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Alongside our Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT) training courses and Masters degress in ASD and ABA, we offer online resources to support our research and your learning.


2025 Webinar Series

February 2025  The Importance of Parent Training in Addressing the Needs of Families

Presenter: Dr Stephen Gallagher

Despite the rising numbers of children being diagnosed with Autism, and the fact that it is parents who carry the greatest burden of caring for their children, there has been little investment in effective parent training. Given the huge pressures facing statutory services, there is an urgent need for parents to learn practical skills that they can implement in their own home to improve quality of life for their child and family. It is generally acknowledged that early intervention is essential in addressing the needs of autistic children. Given limited resources it makes sense to educate parents as key persons in their child’s educational and health development. Research has shown that appropriate parent training in evidence-based practice benefits children’s developmental outcomes and reduces family stress. This seminar will focus on the steps we can put in place to help parents address their child’s needs effectively. Dr Stephen Gallagher BCBA-D, is a senior lecturer in behaviour analysis in the School of Psychology at Ulster University. He is also the chair person of the parent-led charity called Parents’ education as autism therapists (PEAT).

Link to video

2024 Webinar Series

October 2024 Fluency based instruction in the classroom

Presenter: Rasmi Krippendorf


Precision Teaching and similar fluency-based methods not using Standard Celeration Charts, are being used mainly by special education teachers. By combining Precision Teaching with Peer Tutoring, it is possible to get this effective method into the classroom, to the benefit of students.

Bio: Rasmi Krippendorf (BA, MS, PhD-candidate, BCBA) is employed by the municipality of Asker, Norway as a BA systems coordinator, to work with deviant behaviors in children at the district's 100 kindergartens and 50 schools. He has 3 children of his own, a wife and a cat. 

September 2024 First Responders and People Diagnosed with Autism 
Presenters: Bobby Newman and Bobbi Rogers
As more and more people diagnosed with autism live in the community, opportunities for interactions with first responders (police, fire, EMT, etc.) have increased exponentially. Training for first responders has been non-existent or not always been optimal, however, and this has unfortunately led to misunderstandings with tragic consequences, including autistic people being shot and killed and first responders being injured. In this webinar Dr. Bobby Newman provides the information and background that will allow for safer interactions and avoidance of the tragedies that have occurred.


July 2024. Applied behaviour analysis: Why professional recognition is important

Presenter: Professor Karola Dillenburger BCBA-D

Keynote address delivered at International Conference on Global Education (ICOGE 2024) in Malaysia

The definition of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is based explicitly on the aim to enhance socially important behaviour. ABA has been used very successfully to support a wide ranges of different populations, including those in general education, on the autism spectrum, experiencing intellectual disability, and working in organisations. Yet, across the world only few countries officially recognise behaviour analysts legally as an approved profession. Without professional recognition and regulation, anyone can call themselves a "behaviour analyst" and service users are not protected adequately. This can lead to misunderstandings and malpractice. In this presentation, I will outline some of the issues involved in this discussion and outline the ethical imperative for behaviour analysts to be professionally regulated.

Professor Dillenburger is the Director of the Centre for Behaviour Analysis at Queen's University Belfast

Link to talk


June 2024. Neurodiversity: A Behaviour Analyst’s Perspective

Presenter: Michael Nicolosi BCBA

A neurodiversity movement (NDM) has gained momentum in the 2020s, mainly driven by autistic self-advocates. The main argument of the NDM is that neurodivergent people experience discrimination that is on par with the historical discrimination of other minority groups. In this paper, we propose a behaviour analyst’s perspective on the NDM, considering available evidence. We first explore the history and emergence of the concept of neurodiversity and its neurological as well as psychological basis. We consider its potential for generating what some consider a zero-sum game, in which one group makes all the gains potentially at the expense of another group. We finish with the suggestion that a win-win situation is possible if the focus shifts proactively on advocacy for all autistic persons, including those with very high support needs who often are not able to advocate actively for themselves and who tend to benefit greatly from evidence-based behaviour analytic interventions.

Michael Nicolosi is a PhD candidate in the School of Social Work & Social Science with Queen’s University in Belfast, and Director of ABA Services at Data Driven ABA (Switzerland).

 Link to talk in English

Link to talk in Italian


23 May 2024. Celebrating International LGBT Pride Day 2024

Interrogating Our Assumptions: How Gender Training and the gender binary impact behavior analytic practice

Presenter: Gabriela Barrientos BCBA


Behavior analysts are often ill prepared to build an affirming and inclusive supervision framework in the context of the current cultural and political climate. Shaping future behavior analysts to create an affirming environment for the LGBTQAI+ clients and colleagues remains a supervisory blind spot for many BCBAs. The event provides a learning opportunity for participants to understand LGBTQAI+ concepts and how to support their supervisees in unpacking their learning history and worldview which impacts how they view gender and the gender binary. 

Gabriella is a PhD candidate in the school of Social Work & Social Science with Queen’s University in Belfast, where she is engaging in groundbreaking, primary research to support clinical recommendations for transgender and autistic youth. Gabriella is a licensed, international, and board-certified behavior analyst. She has experience in early intervention, intensive behavior intervention, adaptive skills training, school services, adult group home intervention, vocational skills training, as well as parent and family training. Gabriella’s practice values center on the affirmation of transgender youth, and intersectionality. She advocates and fosters diversity, equity, and inclusion of historically marginalized and underrepresented populations. Her work, particularly with minors and disabled populations, is client centered and relies on trauma informed, assent and consent practice to prevent abuse. She is the co-owner of Twice Consulting Services (TCS) LLC and Director of Twice Affirming Behavioral Services LLC, which provides affirming behavior analytic services for clients meeting the intersection of LGBTQAI+ and autism as well as parent coaching to increase supportive and affirming parenting strategies. Gabriella applies her knowledge in human behavior to increasing equitable and inclusive practices across clinical and professional settings. She is a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) The CDE® qualification credential is designed to strategically position an organization to remove systemic barriers to inclusion, lead culture change, and transform the brand. CDE was created for leaders who manage or oversee large scale and complex equity, diversity and inclusion efforts, particularly Chief Diversity Officers. The CDE® requires at least five (5) years of experience and a current leadership role in order to sit for the exam. In partnership with her public health counterpart, Gabriella has designed and facilitated justice, equity and inclusion training which include implicit bias, anti-racist and allyship behaviors as well as DEI literacy designed to build cultural humility, ethical and inclusive practice, and affirming personal and professional environments. These trainings have been utilized as company onboarding practices to support inclusive working environments for diverse and intersecting identities for companies located across the globe as well as continuing education units for board certified behavior analysts. Gabriella has developed and facilitated supervision and mentorship frameworks centered in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Link to webinar


25 April 2024. Celebrating World Autism Awareness Month (WAAD) 2024:

Shaping Autism Care in the Czech Republic: Historical Perspectives and Political Influences

Presenter: Professor Karel Pančocha


When behaviour analysis was beginning to gain popularity in the West, the Czech Republic was strongly influenced by Marxist ideology, resulting in its rejection of knowledge coming from there.  In one example from a Czech journal at that time, Vláčil (1975) argued that the emergence of behaviourism was conditioned not only by the development of psychological theory, but more importantly by the broader social context and the historical situation in capitalist countries. As a result, theories developed in the region which diminished the importance of a man as a subject of history and, therefore, the importance of his consciousness.  Even today, in the Czech professional circles, one can still encounter misunderstandings of the basic principles of behaviour or notions that behaviourists equate human beings with lower animals or automatic machines.       

