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Pharmacy Distance Learning Courses

Pharmacy_Lab_Queens Day 8-152

MSc/PG Diploma/PG Certificate in Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice. These guidance notes provide an outline of the next stages of the admissions procedures together with other useful information for postgraduate applicants to the School of Pharmacy – Distance Learning Programme.

It is important that you read the notes carefully and ensure that you take appropriate action within the deadline dates indicated in order to avoid delays in processing your application.

The notes are divided into four sections:

Section 1:
Admissions procedures for either accepting or declining an offer of a place to study at Queen’s University

Section 2:
Advice on the support services available to Queen’s students

Section 3:
Tuition fees and financial arrangements for 2025/26

Section 4:
A list of useful contact numbers and email addresses


1. Your Offer of Admission

The only official letter confirming your offer of admission to undertake a postgraduate programme of study is that issued by the Admissions and Access Service.

An offer of admission does not constitute an offer of financial support. If you are not in receipt of financial support you should ensure that you are fully aware of the financial commitments and that you have the necessary resources to cover fees for the duration of your studies.

2. Before Accepting your Offer of a Place

Every person by enrolling and registering to become a student of the University makes the following undertaking: ‘I do hereby promise that I will conform to the Statutes of the University and to all Regulations, Rules and Policies, including the Student Charter.’

The Statutes of the University are available at:

The Student Charter is available at:

Prospective students should be aware of this obligation before deciding to accept the offer of a place.

3. Replying to an Offer of Admission

This is an important step in the admissions process since it enables both the Admissions and Access Service and the Selector to track the progress of your application.

To accept or decline an offer of a place, you should reply online following the links through the Queen's Portal – This should be completed as soon as possible, ideally within 14 days of receipt of your offer letter.

If you have applied and been offered a place on more than one course/programme of study, you must indicate whether you wish to accept or decline the offer against each course/programme.

Given that your final course choice may be dependent on funding and/or other factors, you may initially decide to accept more than one offer of a place. If you initially accept a place, and subsequently wish to decline the offer, please email if you are resident outside the EU. Candidates should email if they are resident in the UK, Republic of Ireland or other EU country.

For some high demand courses waiting lists are in operation and an early response would enable us to offer the place to another applicant.

4. Conditional Offers – Notification of Examination Results

If your offer is conditional upon the completion of a degree or other qualification such as an English Language test, you must upload scanned copies of your examination result(s) and official final transcript/degree award certificate to the online application portal.  Please ensure that you upload scanned copies of your documentation to the Portal as soon as they are available.

This also applies to students who are currently studying at Queen’s University since the Admissions and Access Service does not receive notification of degree results. Where applicable, confirmation of your qualifications must be officially translated into English.

Please submit your results even if you have not exactly met the condition(s) of your offer, as it may be possible to exercise some flexibility if places are available.

If you do not provide this information your application cannot proceed to the next stage of the admissions cycle and you will not be notified of the registration procedures.

Applicants who subsequently fulfil the conditions of their offer of admission and who have replied online confirming they wish to accept the offer of a place, will be sent a final letter of acceptance.

5. Fraudulent Documentation

Applications which are submitted with documentation which is not authentic and cannot be verified will be withdrawn, in line with the University’s Postgraduate Admissions Policy.

6. Unconditional Offers

If you meet all the admission requirements for your chosen course of study, you will receive an unconditional offer letter which you may use as evidence that you have been accepted on to the course.


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1. Students with Disabilities

The University's Accessible Learning Support Service co-ordinates a range of supports for students with disabilities or long term conditions. Further information can be found at  If you wish to register with the University's Accessible Learning Support Service to receive academic support for your studies, please refer to the online guidance on the next steps in the process.  If you require any additional support to register for the service, please email

2. One Elmwood Student Centre

The One Elmwood Student Centre offers a range of services designed to enhance the student experience at Queen’s. It provides a single point of contact for students to access high quality information, advice and guidance from specially-trained University staff from pre-application through to career, employability and skills planning. More information about the individual services is available on the Queen’s University website at:

3. English Language Requirement

INTO Queen’s University offers a wide range of English language provision, including 10, 6 or 4 week pre-sessional courses. Those who have satisfied the other course entry requirements and who achieve the required level of performance in the pre-sessional English course, will be permitted to progress to their postgraduate degree programme without having to retake the IELTS or TOEFL test. See Section 4 for contact details.

Please note that you have to meet the University’s English Language requirement before being permitted to register on to your postgraduate programme of study.

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1. Tuition Fees

The tuition fee is based on the number of CATS points to be completed during 2025/26, and is determined by the student’s country of residence at the time of taking the course, as follows:

Resident in NI/ROI/GB
£43.00 per CATS point

Resident outside NI/ROI/GB
£73.00 per CATS point

Direct entry applicants will complete 60 CATS points during each stage.  The 2025/26 fee will be:-

NI/ROI/GB:  £2,580

Non-NI/ROI/GB:      £4,380

The fee to be paid by applicants who are awarded credit for previous Postgraduate qualifications via the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) will be calculated according to the number of points to be completed in 2025/26.

2. Payment of Fees

Students will be required to fulfil certain financial arrangements to the satisfaction of the University as outlined below.

Applicants are advised to consult the University’s website for full details of the procedures for the payment of tuition fees. A summary of the requirements for 2025 entry is outlined below.

As part of the registration and enrolment process, and before commencing your studies you will have to either:

  • provide official evidence of sponsorship or scholarship from a government or other official organisation; or
  • pay the total tuition fee applicable for the modules in which you have enrolled at or prior to enrolment and registration. Please note that cash will not be accepted; or
  • pay by Payment Plan: a minimum deposit of 25% of the total fees must be paid at or prior to enrolment and registration. Students then have a choice of payment plans to sign up to during the enrolment and registration process; or
  • provide evidence that you are in receipt of an award from the University or funding administered by the University.

3. Registration

Registration and enrolment for the academic year 2025/26 will commence during September 2025. The School of Pharmacy will send you further details of the procedures for distance learning students nearer to the start of the programme.

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Admissions and Access Service
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 3004
UK and EU applicants:
International applicants: 

School of Pharmacy
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 2004/5801
Student Finance
(tuition fee payments)
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 2767
Accessible Learning Support
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 2727
Immigration Support Service
(student visas and immigration advice)
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 3820

INTO Queen’s University Belfast
(English Language enquiries)

Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 6850

Student Services and Systems
(enrolment and registration)

Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 2727


The Admissions and Access Service at Queen’s University has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that these guidance notes are accurate and up to date when compiled, but can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

The University reserves the right to revise, alter or discontinue courses of study and to amend the Statutes and Regulations at any time without notice. It may prove necessary to vary the content or availability of some courses before or after students have been admitted. Entry to courses may be restricted by number or quality of entrants.

Admissions and Access Service

Updated January 2025

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