Community Partnerships

Become part of your community.
Students living locally are welcome to attend local resident group meetings.

Students from different education institutions live locally and often share accommodation.
Queen’s works in partnership with their Colleges and Universities to achieve a higher level of consistency in dealing with anti-social behaviour.

The University works in partnership with Belfast City Council and the PSNI.
They provide advice and support to students and the community, and help to create a safe and friendly residential environment.

PACT was established to address ongoing community safety and environmental issues in the wider University area.
It addresses issues through dialogue between community groups, local businesses, elected representatives, Higher Education institutions and the Landlords Association NI.

This is a charity that brings together key agencies and community organisations in South Belfast to address racism in a positive and proactive way.
It delivers a range of training and integration initiatives including Belfast Friendship Club. Queen’s University has representation on the roundtable and the Executive Board for the organisation.

This initiative supports community cohesion at a local and strategic level in the Lower Ormeau and Botanic areas of South Belfast.
It coordinates a strategic networking forum to encourage collaboration, information sharing and joint positive interventions.

Working in partnership with Queens University Community Engagement and Wellbeing Services, SOS Bus provides a Safe Space for people who become vulnerable during the night time economy.
Each year they support around 30,000 individuals to get home or to a place of safety and provide 2,000 interventions with people suffering from poor mental health, suicidal thoughts, substance use, or victims of crime, abuse and assault. Students can email for advice or visit the SOS Bus in Shaftesbury Square on Friday and Saturday nights. Volunteering with SOS Bus counts toward your Future-Ready Award, you will receive full training and great experience for your CV – contact to register.

In March and November every year Queen's staff and students take over the streets of South Belfast for a big community litter-pick!
Over fifty volunteers take part in each clean-up collecting in excess of sixty bags of street litter. Other projects helping to brighten up our local area include regular painting and planting workshops with residents and community groups in local alleyways and community green spaces.