After the fall of the Iron Curtain in the early 1990s, Czech social sciences regained their independence and started to catch up with the rest of the developed world. The Czech Society of CBT was founded in 1991 and CBT is currently one of the mainstream approaches in the treatment of a wide range of psychological problems from anxiety and depression to eating disorders.     

In contrast, behavioural interventions based on the principles of ABA, which focus on skill acquisition and development of adaptive behaviours in individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities (ADHD, ASD) and intellectual disabilities, have remained unnoticed by the Czech professional communities until recently. Only in the last 30 years, have a range of approaches and intervention programs for children with behavioural needs, such as those with autism, emerged in the Czech Republic. Zuzana Žampachová (2014), one of the leading Czech specialists in ASD education, touted applied behaviour analysis and structured teaching to be the most effective strategies for teaching children with ASD. 

However, currently the most widely used approach in the Czech educational system is structured teaching, which is said to be based on the child's current skill level and builds on structuring space and time and providing visual support in addition to individual approach. Čadilová and Žampachová (2012) pointed out that the Czech structured approach of teaching children with ASD is based on Ivar Lovaas' behaviour intervention program and Eric Schopler's structured teaching. However, in practice, until 2015, the use of services termed as “ABA” was extremely rare and mostly used only in home-based programs. One reason for this may be that ABA-based interventions should be delivered and supervised by well trained professionals - certified behaviour analysts, who were not available in the country until recently. 

While in 2015 there were no certified behaviour analysts working in the country (Roll-Pettersson et al., 2020) and rare home-based programs were supervised from abroad, by 2020 there were already 40 self-identified behavioural practitioners (Kingsdorf & Pančocha, 2020). Along with the rising number of professionals, the country has seen an increase in the number of children receiving ABA based interventions at home or at early intervention centers. Several schools also started to incorporate principles of behaviour in their educational programs.

Link to webinar 

20 March 2024. Celebrating World Behavior Analysis Day 2024:

Empowering parents: Low-cost, parent-mediated early intervention for autism in countries where Applied Behavior Analysis is not officially recognized or supported

Presenters: Zuzanna Maštenová


In countries where Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is not government-funded or supported by health insurance, accessing early intervention services for children with autism can be challenging. However, our work in Slovakia demonstrates the importance of low-cost parent-mediated interventions. In this presentation, we emphasize the pivotal role parents play in the treatment team and advocate for their integration into every intervention program for children with autism. Drawing on evidence-based approaches, we highlight the effectiveness of parent-mediated interventions particularly focusing on play based teaching in natural environments with emphasis on supporting early social and communication skills.  We review various strategies and procedures for delivering comprehensive parent training and explore the advantages and disadvantages of parents assuming the role of therapists for their children with autism. Furthermore, we discuss a low-cost intervention model tailored for underdeveloped and underserviced regions, where government funding and insurance coverage for intensive behavioral interventions are lacking. By empowering parents and leveraging their involvement, we aim to expand access to quality autism treatment globally, irrespective of financial constraints.

Link to webinar


15 February 2024

Using Organisational Behavior Management (OBM) to Improve Service Delivery 

Presenters: Dr Paulie Gavoni


One of the focuses of Behavior Analysts and providers consulting with and supporting Educational and Autism related programs should be to design strategies that accelerate and sustain good practice. As such, they must look beyond the behavior of the learners by broadening their focus to include systems and the behavior of the providers and leaders at the individual, group, and organizational level. This presentation will focus on the improvement of services through the lens of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) as a means of creating meaningful behavior change by improving and developing processes and systems, closing gaps in staff performance, improving retention, and ultimately increasing learner achievement.

Link to webinar

2023 Webinar Series

13 December 2023

Acting on Early Life Autism Signs

Presenters: Dr Meral Koldas & Dr Katerina Dounavi


In this webinar, we will discuss early life development including key milestones to be reached by 18 months of life. We will describe the role of the environment in raising a happy child and how parents can best support development. We will also describe how to spot red flags and what to do if you have concerns around a child's development.

Link to webinar


15 November 2023

Erken dönem otizm belirtileri haydi harekete geç [Acting on early life autism signs]

Presenters: Dr Meral Koldas & Dr Katerina Dounavi


Bu online seminerinde, bebeklerin yaşamının ilk 18 aylık döneminde almaları gereken önemli kilometre taşları ve erken dönem gelişimi tartışacağız. Mutlu bir çocuk yetiştirmede çevrenin rolünü ve ebeveynlerin gelişimi en iyi şekilde nasıl destekleyebileceklerini anlatacağız. Ayrıca otizmin erken belirtilerini nasıl tespit edebileceğinizi ve çocuğun gelişimiyle ilgili endişeleriniz varsa ne yapmanız gerektiğini de açıklayacağız.

[In this webinar, we will discuss early life development including key milestones to be reached by 18 months of life. We will describe the role of the environment in raising a happy child and how parents can best support development. We will also describe how to spot red flags and what to do if you have concerns around a child's development.]

Link to webinar


April/May 2023

Celebrating World Autism Awareness Month 2023 

Applied Behaviour Analysis in the Ukraine  

Presenter: Alla Moskalets, President of the Ukrainian Association of Behavior Analysts (UABA). 


In Mariupol, approximately 250 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and related intellectual and speech disabilities had received intensive ABA therapy, speech therapy, and sensory integration therapy between 2014 and 2022.  

Until 2020, this was the only ABA center for all the Donetsk region. In 2015 new ABA center was opened in Kyiv.  

Since February 2022, the center in Kyiv is closed and the center in Mariupol is totally destroyed. The director of these centers Alla Moskalets is planning to reopen the ABA centre in Kyiv. 

Link to Alla Moskalets video 


23 March 2023

Celebrating World Behaviour Analysis Day 2023

Why Babies Look: Social referencing and its implications for children with special educational needs

Presenter: Dr Maithri Sivaraman


An area of socialization that develops towards the end of the first year of life is social referencing, wherein infants when confronted with a novel or unusual event, look at an adult, and base their subsequent behaviour on the facial expression of the adult.  Social referencing is a preverbal foundational skill that seems pivotal to the development of verbal behaviour, and social and emotional skills in children. In my talk, I will describe (a) what is known so far about social referencing, (b) offer insight into its development over the course of the first two years of life in neurotypical and neurodiverse children, and (c) discuss training strategies to facilitate social referencing in children. Finally, I will also lay out my roadmap to extend this research program and discuss implications for the present state of intervention services.

Link to Maithri Sivaraman video

6 March 2023

Understanding intraverbal control: how to teach generalised question answering and avoid discrimination errors

Presenter: Dr Francesca degli Espinosa


Although an increasing number of single-case studies have focused on teaching language skills to children with autism using Skinner’s (1957) analysis of verbal behaviour in recent years, the majority have focused on establishing primary operants at the single-word level. Nevertheless, from two to three years of age, neurotypical children naturally demonstrate generalised and multiply-controlled verbal behaviour, including autoclitics: They are, for example, able to provide full-sentence answers to novel questions about ongoing and past events, to describe their own experiences, and to respond to a variety of Wh questions. The ability to discriminate questions is therefore one of the most fundamental listener and speaker skills, yet it is poorly understood and underappreciated by ABA curricula.  A programme of instruction will be presented in which language objectives are organised along a continuum of increasing stimulus control complexity, and discussion provided on how best to move from teaching simple stimulus discriminations to mastery of complex verbal conditional discriminations. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of autoclitic frames and intraverbal control in teaching generalised question answering. The current presentation will focus on some recent research providing clinicians with a conceptually systematic framework for teaching complex and generalised verbal behaviour to children with autism based on a Skinnerian analysis of verbal stimulus control.

