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Architecture studio
Sara Sokolowska-Katzer, Bsc Architecture | 6 March, 2020

Sara Sokolowska-Katzer wanted to make memories that will last a lifetime at Queen’s and – thanks to the friends she has made – she has done just that. Scroll down for her video diary of an epic night out.

Sara Sokolowska-Katzer, Bsc Architecture | 5 March, 2020

Sara Sokolowska-Katzer says joining Queen’s Knights Cheerleading Squad has given her the chance to make friends, taught her discipline and provided a much-needed study break. Watch her video diary below.

Sara Sokolowska-Katzer, Bsc Architecture | 6 January, 2020

To prove just how easy, affordable and quick it is to get to Queen's, Polish student Sara Sokolowska-Katzer shares her travel diary.

Lanyon Building at Queen's University Belfast
Sara Sokolowska-Katzer, Bsc Architecture | 15 November, 2019

From getting creative in the design studio to munching on takeaway in halls, Queen's Architecture student Sara Sokolowska-Katzer takes you on a virtual tour through her week.