and presenting arguments in small group teaching/seminars.
12 weeks
The sequence is organised to enable students to acquire an understanding of the legislation underpinning key areas of social work practice in Northern Ireland. It will also provide consideration of the current procedural and practice issues faced by social workers in implementing the legislation. Where possible, each area of legislation will be addressed by speakers from the legal and social work professions. Students will have an opportunity to apply and deepen their understanding of legislation through the use of case studies.
Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of current legislation in Northern Ireland which is of direct relevance to social work. They should also be able to demonstrate knowledge of European/ international human rights legislation. They should also be able to demonstrate application of knowledge to case studies.
Students should be able to:\n1) critique current legislation relevant to social work practice in Northern Ireland\n2) demonstrate use of relevant research/literature in assignment\n3) demonstrate application of knowledge to case studies
12 weeks
The purpose of this module is to provide a basic introduction to students of the main theoretical approaches in psychology and to provide an overview of the contribution made by the discipline of psychology to our understanding of human development and behaviour. Students will be supported to develop an awareness of the applicability of psychology to the practice of social work in a range of contexts.
Successful completion of this module will enable the student to:\na)understand the different psychological theoretical approaches to the study and explanation of human behaviour and development\nb)engage with the debates about the main factors influencing human behaviour and development, for example, nature v nurture\nc)acquire the skills to relate this knowledge base to social work practice in a meaningful fashion\nd)demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on the academic literature
Students will develop skills in:\na)searching for and reading the academic psychology literature \nb)critically discussing and reflecting upon the main psychological concepts and ideas \nc)integrating psychological perspectives and approaches into their developing concept of the social work role\nd)presenting their learning in both oral and written formats
12 weeks
‘Themes and Issues in Social Policy’ will look at contemporary developments and trends across a range of social policy areas in the UK. It will encourage students to examine the various ways in which key social policy ‘problems’ have been addressed. The first half of the module will introduce students to social policy in a range of substantive areas such as education, employment, housing, crime, health and social care. The second half of the module will take a more focused approach by exploring the ways in which social policy has sought to improve the welfare and well-being of particular groups in society with respect to children and young people, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and older people.
By the end of the module students should be able to:
• Identify the different ways in which key social problems have been defined and explained;
• Outline policy measures which have been developed in response to a range of social problems;
• Demonstrate awareness of social policies aimed at groups in society and their implications.
Development of analytical and evaluative skills; independent learning skills; teamwork skills.
12 weeks
The module will introduce students to skills and methods for social work practice. Lectures will introduce students to the basic knowledge, values and skills required at each stage of the social work process. In skills workshops students will put their learning into practice using role play, video and audio equipment. These workshops will focus on individual skills including student's ability to communicate effectively and to develop professional working relationships. In theory tutorials students will develop their knowledge of the application of social work theory and methods to practice using case studies and group discussion activities.
That students should: \nBe prepared for work with individuals, families and groups.Have developed basic communication skills, including observing, listening, questioning and reflecting feelings and presentational skills\nBe familiar with the basic skills required for working in agencies including timekeeping, time management, recording, report writing\nHave developed basic interviewing, assessment, intervention and evaluation skills and be familiar with basic social work methods.\nHave begun to develop their self-awareness and ability to identify their strengths and learning needs\nBe familiar with the principles of adult learning
Case Analysis Skills \nCritical Reflective Skills\nBasic Practice Skills\nOral Presentation Skills
12 weeks
This module will provide: an introduction to social work knowledge, skills and values; provide the opportunity to explore the context of social work practice in Northern Ireland and internationally; and outline the relevance of sociology, psychology and social policy to social work.
It is envisaged that this module will be integrated with SWK1003/2007 Theory, Skills and Preparation for Practice Learning and SWK1004/2003 Law for social workers in Semester 1 of UGR1 and RGR2.
It is planned that the teaching will include inputs from service users, carers and social work practitioners.