Link to Francesca degli Espinosa video

Link to published studies mentioned during webinar:

•             degli Espinosa (2022) 

•             Meleshkevich, Axe, & degli Espinosa (2021) 

•             degli Espinosa, Wolff, & Hewett (2021) 

•             degli Espinosa, Gerosa, & Brocchin-Swales (2021)

5th Conference of the Centre for Behaviour Analysis: Applied Behaviour Analysis: Meaningful inclusion in a changing world (2 Dec 2022)

#1 Keynote Address: ABA, Skills Teaching and Creating A Better Quality Of Life-Johnny's Story

Presenter: Jane McCready

Chair: Prof Karola Dillenburger


Jane McCready is a parent campaigner and former UK-SBA board member. Her talk will focus on the 16 years of kind, effective ABA teaching her autistic and learning disabled son Johnny, now 19, has experienced: at home and in both mainstream and now a special ABA school. The skills he has learned have immeasurably improved his access to the fun and important parts of life, and indeed improved his health outcomes, as he also has two lifelong health conditions. Jane firmly believes that - without ABA - her son would now have a far poorer quality of life.

Link to Jane McCready video 

#2 Keynote Address: Better Living Through Use of Behavior Analytic Concepts: Multiple Powerful Options

Presenter: Dr Patrick Friman


The core idea of behavior analysis is revolutionary in that attributes the source or cause of behavior not to the behaving person him or herself but to what has happened to that person up to the exhibition of the behavior.  This is the most powerful idea ever invented by mankind for understanding, knowing, and dealing with human behavior, especially when it is a problem (because it seeks not to fix the blame but rather seeks to fix the problem instead).  And virtually everything this idea touches improves. It has revolutionized approaches to habit disorders, incontinence, addictions, delinquency, and numerous other major concerns of our time.  Still, the idea has only begun to be harnessed.  Not only can it be used to improve the lives of clients in need, but it can also be used to improve the lives of their providers, and indeed the lives of all people.  This talk will describe several options derived from behavior analysis the application of which could exert a powerful beneficial influence on everyday life.


  1. Attendees will be able to describe the core idea of behavior analysis.
  2. Attendees will be to describe a way to use emotion to enhance persuasion.
  3. Attendees will be able to describe a way to prevent the misbehavior that often occurs following the imposition of aversive circumstances.

Link to Pat Friman video 

#3 Keynote Address: A Behavioral Systems Approach to Ethics Training and Supervision

Presenter: Dr Matthew Brodhead

Chair: Dr Katerina Dounavi


Professional and ethical behaviors are critical for high quality care and consumer protection. By using behavioral systems, behavior analysts may increase the probability of employees engaging in professional and ethical behaviors. This presentation will survey the basic components of behavioral systems analysis (BSA) and how BSA may be used in practice to promote ethical behavior. Ultimately, this presentation aims to provide a pragmatic, solutions-oriented, and socially-valid approach to ethics that focuses on teaching employees “what to do” in certain situations, instead of using a punitive “how not to behave” approach for employee management.


  1. Participants will identify the six steps of behavioral systems analysis.
  2. Participants will describe an example of how to use behavioral systems analysis to improve ethical behavior during one-on-one supervision.
  3. Participants will describe an example of how to use behavioral systems analysis to improve ethical behavior during group supervision.

Link to Matthew Brodhead video

#4 Keynote Address: Living with Autism and Supporting Others Through ABA

Presenter: Armando Bernal

Chair: Dr Devon Ramey


Autistic masking is an emerging research area that focuses on understanding the conscious or unconscious suppression of natural autistic responses. Hear from Armando Bernal, an autistic individual, as he describes the difficulty with participating in social experiences throughout his life as well as "fitting in" throughout his professional career. This explanation along with a Q&A afterward will delve deep into personal experiences as well as how ABA professionals can further promote independence and self-advocacy in their patients.

Link to Armando Bernal video 

#1 Paper Session: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Chair: Smita Awasthi

Teaching socio-communicative behaviours in the context of play routines with caregivers

ELENA CLÓ, Katerina Dounavi, & Karola Dillenburger (Queen’s University Belfast)

The Treatment of Anxiety for Autistic Children with An Intellectual and Developmental Disability

MONICA MILLAR, Catherine Storey, & Nichola Booth (Queen’s University Belfast)

Teaching Complex Intraverbal Verbal Behavior to Three School-going Children with Autism

SMITA AWASTHI, Sridhar Aravamudhan, Tejashree Mujumdar, Anamma T. J., Anupama Jagdish (Behavior Momentum India)

The Exploration on the Combination of Hand-Gesture Cues and Applied Behaviour Analysis Principles to Improve Speech Intelligibility of Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Literature Review

RAHMA FARAH & Nichola Booth (Queen’s University Belfast)

Link to #1 Paper Session video 

#2 Paper Session: Systems and culture

Chair: Michelle P. Kelly

ABA treatment and certification model of the Institute for Child Development (IWRD) in Gdansk, Poland

ANNA BUDZIŃSKA (Institute for Child Development, Poland)

Autism, Adolescent, and sexuality in the Arab World: Safeguarding through behaviour analysis

ASMAHAN SALEH & Karola Dillenburger (Queen’s University Belfast)

Evaluating Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Inclusion of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the United Arab Emirates

MICHELLE P. KELLY (Counseling, Special Education, and Neuroscience Department, Emirates College for Advanced Education, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates), Bryan Roche (Department of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland), Ian Tyndall (Department of Psychology, University of Chichester, United Kingdom), & Khawla Barley (Special Olympics, United Arab Emirates)

A comparison of the efficacy of an asynchronous online learning platform and telehealth (synchronous) training for ABA practitioners

MERAL KOLDAS & Catherine Storey (Queen’s University Belfast)

Link to #2 Paper Session video 

#3 Paper Session: Wide applications of behaviour analysis

Chair: Emma Delemere

Behaviour Analytic Strategies for Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Literature Review

KIRSTIN LEANNE BRADY (Queen’s University Belfast)

Serious Games for Energy Efficiency: Exploring the Role of Behaviour Analysis in the Development of the EVIDENT Serious Game

EMMA DELEMERE & Paul Liston (Centre of Innovative Human Systems, Trinity College Dublin)

Exploration of the relationship between curriculum and application of behaviour analysis

JASON LEAR & Joanne Hughes (Queen’s University Belfast)

Link to #3 Paper Session video 


2022 Webinar Series

24 May 2022

Telehealth for training professionals and parents working with children with ASD in ABA

Presenters: Emma Craig & Jenny Ferguson 


There is a growing body of evidence supporting the use of telehealth to provide training in behaviour analytic interventions to parents and professionals and researchers have begun to focus on international demonstrations of this model. Given the recent changes to the BACB international credentialing and lockdowns imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic, this is a very pertinent area of research.

