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Dounavi, K. & Koldas, M. (2024). Parental perspectives on early life screening and genetic testing for ASD: A systematic review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Graham, S., Keenan, M., & Dillenburger, K. (2024). All for one and one for All: The Good Inclusion Game. Behavioral Interventions, e2048.

Liao, Y., Dillenburger, K., Xiaomin Li, & Yi Mou (2023) Applied behavior analytic intervention services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An investigation of Chinese parents. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities

Nicolosi M. & Dillenburger, K. (2024). The effect of phonics skills intervention on early reading comprehension in an adolescent with autism: a longitudinal study. Behavioral Interventions,

Stein, S. & Dillenburger, K. (2024). The impact of menstruation on reinforcer effectiveness and challenging behaviour in women with profound autism. International Journal on Disability and Human Development


Craig, E.A., Dounavi, K. & Ferguson, J. (2023). Effectiveness of a Brief Functional Analysis and Functional Communication Training Conducted Through Telehealth. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 35(2), 227-246.

Dillenburger, K. & Keenan, M. (2023). Autism and Behaviour Analysis: From dissonance to dialogue. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. Special Issue editors J. Cihon, E. Kazemi, J. Leaf., 15(3), 199-208

Ferguson, J., Dounavi, K. & Craig, E.A. (2023). The Efficacy of Using Telehealth to Coach Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on How to Use Naturalistic Teaching to Increase Mands, Tacts and Intraverbals. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 35, 417–447.

Keenan, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2023). Advocacy and open science in the UK: Case studies in the Autism wars. Behavior Analysis in Practice

Keenan, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2023). Hidden in plain sight: A multimedia presentation. Operants



Booth, N., Pickersgill, G, & Dillenburger, K. (2022). Na nikoho nezapomenout: Dospělí, autismus a aplikovaná behaviorální analýza (No-one left behind: Autism, Adulthood, and Applied Behaviour Analysis). In A. Markova & A. CIibulková (ed.). Užití prvků aplikované behaviorální analýzy ve školním prostředí. Praha: Národní pedagogický institut České republiky, (Applied Behaviour Analysis in education settings. Czech Department of Education), ISBN: 978-80-7578-080-5

Ferguson, J., Dounavi, K. & Craig, E.A. (2022). The impact of a telehealth platform on ABA-based parent training targeting social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 34, 1089–1120.

Gower, C. & Booth, N., & Dillenburger, K. (2022). Aplikovaná behaviorální analýza: co to je a co to není (Applied behaviour analysis: What it is and what it isn’t). In A. Markova & A. CIibulková (ed.). Užití prvků aplikované behaviorální analýzy ve školním prostředí. Praha: Národní pedagogický institut České republiky, (Applied Behaviour Analysis in education settings. Czech Department of Education), ISBN: 978-80-7578-080-5

Keenan, M., Dillenburger, K., Marie-Hélène Konrad, Natacha Debetencourt, Rea Vuksan, Lefki Kourea, Karel Pancocha, Sheri Kingsdorf, Henriette Juul Brandtberg, Nursel Ozkan, Helene Abdelnour, Magali Da Costa-Meranda, Steffi Schuldt, Robert Mellon, Alexandra Herman, Alan Tennyson, Shiri Ayvazo, Paolo Moderato, Natasha Attard, Jacqueline Schenk, Anna Budzinska, Javier Virues-Ortega, Lise Roll-Pettersson, Dag Strömberg, Silja Wirth, Charlotte Escané, Erika Glaus-Stuessi, Alla Moskalets, & Stephen Gallagher. (2022) Professional development of behavior analysts in Europe: A snapshot for 21 countries, Behavior Analysis in Practice.

