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Developing age appropriate questionnaires to measure Good Relations among children and young people

Two student walk in the quad

Dr Katrina Lloyd, Dr Michelle Templeton, Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Dirk Schubotz are working on a project commissioned by the Executive Office (TEO) to develop child friendly questionnaires for use with their Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC) programmes on Good Relations.  Adopting a Child Rights based approach, involving children and young people throughout the project, the team is working with four advisory groups in two primary schools (9-11 year olds) and two post primary schools (11-15 year olds). Three questionnaires are being developed to measure Good Relations knowledge, attitude and behaviour: a baseline pre-project measure, a post-project measure to assess any impact on attitudes to Good Relations, and a one off event questionnaire. The advisory groups will also help to develop a script that facilitators will use when distributing the questionnaires. This will ensure that definitions and concepts related to ‘Good Relations’, such as ethnicity and cultural traditions, are described in a way that children and young people will understand.
