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Peer reviewed publications


McCafferty, Paul, and García, E. M. (2024). Systematic bibliographic database searching for an overview of reviews: a practical guide using children’s participation as a case study. British Journal of Social Work, early online release 

Linden, Mark, McKinlay A, Hawley, C, Aaro-Johnson, C, Kristensen, I, Meyer-Heim A, Ewing-Cobbs, L., Wicks, B., Beauchamp, M., Prasad, R. and the Board of Directors of the IPBIS. (2024). “Further recommendations of the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society (IPBIS) for the post-acute rehabilitation of children with acquired brain injury”. Brain Injury. 38(3), 151-159.

Linden, Mark, Brown, M., Marsh, L., Truesdale, M., Todd, S., Hughes, N., Forbes, T., Leonard, R. (2024). “Randomised controlled feasibility study protocol of the Carers-ID online intervention to support the mental health of family carers of people with intellectual disabilities.” Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10(25).

Lundy, Laura, Murray, C., Smith, K. and Ward, C. (2024) "Young children's right to be heard on the quality of their education: Addressing potential misunderstandings in the context of early childhood education." British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1-15.


Byrne, Bronagh (2023). "An Analysis of the UNCRPD Concluding Observations on the Rights of Children with Disabilities." in A.E. Beckett & A-M. Callus (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability. Routledge, 56-72.

Corr, Mary-Louise, Holland, Lucy and McKinstryAlan (2023) "A Place to Call Home: A rights based approach to understanding the lived experience of children and families facing homelessness or housing insecurity." NICCY.

Hodge, N., Douglas, P., and Byrne, Bronagh. (2023). "Developing the right (s) approach for autism." In A.E. Beckett & A-M. Callus (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability. Routledge, 113-128.

Hodge, N., Douglas, P., and Byrne, Bronagh. (2023). "A Politics of Wonder." in A.E. Beckett & A-M. Callus (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability. Routledge.

Templeton, M., Cuevas‐Parra, P., and Lundy, Laura. (2023). "Children's participation in international fora: The experiences and perspectives of children and adults." Children & Society. 37(3), 786-805.

Mitchell, M., LundyLaura and Hill, L. (2023.) "Children's Human Rights to ‘Participation’and ‘Protection’: Rethinking the relationship using Barnahus as a case example." Child Abuse Review, e2820.

Lundy, Laura, Templeton, M., and Martinez-Sainz, G. (2023). "Child Human Rights Defenders and Schools: When HRE and Activism Can, but Should Not Collide." In B. Mallon, F. Walden and C. Ní Cassaithe (eds) Pushing the Boundaries of Human Rights Education. Routledge, 83-97.

Lundy, Laura (2023). Children’s Rights from an International Perspective. In R. Adami, A. Kaldal and M. Aspán (eds). The Rights of the Child: Legal, Political and Ethical Challenges. Brill Nijhoff, 3-6.

MacKenzie, Alison, et al. (2023). "Barriers to inclusive education under occupation: An evaluative approach using Nussbaum's capabilities approach." International Journal of Educational Research Open, 5, 100299.

McAlister, Siobhán, Neill, G., Shubotz, Dirk and Templeton, M. (2023). "'It's just what happens': Girls and young women's views and experiences of violence in Northern Ireland.” NI Executive Office: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls.

McCafferty, Paul (2023) Challenges to Using Knowledge (Evidence) in Professional Judgement. In Taylor, B. J., Fluke, J. D., Graham, G., Keddell, E., Killick, C., Shlonsky, A. & Whittaker, A. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work (pp. 84-93). SAGE.

McCafferty, Paul & Garcia, E.M. (2023) Children’s Participation in Child Welfare: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews, The British Journal of Social Work

O'Hagan, G., and Byrne, Bronagh. (2023). "Children's lives and rights under lockdown: A Northern Irish perspective by autistic young people." Children & Society, 37(1), 29-54.

Winter, K., Sebba, J., Tah, P., Connolly, P., Roberts, J., and Millen, S. (2023) Using the talking album to elicit the views of young children in foster care regarding a reading intervention. Qualitative Social Work 22(6) 1175–1190



Byrne, B. (2022). How inclusive is the right to inclusive education? An assessment of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities’ concluding observations. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26(3), 301-318 .