Konstantinidou, I., Dillenburger, K. & Ramey, D. (2022) Positive Behaviour Support: A systematic literature review of the effect of staff training and organisational behaviour management. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities

Martinho, M.T., Booth, N., Coppini, N., & Dillenburger, K. (2022). A systematic review of the impact of precision teaching on the behaviour of children diagnosed with autism. International Journal of Educational Research, 116, Article 102076

Majchrzak, J.D. & Dillenburger, K. (2022) Supporting young people on the Autism Spectrum: Analyzing the effectiveness of components of Habit Reversal Treatment. International Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 5(1), 150.

Ramey, D., Craig, E., Gunning, C., & Holloway, J. (in press). Precursor behaviors to severe challenging behaviors. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Applied Behavior Analysis: A Comprehensive Handbook. Springer.

Ramey, D., Healy, O., & McEnaney, E. (2022). Defining and measuring indices of happiness and unhappiness in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice



Booth, N., Keenan. M., & Dillenburger, K. (2021).Instruction and practice – Are these enough for effective teaching?International Journal of Educational Research, 2(2),100045.

Craig, E., Dounavi. K., & Ferguson, J. (2021). Telehealth to Train Interventionists Teaching Functional Living Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54, 511-529.

Liao, Y. & Dillenburger, K., &Hu, X. (2021).Behavior analytic interventions for children with autism: Policy and practice in the United Kingdom and China.Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice,26(1), 101-120.DOI:

Moldovan-Grunfeld, A. & Dillenburger, K. (2021). Increasing food variety for children on the autism spectrum: Effectiveness of behavior analytic interventions. Neurological Disorders & Epilepsy Journal, 4(2):145. Retrieved 16.11.2021 

Nicolosi, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2021). The University of California at Los Angeles Young Autism Project (UCLA-YAP): A Systematic Review of Replication Studies. Behavioral Interventions. 

Tanner, A. & Dounavi, K. (2021). The Emergence of Autism Symptoms Prior to 18 Months of Age: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51, 973–993.


Cló, E. & Dounavi, K. (2020). A systematic review of behaviour analytic processes and procedures for conditioning reinforcers among individuals with autism, developmental or intellectual disability. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 21(2), 292-327

Daly, D. & Dounavi, K. (2020). A Comparison of Tact Training and Bidirectional Intraverbal Training in Teaching a Foreign Language: A Refined Replication. The Psychological Record, 70, 243-255.

Dounavi, K., Craig, E., & Ferguson, J. (2020). Telehealth: An effective model for providing behaviour analytic interventions to individuals with ASD. In F. R. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer Nature: Switzerland AG.

Keenan, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2020).Drama in the courtroom: Defending the rights of children diagnosed with autism,The Barrister. Retrieved 12.5.2020

Liao, Y., Dillenburger, K., He, W., & Xu, Y. (2020) Applied behaviour analytic interventions for children diagnosed with autism in mainland China: A rapid review of evidence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Liao, Y.,Dillenburger, K., He, W., Xu, Y., & Cai, H. (2020). A Systematic review of applied behavior analytic interventions for children with autism in Mainland China.Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 7(4), 333–351.Available online:

McConnell, E.L., Black, S.A., McClelland, J.F., McKerr, L., Dillenburger, K., Anketell, P., Jackson, A.J., Little, J-A. & Saunders, K.J. (2020). Parentsand teachers of children in special education settings value in-school eyecare and written reports of visualstatus. PLOS, (Sept, 11)

McKerr, L., McConnell, E.L., Black, S.A., McClelland, J., Little, J.A., Saunders, K.J., Dillenburger, K. (2020). Meeting vision needs of children with special educational needs: Case studies of the impact on behaviour and academic achievement. British Journal of Learning Disabilities    

Roll-Pettersson, L., Dillenburger, K., Keenan, M., Alai-Rosales, S., & Sigurdardottir, G. (2020). Higher education, behaviour analysis, and autism: Time for coalescence.European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, 1-8.

