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Ethical Research Involving Children: Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we heading?

Archway into the quad
May 10, 2022
MS Teams
09:00 - 10:00

"Ethical Research Involving Children: Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we heading?

Professor Anne Graham and Julia Truscott, Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia

Drawing on many years’ experience in researching with children and young people, including leading the international Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) initiative (, Anne will reflect on the cornerstone role of 3-R’s (rights, relationships and reflexivity) in navigating ethical tensions related to matters like informed consent, harms and benefits, privacy and confidentiality, and payment and compensation, including in research on sensitive issues. Julia will introduce participants to the ERIC resources and highlight the team’s ongoing efforts to develop an evidence-informed international resource hub where researchers can connect up, share their expertise and promote promising ethical practice in a wide range of contexts. We hope participants will be enriched and affirmed in their understanding that ‘ethics’ is not simply a battleground of procedural and compliance requirements but a way of operating as researchers well before any project begins.

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Name Amy Hanna
Archway into the quad