Ackermann, T. and Schubotz, D. (2020).  Co-production Approaches in Social Research with Children and Young People as Service Users - Challenges and Strategies. Social Work & Society, 18 (3) ( 

Gillett-Swan, J. K., & Lundy, L. (2021). Children, classrooms and challenging behaviour: do the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few? Oxford Review of Education.

Lundy, L., Byrne, B., Lloyd, K., Templeton, M., Brando, N., Corr, M-L., Heard, E., Holland, L., MacDonald, M., Marshall, G., McAlister, S., McNamee, C., Orr, K., Schubotz, D., Symington, E., Walsh, C., Hope, K., Singh, P., Neill, G., & Wright, L. H. V. (2021). Life Under Coronavirus: Children’s Views on their Experiences of their Human Rights. International Journal of Children's Rights, 29(2), 261-285

Lundy, L., Orr, K., & Marshall, C. (2020). Children’s rights budgeting and social accountability: Children’s views on its purposes, processes and their participation. Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, 4(1), 91-113.

Lundy, L., Kirk, T., Gordon, F., Dunhill, A., & Kidd, A. (2020). Responses to child victims of modern slavery in the United Kingdom: a children’s rights perspective. Child and Family Law Quarterly, (2). Child and Family Law Quarterly. 

Lundy, L., & Hanna, A. (2020). Revisiting the Three Rs in Order to Realize Children’s Educational Rights: Relationships, Resources, and Redress. In J. Todres, & S. M. King (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Children's Rights Oxford University Press. 

McAlister, S., Neill, G., Carr, N. and Dwyer, C.  (2021). Gender, violence and cultures of silence: young women and paramilitary violence. Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1942807

McCafferty, P. (2021) Children’s Participation in Child Welfare Decision Making: Recognising Dichotomies, Conceptualising Critically Informed Solutions, Child Care in Practice,

Peleg, N., Lundy, L., & Stalford, H. (2021). Covid-19 and Children’s Rights: Space for Reflection, Tracing the Problems and Facing the Future. International Journal of Children's Rights , 29(2), 255-259

Stalford, H., & Lundy, L. (2020). The Field of Children's Rights: Taking Stock, Travelling Forward. International Journal of Children's Rights , 28(1), 1-13. 


Brando, N. (2020). Children’s Abilities, Freedom, and the Process of Capability-Formation, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2020.1767547
Carr, N., Serisier, T and McAlister, S. (2020) Sexual deviance in prison: Queering identity and intimacy in prison research. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 20(5): 551-563.


Lundy, L., Orr, K., & Marshall, C. (2020). Children’s rights budgeting and social accountability: Children’s views on its purposes, processes and their participation. Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, 4(1), 91-113.

Lundy, L., Kirk, T., Gordon, F., Dunhill, A., & Kidd, A. (2020). Responses to child victims of modern slavery in the United Kingdom: a children’s rights perspective. Child and Family Law Quarterly, (2). Child and Family Law Quarterly.



Byrne, B., & Lundy, L. (2019). Children's Rights and Policy-Making: a 6 P framework. The International Journal of Human Rights

Lundy, L., & MacKenzie, A. (Accepted/In press). Teacher Education for Educational Equity: Children's Rights. In M. Peters, A. Kearney, & M. Mentis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education: Teacher Education for Educational Equity (1 ed., Vol. 1). Singapore: Springer Meteor.

Lundy, L. (2019). A lexicon for research on international children's rights in troubled times. International Journal of Children's Rights, 27, 4, p. 595-601.  

Templeton M., Lohan M., Kelly C. & Lundy L. (2019). Adolescents’ Sexual Readiness: Insights gained from comparing a researchers’ and youth advisory group’s interpretation. Culture Health and Sexuality.


Lundy, L. (2018). In defence of tokenism? Children's right to participate in collective decision-making. Childhood

Lundy, L., & Templeton, M. (2018). Children Human Rights Defenders: The Views and Perspectives of Children. Child Rights Connect. 

Lundy, L., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2018). The role of law and legal knowledge for a transformative human rights education: addressing violations of children’s rights in formal education. Human Rights Education Review , 01-24. 

Maguire, L.K., Byrne, B., and Kehoe, S. (2018) ‘Respecting and fulfilling the right of post-primary pupils to consent to participate in trials and evaluative research: A discussion paper’,  International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 1(44).