Roll-Pettersson, L., Gena, A., Eldevik, S., Moderato, P., Sigurdardottir, G., Dillenburger, K., Keenan, M., & Alai-Rosales, S. (2020). Higher Education in Europe: Creating unified initiatives for the preparation of Behavior Analysts designing and delivering services to children with autism.European Journal of Behaviour Analysis

Tanner, A. & Dounavi, K. (2020). Maximizing the potential for infants at-risk for autism spectrum disorder through a parent-mediated verbal behaviour interventionEuropean Journal of Behavior Analysis, 21(2), 271-291.



Black, S.A., McConnel,l.E., McKerr, L., McClelland, J.F., Little, J.A., Dillenburger, K., Jackson, A.J., Anketell, P.A., & Saunders, K.J. (2019). In-school eyecare in special education settings has measurable benefits for children’s vision and behaviour. PLOS ONE. 14(8): e0220480.

Dillenburger, K. (2019). Rise in autism diagnoses in Northern Ireland highlights lack of supportSpectrum. Retreived from

Dillenburger, K. & Coyle, C. (2019). Education for all: The Good Inclusion Game (GIG). Behavioural Interventions, DOI: 10.1002/bin.1671. Retrieved from

Dillenburger, K., Matuska, E., de Bruijn, M., Röttgers, H-R. (2019) Job Coaches for persons with disabilities: A practical guide. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Dounavi, K. & Delemere, E. (2019). Parent-Implemented Bedtime Fading and Positive Routines. In F. R. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer Nature: Switzerland AG.

Dounavi, K., Fennell, B., Early, E. (2019). Supervision for Certification in the Field of Applied Behaviour Analysis: Characteristics and Relationship with Job Satisfaction, Burnout, Work Demands, and Support, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(12), 2098.

Dounavi, K., & Tsoumani, O. (2019). The use of mobile health applications in weight management: A systematic literature review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,56(6), 894-903.

Ferguson, J., Craig, E. A., & Dounavi, K. (2019). Telehealth as a Model for Providing Behaviour Analytic Interventions to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(2), 582-616.

Howell, M., Dounavi, K., & Storey, C. (2019). To choose or not to choose? A systematic literature review considering the effects of antecedent and consequence choice upon on-task and problem behaviour. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 6(1), 63-84.

Keenan, M., Presti, G., & Dillenburger (2019) Technology and behaviour analysis in higher education. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis.

Martin, C. & Dillenburger, K. (2019). Behavioural water safety and autism: A systematic review of interventionsReview Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.  6(4), 356-366

Martin, C. & Dillenburger, K. (2019). Behavioural water safety and autism: A systematic review of interventionsReview Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Pfaller- Sadovsky, N. & Dillenburger, K. (2019). We don’t train in vain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of human and canine caregiver training. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 8, 1-37. doi: 10.1080/10888705.2019.1646134.

Walsh, I. K., Dounavi, K., Houghton, J., Cullen, K. M., & Dillenburger, K. (2019). Fluency training in medical education: Improving competence in IV fluid therapy knowledge and skills. MedEdPublish8(1), [23].


Coyle, C. & Dillenburger, K. (2018). The Good Inclusion Game (GIG): Effective practice for inclusive education. Academia Journal of Educational Research, 5(3) ISSN 2315-7704. 

Delemere, E., & Dounavi, K. (2018). Parent-Implemented Bedtime Fading and Positive Routines for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(4), 1002–1019.

Dillenburger, K., Matuska, E., de Bruijn, M., Röttgers, H-R. (Eds.)(2018) Job Coaches for persons with disabilities: A Practical guide.London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Dounavi, K. (2018). The science of Applied Behaviour Analysis as the basis for effective autism treatment. In R. L. Hendren (Ed.), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Scientific and International White Paper: A Critical Review of the Evidence for the Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment (pp. 33-34). Vaincre l'Autisme.

