What does the pandemic mean for children? #CovidUnder19 Global Survey results

The #CovidUnder19 Global survey is an initiative led by children and young people that aims to understand the children and young people’s experiences of their rights since the beginning of Coronavirus. The Centre for Children's Rights, employing their unique children's rights-based methodology, designed the survey and analysed and developed a series of thematic briefings, working at every stage with children and young people and other partners to make sure that the survey and findings were produced with children for children. The survey was developed in collaboration with international partners including Terre des hommes and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children among others and involved a diverse group of children from 28 countries at all stages including drawing conclusions and developing key messages.
The “Life Under Coronavirus” survey was designed for children aged between 8 to 17 years old and made available in 27 different languages alongside an Easy Read version. It received an overwhelming response with more than 26,000 children participating worldwide from 137 countries.
Nine thematic briefings covering findings on: education; play; safety/violence; poverty; family life; participation and information; representations of children; and children’s direct experiences of coronavirus have now been released.
Please view #CovidUnder19 briefings along with technical annex A (demographics of survey respondents) and technical annex B (headline findings by UN region).
The findings allow children and young people to directly share with decision makers and leaders around the world how the pandemic and related measures taken by governments have impacted on experience of their rights and ways in which governments can implement their rights more effectively going forward.
For more information contact Dr Bronagh Byrne