OLynn, P., & Lundy, L. (2018). Education Rights. In U. Kilkelly, & T. Liefaard (Eds.), The Human Rights of Children Springer.


Byrne, B. (2017) Reconciling Sameness and Difference in Disability Rights Ideology: The case of student identity. In G. Quinn and C. O’Mahony (Eds) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Clarus Press.

Hanson, K & Lundy, L 2017, 'Does Exactly what it says on the Tin? A Critical Analysis and Alternative Conceptualisation of the so-called “General Principles” of the Convention on the Rights of the ChildInternational Journal of Children's Rights, vol 25, no. 2, pp. 285-306.

Leonard, M. (2017) Teens and Territory in ‘Post-Conflict’ Belfast: If Walls Could Talk, Manchester University Press

Leonard, M. (2016) The Sociology of Children, Childhood and Generation, London: Sage.

Lundy, L. and Byrne B. (2017)The Four General Principles of the United Nations Convenion on the Rights of the Child: The Potential Value of the Approach in Other Areas of Human Rights Law’,in E. Brems, E. Desmet, and W. Vandenhole (eds) Children’s Rights Law in the Global Human Rights Landscape: Isolation, Inspiration, Integration. Routledge

Lundy, L 2017, Valsamis v Greece. in H Stalford, K Hollingsworth & S Gilmore (eds), Rewriting children’s rights judgments: From academic vision to new practice. Bloomsbury.

Lundy, L & Kilkelly, U 2017, Children's Rights, Library of Essays on Family Law. Library of Essays on Family Law, Routledge.

Templeton, M, Lohan, M, Kelly, C & Lundy, L 2017, 'A systematic review and qualitative synthesis of adolescents’ views of sexual readinessJournal of Advanced Nursing, vol 73, no. 6, pp. 1288-1301. 


Byrne, B. (2016)  Do Children still need to Escape Childhood?  A Reassessment of John Holt and his Vision for Children’s Rights, International Journal of Children’s Rights, (24) 113-134.

Emerson, L. and Lloyd, K. (2016) Measuring children’s experience of their right to participate in school and community: a rights-based approach. Children and Society. [early online].

Lloyd, K. and Emerson, L. (2016) (Re)examining the relationship between children’s subjective wellbeing and their participation rights. Child Indicators Research.

Lloyd, K. & Emerson, L. (in press) (Re) examining the relationship between children's subjective wellbeing and their perceptions of participation rights, Child Indicators Research

Lundy, L., Orr, K, & Shier, H. (in press). Children's education rights: Global perspectives. In Ruck, M., Peterson-Badali, M.,  & Freeman, M.,  (Eds), Handbook on Children's Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge. 

Maguire, L.K., Byrne, B., and Kehoe, S. (2016) "Respecting and fulfilling the right of post-primary pupils to consent to participate in trials and evaluative research: a discussion paper" International Journal of Research and Method in Education 

McCafferty, P. (2016) Implementing Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in child protection decision making.  A critical analysis of the challenges and opportunities for social work.   Child Care in Practice, 23 (4), 327-341.

McLaughlin, A. Campbell, A. & McColgan, M. (2016). Adolescent Substance Use in the Context of the Family: A Qualitative Study of Young People's Views on Parent-Child Attachments, Parenting Style and Parental Substance Use. Substance Use & Misuse, (51) 4 1846-1845.


Byrne, B & Lundy, L 2015, 'Reconciling Children's Policy and Children's Rights: Barriers to Effective Government Delivery' Children and Society, vol 29, no. 4, pp. 266-276., 10.1111/chso.12045

Lundy, L., Welty, E., Blue Swadener, B., Blanchet Cohen, N., Smith, K. & Devine, D. (2015) What if children had been involved in drafting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child? Law in Society: Reflections on Children, Families, Culture and Philosophy: Essays in Honour Michael Freeman. Diduck, A., Peleg, N. & Reece, H. (eds.). Leiden: Brill

Marshall, C, Byrne, B & Lundy, L 2015, 'Face to face: children and young people’s right to participate in public decision-making'. in sInternational Perspectives and Empirical Findings on Child Participation: From Social Exclusion to Child-Inclusive Policies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 357-380.

Shier, H. (2015) Children as researchers in Nicaragua: Children’s consultancy to transformative research. Global Studies of Childhood.

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