Future-Ready Award

As a current postgraduate student of Queen’s University, you will have the opportunity to gain official recognition by the University as a result of developing your own skills and research in addition to your studies.
The Future-Ready Award is an award that formally recognises the extracurricular experience that you gain during your time at Queen’s.
The award enables you to articulate your learning and shows to employers that you have developed essential transversal skills required to succeed in the workplace.
It is open to current Queen’s postgraduate students and the certificate is presented on the day of your graduation.
There are three options to achieve the award during your time at Queen’s:
1. Complete a single route activity and be automatically recommended for the award on completion of the activity.
2. Complete 2 or more activities from the combined route, totalling 30+ hours, then follow the steps in MyFuture to apply via this link.
3. Apply by evidencing 50+ hours of self-organised, career relevant work under the work experience route, then follow the steps in MyFuture to apply via this link.
(Please note: this route excludes placements or internships that are part of your course/research.)
Important Dates for Application Process
Please note the application window opens twice a year on MyFuture for the combined and work experience routes as follows:
- From 10 July to midnight on 01 November and
- From 20 December to midnight on 01 March
Upon successful completion of either route 1, 2 or 3, your Future-Ready Award certificate will be presented at your graduation. The Award is free, although some of the single route activities may charge their own fee.
Please contact the Thomas J. Moran Graduate School if you have any queries: pg.skills@qub.ac.uk