Complimentary Systematic Review Training
To mark the launch of Campbell UK & Ireland, the centre is offering two days of high quality introductory training on systematic review methods at Queen's University Belfast.

The training is being offered free of charge and would be of particular interest to postgraduate students and those working in applied policy areas in education, social care and health. Due to popular demand, the training is already fully-booked. However, Campbell UK & Ireland will also be organising similar training in cities across the UK and Ireland over the year ahead.
June 2017
Queen's University Belfast
These two days offer an excellent introduction to and overview of systematic reviewing and meta-analysis. Delivered by leading international experts in evidence synthesis, the training covers how to use evidence maps to formulate the focus for a systematic review and then all of the key stages involved in the systematic review process. For day two, the focus extends to undertaking meta-analysis and innovative approaches to literature searching using pearl harvesting.
This training is for anyone who is interested in how evidence can be synthesised and used to inform policy and decision making. No previous experience of systematic reviewing is required.
The training is offered free of charge. Refreshments during the two days will be provided, although participants will need to make their own arrangements for lunch.
Day One
- 09.30 – 12.30 Introduction to evidence gap maps, Dr Howard White (CEO, The Campbell Collaboration)
- 14.00 – 17.00 Introduction to systematic review methods, Professor Julia Littell (Co-Chair and Editor-in-Chief of the Campbell Collaboration)
Day Two
- 09.30 – 12.30 Introduction to meta-analysis, Professor Terri Pigott (Co-Chair of the Methods Group of the Campbell Collaboration)
- 14.00 – 17.00 Introduction to Pearl Harvesting, Dr Robert Sandieson (Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada)
To register an interest in participating in future training events and to be kept informed of when Campbell UK & Ireland organise training in your region, please contact David Piekaar on (028) 9097 5956 or email at: