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Social Charter


Queen’s University’s Social Charter is a set of principles which guide and inspire our engagement with local partners.

The Social Charter, aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, represents our civic commitment to give back to society, and to provide a place of Sanctuary.

The Social Charter shines a light on the significant contribution we can make and the positive impact we can have. It was endorsed by our Vice-Chancellor, staff members and student representatives, during the signing of the Social Charter at our Civic Mission Launch event.

Our Social Charter is based on three core principles: 

1. Providing leadership locally and globally
2. Promoting a positive impact on society through our research and education
3. Equality and social justice

We will realise these core principles through:

Research with impact

Education with social purpose

Breaking boundaries to produce new knowledge

Civic culture and intercultural dialogue

Equality and excellence


Recognising and rewarding contributions from students and staff


The Charter is a podcast series which reflects The Social Charter of Queen's University Belfast. This podcast features interviews with students, staff and partners involved in projects making a great contribution to our communities here at home and farther afield.

Follow the link below to listen or subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Google Podcasts.

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The original Social Charter Brochure was produced in 2017 and features 19 signature projects which were chosen to bring the Social Charter to life. While some of these projects have now finished, they encapsulate the breadth of the activity that Queen's students and staff carry out on a daily basis.

View Brochure