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Guidelines for Clubs and Societies

Students' Union Enterprise Centre

Social media is a great way to promote your club or society, interact with current or prospective members and showcase your successes.  In order to ensure that you use social media responsibly and within the law, please follow these guidelines:

1. All students at Queen’s are required to abide by the Social Media Policy for Students.  Make sure you read the policy and accompanying Social Media Guide for Students which are available online at 

2. In accordance with this policy, any student wishing to establish a University affiliated social media site must obtain approval:

  • From the Students’ Union Marketing Manager ( for recognised Clubs and Societies; or
  • From their Head of School for any other University affiliated site

3. Once approval has been obtained, all social media sites must be registered so that they can be listed in the official Social Media Directory: 

  • Contact details for two site administrators must be provided

4. Site administrators are responsible for any actions that take place on the account and should take care to maintain the security of the account. 

5. Site administrators should ensure that any content posted on the account complies with the Posting Guidelines outlined in the Social Media Policy for Students.

6. Remember that if you break the law on your site (for example by posting something defamatory), you will be personally responsible. 

7. You must not publish contact details or images/videos of others without their prior permission.

8. Before leaving the University, site administrators should appoint new administrators and hand over the login details to the site.

9. If a site is no longer required, site administrators should deactivate or permanently delete the account, as appropriate.

10. Please refer to Section B of the Social Media Policy for Students for further details on the responsibilities of site administrators.

Please remember that you are representing the University at all times when posting comments on your Club/Society site or responding to those made by others.

If you have any queries regarding the use of social media or the policy, please contact