2018 Events
Guest Speakers Margot Slattery, Country President, Sodexo Ireland and Elspeth Beard, architect, and first British woman to ride a motorcycle around the world.
Thursday 18 January 2018
Spotlight on Success with Women in Business
'Responsibility amidst a Revolution in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics' with guest speaker Professor Noel Sharkey
Tuesday 20 February 2018
17th Annual Sir Bernard Crossland Lecture
3rd Annual Conference on "Women and Leadership in a Changing World"
Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 May 2018

Future-proofing your competitive advantage by redesigning your business model: An SME perspective
Wednesday 13 June, 2018
All Island Innovation Programme: Future Proofing your Business Plan
Breakfast Innovation Workshop and Launch of the InterTradeIreland All Island Open Innovation Platform
Wednesday 24 October, 2018
All Island Innovation Programme: Open Innovation Workshop
The Chief Executives' Club at Queen's were hosted by Allstate Northern Ireland for an executive breakfast.
Friday 5 October, 2018
CEC Events: Allstate Breakfast
Ursula Burns, former Chairperson and CEO of Xerox gives Chief Executives' Club Leadership Lecture
25 September 2018
CEC Events: 2nd Annual Declan Kelly Lecture Leadership
Creating 21st Century Towns and Cities
Thursday 29 November, 2018
Regeneration NI Conference: Creating 21st Century Towns and CitiesMaking Customer Experience your Competitive Advantage in 2019
Thursday 6 December, 2018
All Island Innovation Programme: 'Making Customer Experience your Competitive Advantage in 2019'