CEC Events: 2nd Annual Declan Kelly Lecture Leadership
The Chief Executives’ Club at Queen’s were delighted to welcome Ursula Burns, Senior Advisor of global consulting firm Teneo Holdings and former Chairperson and CEO of Xerox, to deliver the Annual Declan Leadership Lecture in association with Queen’s Management School on Tuesday 25 September 2018.
There was a capacity audience in attendance to hear Ms Burns, introduced by Honorary Professor Declan Kelly, deliver a dynamic and engaging presentation entitled ‘Impatience is a Virtue: CEO's Driving Opportunity and Access to the Future’.
Ms Burns, who regularly appears on Fortune’s and Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful women, is a board director of American Express, Exxon Mobil, Nestlé and Datto. U.S. President Barack Obama appointed Ursula to help lead the White House national program on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) from 2009-2016, and she served as chair of the President’s Export Council from 2015-2016 after service as vice chair 2010-2015. She also provides leadership counsel to several other communities, educational and non-profit organizations including the Ford Foundation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Corporation, Cornell Tech Board of Overseers, the New York City Ballet, and the Mayo Clinic among others. Burns is a member of the National Academy of Engineers and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
A full video of the lecture will follow soon.