Students will be able to:
Describe and critically discuss the definition, scope and nature of social work
Summarise the range of knowledge, skills and values relevant to social work
Recognise the importance of the individual, community, societal and international context of social work practice
Critically analyse the impact of social work practice on service users and carers
Explain the relevance of sociology, psychology and social policy to social work law, policy and practice
Apply a range of theories to social work practice
Students will further develop their ability:
Critically reflect on the complexity and context of social work practice
Apply a range of theoretical ideas to policy and practice
Identify and analyse information from a range of sources
Communicate and discuss theoretical and practice issues
Relate international perspectives to the NI context
12 weeks
This module covers all preparatory activities and information required for students who will commence a practice learning opportunity in the August of Level 2.
Not applicable - this module provides a location for PLO preparatory activities only.
Not applicable - this module provides a location for PLO preparatory activities only.
12 weeks
This module will provide students with an introduction to research and its application to social work. It will enable students to identify, appraise and use relevant research. Students will be introduced to key issues relevant to a variety of research methods, drawing on examples from a range of practice areas. Emphasis will be placed on how research informs the social work process and on skilling students to access research through databases and other internet sources. Tutorial and assessment tasks will be designed to enable students to develop an exploratory and critical approach to research-minded practice.
By the end of the module, students should:
Understand the core concepts underpinning different research approaches
Have a working knowledge of relevant electronic resources and data bases
Understand the process of how research influences policy and practice
Understand the role of research in the evidence base for practice
Have a critical understanding of the strengths and limitations of the application of research to practice.
Understand importance of research-mindedness in practice
By the end of the module, students should be able to review, analyze and use research material to guide their practice - Demonstrate a working familiarity with social work and related data bases.
Access and evaluate research findings relevant to practice.
Critically review research.
Use research effectively to inform individual practice.
12 weeks
This module will provide an overview of a range of core social work theories and methods of intervention with an emphasis on the context in which they are used. It will provide students with a tool to develop critical understanding of the moral and anti-oppressive dimensions to professional practice interventions. Students will be enabled to develop a critical perspective in values and AOP with an emphasis on working in a diverse contexts and settings.
That students should have :\nA working knowledge of the range of social work methods and approaches taught in different contexts. In-depth knowledge of at least two social work methods/approaches and their application to specific contexts. A critical understanding of ethics in social work, dilemmas which arise in practice and the nature, diversity and impact of discrimination and oppression in social work. A sound understanding of the relationship between values, anti-oppressive practice and power in social work. The ability to debate and critique aspects of contemporary professional social work.
That students should have: competence in skills in the application and analysis of all social work approaches taught. Advanced skills in the application and analysis of at least two approaches. Group Work Skills Reflective and Critical Analysis Skills Assessment Skills (through involvement in peer assessment) Presentational and communication skills
12 weeks
This module will provide: an introduction to life course theory and social issues relevant to service users and carers across the life course. Students will have the opportunity to explore core social issues and their relevant to social work practice including disability, mental health, and domestic and sexual violence.
This module will complement the other modules in that semester as SWK2006 Social Work in Context will further develop student knowledge of skills and methods relevant to these topics and SWK2009 Research for Policy and Practice will extend student understanding of research relevant to some of these areas of social work practice.
Teaching will also include inputs from service users, carers and practitioners working in these areas of practice.
By the end of the module, students will:
• Have knowledge of psychological and sociological perspectives on the life course
• Understand the impact of turning points, transitions and loss on the life course
• Recognise the effect of multiple adverse childhood experiences in adult life and the implications for social work practice
• Be able to critically analyse social issues relevant to social work practice with both children and adults
• Have developed self-awareness and reflection on their own life course
Students will further develop their ability:
• Explain and analyse theoretical concepts relevant to the life course
• Apply understanding of change and adversity on the life course to social work practice
• Identify and analyse information on social issues from a range of sources
• Critically discuss the complexity and relevance of social issues to social work practice
• Demonstrate self-awareness and reflection on own life course
12 weeks
This module requires students to complete 85 days of practice learning which will enable students to learn beginning skills, knowledge and values necessary for social work as set out in the Northern Ireland Social Care Council Framework Document (incorporating Benchmark statements and occupational standards).
That students should have basic skills in relation to the six key social work roles as set out in the NISCC Framework Document: ability to plan their work, carry out assessments and interventions as agreed with practice teacher; basic skills in critically reflecting on their practice; a sound knowledge of the ethical basis for their practice; an ability in practicing from an anti-oppressive perspective.
