Aspiring musicians from Junior Academy of Music in concert
School pupils from the Junior Academy of Music (JAM) held their end-of-year concert in the Whitla Hall at Queen’s on Saturday 15 June 2019.

JAM provides music activities and training to aspiring young musicians, with a range of programmes suited to children of different ages.
At the concert on Saturday (the second musical event of the week - see this story on Crescendo), the pupils sang and played for an appreciative audience, showing the skills they had honed through attendance at enjoyable music classes held every Saturday morning in the music building at the School of Arts, English and Languages at Queen’s, as well as on Friday afternoon the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC).
The JAM team, led by Dr Juliana Licinic of the School of Music, will be running summer courses in August, providing a variety of music classes and activities for different age groups. The courses will include music theory, aural skills, music and movement, games, singing, song writing and music creativity across different age groups: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10-11, 12+ as well as for teenagers.
Secondary school level pupils interested in electronic music and coding for digital audio can sign up to a range of ‘JAM 4’ courses in Creative Music Technology, also during the week of 12-16 August, to be held in SARC.
For further information contact, or visit the JAM website.