Fennell, B. & Dillenburger, K. (2018). Dealing with crisis and challenging behaviours. In Dillenburger, K., Matuska, E., de Bruijn, M., Röttgers, H-R. Job Coaches for adults with disabilities: A practical guide.London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Fennell, B. & Dillenburger, K. (2018) Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism. In H.T. Hou & C.S. Ryan. Behavior Analysis. InTech ISBN 978-953-51-5977-3

Keenan, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2018). How ‘fake news’ affects autism policy. First published on Preprints, 2018030238 (doi: 10.20944/preprints 201803.0238.v1). Final paper published in Societies8(2), 29;

Kelly, M.P., Martin, N., Dillenburger, K., Kelly, A., & Miller, M. M. (2018). Spreading the news: History, successes, challenges and the ethics of effective dissemination. Behavior Analysis in Practice

McGrath, C., McCourt, C., Corry, A., Dounavi, K., Dillenburger, K., Gormley, G.J.  (2018). The use of 'Precision Teaching' in enhancing medical students’ dermatological diagnostic skills.  AMEE MedEdPublish

McKerr, L. & Dillenburger, K. (2018). Job coach for adults on the autism spectrum. In Dillenburger, K., Matuska, E., de Bruijn, M., Röttgers, H-R. Job Coaches for adults with disabilities: A practical guide. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Plantiveau, C., Dounavi, K., & Virués-Ortega, J. (2018). High Levels of Burnout among Early-Career Board-Certified Behavior Analysts with Low Collegial Support. European Journal of Behavior Analysis. DOI: 10.1080/15021149.2018.1438339


Kelly, M.P., Martin, N., Dillenburger, K., Kelly, A., & Miller, M. M. (2017). Spreading the news: History, successes, challenges and the ethics of effective dissemination. Behavior Analysis in Practice

Politis, Y., Robb, N., Yakkundi, A., Dillenburger, K., Herbertson, N., Charlesworth, B., Goodman, L. (2017). People with disabilities leading the design of Serious Games and Virtual WorldsInternational Journal of Serious Games (Special ICEC 2016 issue)

Stein, S. Kohut, T., & Dillenburger, K. (2017). The importance of sexuality education for children with and without intellectual disabilities: What parents thinkSexuality and Disability

Virués-Ortega, J. & Dounavi, K. (2017). Un análisis funcional de la conducta humana. Mente y Cerebro, 82, 36-41.

Yakkundi, A., Dillenburger, K., & Goodman, L., & Dounavi, K. (2017). User centred reading intervention for individuals with autism and intellectual disability. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 242, 249-256.


Dillenburger, K. (2016). Staff training. In J. Matson. Handbook of Autism Treatments, Springer

Dillenburger, K., McKerr, L., Jordan, J.A., & Keenan, M. (2016) Staff training in autism: The one-eyed wo/man…. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) ISSN 1660-4601 13(7), 716; doi: 10.3390/ijerph13070716  

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., & McKerr, L. (2016 accepted). School's out forever: Postsecondary educational trajectories of students with autism. Australian Psychologist (Special Edition on Autism Spectrum Disorders)

Fargas, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2016). Intergenerational transmission of conflict-related trauma in Northern Ireland: a behaviour analytic approach. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. DOI:10.1080/10926771.2015.1107172

Fennell, B. & Dillenburger, K. (2016). Applied behaviour analysis: What do teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder knowInternational Journal of Educational Research (Special Edition: Recent developments in Applied Behaviour Analysis)

Hrebeňárová, L. & Dillenburger, K. (2016) Interview with Prof. Karola Dillenburger. Special Teacher. Špeciálny Pedagóg; Časopis pre špeciálnopedagogickú teóriu a prax, 5 (1), 85-97.

Iemmi, V., Knapp, M., Rehill, A., Cooper, V. (with Delphi team: Gore, N., Brown, F., McGill, P., McWade, P., Reid, C., Saville, M., Sholl, C., Biles, G., Dillenburger, K., Duprey, J., Jones, S.) (2016). What is standard care for people with learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges and what does it cost? British Journal of Learning Disabilities

Liao, Y. Dillenburger, K. & Buchanan, I. (2016) Does culture matter in ABA-based autism interventions?Parent and professional experiences in the UK and China. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis.