Students should be able to: prepare for and work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities to assess their needs; plan, carry out, review and evaluate social work practice; support individuals to represent their needs, views and circumstances and manage risk to individuals, families, carers, groups and communities (ie Key Role 1-4, Framework Document).Students will have basic skills in:Managing their own Practice and being accountable for it. Demonstrating their professional competence in social work practice (Key role 5-6, Framework Document).
12 weeks
This module is delivered to students while on recall days to university during their practice learning placement and via e-learning support throughout the semester. It will involve individual tutorials and peer group support. The aim of this module is to enable students to develop integrative, critical and reflective skills in relation to their case work practice. Students must complete an evidence based case study based on one piece of work from practice. Supported by their college tutor, practice teacher; peer group support and a directed learning intra-net site, this module will enable students to integrate theory and practice in an evidence based and critical manner.
That students should: Have the ability to analyse one particular piece of practice in depth. Have a competent and critical understanding of evidence based practice. Be able to integrate knowledge, values and skills to their practice context. Develop a basic understanding of the relevance of research for social work practice.
Students should be able to: Integrate knowledge with practice in a meaningful and evidence based manner. Defend their individual practice by using evidence and research findings. Carry out an in-depth case analysis which integrates knowledge, values, skills and practice reality. Reflect critically on their own practice.
12 weeks
This module will introduce students to social work with adults. A range of adult services social work settings will be explored and critically analysed, including mental health, learning disability, physical disability, and older people. Students will be encouraged to explore the ethical dimensions of practice and relate all aspects of professional activity to the research base as well as social policy and legal contexts. Seminars will offer students an opportunity to integrate the dimensions of knowledge and values and examine models of intervention as a basis for acquiring the range of skills necessary for work with adults.
By the end of the module students should:\nHave sufficient knowledge and understanding to undertake a placement in an adult servives setting;Have an understanding of the historical development of social work in this area;Have knowledge of relevant policy and legislation in this practice area; Have knowledge of a range of skills based models of practice relevant to adult services;Have critically explored social work theories, methods and research and their application to practice; Have increased their understanding of models of service provision within the statutory, voluntary and private sectors;Have examined social work practice and decision making in the context of ethical issues & ARADP.
Student should be:\nAble to critically analyse and evaluate current understandings of social work practice \nAble to source and use research as a basis for developing understandings of practice and in making decisions\nAble to utilise a range skill based models of intervention in practice.
12 weeks
MODULE OBJECTIVES\n\nThe module will introduce students to social work with children and families. The three main areas of child care social work; family support, child protection and looked after children will be described and subjected to analysis and critique. Students will also be encouraged to explore the ethical dimensions of practice and relate all aspects of professional practice to the research base as well as to the social policy and legal contexts. Seminars will offer students the opportunity to integrate the dimensions of knowledge, skills and values and examine models of intervention as a basis for acquiring the range of skills necessary for work with children and families.
Successful completion of this module will enable students to have sufficient knowledge and understanding to undertake a practice placement or take up employment in the area of child and family social work. Students will have:\n\na)an understanding of the historical development of work in this area, together with an appreciation as to how values influence practice\n\nb)an appreciation as to how policy and legislation influence practice \n\nc)an understanding of social work practice in relation to child protection\n\nd)an understanding of social work practice in relation to family support\n\ne)an understanding of social work practice in relation to looked after children\n\nf) ability to critically examine aspects of contemporary practice and decision making in relation to social work practice with children and families.
Students should:\nBe able to critically analyse and evaluate current understandings of social work practice\nBe able to source and use research as a basis for developing understandings of practice and in making decisions\nBe able to utilise a range of skill based models of intervention in practice.
12 weeks
Criminal justice and family proceedings: theory and skills
Students will:
Become familiar with policy, legislation, research and methods that inform the social work role and social work intervention in the criminal justice context
Explore the theoretical perspectives informing social work intervention in a criminal justice context
Develop skills in the critical examination of theory and its application to practice.
