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School Leaders Development Programme

In collaboration with The Greater Shankill Partnership, work has been carried out with primary schools serving the Shankill community. One clear area of support which was identified by the principals of each school, was the need for professional development for teachers with leadership responsibilities e.g. Vice Principals, Special Educational Needs Coordinators, Head of Key Stages etc.

The William J Clinton Leadership Institute developed a tailored programme to equip each school leader with new insights and the knowledge and skills to enable them to drive and support their schools to achieving greater success. 

After four highly interactive training days at Crumlin Road Gaol, led by leadership expert Dr Louise O'Meara, the programme developed the leadership skills of education leaders from all eight primary schools. The amazing interaction and feedback was testament to the effort and investment all the participants made during their training.

Participants commented on how they now felt empowered to be better leaders:

“It’s challenged my perception of what leadership is. I thought it was very much top down, but now I understand it’s all about bringing the team on board, letting them take ownership and having a real collaborative effort.”

“I’m much more aware of everyone’s perspectives now. By that I mean, it’s not just about me, it’s about what the classroom assistant thinks, the teachers, the parents, the whole community.”