Stein, S. & Dillenburger, K. (2016) Ethics in sexual behavior assessment and support for people with intellectual disabilityInternational Journal of Disability and Human Development


Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., McKerr, L. (2015) Autism awareness, knowledge, and attitudes in the general population of children and young people. ARK Research Update No 97.

Dillenburger, K., Keenan, M., & Gallagher (2015). A seat at the table: Families affected by Autism. Amazon Kindle Publication

Dillenburger, K. (2015). Evidence-based management and intervention for autism spectrum disorders. In M.Fitzgerald. Autism Spectrum Disorder - Recent AdvancesIntech. ISBN 978-953-51-4124-2

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., McKerr, L., & Keenan, M. (2015). The Millennium child with autism: Early childhood trajectories for health, education, and economic wellbeing. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 18, 37-46.

Dillenburger, K., McKerr, L., Jordan, J.A., Devine, P. & Keenan, M. (2015). Creating an inclusive society. How close are we in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder? A general population survey. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (JARID). 28, 330-340.

Keenan, M, Dillenburger, K, Röttgers, H-R, Dounavi, K, Jónsdóttir, SL, Moderato, P, Schenk, JJAM, Virués-Ortega, J, Roll-Pettersson, L & Martin, N 2015, 'Autism and ABA: The gulf between North America and Europe' Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders., 10.1007/s40489-014-0045-2

Ruddy, L., Booth, N., Gaw, M-R., Liao, Y., Dounavi, K. & Dillenburger, K. (2015) Autism in the Air: Using point-of-view video-priming and natural environment teaching to help children with autism and their families go on holidays. Good Autism Practice, 16, 25-32.


Argas, M. & Dillenburger, K. (2014) Children drawing their own conclusions: Children’s perceptions of a ‘post-conflict’ society. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology

Dillenburger, K. & McKerr, L. (2014). Echoes of the future: Adults with disabilities living at home with their parents. Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 1 (2)

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., McKerr, L., & Keenan, M. (2014). The Millennium child with autism: Early childhood trajectories for health, education, and economic wellbeing. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.

Dillenburger, K., Röttgers, H-R., Dounavi, K., Sparkman, C., Keenan, M. Thyer, B., & Nikopolous, C. (2014) Multidisciplinary teamwork in autism: Can one size fit all? The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist,

Dillenburger, K., McKerr, L., Jordan, J.A., Devine, P. & Keenan, M. (2014). Creating an inclusive society… How close are we in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder? A general population survey. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., & McKerr, L. (2014, under review). School's out forever: Postsecondary educational trajectories of students with autism.

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., & McKerr, L. (2014). The Millennium child with autism: Pre- and post-diagnosis health and quality of life. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 

Dillenburger, K., McKerr, L., & Jordan, J.A. (2014). Lost in translation: Public policies, evidence-based practice, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (Special Edition).

Dillenburger, K., Jordan, J.A., McKerr, L., & Keenan, M. (2014). The Millennium child with autism: Early childhood trajectories for health, education, and economic wellbeing. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.

Dillenburger, K. (2014). Evidence-based management and intervention for autism spectrum disorders. In M.Fitzgerald. Autism. Intech. ISBN 978-953-51-4124-2

Dillenburger, K. & McKerr, L. (2014). Echoes of the future: Adults with disabilities living at home with their parents. Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 1 (2)

Dounavi, K. (2014). Tact training versus bi-directional intraverbal training in teaching a foreign language. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47, 165-170.

Elliott, C. & Dillenburger, K. (2014). The effect of choice on the motivation of young children on the autism spectrum during Discrete Trial Teaching. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN).

Fennell, B. & Dillenburger, K. (2014). The evidence debate for behavioural interventions for autism. International Research in Education, 2,

McDaniel, B. & Dillenburger, K (2014) Child Neglect and Behavioural Parent Education: Research and Practice. Russell House.


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