Examine their own value base in relation to this area and have considered ethical issues in relation to practice
Become familiar with the court structure in Northern Ireland
Develop awareness of court processes in civil and criminal proceedings
Develop skills in presenting written and verbal evidence to courts
Become familiar with the Children Order Advisory Committee Best Practice Guidance on Court Proceedings and the PBNI Standards for Pre-Sentence Reports
Students will:
Become familiar with policy, legislation, research and methods that inform the social work role and social work intervention in the criminal justice context
Develop skills in the critical examination of theory and its application to practice.
Examine their own value base in relation to this area and have considered ethical issues in relation to practice
Become familiar with the court structure in Northern Ireland
Develop awareness of court processes in civil and criminal proceedings
Develop skills in presenting written and verbal evidence to courts
12 weeks
This module relates to students 100 day practice learning opportunity. The practice placement should enable students to consolidate skills, knowledge and values necessary for social work as set out in the Northern Ireland Social Care Council Framework Document (incorporating Benchmark statements and occupational standards).
That students should: \nHave achieved competence in the six key social work roles as set out below.\nBe able to plan their work, carry out assessments and interventions as agreed with practice teacher.\nBe able to reflect on their practice critically .\nHave a sound knowledge of the ethical basis for their practice.\nHave the ability to practice from an anti-oppressive perspective.
Students should be able to:\nPrepare for and work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities to assess their needs\nPlan, carry out, review and evaluate social work practice\nSupport individuals to represent their needs, views and circumstances\nManage risk to individuals, families, carers, groups and communities \nManage their own Practice and be accountable for it\nDemonstrate their professional competence in social work practice
14 weeks
This module will involve: lectures to students while on recall days to university; individual and group tutorials; peer group support and e learning support. The aim of this module is to enable students to develop integrative, critical and reflective skills in relation to their practice. Students will be asked to carry out an evidence based project which requires them to consider their practice within its institutional, policy, legal and social context. Supported by their college tutor, practice teacher; peer group support and a directed learning intra net site, this module will enable students to integrate theory and practice in an evidence based and critical manner.
That students should: have the ability to analyse their practice within its institutional, policy, legal and social context; have a competent and critical understanding of evidence based approaches and their relevance to contemporary social work; have a working knowledge of the relationship between research and social work; and have a critical awareness of the contested nature of practice and the complex context within which professional social work is located
Students should be able to: integrate knowledge with practice in a meaningful and evidence based manner; defend their individual practice by using evidence and research findings; carry out an in-depth analysis of one aspect of social work practice which integrates knowledge, values, skills and practice reality; reflect critically on their own practice by considering it in terms of its legal, social, policy and institutional context, and use research effectively to plan, implement, critique and defend practice.
14 weeks
This module covers all preparatory activities and information required by students who will commence a practice learning opportunity in January of the current academic year.
Not applicable - this modules provides a location for PLO preparatory activities only.
Not applicable - this modules provides a location for PLO preparatory activities only.
14 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
ABB + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
H3H3H3H3H3H3 + if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O4 in Mathematics is required.
Successful completion of the BTEC Extended Diploma (180 credits at Level 3) with overall grades D*DD + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Successful completion of the BTEC National Extended Diploma (1080 GLH at Level 3) with overall grades D*DD + GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Successful completion of Access Course 70% (Level 3 modules).
All Access course candidates must have a minimum of a grade C/4 in GCSE Mathematics or acceptable equivalent within the Access Course.
Successful completion of the Foundation Degree (2 Years) with an average of 60%.
Applicants must have a minimum of a grade C/4 in GCSE Mathematics or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Minimum standard 2.2.
Applicants with a Third class Honours degree or Ordinary degree will not be considered.
Applicants must have a minimum of a grade C/4 in GCSE Mathematics or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
A minimum of 120 OU Credits - 60 Credits at Level 1 Pass and 60 Credits at Level 2 with a Grade 2 Pass.
All Open University applicants must have a minimum of a grade C/4 in GCSE Mathematics or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
All applicants must have GCSE Mathematics minimum Grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Please Note: Essential Skills, Level 2 in Application of Number is not acceptable in lieu of GCSE Mathematics minimum Grade C/4.
