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My Favourite Things About Studying at Queen’s

Liang, a Final Year Law Student reveals what are several of his favourite things studying Queen’s University Belfast.

Two students walking past the School of Law

Contrary to popular opinion, doing a law degree isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sure, the idea of justice through TV Shows such as Suits or Law and Order may sound tempting but that just isn’t the case in real life. A least when you're studying anyway!

Keeping up with the reading, lectures and tutorials can take a toll on me. Hence, it was important for me to have the right environment to study in – and Queen’s University Belfast certainly did not disappoint.

Here are a few of my favourite things studying at Queen’s: 

Emphasis on Independence

Considering that Queen’s is a research-based University, the independent learning style did take a while to get used to as it was something different than what I had in Malaysia.

However, once I got the hang of it I began to appreciate the value of independence and satisfaction of coming up with our own original ideas and answers to the problems faced in different areas of law. It made became a better student as it encouraged me to think deeper on the questions we’re faced and the answers we find.

The Community

Aside from the University, I am enjoying my time here at Belfast. It is a city filled with a rich and complicated past, nature and a vibrant community of diverse people. It is these little interactions that enrich my stay here and it was something that could never attain from my home country, Malaysia.

It was also interesting to live a slower pace of life as compared to Malaysia since I grew up and lived in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 

The Nature

What’s great about Belfast is that it is a relatively small city. So it's really easy to get out and be able to enjoy the vast amount of nature that Antrim has to offer.

A good place I like to unwind is climbing Cave Hill, which is located at the Cave Hill Country Park. I also like to spend some time at Belfast Castle where it’s perfect for pictures on a good sunny day out.

The best part is that it is only 15-20 minutes by bus from Elms BT2, where I am currently staying.


I’m privileged to be taught by lecturers who are experts in the subjects that they teach. Lecturers at Queen’s truly value the art of learning, often prompting us to ask the questions that yet to be answered and to find answers to solutions yet to be solved.

More often than not, lecturers are happy to answer any doubts or questions you may have with the subject at hand – be it certain areas of law or difficulties you might have in learning the subject.


Overall I do not regret my decision to study at Queen’s University Belfast. I love every moment and still continue to appreciate this opportunity I was given. I hope that you gave some insights on what it’s like to be a student at Queen’s.

Hew Hoong Liang

LLB Law| 3rd year |Malaysia

Hi there! I am a 21 year old Malaysian pursuing my final year of law degree in Queen's University. Nature lover, part time geek and a passionate writer. My passion for writing started to developed into a skill when I served as writer and journalist of a legal tech startup back in Malaysia. Now, I am casual blogger looking to share my experiences and thoughts in Queen's through my writing. I hope my blog serves as a unique point of interest for Malaysian students like me who are studying at Queen's or thinking about coming here!

Fun fact: I am trilingual and I love to explore and get lost in different cultures and traditions.

Liang profile


Photo: Hew Hoong Liang
Hew Hoong Liang
LLB Law I 3rd Year