Two studies will be presented within this webinar. Firstly, Emma will discuss the effectiveness of brief functional analysis (FA) and functional communication training (FCT) delivered through telehealth. Interventionists were trained to fidelity using didactic training to implement a brief FA through support via live coaching from a BCBA. Upon identification of behaviour function, FCT training was implemented to target the decrease of elopement, aggression and disruption in children with ASD.

Secondly, Jenny will present her findings from her study designed to upskill parents, and provide them with methods to increase social communication behaviour across verbal operants. Two parent child dyads were trained to increase mand, tact and intraverbal behaviour during play. Parents displayed increases in fidelity for each strategy and viewed training favourably. Both children showed gains across verbal operants, as captured by a multiple baseline across behaviour design.

An overall discussion of advantages of ABA-based interventions delivered through telehealth will be offered alongside tips for implementation.

Link to Emma Craig and Jenny Ferguson video


April 2022

Celebrating World Autism Awareness Month 2022

Predicting outcome of Early Intensive Behavioural Interventions (EIBI)

Presenter: Svein Eikeseth 


Early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) is an empirically supported intervention which may improve cognitive and adaptive functioning for preschool children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, there is a need to identify characteristics that may predict outcome. Previous research identified age at intake, level of intake adaptive and intellectual functioning, as well as treatment intensity as possible key predictors. This prospective study was designed to examine predictors of outcome after 12 months of intervention in 171 children with ASD. The children were enrolled in a community-based agency in Sweden. Predictors included are Age at Intake, Intake Adaptive Behavior (Vineland-II), Treatment Intensity, Treatment Quality and Treatment Acceptability. For Vineland Adaptive Behavior Composite (ABC) and all Vineland subscales (Communication, Social Skills, Daily Living Skills, Motor Skills and Maladaptive Behavior), higher intake scores predicted significantly higher outcome scores. Furthermore, younger Intake Age and higher Treatment Quality was associated with improved in some of the outcome variables. Treatment Quality improved over time, but children who received lower treatment quality initially tended to receive overall lower treatment quality. Children who received higher number of treatment hours also tended to receive better treatment quality. Parents and therapists scored Treatment Acceptability as very high, but Treatment Acceptability scores were independent of the children’s outcome scores. These findings add to our knowledge of possible predictors of outcome for children receiving EIBI. 

Link to Svein Eikeseth video


March 2022

Celebrating World Behaviour Analysis Day 2022

Speaker Martha Hübner:

Verbal Behavior - 18 years of research: data and practical implications.

Event Description

The presentation will show that the verbal operant “autoclitic”, when presented as an antecedent condition of a response, may have persuasive effects upon it, altering the function of the verbal stimuli that accompanies them. The empirical base are eleven experiments, conducted at the Laboratory of Verbal Operants Studies (LEOV), under Prof Hübner’s coordination. A-B-A or Pre-Post Test designs are applied mainly. The participants were typical developing children and young university students.

The procedures always involved a baseline, where the frequency of a non-verbal response was observed. In experimental phases, one or more verbal manipulations were conducted, involving verbal antecedent stimuli with the autoclitic topography suggested by Skinner (1957), where one or more verbal responses, previously observed at baseline, were differentially reinforced.

After this, post-test measures were taken under similar conditions of those at baseline, verifying the reversion or not of the responses observed during baseline. The results in the majority of the studies indicated that the effects of the autoclitic verbal stimuli upon the non-verbal behavior were, in general, transient, more easily observed in children than in adults and with lower response cost.

Other parameters manipulated, such as the locus of the emission of verbal stimuli (the experimenter or the participant), the process that originated the emission of the autoclitic response (if instructed or shaped), if related to the announcement of positive or negative reinforcement did not show a great relevance. Under conditions where the emission of shaped autoclitic verbal stimuli did not show changes in the related nonverbal response, instructions announcing generalized reinforcers contingent upon the emission of planned response were effective. It was interpreted that the autoclitic is one more dimension of stimulus control, coherent with Schlinger’s analysis (1993) that says that, under certain conditions, it is an altering function stimulus.

Free CEU event

Martha Hübner video


March 2022

Bowel movement difficulties encountered by children with and without autism and evidence-based treatment options for toilet training 

Presenters: Nursel Ozkan Gonzalez  


Azrin and Foxx’s early studies in the 1970s have brought an effective behavioural approach on toilet training that has reached worldwide success. Today, Behavior Analysts working in the field of special education or education are often solicited to intervene on toilet training and related issues. Defecating difficulties or atypical defecation are frequent in the general population. Constipation alone is reported to be prevalent in around 34% of 4–11-year-olds, with 5% experiencing chronic constipation lasting more than 6 months. These difficulties can have a major impact on toilet training progress and on the quality of life of impacted children, adults and families. This webinar will cover different bowel movement issues that can be encountered, how to differentiate between them, the evidence-based behavioural treatment options that have been published and when to consider a multidisciplinary approach for a comprehensive medical-behavioural intervention package.   

Nursel Ozkan Gonzalez Video


January 2022

Progressive ABA as it Relates to Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Recent Advancements in Research and Clinical Practice

Presenters: Dr Justin Leaf

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science and, therefore, involves progressive approaches and outcomes. In this presentation we will argue that the spirit and the method of science should be maintained in order to avoid reductionist procedures, stifled innovation, and rote, unresponsive protocols that become increasingly removed from meaningful progress for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  We describe this approach as progressive. In a progressive ABA approach, the therapist employs a structured yet flexible process, which is contingent upon and responsive to child progress. We will describe progressive ABA and provide rationales for both the substance and intent of ABA as a progressive scientific method for improving conditions of social relevance for individuals with ASD. We will provide the audience with data from recent studies on how Progressive ABA can be implemented to individuals diagnosed with ASD; as well as our findings in clinical practice.  

Link to Justin Leaf video 



December 2021

Introduction and Application of Behaviour Analysis in Sports, Health, and Fitness 

Presenters: Wesley Lowery & Colleen Suzio (TeamABA)

The application of behavior analysis in sports, health, and fitness is an area of increasing interest in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA). During this talk, the history of behavior analysis as it pertains to sports, health, and fitness will be reviewed. Additionally,  the application of various behavior analytic principles and technologies will be conceptualized and discussed as to how our skill sets can be applied within health-related fields. Furthermore, components of precision teaching and precision coaching will be highlighted. This includes elements such as pinpointing sports behaviors and utilization of the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC).

 Link to TeamABA video 


November 2021

Relational Frame Theory: How do we assess these Repertoires

Presenters: Teresa Mulhern

Relational Frame Theory offers a useful framework for the facilitation of language and cognition and provides an exciting opportunity for practitioners to generate highly individualised language and cognition programs for their clients. The current talk focuses on the practicalities of assessing relational frame repertoires and considers how some of these skills may be established and strengthened.

Link to Teresa Mulhern video 


October 2021

Series Trial-Based Functional Analysis: Advances in Assessing Challenging Behavior in Natural Contexts

Presenter: Dr. Mandy Rispoli

Behavioral interventions developed from a functional behavior assessment (FBA) are more likely to be effective than interventions that are not function related (Carr, 1994). Further, the quality and fidelity of FBAs are positively correlated with student educational outcomes including reduction in challenging behavior, increases in appropriate behavior, and improved academic performance (Cook et al., 2012). One well researched means of assessing challenging behavior is through a functional analysis (Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003). However, traditional functional analysis may not be feasible in educational, home, or community settings. Trial based functional analysis (TBFA) is an alternative model that addresses many of the drawbacks of traditional functional analysis. TBFA allows for systematic assessments to be conducted by the individual’s teacher or family in educational, home, or community settings. Preparing caregivers to conduct systematic TBFA with fidelity is one means of increasing capacity to assess individuals’ challenging behaviors in natural contexts. The purpose of this session is to provide an overview of TBFA and to present new empirical evidence on the use of TBFA in educational settings. Data from single case design studies evaluating this model will be presented.

