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Sarah is co-chair and Editor of the Campbell Education Coordinating Group and Director of Campbell UK & Ireland. She is Professor of Education at Queen’s University in Belfast and her research focuses on children’s social emotional development and academic attainment. She has considerable methodological and statistical expertise, which includes the conduct and analysis of randomised controlled trials as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Sarah is co-author of Using Randomised Controlled Trials in Education (2017, Sage Publications).
Fiona has joined the team at Campbell UK & Ireland as Deputy Director. She has a PhD in Health Economics and is a lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery and fellow of the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation. Her research focuses on enhancing maternal and child health and wellbeing, with a particular interest in identifying and evaluating what works for families from the antenatal period through to the early years of childhood. Fiona is a health economist with experience of conducting economic evaluations alongside intervention-based studies (randomised controlled trials, cluster RCTs, pilot trials and feasibility studies) and conducting systematic reviews. Recent reviews she has been involved in include interventions addressing men, masculinities and gender equality in sexual and reproductive health, the effect of music therapy in reducing stress for pregnant women, home visiting for socially disadvantaged mothers, and the public health role of the midwife. For the last five years, Fiona has been collaborating with researchers at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Brazil on issues of public health in maternity care and providing training to postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows on systematic review methods.
On her new role as Deputy Director of Campbell UK & Ireland, Fiona is keen to promote the use of Campbell Reviews in policy and practice “With public services, policy-makers need high-quality systematic reviews to help assess choices and make the best resource decisions. One of the key aims of Campbell UK & Ireland is to educate, train and promote the use of review evidence to policy makers and practitioners. I’m excited to be joining a team that bridges the gap between research and practice.”

Carrie joined Queen's in 2000. In November 2019 she joined Campbell UK & Ireland as Administrator and works as Managing Editor for the Education Co-ordinating Group.
In Carrie's words:
"I value the importance of research and enjoy supporting the team in promoting the work of the Campbell Collaboration across the UK and Ireland. It's great to be part of a collaborative team, who essentially aim to improve key challenging societal issues and make a difference to people's lives"
ESI Fellows

Daragh joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Speaking of the appointment Dr Sarah Miller, Director of Campbell UK & Ireland, said “This is an exciting collaboration and we are so pleased to have Daragh join us through ESI fellowship scheme. Daragh will be working with ourselves in Campbell UK & Ireland, to learn more about evidence synthesis, and will also be working with the LINKS project team on their evidence and gap map of early childhood interventions in low and middle income countries.”

Leonor joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Leonor will be working with Professor Miller on mapping RCTs evaluating universal social emotional learning programmes for pre-school and primary school children. This resource will soon be available to the research and education community and will highlight gaps in evidence and identify areas for focused synthesis of existing trials.

Karen joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Karen is working with Dr Ciara Keenan on reviewing video-based interventions for promoting positive social behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders. As a registered children's physiotherapist and postdoctoral researcher working in the field of childhood disability, she is excited to work on this pertinent and interesting review topic. Karen is also grateful for the opportunity to work with Campbell UK & Ireland to help her consolidate her evidence synthesis skills and develop new skills in meta-analysis.
Speaking of the appointment Dr Ciara Keenan said, “We are so delighted to be working with Karen on this review and I look forward to supporting Karen and providing her with plenty of opportunities to learn more about evidence synthesis. Karen is an impressive researcher with expertise and skills that will lend themselves well to this project."

Elayne joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Elayne is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick. Her research is directed towards the enhancement of mental healthcare by incorporating neuro- and/or social psychological perspectives into prevention and recovery efforts. In addition, Elayne's interests relate to the cost-effectiveness of psychological treatment and how we can optimise current treatment strategies to produce greater health for the associated costs. The methods that Elayne uses include intervention research as well as evidence synthesis, specifically systematic review and meta-analysis.
Speaking of the appointment Dr Fiona Lynn said, "We are delighted to have Elayne joining the team at Campbell UK & Ireland through the ESI Fellowship Scheme. She will be working with us on a number of reviews, including a Cochrane Review on 'Home Visiting for Socially Disadvantaged Mothers', a review of economic evidence for the Action4Breastfeeding study, and a planned Campbell Review on alternative therapies for children and young people with behavioural and emotional problems. Elayne's background in Psychology and Health Economics will be a great addition to the team and we hope she gains further experience in evidence synthesis and stakeholder engagement during her time with us."

Amy joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Amy is a lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast having started as a Research Fellow in August 2019. She relocated from Australia to Belfast after she had completed her PhD study in May 2019. Amy has also trained as a secondary school teacher in social sciences and special needs education.
Amy's experience of supporting young people with special needs and their families made her realise the importance of co-constructing meaningful and relevant experience of evidence-based interventions to maximise success in every student’s personal and educational development. Amy's research focuses on promoting active engagement with evidence-informed teaching, learning and assessment practices.
Speaking of the appointment Dr Fiona Lynn said, "We are delighted to have Amy joining the team at Campbell UK & Ireland through the ESI Fellowship Scheme. Amy will be working with us on a planned Campbell Review on alternative therapies for children and young people with behavioural and emotional problems. Her background in Education will be a great addition to the team and we hope she gains plenty of experience in conducting systematic reviews and engaging with stakeholders throughout the review process during her time with us."

Richard joins us as a Fellow through the Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI) fellowship scheme, which aims to provide Fellows with the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis in general, as well as to develop the practical skills of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis.
Richard is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychology and Assisting Living and Learning Institute, Maynooth University. His research interests include: cognitive, psychosocial, and participatory processes and outcomes in health, disability, rehabilitation, and assistive technology, and how behaviour and environment interface with participatory healthcare.
Speaking of the appointment Richard said, "I'm delighted to have the opportunity to work with Professor Sarah Miller and the Campbell UK & Ireland Team at QUB as an Evidence Synthesis Ireland Fellow, and to develop knowledge and skills in evidence synthesis"

Liping joins us as a visiting scholar this year. Liping will be working with the Campbell UK & Ireland team on reporting guidelines of a systematic review in social science. Liping will also be working on a number of other Campbell reviews including, the critical appraisal of methodological quality and reporting items of systematic reviews with meta-analysis in evidence-based social science in China, the relationship between homework time and academic performance among K-12 students, an overview and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) for medical education and an evidence and gap map on the treatment for depressive disorder among adults. Liping will also act as a liaison, on behalf of research colleagues in Lanzhou University, who are undertaking a Campbell education review.
Liping is a doctoral student in the School of Basic Medicine, Lanzhou University, China, majoring in evidence-based social science, mainly focused on evidence-based education and reporting guidelines in evidence-based research. Liping is a member of the Centre of Evidence-based Social Science in China, has studied systematic review methods for more than five years and has co-responsibility for the optimization, application, and popularization of quality assessment tools in social science. Liping devotes herself to disseminating evidence-based practice, to support better policy decisions, via the use of systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses.
Speaking of her appointment, Liping said "I look forward to working within the Campbell UK & Ireland team and to help Chinese researchers in social science publish systematic reviews, evaluating the quality of evidence, with the aim of helping people make better choices and better policy decisions within Social Sciences in China"