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Register and join us at our FREE COHeRe Launch event!

Wednesday 19 January 2022, 3-4pm UK time

What is COHeRe?

COVID Health Related Behaviour Review project is a series of systematic reviews and an evidence and gap map on determinants of behaviours recommended to reduce the spread of COVID. the project is funded by UKRI rolling call:

Health-protective behaviours, like washing your hands, wearing a facemask and social distancing, can help to protect people from contracting or transmitting COVID and other similar serious respiratory infections. This project aims to help us understand more about the factors that influence these behaviours in the general public.

The overall goal of our project is to understand what determines people's positive health protective behaviours. This in turn will help decision makers and researchers in understanding how best to support people to adopt behaviours to protect themselves and others from contracting or passing on COVID and other similar serious respiratory viral infections. 

You can find out more about the project at our Open Science Foundation page:  

We would be delighted to see you there!