Link to Mandy Rispoli video


September 2021

The Long Road: Defending the rights of children on the autism spectrum for access to the science of ABA in the UK: in the community, the curriculum and the courtroom

Presenter: Lisa Blakemore-Brown

In this webinar I will be sharing some of my experiences as an educational psychologist within the world of SEN in the UK in relation to children with autism. The main focus will be on how ABA is understood/misunderstood across the UK and the consequent outcomes for children with autism. Unlike in the US and some parts of the Netherlands, ABA is not automatically provided following an ASD diagnosis. I will set out what is usually provided instead and give examples of typical parental experiences and what they need to do to prove their child needs ABA, if they consider that is the case. I will provide examples of how schools, Local Authorities and Tribunal panels respond when ABA is requested by parents; decision making in Tribunals and how Local Authorities and schools can react if ABA is ordered.

        Link to Lisa Blakemore video


       July 2021

      Playful Interventions and Collateral Behavior Change for Children with Autism

        Presenter: Dr Russell Lang

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But, for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Selecting target behaviors is perhaps the most important step in providing effective behavioral intervention. In this webinar, we will discuss situations in which targeting play behaviors should be emphasized in behavioral intervention planning and how to consider typical development when developing play goals. Framed by results from systematic literature reviews and a series of single-case design studies, this one-hour webinar will argue that play skills represent a behavioral cusp that can lead to untargeted collateral behavior change, serve as a mediator for generalization, and provide a reinforcement-rich natural context for future intervention programming. 

       Link to Russ Lang video

June 2021

Fear and Flexibility: Understanding and supporting young people with OCD and ASD from a behaviour analytic perspective 

Presenter: Dr Evelyn Gould 

OCD is a particularly debilitating and chronic condition that is often misdiagnosed, unrecognized, or ignored in individuals with ASD. Major challenges for practitioners include differentiating between the core features of ASD and OCD, and designing effective, function-based treatments. While Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP) represents the gold-standard treatment for OCD, Autistic individuals require individualized treatment modifications, greater focus on family support, programming for skills development, and prolonged generalization training and transition services. This talk will discuss evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of OCD from a behavior analytic perspective, and considerations for fostering long-term resilience, courage and flexibility in children and young people with ASD. 

Link to Evelyn Gould video.

May 2021

Example Sequencing in Instruction: Beyond Reaching into the Bin  

Presenter: Dr Janet Twyman 

When we teach learners to discriminate triangle, circle, and square, we are teaching the concepts of triangle, circle, and square. To do this well, we must identify and present examples of the concept that illustrate both the critical and variable features. We will cover how to analyse stimuli on the basis of critical and variable attributes, and the sequence of stimuli presentation. Learning new concepts can be made easier or more difficult based on the order in which stimuli are introduced. Two critical design aspects of how to teach include delivering clear instructions (faultless communication) and sequencing and arranging examples and non-examples (juxtaposition). This webinar will describe the five principles of juxtaposition, demonstrate how they relate to sequencing and ordering examples in practice and can be used to maximize student learning, and discuss how they relate to current behaviour analytic practice.                                                                                              

Link to Janet Twyman video

April 2021 

Celebrating World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) 2021 

Deserving Better: Supporting people’s rights to effective behavioural treatment 

Presenter: Dr Catriona Martin Gower 

The Care Quality Commission Report ‘Out of Sight - Who Cares?’ provides a harrowing insight into the way autistic people and those with a learning disability are 'impacted by system that views them, not as individuals, but as a condition or a collection of negative behaviours. The response to this has often been to restrain, seclude or segregate them.’ (CQC, 2020, pg. 3). It is our experience that limited insight into behaviour technology may often have worsened this condition - with poorly designed ‘behaviour' interventions leading to both the strengthening of maladaptive behaviours and the perception that ’nothing can be done’ to provide effective support. Thankfully - this is NOT the case. Compassionately designed, well-led and clinically supervised behavioural approaches play a key role in improving the lives of individuals who have otherwise slipped through the cracks. This talk will present examples of how behaviour analysis has been evidenced to support community-based placements for individuals labelled with severely complex and/or challenging behaviour, improving their quality of lives and protecting their rights to effective treatment. 

Link to Catriona Martin Gower video

       March 2021 

      Inaugural Webinar Celebration of World Behavior Analysis Day (WBAD) 2021 

      BF Skinner: Father 

       Presenter: Dr Julie Vargas  

F. Skinner was not only a scientist, he was a parent. This talk gives examples of what Skinner was like as a father. He interacted with my sister and me as a parent, not as a scientist. Still, the positive principles he advocated show in how he behaved as a father.   

       Link to Julie Vargas video                                                                                                                                                                                                            





Is punishment an operation or a process? Implications for clinical behaviour analysis (CBA Seminar Series 2019/20)

Presenter: Professor Robert Mellon
In contemporary applied behavior analysis, punishment is defined functionally as a reduction in the frequency of emission of acts of a given form due to their consequences. In contrast, behaviour analysts such as B. F. Skinner, Murray Sidman and James Dinsmoor defined punishment operationally as the consequential production of a negative reinforcer or termination of a positive reinforcer, independent of any effect of the consequence on the subsequent probability of emission of the punished action. The operational definition recognizes the daunting complexity of probable effects of punishment on respondent and operant behavior, the explicit consideration of which can substantially increase the effectiveness of case formulation and intervention in clinical behavior analysis. The advantages of such consideration will be illustrated in an interpretation of self-denigration and injury as form of aversive self-control.

Discrete Trial Teaching: An Opportunity for Multimedia (CBA Seminar Series 2018/19)

Presenter: Dr. Nichola Booth BCBA-D; Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis QUB
Discrete trial teaching (DTT), as a teaching method, has been used to teach a variety of skills in many early intervention programmes for children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Often, parents, in home-based ABA programmes implement them in the absence of supervision by a behaviour analyst. This can cause problems in maintaining the integrity of the programmes. DTT has been proven to significantly help with both developmental and educational attainments for children with ASD as well as other developmental delays and has been referred to by Smith as “…one of the most important instructional methods for children with autism” (p. 86).  DTT is an educational tool that is used to help individuals move from the acquisition of new targets through to maintenance and generalisation (Simpson, 2005). As more families are undertaking home-based ABA programmes it would therefore be judicious that the need for effective and efficient methods are found that help teach how to successfully implement a DTT programme. We will discuss a research study that examined three procedures to determine which was the most effective at helping parents of children identify errors within simulated mock discrete trial sessions. The procedures were a written Text, a PowerPoint presentation, and an Animated lesson. Preliminary findings suggest that traditional text-based methods for teaching need to be updated to take advantage of opportunities provided by new technology.

