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Conversations Report

Queen's has been working with the Greater Shankill Children and Young People Zone in their 20-year vision to transform the lives of those within the Shankill community. One key programme, the Conversations project, focuses on having conversations with children and young people to support them and shape the future of their community

This study, co-produced between Queen’s Innovation Zones and the Greater Shankill Children and Young People Zone, gave young people the chance to consider their current and potential lives with a qualified and trained adult pathfinder. The aim was to ensure these grassroots engagements help to shape community provision and government policy.

Key report author Dr Liam O’Hare said:

“The Conversations process has given rarely heard children and young people from the Shankill the space to express the story they want their lives to be. Hopefully, this research report will engage an audience with the power and influence to create supportive pathways for them, and provide opportunities to hear more aspirational stories from children and young people in the Shankill.”

Jackie Redpath, CEO of the Great Shankill Partnership said:

“The publication of this Report is a significant milestone on the Zone’s journey. The conversations with children and young people about ‘the story they want their lives to be’ is at the heart of our vision for the transformation of this generation. We greatly value the partnership with Queen’s University on this journey.”

Speaking about the report, Children’s Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma added:

“Article 12 of the UNCRC addresses the right of children and young people to have their voices heard in all processes affecting their lives. Although it is more than that, Article 12 has more recently been translated into co-design. If serious about co-designing services with children and young people, then tapping into these conversations is the best place to start."

Read the report