Applicants eligible to progress through the selection process will be invited to participate in a face-to-face interview to assess their suitability for Social Work training. The interview is organised on a regional basis enabling candidates who have applied to Social Work courses across Northern Ireland to participate in a single interview.
1. Because of the professional nature of the course, a satisfactory Access NI check and registration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council are required.
2. Whilst not a requirement, it would be beneficial for applicants to have experience of helping or mentoring others (paid or voluntary).
Download "How we choose our students" PDF
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
Studying for a social work degree at Queen’s will assist you in developing the core skills, knowledge and values valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions.
Queen’s graduates are well regarded by many Social Work employers (statutory and voluntary). According to data provided by the Social Care Council, 80% of Social Work graduates are registered for their Assessed Year in Employment (AYE) within 6 months of graduation.
Newly qualified Social Workers receive extra support to develop their skills, knowledge and competence through the ‘Assessed Year in Employment’. For information on the Assessed Year in Employment visit
When you graduate, there will be a variety of job choices working across the life-span (with children, adolescents, adults and older people); as part of specialist teams (mental health, addictions, family support) residential and day care settings, hospitals, schools, prisons and community development projects.
According to the Guardian’s Best UK Universities Guide 2022, 91% of our Social Work graduates, within 15 months, find graduate level jobs or are engaged in further professional or higher education studies.
Your starting salary as a Social Worker can be £22,000-£30,000, depending on the sector you work in.
As a qualified Social Worker, your career will offer excellent opportunities for promotion, and access to high quality post-qualifying courses at Master’s and doctoral level for continuous personal and professional development.
For employment opportunities in the statutory sector in Northern Ireland see
The highest achieving students in Social Work are awarded the annual Brian Rankin Prize with the highest achieving student receiving the Brian Rankin medal.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £20,800 |
International | £20,800 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
Students are responsible for funding travel costs to and from placements in years 2 & 3 and in undertaking modules SWK1005/2017 (Introduction to Social Sciences for Social Work) in year 1. These are offset by a £500 contribution from the Department of Health Incentive Scheme (which is under review and subject to change).
Work placement travel expenses may be reclaimed from the Practice Learning provider (dependant on the organisation you are on placement with).
A registration fee of £20 is payable annually to NISCC for student Social Workers.
Students are responsible for funding travel costs for the following components of the BSW degree: (1) site /service user visits to social work agencies for the Introduction to Social Work module in year 1; (2). Travelling to and from practice learning opportunities in years 2 & 3. The majority of available practice learning opportunities require car drivers which will require students to have business class insurance for all work related visits. These expenses are offset by a £500 contribution from the Department of Health’s Student Incentive Scheme. In most situations, work related travel expenses may be reclaimed from the Designated Practice Learning provider. However, this is dependent on the organisation you complete your Practice Learning Opportunity with. Students can apply for the Department of Health’s Student Incentive Scheme payment of £4,000 for each year of study if they are normally domicile in Northern Ireland and study Social Work. A registration fee of £20 is payable annually to the Northern Ireland Social Care Council for student Social Workers, students must register as a Student Social worker with NISCC at the point of enrolment & registration to study on the degree. This course is subject to Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (2003) legislation. Due to the nature of social work, all students will require an Enhanced Access Northern Ireland Criminal Records check prior to starting the course, and before the final Practice Learning Opportunity. This costs approximately £33. All students must complete a pre-entry Occupational Health screening, which prompts early referral to QUB Disability Services or other support services as required.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
1. How to Apply
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
2. When to Apply
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2026 from early September 2025.
Advisory closing date: 28 January 2026 (18:00).
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code for Queen’s is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
3. Terms and Conditions
After an offer is made this will be notified to applicants through UCAS. Confirmation will be emailed by the Admissions and Access Service and this communication will also include Terms and Conditions which applicants should read carefully in advance of replying to their offer(s) on UCAS Track.
4. International (Non- EU) Students
Applying through agents and partners
The University’s in-country representatives can assist you to submit a UCAS application. Please consult the Agent List to find an agent in your country who will help you with your application to Queen’s University.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding