Building a strong start-up ecosystem in Northern Ireland
'Building a Strong Start-up Ecosystem in Northern Ireland'
The InterTradeIreland All Island Innovation Programme continued at Queen's University Belfast in the lead up to the Christmas break on Friday 13 December as we welcomed one of the UKs top tech entrepreneurs, Henry Joseph-Grant, Chief Commercial Officer at Talixo. These events are aimed at people leading small and medium-sized businesses, with examples on how businesses have innovated and how to grow in the current culture across Ireland.
Henry touched his background in business and how he ended up where he is. He spoke about the SME ecosystem in other countries such as Spain, United Arab Emirates and Italy; and how these compared to Northern Ireland. Henry detailed how in 2008 when he started with Just Eat, they identified London as the place to start, then working with 'The Entertainer' in 2012 the Dubai market presented advance opporunities; he noted that Northern Ireland was an opportunity for many entrepreneurs we just have to showcase it.
The presentation is available here.
About the Speaker
Henry is Chief Commercial Officer at Talixo, the world's leading B2B ground transportation startup based in Berlin, he writes for Irish Tech News and also mentors entrepreneurs through a variety of accelerators, initiatives and investment funds.
Previously, Henry was part of the team that built JUST EAT from a bootstrapped startup to $2.44Bn IPO and he went on to work with startups all over the world. He was named in the top 25 entrepreneurs in the UK by Smith and Williamson. Henry is originally from Draperstown in Co. Derry/Londonderry and is very proud of where he's from and keen to help the tech startup ecosystem throughout the island of Ireland.