Very Early Intervention with Infants and Toddlers at Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 

(CBA Seminar Series 2017/18)

‌Presenter: Amy Tanner, BCBA (PhD student at CBA, Queen’s University)‌
This workshop focused on identifying very early signs of ASD and the screening tools available for early detection of symptom; Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Interventions (NDBIs): an overview of various NDBI models, common features and the state of the current research, and best practices for intervention with children two years of age or younger: Using Behaviour Skills Training as a framework for effective Parent, and Coaching. Research was presented and accompanied by various video clips on the efficacy of using parent-mediated intervention to treat autism symptoms in high-risk infants. The workshop will conclude with a discussion on limitations, ethical considerations and future directions for research and clinical applications. 


4th CBA/QUART Conference (2015) - Multidisciplinary work and autism

Prof David Jones, Queen's University Belfast: Introduction to 4th CBA Conference on Multidisciplinary work in autism: How can behaviour analysis help? 
The role of psychiatrists. 
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Hanns-Rüdiger Röttgers; Psychiatrist; University of Applied Science, Münster, Germany
The role of psychiatrists in therapeutic interventions for autism is not clear. Only a minority of psychiatrists have autism specific expertise.  ASD are mostly covered as a diagnostic issue and behaviour analysis is rarely to be found as part of the curriculum of medical schools. Furthermore, the psychoanalytical and psychodynamic concepts are still quite popular among psychiatrists but cannot be successfully applied to ASD. Ideally, psychiatrists should cooperate closely with Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA).
The role of Clinical Psychologists. 
Presenter: Dr Javier Virues-Ortega; Clinical Psychologist, BCBA-D; Auckland University, New Zealand
Professional behaviour analysts use evidence-based teaching and training methods to promote the acquisition of socially important skills and reduce the occurrence of maladaptive and challenging behaviours in a range of clinical and non-clinical populations. The work of behaviour analysts is data-based, goal-oriented, scientifically-guided, individualized, and focused on maximizing the individual’s potential in everyday environment. Javier discusses his own background as a clinical psychologist and behaviour analyst. The presenter will compare the general approach to assessment and treatment in the fields of clinical psychology and behaviour analysis.
The role of Speech and Language Therapists. 
Bethan Mair Williams; Speech and Language Therapist, BCBA; Wales
There is increasing pressure on S/LTs to use evidence-based practice, both by their professional body and by the HCPC as specified in their proficiency standards. However there has been little appreciable change since The Cochrane Review concluded that there was an insufficient evidence base for most speech and language therapy interventions used with children with language delays and/or disorders. In this presentation I will describe how my own training as a behaviour analyst and role as an honorary research fellow at Bangor University has enabled me to practice evidence-based speech and language therapy, with examples from my own practice. I will also examine the impact made by the small number of other international speech and language therapists who are also behaviour analysts. Finally, I will consider how the skills and knowledge of speech and language therapists in turn can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the work of behaviour analysts, and outline my vision for seamless collaborative practice.
The role of Teachers. 
Pat McCormack, School principal/parent of child with autism; Ireland
This presentation examines the position of ABA within the Irish education system over the past 17 years. It draws on the presenter’s experiences as the parent of a child with ASD working to access appropriate supports and his experience as a school principal working to support students with ASD within the mainstream school system. Preliminary findings from the presenter’s doctoral research examine the experiences of teachers and principals catering for students with ASD through the ‘ASD unit’ model. Finally the presentation suggests how behaviour analysis might enhance the impact of a multi-disciplinary approach to working with students with ASD
The role of Nurses. 
Liam McDermot MScABA; Nurse; Challenging Behaviour Team; Western Health and Social care Trust, NI.
This talk centres on Liam’s experiences of using the principles of behaviour analysis in his role as a mental health nurse and behaviour analyst leading a Challenging Behaviour team in the Western Health and Social Care Trust, how learning about behaviour analysis has changed, influenced, and enhanced his practice and the difficulties encountered in applying the science in real world settings.

3rd QUART/CBA Conference (2013) Let me hear your voice: Autism and Politics.

Welcome to QUB for 3rd QUART conference - Prof James McElnay (Vice Chancellor (acting) of Queen's University Belfast)
Opening address for 3rd QUART conference - Minister Edwin Poots (Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety)
Link to Edwin Poots video
Prof Lorri Unumb Esq (Vice-President for State affairs, Autism Speaks)
Vice President for State Government Affairs, Autism Speaks keynote address at 3rd QUART conference (20 Sept 2013) 'Let me hear YOUR voice: Autism and Politics.  Lorri Unumb is a lawyer and the mother of three children, the oldest of whom has autism. In 2005, while working as a law professor, she wrote autism insurance legislation for South Carolina ("Ryan's Law") that passed in 2007 and served as a catalyst for the national movement toward autism insurance reform. In 2008, Unumb became employed by the New York-based non-profit Autism Speaks, where she advocates full-time on behalf of individuals with autism. As head of state government affairs, she has testified 80+ times on health insurance issues in state legislatures around the country.  Her keynote address focus: Since 2007, more than 34 states have enacted legislation requiring coverage for autism spectrum disorders, including benefits for Applied Behavior Analysis. In this session, we will explore how targeted advocacy and the use of evidence led to legal endorsement of ABA in the USA.  
STAMPPP Project Launch. 3rd CBA conference 2013
The STAMPPP project (Science and the Treatment of Autism: Multimedia Package for Parents and Professionals, cf. was funded through two generous EU Leonardo da Vinci grants from 2008-2013. The goal was to update the original Simple Steps package. The first grant (2008-2010) provided cultural adaptations in German, Norwegian, and Spanish; 1000 free copies were distributed in each partner country. The 2nd grant, STAMPPP II (2011-2013), included partners from Italy, Iceland, Sweden and Netherlands; 500 free licenses were distributed in each partner country. The project was recognised as an example of excellence by the European Commission and was included as a case study highlighting best practice in Inclusion.
Introduction to STAMPPP
Prof Mickey Keenan BCBA-D (University of Ulster; Principle investigator STAMPPP) Link to Mickey Keenan video
Professional endorsement of Simple Steps training resource
Dr Neil Martin BCBA-D (European Association for Behaviour Analysis, EABA; Behavior Analyst Certification Board BACB) Link to Neil Martin video
Development of Simple Steps and Parent view
Prof Tony Byrne (Chairperson, Parents Education as Autism Therapists, PEAT)  Link to Tony Byrne video
Iceland: Simple Steps as first resource for every family of a child diagnosed with autism
Dr Sigridur Loa Jonsdottir (The State Diagnostic and Counselling Centre Iceland)  Link to Sigridur Loa Jonsdottir video
Netherlands: Using Simple Steps in research
Dr Jacqueline Schenk (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherland) 
Explains how Simple Steps training resource is used in Netherlands. Link to Jacqueline Schenk video
Sweden: The impact of Simple Steps
Dr Lise Roll-Pettersson BCBA-D (University of Stockholm, Sweden) Link to Lise Roll-Pettersson video
Italy: Simple Steps training
Dr Nanni Presti (The European Institute for the Study of Human Behavior, Italy) Link to Nanni Presti video 
Northern Ireland: Using Simple Steps to train parents
Dr Stephen Gallagher BCBA-D (Ulster University)  Link to Stephen Gallagher video 

2nd CBA conference 2012: Launch of the Centre for Behaviour Analysis. 

