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Centre for Creative Ethnography

Routes from Our Roots

Routes from Our Roots

Beat Carnival's Belfast Music Heritage Project

The PROJECT: Communities of Belfast musicians, involved with Beat Carnival, share their cultural stories and create a new music performance that portrays their journey through traditional music routes to contemporary expression.

SUBJECT: What is important for maintaining and celebrating cultural stories?

Our panel of project members will present their music and discuss:

  • what it means to be part of a traditional music scene,
  • what are the important motivations,
  • should communities’ traditional music be rigidly maintained,
  • how will the music progress,
  • what need is there for contemporary expression and what does that mean?
  • Women in community music leadership: what balance of gender representation is there?

PANEL: The project's four communities-of-interest and the session panel

  1. Irish trad: Joe Campbell-McArdle & Catriona Ní Ghribín
  2. Belfast marching bands: Gordon Ramsey
  3. A world in Belfast: Darren Fergusson, Beyond Skin
  4. Belfast meets Brazil: Matt Vernon & Stef Campbell, Beat Carnival

Event Info

Queen's University Belfast Performance Room, Ground Floor, 13 University Square

Wednesday 22nd May, 7-9pm

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