What I learned at The Graduate School
Caitlin Trainor will soon leave her role as a Community Assistant, as she moves on to a career in Law. As she prepares to leave, she shares a few thoughts on what she's learned in her time here.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working in The Graduate School is being part of a community that empowers students to reach their full potential. I’ll soon be finishing my time here as a Community Assistant, and as an outgoing member of the Graduate School team, I have had the pleasure of witnessing the growth and development of countless students. I want to share my personal reflections on what I have enjoyed most about working in The Graduate School, the invaluable lessons I've learned, and the impactful benefits our students have experienced.
From the moment students step through our doors it is clear to see the tangible impact Graduate School has on their lives. The programmes here equip students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to excel in their chosen fields. Whether it's through research opportunities, networking events, or career guidance, I’ve witnessed first-hand how The Graduate School can open doors to countless opportunities, helping students be the best they can be.
It is extremely enjoyable to be a part of a community where individuals support and uplift one another. Whether it's offering guidance to a fellow colleague, providing constructive feedback on research projects, group study sessions, learning and development workshops or celebrating each other's achievements, there is a spirit of collaboration which is a very positive environment to be in.
What I learned at The Graduate School
The Graduate School is not only a place for students to learn but also for staff and faculty to continue their professional development. Working in The Graduate School offers countless opportunities for personal and professional development. From attending conferences and workshops to collaborating with faculty members, I have had the privilege of expanding my own knowledge base and honing my skills. Participating in academic discussions has broadened my knowledge and enriched my perspective on various subjects. The commitment to lifelong learning is deeply ingrained in The Graduate School's ethos, allowing staff members to constantly evolve.
Likewise, the impact and benefits I’ve seen The Graduate School had on students
goes beyond academic training, as it also prepares students for successful careers. Workshops, seminars, and career counselling services equip students with the skills needed to thrive in the job market. From resume writing to interview preparation, students receive tailored guidance to present themselves effectively and confidently to potential employers. I have witnessed students receive mentorship and guidance from experienced faculty members, find emotional support from their peers, and engage in collaborative problem-solving.
Workshops I’d Recommend
While many workshops cater to academic pursuits, we believe in offering workshops that empower master's students with skills that extend beyond their specific disciplines. Here are a few workshops I highly recommend:
"Tailoring Your CV for Non-Academic Jobs": This workshop provides master's students with essential guidance on how to showcase their transferable skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that resonates with non-academic employers. It offers practical tips on crafting a compelling CV that highlights their unique strengths, positioning them for success in the broader job market.
Other Training/Learning & Development Workshops: Master's students often transition into diverse professional paths. These workshops focus on building vital skills such as project management, communication, leadership, and adaptability. By honing these skills, students can navigate the challenges of their future careers with confidence and resilience.
"Coffee Catch-ups": Fostering Social Connections": While formal workshops are crucial, it's equally important to foster a supportive and inclusive community. Coffee catchups provide an informal space for students to connect, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. These casual conversations often lead to collaborations, idea exchanges, and personal growth, making them an invaluable part of The Graduate School experience.