The launch of Centre for Behaviour Analysis at 2nd QUART/CBA Conference 2012.
Building adaptive skills: Practice applications. 
Prof Mickey Keenan’s (BACB-D, University of Ulster)
Mickey's keynote presentation outlined the importance of the scientific method when designing teaching and learning experiences and illustrated this with a number of practical participatory exercises.
International best practice: Examples from early intervention in Spain, Germany, France, and Greece. 
Katerina Dounavi (BCBA, QUB; University of Madrid)
Katerina illustrated how behaviour analytic early intervention has been progressed in these countries and showed a number of videos from her own international practice.

Prof. Carl Hugh is Professor and Head of School of Education and Human Development at the University of Bangor, Wales. His keynote address focused on teaching academic curriculum: Effective inclusion in mainstream classrooms. He discussed some of the key findings of behaviour analytic teaching methods, including Precision Teaching, in mainstream schools. 

Link to Carl Hugh video


Dr Angelika Anderson (BCBA-D) and Prof Dennis Moore (BCBA-D), Faculty of Education and Krongold Centre, Monash University, Australia (after 2019 at Waikato University, New Zealand) describe their research regarding video modelling.

Link to Angelika Anderson video


Dr Smita Awasthi (BCBA-D) is the founder and Director of Behavior Momentum, Bangalore, India. Dr Awasthi is a QUB Almuna and an internationally recognised autism expert, therapist and staff trainer.

Link to Smita Awasthi video

1st CBA conference 2011 Evidence-based Interventions and Professional Certification. 

Dr Neil Martin (BCBA-D)
Neil has many years of experience in working directly with individuals and families affected by autism and consulting with Education and HSC agencies. He was on Board of Directors of Behavior Analyst Certification Board and describes requirements for professional certification. Note that these requirements evolve and are reviewed and adjusted every 5 years. While much of the information presented here still applies, some details will change over time.

Assistive technology and autism DOCTRID Conference. Hosted by the CBA, 2015

The 4th International DOCTRID conference took place at Queen’s University Belfast on April 27th and 28th. The aim of the conference was to create a better understanding between researchers, caregivers, healthcare providers and people with ID and ASD to bring practical changes to people's lives, in particular through the use of Assistive Technology. 
Link to DOCTRID videos (starts at 8:00) 



Presenter: Professor Karola Dillenburger

The exact prevalence of autism in adults is not known. For children, recent prevalence figures in USA and Europe vary between 2% and 3½%. Prevalence figures in India are not known. 

The diagnostic process is a method of categorising clusters of behaviour. The diagnostic category ‘Autism’ is used when difficulties in social communication and repetitive, stereotypical behaviours are persistent and the person requires specific, substantial, or very substantial support. Over 75% of people diagnosed with autism have co-occurring learning disabilities or mental health issues. 

Early and intensive behavioural interventions that are based on Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) lead to the best prognosis. With these interventions, progress can be achieved across the life-span by enhancing social, academic, and life skills and establishing strategies that reduce the need for challenging behaviours.

Over 60% of adults diagnosed with autism live with their aging parents who worry about the future of their sons and daughters. Yet, over 70% of these parents have not made plans for future care arrangements.

Adults diagnosed with autism have the same dreams and ambitions as anyone else. They may want to work, have relationships and become parents, yet over 85% of these adults are not employed in the open market. Friendships and relationships are often difficult for them to achieve and maintain while issues related to parenting, or having a parent diagnosed with autism, have only recently come into focus.

This talk will present research on issues that are important for adults diagnosed with autism themselves and those who support them, including futures planning and job coaching. Culturally sensitive issues, such as relationships and parenthood, will also be addressed. 

Link to Adults with Autism video


Employing people with disabilities: From obligation to recognition 

Presenter: DHelena Vad’urová (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)

The Special Education Needs Employment Links (SENEL) project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Key Action 2 programme. This co-operation for innovation and the exchange of good practices aims to help young people with SEND move successfully from vocational training (VET)and further education (FE) into employment.International educational institutions taking part in this project will produce and evaluate tools to support students with SEND as they move into employment. This collaborative project consortium is formed through the partnership working of eight different members. Stakeholders from England, Finland, the Czech Republic and Germany including one institution of higher education from each participating country, in conjunction with one national partner of differing organisational structures including VET/FE institutions, employers, NGOs and disability organisations. 

Link to Helena Vad’urová video

WAAD 2019 Event Evidence and Policy: How to help families of children diagnosed with autism in Northern Ireland 

Presenter: Prof Mickey Keenan BCBA-D; Ulster University

Currently in the USA, 44 States have introduced legislation to ensure that parents have access to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for the treatment of autism; hundreds of major companies have also made ABA available under their health insurance policies for workers. The supporting evidence to introduce this legislation will be outlined as well as the training standards for professionals trained in ABA. This information will provide a basis for contrasting how ABA is viewed in Northern Ireland and in the UK in general. I will show how misinformation by professionals with no training in ABA has resulted in misinformation influencing politicians charged with developing policy for helping families of children diagnosed with autism. Prof Mickey Keenan FBPsS BACB-D is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and multi-ward winning Board Certified Behaviour Analyst-Doctoral; Award for Promoting Equality of Opportunity (British Psychological Society), Distinguished Community Fellowship (Ulster University), Personal Achievement Award (New York State Association for Behavior Analysis), Award for Public Service in Behavior Analysis (Society for Advancement of Behavior Analysis), Michael Hemmingway Award (Behavior Analysts Certification Board), Award for International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis (Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis), and first International Advocacy Award from Autism Speaks. He is the founder of the registered charity Parent’s Education as Autism Therapists (PEAT). He led the development of

Link to Prof Mickey Keenan video

Science of Teaching

SCIENCE OF TEACHING offers a comprehensive guide for teachers, educators, and anyone else interested in human behaviour on how learning occurs at a biological and environmental level. What shapes our behaviour? How do our behaviours become reinforced? What are some useful techniques to help shape human behaviour towards acquiring new skills and behaviours? How do we measure human behaviour and what is the science behind teaching and learning? These are all questions which are addressed within this film. The film covers many sections ranging from the biological basis of learning, tools for educators, precision teaching and technology in the classroom. (Featuring Prof Karola Dillenburger, Director of Centre for Behaviour Analysis, QUB)

Link to Science of Teaching video

Employment of Adults with Disabilities (CBA 2014)

Lynnae Ruttledge, National Council on Disability, USA

Lynnae serves as a President Obama appointee to the National Council on Disability, that advises the President, Congress and other federal agencies on disability policy. She serves as a disability policy advisor to DOCTRID (Daughters of Charity, Technology Research into Disability) and Michigan State University. In 2013, Lynnae also served as a Presidential appointee to the 15-member US Senate Commission on Long Term Care. She is past Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration with the US Department of Education (2010 - 2012). 

Link to Lynnae Ruttledge Video

Video by young person with autism: My experience with ABA

Eli Allen is a 20-year-old student with autism from USA

Eli is talking about his autism, his experience with early ABA based interventions and his therapist, Dr Bobby Newman BCBA-D. ( Eli recorded this video himself. He responded to questions drafted by Prof Dillenburger. The video is shown with his permission.

Link to Eli Allen video

Video by girl with autism: My experience with ABA

Kayla is an 11- year old girl with autism from Australia.

Kayla speaks about her experience with ABA at a conference in Melbourne. Her talk followed a keynote address by Prof Dillenburger (seen at the beginning of the video). Her talk was prepared by Kayla and her parents. The video was taken by Kayla’s parents and is available with her and their permission.

