Exciting NEW webinar - 'Communicating bodies of evidence: what can we learn from other fields?'
Date: Tuesday 05 April 2022 Time: 16:00-17:00pm BST

The 60 minute Zoom event is chaired by Jonathan Breckon, Visiting Fellow, Campbell UK & Ireland. Campbell UK & Ireland is a national centre of the Campbell Collaboration, an international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs. The meeting is aimed at researchers, commissioners, and communicators of research synthesis in the UK and internationally. It is the second in a series that seeks to develop our understanding of what we can learn from the social and behavioral sciences about the best ways to communicate and apply research synthesis.
The speakers are:
- Intro, Chair - Jonathan Breckon (Visiting Fellow, Campbell Collaboration UK & Ireland)
- Mario Scharfbillig (Science Policy Adviser, Joint Research Centre, European Commission), lead author of Values and Identities - a policymaker’s guide)
- Moira O’Neill (Senior Vice President, Research Interpretation, FrameWorks Institute, US) on 'How framing and metaphors can communicate research for social change'
- Itzhak Yanovitzy (Professor of Communication, Rutgers University, US) on 'Using concepts from psychology and behavioural research to guide evidence-use'
- Sarah Miller, Director, Campbell UK and Ireland; Professor of Education, Queen’s University Belfast
This event aimed at anybody interested in learning from wider potential approaches to evidence-use, including behavioural science, Science and Technology Studies, and marketing science.
*Pre-registration for this event is essential, you can register HERE
We would be delighted to see you there!
Carrie Hall
Campbell UK & Ireland
Email address: campbell.centre@qub.ac.uk