We're Recruiting! Come and Work for Campbell UK and Ireland!
With ambitious plans for growth, Campbell UK and Ireland are now inviting applications for a Business Development Coordinator and Information Retrieval Specialist.

These two new posts provide exciting opportunities to be part of the development and growth of Campbell UK & Ireland, a national centre of the international and prestigious Campbell Collaboration. The posts are ideally suited to those who are passionate about the better and more effective use of evidence by governments and in policy and practice more generally.
The Campbell Collaboration is the sister organisation of Cochrane and produces high quality systematic reviews of evidence relation to policy and practice interventions in education, social welfare, crime and justice and international development. Established and hosted by the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation at Queen's University Belfast, Campbell UK & Ireland is the first national centre of the Campbell Collaboration and seeks to promote the greater production and use of Campbell systematic reviews across the UK and Ireland.
Campbell UK and Ireland was launched on 7th June 2017. To learn more about the national centre, the importance of systematic reviews and the issues and challenges facing those wishing to promote evidence-based approaches to policy and practice watch the talks given at the launch event online.
The Posts
The Business Development Coordinator (Academic-Related, Grade 7, Ref: 17/105693) will play a key role in establishing and developing strategic relationships and partnerships between the national centre and potential funders and key stakeholders across the UK and Ireland. The role will actively seek to promote the profile of Campbell UK & Ireland nationally and internationally and to attract external funding for the work of the Centre to help achieve the better use of systematic reviews by governments, policy-makers and practitioners in education, social welfare, crime and justice and international development.
The Information Retrieval Specialist (Research Fellow, Ac2, Ref: 17/105692) will play a key role in assisting in the planning and delivery of literature searching and information retrieval to support the production of high quality Campbell Systematic Reviews. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to and lead systematic reviews in their own areas of expertise and will have opportunities to contribute to other projects within the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation.
Both posts are available for three years in the first instance, with the expectation that they will be extended in line with the plans for growth for the centre.
Closing date for both posts is Monday 7th August. For further details, and to apply online, please visit: www.qub.ac.uk/jobs