Link to Kayla video

Video by boy with autism: My experience with ABA

Cillian is a 13-year old boy diagnosed with autism from Northern Ireland

Cillian recorded this video as an introduction to an autism conference held in Belfast. He wrote the text he is reading himself. Cillian has given permission to show this video.

Link to Cillian video

Video animation by teenager with autism. “Aspergers Video”

Andrew is a teenager with Aspergers and lives in Northern Ireland

This short video was produced, recorded, and edited by Andrew together with his friend. Andrew gave permission to share his work here.

Link to Andrew video

Chief nourisher in life’s feast – A behavioural view of sleep through the lifespan. Workshop at CBA

Prof Neville Blampied (University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand)  "Chief nourisher in life’s feast – A behavioural view of sleep through the lifespan"

In this talk Prof Blampied outlines the importance of sleep and how chronic settling difficulties and nightwaking is common in infancy, sleep disruptions can occur in childhood and especially adolescence, and insomnia is a major issue for adults. Beginning with the work of Bootzin and his Stimulus Control Theory of Adult Insomnia, a behavioural perspective has contributed in important but under-appreciated ways to understanding and treating sleep disturbances across the lifespan. 

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Video Part 3


SIMPLE STEPS Multimedia training resource

SIMPLE STEPS is the multi-media resource for Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism. SIMPLE STEPS was developed by parents and Board Certified Behaviour Analysts in Northern Ireland in collaboration with Ulster University and Queen’s University. It is available in 9 languages (English, German, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Icelandic, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese, Czech). SIMPLE STEPS is owned and distributed by the Northern Ireland based charity Parents’ Education as Autism Therapists ( Any proceeds are used to benefit families affected by autism.

You can find SIMPLE STEPS here

Helping school-aged pupils with autism succeed in mainstream classrooms.

Prof Bill Heward (Ohio State University; co-author of Cooper, Heron and Heward, Applied Behavior Analysis)

This workshop addresses issues related to the question: What behavior changes produced by what techniques will accrue maximal success for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in mainstream classrooms? This workshop examined research-based interventions that help students with ASD learn a number of skill sets that are considered critical for success in inclusive classrooms.

Link to Bill Heward video

Early intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comparing international policies with developments in Northern Ireland. KESS, 2014

Prof Karola Dillenburger (QUB)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects about 2% of school children (approximately 5000 in Northern Ireland; Megaw, 2013). ASD is a pervasive neurodevelopmental condition with problems in building social relationships and very restricted interests When these children enter the labour market, only 15% of them find employment; a great loss to them and to society (Rosenblatt, 2008). The cost of autism per lifetime is estimated £2.7 billion per each year in the United Kingdom, and can rise to £1.23million per lifetime (Knapp et al 2009). There is strong, statistically significant evidence that early intensive behavioural-analytically based interventions can save fiscally, enhance the quality of life considerably and enable adults with autism to participate fully in an inclusive society (Orinstein et al., 2014). Internationally, the USA and Canada enact laws and policies to ensure that these scientifically validated, individually tailored, person-focussed interventions are offered to all those who need them, i.e., these interventions now are considered ‘medically as well as educationally necessary’ in most of North America. This presentation outlines the evidence on which international decisions are based and outline the implications of adopting similar policies for Northern Ireland.
[Policy Briefing] [KESS 2014 Presentation]  [Video]

Preventing poverty and social exclusion for those affected by autism and their families. BASE Project. KESS, 2017

Prof Karola Dillenburger (QUB)

Autism rates in Northern Ireland are rising by 0.2 annually and now stand at 2.3% in the school population. The cost to society for autism is £34billion in the UK, more than cancer, strokes, and heart disease combined; 36% of this cost is for adult services. The NI government has invested heavily in autism diagnosis and autism services.  However, services are still not meeting the needs of those directly affected by autism and their families; and there is a feeling that the money is not always spent wisely. A major study was funded by OFMDFM (2012-2016) to explore poverty and social exclusion of children and adults affected by autism and their families, and to make policy and practice recommendations. In this presentation we will present data from all 4 phases of this study: (1) A thorough literature review exposed gaps in service provision; (2) An adult population survey (NILTS autism module) identified levels of autism awareness and attitudes; (3) A comprehensive secondary data analysis of existing data banks exposed levels of poverty and deprivation; and, (4) Detailed qualitative data analysis looked at staff training and gave voice to those on the autism spectrum and their families. Data from the research will be reported and recommendations outlined, including making cost-savings.
[Policy Briefing]  [KESS 2017 Presentation]  [KESS video]

Evidence and Policy: How to help families of children diagnosed with autism in Northern Ireland, KESS, 2017

Prof Mickey Keenan BCBA-D (Ulster University) 

Currently in the USA, 44 States have introduced legislation to ensure that parents have access to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for the treatment of autism; hundreds of major companies have also made ABA available under their health insurance policies for workers. The supporting evidence to introduce this legislation will be outlined as well as the training standards for professionals trained in ABA. This information will provide a basis for contrasting how ABA is viewed in Northern Ireland and in the UK in general. I will show how misinformation by professionals with no training in ABA has resulted in misinformation influencing politicians charged with developing policy for helping families of children diagnosed with autism (   

[Policy Briefing]  [Presentation]  [KESS 2017 video]

Behavioural Gerontology in Dementia Care.

Prof Mark Mathews (Emeritus Professor, Australia)

Prof Mathews outlines innovative ABA-based methods to support older adults with dementia in residential care. He describes how to reduce aggressive behaviours in resident with dementia, how to get her off medication, and how to prevent staff burn-out.

Link to Mark Mathews video

Addressing Challenged Behaviour. Workshop at CBA, 2012

Dr Bobby Newman BCBA-D

Bobby Newman ( is Past President of both, the Association for Science in Autism Treatment and the New York Association for Behavior Analysis. He is a renowned author of numerous books on ASD and in his hand-on approach to challenged behaviours he shows how to best address every-day issues.

Children diagnosed on the autism spectrum often are challenged by specific daily living tasks, such as eating and sleeping. These behaviors can be particularly tricky to address, as they often include both environmental and physiological components. A methodology for exploring these kinds of challenges as well as ways of addressing them will be provided.

Link to Bobby Newman workshop video


Sensory Issues. Workshop at CBA 2012

Dr Dana Reinecke BCBA-D

Dana is an award-winning trainer and teacher in ASD at the Sage Centre for Behaviour Analysis, New York. She addresses sensory issue and shows how to overcome barriers to learning. Dr Dana Reinecke BCBA-D is an award-winning trainer and teacher in ASD at the Sage Centre for Behaviour Analysis, New York.

Dana addresses sensory issue and shows how to overcome barriers to learning. Sensory issues commonly challenge individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). She explores sensory-based coping strategies according to their functions. While some of these strategies may be described as sensory-seeking, others

may be described as sensory-avoidance. In both cases, individuals with ASD may experience physical discomfort and distress. We will explore ways to increase the individual’s success in coping with sensory issues and how to provide alternative sensory experiences that are more helpful to the individual with ASD.

Link to Dana Reinecke video

Evidence based practice: Behaviour Analytic interventions in ASD

Prof Karola Dillenburger BCBA-D

This presentation outlines the evidence base for ABA-based interventions.

Link to Evidence based practice video