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Open Learning Connect: Key Issues for Our Time

Since late 2020, the professional Skills Certificate pilot online Open Learning Connect: Key Issues for Our Time has been made available on Canvas to Queen's University undergraduate students. The online course, designed by Queen's University Open Learning Programme under Professor Tess Maginess' direction and Dr Federica Ferrieri's coordination, includes based on five Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) modules: Valuing Black Lives: Building Understanding, Solidarity and Equality; Intercultural Understanding; Our Planetary Emergency: Hope and Agency in Turbulent Times; Putting Years on Us: Considering Ageing, Challenging and Liberations; Out in the World: My World Class Contribution).

The team built the interdisciplinary expertise from within the University and then, to ensure good connections with other universities, internationally. Indeed guest contributors came from Hyderabad University, India, Auburn University, Alabama, and Durham University. There were also many excellent contributions from voluntary and statutory organisations in the community, locally, nationally and internationally, including the Nerve Centre, the Southern Poverty Law Centre, Age NI, the Arts Council, the Commission for Older People,  Northern Ireland Migrant Centre and the Educational Authority and the Rooted in Africa and Ireland Network, Dublin.